July 05, 2022


"Bella dear, can you get the gifts from the library? Thanks!" Jane yells from two doors away and I chuckle softly.

I drink the last of my iced tea and put the empty glass on the side table. I put my book away and rise to my feet. I steal a quick glance in the mirror and sigh at my reflection. God, I look exhausted. I was woken up at five-thirty in the morning by an enthusiastic five-year-old who went back to sleep instantly, but I was left awake. Ugh, I need sleep.

I make my way to the stairway and smile as I glance at the family pictures hung on the walls. I clutch the railing so that I don't trip and stop mid-step when a particular picture catches my eye. I walk closer and a soft smile curls on my lips. Why haven't I seen this one before? My hand reaches over and traces the edges of the frame.

Times flies so quickly. It feels like yesterday that I was in the delivery room pushing a baby out of me. I shudder as I think about the birth. It was still a special day; we became a family of four.

June 03, 2019

"I'll be back," Edward whispered and planted a gentle kiss on my sweaty forehead. I closed my eyes and felt an incredible pain in my abdomen.

I breathed through the pain and opened my eyes. I blinked away the tears that blinded my vision to get a clearer look at my husband. I got a feeling of déjà vu as I watched him hover over the nurse who was measuring our baby.

His anxious yet excited eyes met mine and I could see him holding back his tears. The nurse finally handed him our baby, and he stared at the squirmy bundle in his arms with a look of awe. He walked over to me and I opened my arms for my baby boy.

"Give him," I said weakly and Edward gently placed our son in my arms. I kissed his copper head and took a hearty look at his glorious face. His eyes fluttered open and then shut again. He gurgled something, and I gently rocked him. "I know, baby. Momma is just as tired as you are."

"He looks like a mini-version of you. So handsome." I breathed out and gazed at Edward. He smiled and pecked my lips.

"Well, I feel sorry for him," Edward murmured and stroked his tiny head. "He's perfect. Thank you, Bella."

"Thank you?" I asked curiously, and he stroked my cheek.

"For bringing two perfect babies into our lives. You're so brave. I'm incredibly proud of you."

My eyes filled with tears and I sniffled. "I love you."

"I know, baby." He put his arm around me and our baby and kissed my hair.

"I want to see Claire."

"She's with mom and dad. She wants to see you. Stubborn little thing, like her momma," He commented, and I rolled my eyes. "The staff will take you back to your room first."

"Okay." I sighed and gently rocked my son to sleep.

About an hour later, I'm adjusted into a private room and there was a soft knock on the door. I quickly glanced at the bassinet to ensure my baby was still fast asleep. I leaned over and kissed his cheek. The door opened and Edward stepped in, holding our daughter in his arms.

My eyes filled with tears as I gazed at my little girl. I missed her so much. I hadn't seen her in three days. She has been at Esme and Carlisle's since Edward had to constantly look after me.

Claire curiously looked around; her green eyes were wide with curiosity. She tightened her arms around Edward and he walked in my direction. She squirmed in his arms as soon as she saw me and he set her on her feet.

"Careful, my love." Edward warned her as she jumped on the bed.

Claire slammed herself into my arms and I winced in pain but welcomed her warm hug. I nuzzled her hair and inhaled her calming scent. Oh my sweet little girl. I blinked back my tears and gently swayed her in my arms.

"Miss you lots, momma." Claire mumbled against me.

"I missed you too, baby. Momma missed you so much!" I kissed her hair, and she pulled back to look at me. Her eyes fell on the bassinet and she gasped.

"Momma, baby!"

I giggled at her adorable reaction. "Yes, sweetie. That's your little baby brother."

"I wanna see."

I held her tight in my arms before she had the chance to crawl over to the bassinet. I gazed at Edward and he nodded at me.

"Wait, baby. Daddy will bring him to us."

Claire snuggled against me and let out a yawn. I didn't know what time it was but my little girl looked worn out.

"Did you eat, Claire?"

"Yes, mama. Nana and I eats veggies," She wrinkled her nose, and I smiled.

"That's my good girl. Momma is so proud of you."

I shifted slightly and Edward took a seat beside me. Claire sat facing us and had surprise all over her face as she stared at her little brother with an intriguing expression.

"Do you want to know his name, princess?" Edward asked her as he stroked our little boy's head.

"His name no baby?" Claire questioned, and I chuckled.

"No, Claire. All babies have names. Like yours is Claire."

"Oh," Her mouth formed into an 'o' shape and she thoughtfully stared at the squirmy baby in Edward's arms. She silently continued gazing at her brother and I wondered what was going on inside her head. Our daughter had an inquisitive mind. I leaned against Edward and he kissed my cheek.

"My girls need sleep," He whispered and I nodded.

"Yes, but I feel like Claire is going to ask a series of questions." I muttered, and he snorted.

"Well, she is all you. And my ladies are curious beings. I love it."

"Sure, sure," I reached for Claire and stroked her blonde curls. "Baby, what are you thinking about?"

"We calls baby Wainbow?" She asked hopefully, and I tried to hide my shock. Rainbow?

"Why is that, Claire?"

"I wov Wainbow," She shrugged and I look at my husband for assistance. He gave me a comforting smile and passed me our baby boy.

Edward settled Claire on his lap and I smiled at the sight. Edward is a loving, doting father. Claire has been a complete daddy's girl since the moment she was born. They are very attuned to each other. They looked quite alike too. She had his gorgeous green eyes, blonde hair (like he did when he was young) and a heart stopping smile.

She is too smart for her age—like him and loved playing the little baby grand piano that Edward had bought her. He was incredibly patient with her and gave her lessons three times a week. He came home early from work just to teach her. They are so cute together.

My attention is diverted to the little baby in my arms as he gurgled something under his breath. His eyes fluttered open but shut again. I smiled and kissed his forehead.

"I know, handsome. Your sister loves you very much. Go to sleep," I cooed softly and gently rocked him. I continued tracing his little features and heard Edward explaining to Claire why we can't name our baby Rainbow.

"… and we thought of a different name for him, love. How about Masen?" Edward asked, and I gazed at him. He smiled in my direction and we looked at our daughter again.

"I wike," She clapped her hands, and we laughed. I kissed her sweet head and smiled.

"That's great."

"Hewo, Masen!" Claire whisper-yelled at him and touched his tiny fist. Masen remained oblivious to his surroundings but wrapped his hand around her index finger. Her eyes comically widened, and she grinned at me.

"Momma, wook."

"I know, Claire. See? He loves you so much." I gushed, and she giggled.

"I wov you too, Masen." She murmured to him and kissed his tiny forehead.

My heart melted at the sight and my eyes pricked with tears. Edward put his arm around me and kissed the side of my head.

"We make great babies, Mrs. Cullen." He mused, and I blushed lightly. I turned my head towards him and gave him a chaste kiss.

"I know." We smiled and turned to the sight of our kids again.

I heard a distant click and snapped my head towards the doorway and found Alex standing, holding a camera in his hands.

"Sorry, it was just too cute," He said sheepishly, and I smiled.

"Hi, Alex."

"Everyone's waiting to meet the newest member of the family."

Edward kissed my cheek and got off the bed. "Yep, I can hear that. Let them in."

The door widened and every single member of the family entered at once. They quietly surrounded the bed and Claire reached for Jasper. She got along very well with Jasper. Alice skipped ahead of everyone, but Edward stopped her.

"Alice, careful." He warned her and she rolled her eyes.

"You don't have to be so overprotective all the time. I know how to handle babies. I'm great at it. We were here three years ago," She said and pointed towards Claire.

Edward gives her a hard look. "Yeah, and you almost dropped my baby girl when you held her for the first time."

"Oh Edward, stop quarreling," Esme slapped his arms and her teary eyes gazed at Masen. "I'm a grandma again. He's beautiful!"

I grinned and nodded my head in agreement. My baby boy will be a heartbreaker.

"What's his name?" Carlisle asked curiously and everyone grew silent.

Edward carefully cradled Masen in his arms and walked closer to our family. I could see Masen closing and opening his little fists.

"Everyone, meet Masen Anthony Cullen."

I step inside the open library and my eyes immediately race towards the glass wall at the other end of the room. I can hear unabashed children's laughter, a couple of intangible voices and the sound of an ice-cream truck coming from the garden. Yes, there is an ice-cream truck downstairs. Nana and Papa went all out for their grandkids to have fun today.

I walk over to the wall and my eyes race to the garden. Almost everyone is already here. Esme's birthday parties are always fun. Nobody misses them. And this one is special for a many reasons.

My head snaps towards the ice-cream truck when I hear Claire yelling in a panicked voice. But I know this isn't the case where I have to rush downstairs and hold her.

I roll my eyes when I find my three-year-old little guy running behind his sister holding something wiggly in his hand. Probably a bug or snail. Oh god. My mouth instinctively opens to admonish Masen but I realize he probably won't be able to hear me.

Masen is a trouble-maker. He is a charming little boy that wraps everyone around his tiny fingers and gets away with everything. Esme said that Edward was just like Masen at his age. I don't doubt that.

I smile to myself and play with my engagement ring and wedding band. A lot has changed in the last six years and yet some things remain exactly the same.

I spot the table with the gifts piled up and something next to it catches my eye. A wave of nostalgia washes over me as I look at the magazine stand. My eyes shine brightly as I pick up the latest copy of Forbes magazine. My husband made the cover again. Looking as sexy as ever.

Edward finished the Dubai Project five years ago and went on to complete two others after that. His work was widely appreciated by everyone and he won many awards for his contribution. I'm a proud wife. He is currently wrapping up the Croatian Cathedral. He has been working over it for as long as I can remember.

He has been in Croatia for the last three weeks and the kids and I have missed him dearly. It can get tricky handling two stubborn toddlers even if I have help from their nanny. Edward and I had decided to hire a nanny when I was pregnant with Claire because we both have work that requires a lot of our attention.

We hired Zafrina as a nanny when Claire was six weeks old and she has been an important part of our family ever since. The kids love her and enjoy being with her. We gave her the week off since Edward is going to be home and we have to spend quality time together with our children.

Edward and I have a one-week rule where neither of us spend more than a week away from each other and the kids. Edward violated that rule for the third time and nobody is happy about it; especially me. It has been a long, demanding week and there is so much to tell him!

I check the time on my watch and sigh. Its 3:00 pm. Edward landed in Seattle at five this morning. The kids and I decided to let him sleep in and come straight for the birthday party at four. He must be so tired. Poor baby. But I am mad at him. I will not give in this time.

There is a sudden loud knock on the door and I jump startled. I grasp the stand for support and try to calm my erratic heart. Why do I always jump at loud noises?


My heart flutters in my chest when I hear my favorite voice. My husband is here. I gingerly put the magazine in the stand and adjust it properly.

"That's a familiar sight." I hear him say in an amused voice and I spin in his direction.

My eyes sparkle with tears when I gaze at his handsome face. His green eyes are bright and piercing and his lips are curled into a charming smile. Oh, I've missed him so much. He looks hot in a casual white shirt with rolled-up sleeves and dark wash jeans. He's so sexy. And all mine.

Edward closes the distance between us and I jump into his waiting arms. I can feel the warmth surging through me by his mere touch.

"I missed you so much, my love. So much," Edward whispers against my hair and I tighten my hold on him. "I didn't want to wake and disturb you this the morning. Plus, Claire is a light sleeper. I thought—"

"Hush," I say softly and lift my face to look at him. "It's okay."

"I love you, Bella."

"I love you too."

I wrap my arms around him and connect our lips for an urgent kiss. His sweet breath washes over me and I feel light-headed. I trace every feature of his face and our kiss soon turns heated. We break apart after I run out of breath. I hide my face against the crook of his neck and close my eyes.

"I missed you," I mumble and sigh.

"I know," He kisses my hair. "Still mad at me?"

"Yes," I open my eyes and brush my index finger against the button of his shirt. "The kids are downstairs."

"Hmm, I know. I just needed a moment with you first."

"I am not complaining." I mutter and release him.

Edward cradles my face in his hands and I find his eyes thoughtfully staring at me. My cheeks turn red and he chuckles softly. Yes, he can still make me blush by just looking at me.

"You're so beautiful, baby," He marvels and I roll my eyes. "You look tired."

"It's been an exhausting week and your kids are a handful. Masen cut off his teacher's hair with a pair of scissors and I was called in to meet his homeroom teacher."

Edward bursts out laughing and I give him a hard look. He hides his smile and shakes his head.

"Why are preschoolers allowed to work with scissors? That's not right." He says disapprovingly and I shake my head.

"He snooped around her desk and found them. And don't blame the teacher. Your son is at fault here." I point out and he arches an eyebrow in my direction.

"So, he's my kid when he gets into trouble?"

"Yes, of course."

"I can only take half credit for it. God, Masen is impossible. At least our daughter is an angel."

I smile softly. "I know, right? She is precious."

"We can have another little angel if we want to."

I put my head on his chest and hide my smile. "Sure, sure."

"Hmm, that's strange," He whispers and makes soothing circles on my back. "I'm usually met with a structured debate every time we talk about having another baby. You aren't arguing this time."

"Not in the mood to argue," I dismiss the topic and pull back to look at him. "Let's go now. Your kids are dying to see you."

He chuckles. "Yes, let's."


Bella interlaces our hands as we descend the stairs and I sneak a glance at her beautiful face. Fuck, I can't believe I survived without her for three weeks. I'm a terrible husband and yet she has the patience to deal with me. I'm a lucky man. Her brown eyes lock with mine and her cheeks flame with an alluring blush.

She looks at me from under her lashes and her lips curl into a curious smile.

"What?" She asks shyly and I chuckle.

"You look like an angel in white," I murmur and kiss her cheek.

She tugs at the hem on her mini dress and then sighs. "Thanks, Edward."

I notice the light bags under her eyes and she seems anxious about something. "What's wrong, baby? You look disturbed. Is it work?"

"No," She shakes her head and we stop at the foot of the stairway. "But, let's not talk about work."

I wrap her in my arms and gently rock her. "I promise we won't, love."

She kisses my chest. "Good."

Bella has been quite busy these past six years. She had a very successful book tour for her first book. It wasn't easy for either of us. She was pregnant with Claire while I was away working. I missed the baby's first kick too! Distance was our biggest enemy. It was difficult to concentrate on anything else knowing my pregnant wife was thousands of miles away from me and there was nothing I could do to help her.

We used to be in contact all the time but it wasn't the same. Her body was in excruciating pain and yet she finished the tour.

Bella and I took a small vacation after that and spend some much needed time together.

The bookstore was ready right around her due date. She decided to re-open it once Claire was a few months old. After the renovation, the bookstore has been a great success too. She even had famous authors conduct their book reading sessions there. Charlotte (Julie's wife)—is the manager and handles everything efficiently.

My wife is currently working on her third cookbook which she plans to publish around Thanksgiving. I'm sure that will also become a bestseller too.

Bella is an excellent mother and wife. I wouldn't have been able to do anything without her.

"I hear Claire." Bella mumbles and I snap out of my reverie. She releases me and we turn to find our little girl skipping in our direction.

"Daddy!" She squeals and my heart feels full again.

I scoop her in my arms and plant kisses all over her face. She giggles and I smile at that sound. Oh my baby girl.

"Daddy, stop!" She says between her chuckles.

I pause and kiss her cheek. "Daddy missed you so much, princess."

"I miss you too, daddy. You go for a really long time. Momma said we punish you." She pouts and I arch an eyebrow towards my wife.

Bella blushes but narrows her eyes at me. "You were gone for three weeks, daddy. That's not what the rule is."

"Yes! Yes! Daddy, the rule!" Claire agrees whole-heartedly and I sigh in defeat.

"Fine, I guess I earned that. But we can discuss it later."

Our daughter thoughtfully looks at us for a moment and then seems appeased by my request. She nods and wraps her tiny arms around my neck.

"Okay, daddy."

"Where's Masen, baby?" I ask gently and stroke her soft curls.

She pouts and hides her face against my neck. "Masen bad boy. He throw bugs at evvyone."

"Daddy will talk to him, it's alright."

Claire gasps and pulls back to look at me. She thrusts her hand in my direction and I see two stars on the back of her hand. "Daddy, I got two pink stars in school."

Bella chuckles by my side. "She wouldn't take the stickers off so she could show them to you."

My eyes soften and I kiss my daughter. "Daddy is so proud of you, princess. Momma told me you had a bake sale in school."

She nods vigorously. "I help momma make lots of cookies and bars and we sell evvything!"

"Oh my god, that's amazing."

"Edward honey, I think we should go outdoors now. And I can—Oh! The gifts! I forgot the gifts."

I frown. "I'll get them if you want."

She smiles softly and her eyes bounce between Claire and me. "That's okay. Claire has a lot to tell you. I'll be out in a few minutes."


I give her a quick kiss and carry my daughter towards the backyard. I nod along to every detail Claire shares with me about her week and take in the decorations in front of me. Wow, Alice has outdone herself this time. The backyard looks spectacular.

"Daddy, look! Ice-cream truck!"

I chuckle. "I can see that, darling. Your nana had always intended to spoil her grandkids rotten."

"I wanna play now."

"Okay, love," I kiss her forehead and set her down. "Be careful."

"Yes, daddy!"

Claire sprints away from me and my eyes fall on Alice who is playing with her eight-month-old baby boy, Cooper. Alice and Jasper decided to wait for a couple of years before getting married and having a kid. Cooper is the exact copy of his father with his mother's personality. He is a happy baby.

Alice catches me looking at her and her blue eyes light up. She waves me over to her and points towards me as she talks to Cooper. He grins and claps his hands in my direction.

As I am about to walk in her direction, a tiny figure crashes into me. I look down and see that it's Devon—Karen and Benji's six-year-old son. He looks up and gasps.

"Uncle Edward!" He hugs my legs and I ruffle his hair.

"Hey, buddy! Where are you running off to?"

"Masen spill juice on my shirt." He pouts and I run a hand through my hair.

Here we go.

Masen is always involved in all the problems. I cannot imagine how difficult it must have been for Bella to handle the kids for three weeks straight. Masen is an amazing boy. He is kind, caring, sensitive and loving. He is also naughty and a trouble-maker. Even though he makes a mess all the time, he has everybody wrapped around his little finger. Nobody ever gets mad at him. Except me. Sometimes.

I kneel in front of Devon and sigh. "Why don't you go to Nana Esme? I'm sure she'll help you with it. I'll talk to Masen, okay?"

He nods and dashes towards mom. I find her talking to dad and Jasper about something. I hope Bella got her a gift because I completely forgot about it.

I rise to my feet and hear a loud gasp near me.

"Daddy!" Masen yells with delight and my lips curl into an instant smile.

My eyes race everywhere and I find him in a ball pit surrounded by a couple of kids. He gives me a boyish grin and hops out of the pit. He runs as fast as his little legs will allow and reaches me. I lift him in my arms and tightly embrace him.

"Hey, bud. Daddy missed you so much!"

Masen pouts and crosses his arms over his chest. "I miss you lots, daddy. You no come home."

My eyes soften. "I'm sorry, baby boy. Daddy won't go away for so long again. Promise."


I chuckle. "Pinky promise, Mase. Are you having fun?"

His hazel eyes light up. "Yes! Care and me eat ice-cweam. And pway wif lots of balls."

"Well sounds like you are enjoying yourself. Claire mentioned that you were throwing bugs at everyone. And you spilled juice on Devon's shirt. That's not a good behavior, Masen. You shouldn't trouble anybody."

His face falls and his eyes fill with tears. "Soi, daddy."

"It's okay. Don't do it again." I kiss his forehead and he snuggles against me.

"Weren't you supposed to give him an earful for troubling his sister?" I hear my wife's voice coming from behind me.

I turn and find her walking in my direction. There is a small smile playing on her lips and she raises an eyebrow in my direction.

"I did," I mutter, and she rolls her eyes.

"Sure. And then he made a sad face and almost teared up," She says and I nod. "You're too easy, Cullen."

"I'm not."


Masen pulls back and leans towards Bella. "Mama."

"Hi, baby. Come here," She holds him on her hip and he puts his head on her shoulder. "I see you're feeling better now."

I frown with concern. "What happened?"

"His body was warmer than usual last night," She whispers and strokes his hair. "But my baby is all better now."

"Yes, momma." He gives her a toothy grin.

"Masen!" A tiny voice yells and I find Devon waving him towards the bouncy castle.

"Mama, I go now." Masen announces and squirms in her arms.

Bella laughs and holds him just as tightly. "Where's my kiss, little guy?"

Masen giggles and gives her a loud kiss on the cheek. "Wov you, momma."

"I love you too, baby. Don't trouble the kids."

Masen jumps out of her arms and hugs my legs before running away from us. Bella leans against me and I snake my arm around her waist. She sighs loudly and kisses my chest.



"I love you."

I smile and kiss her hair. "I love you too, baby. So much. You look really hot today."

Her face turns red and she chuckles. She winds her arms around my neck and I touch my forehead to hers.

"You look quite handsome yourself, husband."

Her brown eyes lovingly gaze at me and I like to see the unbridled joy on her perfect face. So beautiful. And all mine. I can't wait to spend some quality time with my family. Especially my wife. She needs to stop working excessively and get some rest.

"I missed this," I murmur, and she nods as her hand strokes my hair.

"I know, honey. You're not going away for so long again. At least not for another year or two."

"I promise."

I connect our lips for a kiss and she parts her lips to eagerly kiss me back. My hand cradles the back of her neck and the other one wraps around her waist. I tug against her bottom lip and she moans gently.

"… and this is Edward. Emmett must have already told you about how having two kids has not changed them at all." I hear Alice say which is followed by a soft chuckle.

Bella breaks our kiss and I find her blushing intensely. I stroke her cheek and sigh. We turn towards our audience and my eyes widen when I see five people standing in front of us. It's Alice and Emmett alongside a brunette and a pair of twins.

"Hello everyone." I say softly and offer a smile.

"Bella!" The little boy squeals and hugs her legs.

"Hey, Josh. It's so good to see you again. And Ava, I love what you've done with your hair!" Bella gushes and the girl smiles shyly.

"Thank you, Bella."

While Bella talks to the kids, I tune my attention to my siblings. Alice gives me a quick hug and I kiss her cheek.

"Hey, Ali. How are you?"

"I'm fantastic. Everyone missed you while you were gone."

"That's good to know. So, am I getting introduced or what?"

"Emmett?" Alice smiles at him and he nods.

Emmett puts his arm around the brunette and smiles at me. "Edward, this is my girlfriend—Elizabeth. And these are her adorable kids, Ava and Josh. Liz, this is my brother Edward."

Elizabeth extends her hand in my direction and offers a small grin. "Edward, it's lovely to meet you. Emmett has told me a great many things about you."

"I can say the same. Everyone has been waiting for quite some time to meet you and your family." I say kindly and Bella gives Elizabeth a quick hug.

Bella and Elizabeth have known each other for over two years now. About eight months ago, Emmett volunteered to take my kids to the bookstore for the Saturday book reading session. That's when he met Elizabeth. He was reluctant to introduce her to us until things became serious. I guess they have. Bella told me a couple of days ago that he was bringing her for mom's birthday.

"Ava, Josh—say hello to Mr. Edward."

"Hello Mr. Edward." The kids say in unison and I chuckle.

"Just Edward, please. It's nice to meet you."

Emmett speaks up. "Ava, Edward is the one who makes tall buildings."

Ava's gray eyes sparkle with curiosity. She tugs on my shirt and I bend to her height. I give her an amused smile, and she leans closer.

"Em said you make lots of tall buildings." She whispers conspiratorially.

"I do," I whisper back. "Do you like them?"

"Mommy and Em took us to a tall building and Em says that you makes it!"

"Ah okay," I chuckle and shake my head. "Well, I work in a tall building. If your mommy and Em bring you and Josh to my office, I can show you around."

"Really?" Josh asks and I can see the excitement in his eyes. He looks at Emmett who nods at him. "Yay!"

"We have a big candy machine there, but don't tell mommy and Em." I whisper loudly and they giggle.

I rise to my feet and smile at Elizabeth. "You have lovely kids."

Her eyes glint with maternal pride. "Thank you."

"Alright," Emmett smiles and looks at the kids. "There is a balloon station around here somewhere. Let's get you some balloons. You're going to make a lot of friends today."

Josh and Ava offer him big grins and Elizabeth looks at them with a fond smile. They excuse themselves and walk away from us.

Bella sighs and nestles against me. "I'm so glad they found each other. I haven't seen Emmett this happy in a long time."

"I know," I murmur and kiss her hair.

My eyes race over to my kids and I smile when I notice Claire showing basic ballet moves to Devon and Masen. Masen looks bored but Devon is staring at her with rapt attention. Claire has been doing ballet for almost two years now. Thankfully, she is not as clumsy as her momma. She is graceful and amazing at it. I think she has a recital in September.

I see Karen, Benji, mom, dad, Jasper but a lot of people are still missing.

"Where's Aunt Jane?" I ask and hear a throat clear behind me.

I chuckle and turn to see Aunt Jane standing in front of me with a big grin on her face. She gives me a tight hug and I hug her back.

"Oh honey, it's so good to see you."

"You too. How are you?" I pull back and she pats my cheek.

"I'm amazing. Claire, Masen and I always have a lot of fun together. I love it."

I laugh. "Yes, Bella mentioned that you took them to the zoo recently."

"You have adorable kids. Claire is a sweetheart and there is never a dull moment with Masen around."

"I agree. And where are your kids?" I inquire and she rolls her eyes.

"Don't you know Alex? Will is coming along with Senna and him."


"Edward, before I forget," Alice chimes in and continues. "You need to give me your measurements for the suit."

I roll my eyes. "Alice, Alex and Senna are getting married in December. That's six months away."

"Honey, do you really want to argue with your sister?" Bella asks and I sigh dejectedly.

"Yeah, probably not."

Alex and Senna have been engaged for almost two years now. They finally set a date two months ago. They were busy with work and decided to wait for a while. They even broke up for a few months three years ago. It has been a winding road for them.

"Daddy!" Masen screeches and I find him jumping enthusiastically inside the bouncy castle. Claire waves me over and I smile.

"Excuse me, ladies." I mutter and make my way towards my kids.

Ah, I missed this.

"… and you seem to have lost a lot of weight." Mom muses unhappily and I sigh.

"Mom, I look exactly like I did three weeks ago," I mutter and roll my eyes.

Dad chuckles. "You know how your mother worries, Edward. But you do look tired."

I groan softly. "Claire, will you please tell nana and papa that daddy is the handsomest, smartest and healthiest person in the world?"

Claire giggles and looks at her grandparents. "Nana, papa… daddy is good."

I frown as mom and dad laugh softly. "Wow, that's insultingly inadequate."

"Daddy!" Claire holds up her scrunchie and I nod my head.

"Yes, baby. Just a moment."

I continue brushing her curls and mom takes a seat next to me. Dad excuses himself to go talk to Jacob and his new girlfriend—Leah. She seems smart and funny. I like her.

Claire swings her legs back and forth and shows her pink stars to mom who returns her enthusiasm. Claire likes it when I style her hair every day. Right now, she wants it tied up in a ponytail since she is feeling hot. She has gorgeous blonde curls. Bella thinks that she could use a trim but I like it the way it is.

I take the scrunchie from Claire and tie her hair in a ponytail. She hops off my lap and faces me. I smile and stroke her rosy cheek.

"How I look?"

"Like the prettiest girl in the world." I whisper and kiss her forehead.

Her green eyes light up and she kisses my cheek. "Thank you, daddy. I love you."

"I love you too, angel. I think Ness and Jared are waiting for you."

She nods and skips away from us. I stare at her retreated form and let out a wistful sigh. She is growing up way too quickly. It feels like just yesterday that Bella and I brought her home from the hospital. She was such a good baby.

"Before you know it, she'll be off to college." Mom mutters as if she can read my thoughts.

I snap out of my reverie and turn to her. "Yeah."

"And there's the other one," She says and chuckles.

I follow her gaze and find Masen walking in my direction, holding a glass in his hands. I smile at him and he gives me an adorable grin. He stumbles a little and mom stands up to help him but I stop her.

"Let him. It's alright." I say softly and she laughs.

"They really missed you, Edward. You shouldn't go away for so long again."

"I won't."

"Daddy, wook!" Masen thrusts the glass in my direction and I take it from him. I set it on the table as he climbs on my lap. "Uncle Jazz give me joos."

"I can see that, bud." I pass him the glass and kiss his copper hair.

"Nana, me eat lots of ice-cweam. Choco, bewwy, mango and lots!"

"Does momma know about this?" I ask and raise an eyebrow.

He giggles and shakes his head. "Momma talks to Uncle Jake and—and new fwend."

"Hmm," I gaze at mom. "Can you please get someone over there to keep an eye on the kids? I don't want them filling up on so much ice-cream at once."

"I'll let Alice know."

Mom leaves and Masen babbles to me about the puppet show he just watched with his friends. I listen intently and ensure he doesn't spill the juice on his blue shirt. Bella mentioned that she already changed his outfit once since he dropped jelly on his old one.

A couple of minutes later, Jasper along with Emmett, Will and Alex make their way in my direction. I sigh when I see Will holding a cooler in his hands. He dumps the cooler on the table and offers me a bottle of beer. I politely decline.

They take seats around the round table and Masen shows his juice to everyone.

"Mase, did you get into any trouble today?" Emmett asks and Masen pouts.

"I good boy, Uncle Em."

That makes everyone laugh. I run a hand through my hair and smile. My brother and cousins always enjoy Masen's company. They love his outgoing, boisterous and notorious nature. Because we were all just like him when we were his age.

"You are a clever boy," Will says to him and gives me a side-eyed look. "That's going to get your daddy into a lot of trouble later."

"Still does." I mutter and Masen offers me a toothy grin. I smile and kiss the top of his head. I love this kid.

"Done!" He announces and passes me the empty cup. He hops off my lap, waves at everyone and disappears from our eyesight.

"He's going places. I have such high hopes for him." Alex says with an impish grin.

I glare at him. "Shut the fuck up. You encourage him every time he does stupid shit and you have no idea how difficult it is for Bella and me."

"He's a smart kid, Edward. He'll mature as he gets older." Jasper shrugs and I snort.

"We'll talk again when your son turns three." I mutter and grab a beer bottle from the cooler. I uncap it and take an inviting sip.

We chat about idle things and Emmett ends up sharing about his recent trip with Elizabeth and her kids. He seems utterly blissful. I have never seen him this way before. Not even with his ex-wife.

"Guys come on! It's time to cut the cake!" Alice yells enthusiastically and Cooper, my adorable nephew claps his hands with delight. He has his mother's enthusiasm.

She walks over to us and hands him over to Jasper. She grabs my hands and drags us towards an elegantly decorated table. There is a two tier purple and lilac themed birthday cake in the center surrounded by different cupcakes with cream cheese frosting. Wow, Alice went all out as usual.

I find my beautiful wife kneeling in front of our kids, talking about something. I walk in their direction and hear the last part of her sentence.

"… and give nana your cards after the cake is cut. Claire baby, where did you put the birthday cards?"

"I give them to papa."

"Okay, I'll collect them later."

"Daddy!" Claire hugs my legs and I lift her in my arms. I kiss her forehead and smile. Bella grins at me and rises to her feet.

"What's going on?"

Claire puts her arms around my neck. "Momma says that we not eat more ice-cream cause it will make us sick. And we give nana her birthday present."

"Oh that's nice," I murmur and look at Bella. "Looks like momma took care of the situation."

"Claire! Masen! Come over here!" Mom waves them over as she stands surrounded by all the kids with dad by her side.

Claire immediately squirms in my arms and I set her down. Our kids walk away from our sight and I draw Bella in my arms. I lead her a bit away from the small crowd and she curiously smiles at me.

"What are you doing, husband?" She murmurs and I kiss her cheek.

"Just wanted some space for us."

Bella giggles and shakes her head. "We need to keep an eye on Masen. He seemed really intrigued by the cupcake stand."

"He'll be fine, my love. You worry a lot."

"Things have been a bit difficult to manage lately." She shrugs and I cradle her face in my hands.

"I know, I'm sorry about that. I'm not going anywhere now. I'm right here. Thank you for being such a perfect wife and mother."

Her cheeks flush and she smiles shyly. "I'm not plus I need to keep up with you."

We share a quick kiss and stand a bit closer to everyone as mom cuts her cake. Everyone sings the birthday song and mom has an ever-present smile on her face. She feeds a piece to dad, and he reciprocates the gesture. Alice tries to rein the kids and Elizabeth gives her a hand. Bella suddenly spins in my arms and I look at her startled.

"What happened?" I ask and her brown eyes look amazed.

"Hey, we met exactly seven years ago today."

I smile and kiss her hair. "I remember, darling. At your bookstore when I came to pick books out for mom."

"It's been seven years." She marvels and I chuckle.

"Yep. And I still remember it like it was yesterday."

"Our older kid will turn six in three months. Times flies so quickly."

"Hmm, we could add another one to the list if you weren't so adamant."

Bella just laughs and presses her lips against mine. "I love you, baby."

"EDWARD! BELLA!" Alice screeches with irritation and we sigh against each other.

"Of course," I murmur and Bella chuckles.

If there is anything Masen loves more than candy and toy trucks, it's troubling his dear aunt Alice. Ever since he was a baby, he has had a certain kind of animosity towards Alice. My sister forgets that she is a mother and wife and acts like a toddler herself. Like she is right now, complaining to Bella and me.

"What is wrong with your son?!" She says loudly and I hear a couple of chuckles following that.

Bella and I turn towards her and find tiny handprints on her dress. Masen is hiding his hands behind his back which are probably covered in whipped cream. Bella was right. He was curious about the cupcakes.

Jasper walks over to console her. "Darling, don't yell."

"Look at this!" She points to her dress in horror. Jasper tries to hide his smile which earns him a death glare.

I look at Masen and give him a hard look so that he knows he is in trouble this time. His hazel eyes widen and he bites his bottom lip nervously—a habit he picked up from his momma. I walk in his direction and Claire steps away from us. She knows I'm not in the mood to mess around.

"Follow me. Now." I say softly to my son and walk away from the crowd of people. I can hear Masen's tiny footsteps following me but I don't look back.

I stop near the water hose and turn on the tap. I face Masen and find him still standing with his hands behind his back.

"Masen, daddy knows you have whipped cream on your hands. There is no point in hiding it. Come here."

Masen shyly drags his feet towards me and I wash his hands with water. I turn the tap off and hand him my handkerchief to dry his hands. I squat to his height and he stares at me with a serious expression on his face.

"Masen, you can't trouble people all the time. You ruined Aunt Alice's dress. You spilled juice on Devon's shirt. Momma told me that you cut your teacher's hair. You can't do that, bud. You shouldn't upset your friends and family." I explain to him in a clear yet gentle voice.

"Soi, daddy. No do 'gain." He says sincerely but I know him too well to trust him. But, at least he won't cause trouble for the rest of the party.

"Good boy. Daddy is so proud of you." I kiss his forehead and rise to my feet. I lift him in my arms and he tightly hugs me.

"Wov you, daddy."

"I love you too, Mase. I think everyone's having cake. Let's go."

I carry him back to where everyone is and Masen leaps out of my arms to go where the kids are each eating a slice of cake. I look around but Bella is nowhere to be seen. I frown but get distracted when Senna waves me over to where she is chatting with Karen and Benji.

Benji had work in town for a couple of days and Karen and Devon decided to tag along. This was a treat since they could attend mom's birthday party. Bella and I usually spend our summers and long weekends in Chicago with the kids. Claire and Masen love it. Plus they love Devon's company. He is a lovely kid.

"Welcome back, Cullen," Benji says and takes a sip of his beer. "It's been a while, eh?"

"Tell me about it." I mutter under my breath.

He chuckles. "You missed out on the Fourth of July barbecue yesterday. It was at Will's apartment. It was amazing."

"Yeah, Bella mentioned that."

"Where is she?" Karen asks and curiously gazes around.

I shake my head. "Actually—"

Senna cuts me off. "She had to attend an important phone call. Her editor called I guess."


"Look! There she is."

I follow her gaze and find my beautiful wife emerging from inside the house. She seems thoughtful about something but her frown is replaced with a grin when Claire skips towards her. I turn back to my conversation with my friends.

"Oh my god, do you see this, Edward?" Karen mutters and I find her looking at the far end picnic table.

It's not the table she is focused on, but Masen who is crawling under it and patting his hand around. I'm so done with this kid.

Bella's eyes lock with mine at once and we walk in his direction. I watch him crawl out and jump to his feet. He holds something shiny in his hands and offers a toothy grin to someone. I walk closer and find mom smiling at him with an adoring look.

"Masen Anthony, what are you doing?" Bella asks sternly as we approach him.

Masen pouts and hides behind mom.

Mom sighs gently and shakes her head. "I dropped my bracelet, dear. He got it for me. He is a sweetheart."

Bella immediately softens and chuckles. "Oh baby, momma isn't mad. I'm so happy you helped nana."

"Willy?" He asks and peeks at us from between mom's legs.

We nod and his bright mood resurfaces. Masen runs towards Bella but she steps back.

"No, Masen. You need to get changed first. Daddy will help you," She says and gives me a smile. "I'm sure he needs to make up for being away for three weeks."


"Sure." I mutter and Masen groans.

"Daddy, me no change!"

"Good luck, sweetheart." Bella whispers and kisses my cheek before she walks away with mom.

"Daddy me hewp nana." Masen says and I chuckle.

"I know, bud. That was kind of you."

"Me no change." He stomps his foot and I run a hand through my hair.

"Masen, you can't walk around and play in muddy clothes. We need to take pictures."

"No!" He says loudly and sprints away from me.

"Oh no, you're not getting away that easily." I whisper and run after him.

His laughter echoes around and I can't help but smile. He does have a contagious laugh.

"Daddy, me fast!"

"Are you?" I ask as I lift his tiny body in my arms and tickle his sides.

Masen giggles as I tickle mercilessly and he tries to shimmy out of my arms. I take a step back and stumble into something. I lose my balance and Masen and I fall onto a cold, wet patch of grass. Gross. My son continues hooting with laughter for some reason and sits on my stomach.

"Silly daddy." He rolls his eyes just like Bella does.

I growl playfully and tickle him more. "Silly, am I?"

"Daddy, no!"

"Wait, I—"

I hear a throat clear behind me and I freeze. I know who it is. And I also know what is going to happen in the next few seconds.

"What are you doing?" Bella asks in a deadly calm voice. It's chilling.

Masen immediately looks past me and gives his momma his best puppy dog eyes. Such an actor. He pouts and gets off my lap.

"Mama, daddy make me waf."

I sit up and turn around to face my beautiful wife. I find Masen pointing his index finger in my direction. Traitor. I rise to my feet and run a hand through my hair. Bella has an unreadable expression on her face and I give her an apologetic smile.

"I'm sorry, baby. I'll get him cleaned up right away."

"I completely forgot I have three kids, not two. I didn't pack your extra clothes." She snaps and I look at my clothes.

Yep. They are muddy.

"Love; there must be something in my closet upstairs. Don't worry. We'll be back in ten minutes."

"You'd better," She says sternly and her expression softens when she looks at Masen. "Masen baby, be a good boy for momma and get changed."

"Yes, mama. I wov you." He pouts, and she bends down to kiss his forehead.

"I love you too, Masen. Get changed and then you can have chicken strips with Claire."


Bella looks at me and her smile dies down. "Change."

"Yes, ma'am."

Masen gives me an innocent smile and I try to suppress my anger. He just used my tricks on Bella. Ugh, this is infuriating.

"Daddy, I hungwy." He points to his stomach and I pick him in my arms.

"Yeah, I can see that," I mutter and carry him inside the house. "I won't forget this, Masen."

He giggles and pats my cheek. "Silly, daddy. Mama wov me more."

Can't argue with that.


The car ride back home is absolutely exhausting yet peaceful. The only sounds reverberating in the car are the gentle piano chords and Masen's light snores as he peacefully sleeps in his car seat. My adventurous little baby boy. He had a lot of fun today. Claire had a lovely day as well. The kids couldn't separate themselves from their daddy today. All of us missed him a lot.

I'm glad Edward will be staying home for a while to spend time with us. I could use some quality time with my husband. It feels incomplete when he is not around.

"Hey," Edward whispers as he caresses the back of my hand. "Penny for your thoughts?"

I smile and lean over to kiss his cheek. "Nothing. Just so glad you're finally with us."

He takes his eyes off the road for a second to give me a sexy smile. "Me too, baby. I'm not going away for that long again. Ever."

"I hope not," I turn to steal a glance at our fast asleep kids. "Claire and Masen had quite a day."

Edward chuckles and shakes his head. "I was pretty confident Claire was going to head home with Karen, Benji and Devon instead of coming with us."

I can't help but giggle. "Oh my god, Devon has such a crush on Claire."

Edward's smile immediately dies down. "What? And you're just now telling me?"

I roll my eyes. "What are you going to do about it?"

"I would've had a nice long chat with Devon about how he needs to be careful around me. Also, if he ever tries to make a move on Claire. I won't have to do anything… our daughter will kick his ass. Claire is a bad ass."

I resist the urge to face palm myself. "Baby, they're just kids. Don't be so overprotective. It's just a crush. It won't last for long."

"It'd better not." He mumbles and drives the car inside the gates to our home.

The car stops in front of the house and Edward kills the engine. We step out and I get Masen out of his car seat. He lets out a cry as I gather him in my arms.

"Shh baby, go back to sleep." I whisper and stroke his brown hair.

"Mama," He mumbles and reaches for his stuffed dinosaur inside the car. I grab it for him and he hugs it to his chest.

I shut the door and find Edward carrying our sleepy daughter in his arms. He seems to be whispering something to her. I take Masen to his bedroom and change him into his Iron Man PJs. I tuck him under the covers and kiss his forehead.

"Good night, honey. I love you." I whisper and smile staring at his handsome little face.

I peek into Claire's room and find Edward tucking in her as well. I walk over to them and Claire looks at me, her green eyes appear drowsy.

"Good night, momma. Love you."

I smile and kiss her cheek. "Good night, sweetheart. I love you too."

Edward interlaces our hands and we turn off the lights before exiting her room. As we reach our room, I can feel the body pain kicking in. I need a hot shower.

"Edward, I'm going to take a quick shower." I announce and he puts his arms around me.

"I can help you with that," He murmurs and I blush.

"That would be lovely," I connect our lips for a gentle kiss and his phone buzzes, interrupting us. I pull back and sigh.

He gives me an apologetic smile and checks the name on the screen. "It's Kyle. Give me five minutes."

"It's alright. I won't be long." I peck his lips and make my way towards the bathroom.

Fifteen minutes later, as I step out of the bathroom I hear gentle piano chords from two doors away. My lips curve into a smile. I've missed this. I rush to the closet and put on a pajama shirt and matching shorts. I make my way to the piano room and stop short where I watch the scene unfold in front of me.

Edward is seated in front of the piano, his eyes carefully eyeing the keyboard. Masen is sitting on his lap with a sleepy yet fascinated expression on his face. Claire is seated by his side contributing to the piece he is playing as much as she can. She is an amazing artist.

How long was I in the shower for?

As if Edward knew I was standing there, his green eyes meet mine, and he tilts his head towards the bench. Masen follows his gaze and his eyes light up when he sees me. He waves me over and I chuckle. Claire grins at me as I take a seat beside her and watch them finish the piece.

"Mama, you like it?" Claire asks sweetly and crawls over to sit on my lap.

I smile and kiss her cheek. "It was amazing, sweetheart. I loved it."

"Daddy?" Masen looks at Edward and pouts. "Me pay?"

Edward sighs and strokes his hair. "I wish, little man. But, it's too late now."

"No!" Masen and Claire say in unison.

I shake my head. "It's bedtime, babies."

"Momma, please?" Claire pleads and pouts adorably in my direction.

My will crumbles and I look at my husband defeated. He laughs lightly and clears his throat.

"Fine. Daddy will play something." He whispers and they offer him jubilant smiles.

Edward starts playing the lullaby he composed when I was pregnant with Claire. She has loved this piece ever since she was in my womb. It would always soothe her. As a baby, she would fall asleep listening to it almost every night. Masen took a liking to it as well.

Claire turns sideways and snuggles against my chest. I kiss her forehead and gently rock her back and forth. I stroke her gorgeous curls and watch her eyes gently drooping to the sweet music filling the room.

As the melody comes to an end, I find the kids fast asleep on our laps. Edward gives me a gentle smile and I return his smile.

"I hope they won't get out of the bed this time." I whisper and rise to my feet with Claire in my arms.

He chuckles and follows suit. "I'm pretty sure they won't, my love."

After I tuck my daughter under the covers and make my way to the bedroom. I find Edward sitting on the bed—shirtless—typing something on his phone. His green eyes meet mine and he offers me a captivating smile. I have to remind myself to breathe looking at his glorious face. So handsome.

I close the distance between us and sit astride his lap. He snakes his arms around me and connects our lips for a gentle kiss. His hands slowly travel inside my shirt and a shiver runs down my spine.

My eyes suddenly snap open when I remember the gift I'm supposed to give him. And it's vital that he receives it now. I break our kiss and he pouts at me.

"Bella!" Edward whines and I stroke his cheek.

"I have something to give you." I whisper and he rolls his eyes.

"Later. Tomorrow morning, perhaps?"

I huff. "No, you need to open it now."

"Fine," He sighs and tightens his arms around me. "Go get it, wife."

I try to get out of his arms but he draws me closer to him. I squirm and he chuckles. His lips drag around my neck and I bite my bottom lip.

"Edward, let me go." I murmur and moan when he sucks against my neck.

"I'm waiting for my gift." He mumbles instead and I giggle.

"Let me go, please?"

Edward crashes his lips against mine and desire pools in the pit of my stomach. This is distracting but no! I give him a chaste kiss and pull back. He frowns in my direction.

"Is it really that important, my love?" He asks and I nod.

"This won't take long, I promise."


Edward loosens his arms from around me and I get off his lap. I go to my walk-in closet and pick up the gift wrapped frame from the chair. I carry the medium-sized rectangular box back to my husband. I find him standing on the balcony, staring at the children's playhouse. I smile and make my way towards him.

He turns in my direction and his green eyes curiously stare at the gift. I pass it to him and he leans against the railing.

"Hmm, what could this be?" He muses and slowly unwraps the present. He puts the wrapping paper on the rocking chair and chuckles at the white box. "Bella, what is this?"

"Open it." I say shyly and he grins at me.

I watch him open the box and pick up the frame in his hands. He drops the box to the floor and his eyes soften when he stares at what's inside. His smile suddenly dies down when realization hits him. His eyes widen in disbelief and I can't help but laugh at his shocked expression.

"Is it…" His sentence trails off and I nod in his direction.


I gave him a frame of Claire and Masen's handprints. The kids and I had a lot of fun making it yesterday. They had no clue why they were doing it. I left an empty space after their handprints and just labelled it #3 March 2023.

"We're having another baby?" Edward asks and I see joy radiating off of him in waves. His glowing eyes meet mine and I nod eagerly.

"Yes, sweetheart. I found out four days ago, but I wanted to tell you in person. Hope you aren't mad I didn't tell you sooner."

He puts the frame on the rocking chair and shakes his head. "Fuck that, Bella. We're having another baby."

Edward closes the distance between us and swoops me in his arms. He spins me around and I laugh. I love to see him this happy. My eyes fill with tears and I kiss him gently. I love this man so much.

"Thank you, Bella. Thank you for making my life so fucking perfect."

I blush and shake my head. "You give me too much credit, honey."

He sets me back on my feet and touches his forehead to mine. "I want a little girl."

I giggle. "I know you do, baby. We'll just have to wait for a couple of weeks to find out."

I stare into his soulful green eyes and get lost into them just like any other time. So much has changed in the last couple of years yet some things remain exactly the same. Our relationship has only grown stronger over the years and I can't wait to see what the future holds for us and our beautiful children.

My life right now can't get any better than this.

"I love you, Edward." I whisper as his lips remain inches from mine.

"I love you too, Bella. So much."


For the last four years, she has been a constant support system for me: from the tiniest details of the characters to major plot lines. I am so grateful that she chose to become my beta and gave her best for every chapter she edited. Sending you all the love and luck.

I would like to thank every single person who had enough patience to wait for my chapter updates and not lose interest in this story.

Review and let me know what you think of the epilogue.

I'll see you guys around.

Paint the Walls