I Will

"Are you slacking off again, Sir?"

Riza shook her head unperturbed at the colonel's overflowing desk with its usual river of uncompleted paperwork. This was what always happened.

"I just have better things to do to occupy my time, Lieutenant," Mustang said as he briskly strolled into his office. He ignored the looming pile of paperwork and Hawkeye's menacing glare.

"Where have you been, Sir?" Hawkeye replied waspishly. It was late – and there were better things she could be doing. She rather despised babysitting her foolish superior officer.

"Scavenging," he sank into his chair comfortably and bared a wolfish grin. When Hawkeye didn't reply, he continued: "Scavenging for words."

"And how is that relevant at this time of the night?" Hawkeye muttered under her breath, and yet she intended for the colonel to hear it.

"It's for a time when there's nothing else to be said…

"Je t'aime," Roy whispered, "Je t'aime toujours."

He closed his eyes and started to hum contentedly, oblivious to Hawkeye's presence.

"I will make sense of you one day, Sir," Hawkeye saluted and clicked her boots together before leaving Mustang to complete his paperwork.

Now wouldn't that be a lovely dream.

There was so much blood.

"Colonel…colonel…what happened to you?" Hawkeye pleaded shaking the limp mass that was her superior.

She received no reply. Her heart was pounding furiously inside of her throat. Her hands were shaking. She had to mop up the blood…but there was so much…pooling by her feet…drenching her military coat.

He was lying still, as frozen as a picture. However, his body convulsed and his charcoal eyes hesitantly fluttered open. Riza gasped internally – they were already beginning to glaze over.

"You idiot…" she stuttered and held her hand with his. He clasped back with hardly any force, as if his life was slipping away. She didn't have to delude herself. She knew what was happening.

"I know, Hawkeye. You never let that certain fact slip," Roy coughed and blinked in her direction fondly.

"I won't let you, Sir…You're not going to Hell alone. Never," Riza said, holding his hand closer to her heart, his hand as gentle as a butterfly.

"I will, Hawkeye. A life for a life."

"You killed the Fuhrer. You saved Amestris," Riza's voice trembled and in a barely audible pitch she added: "You saved me."

The hand she clutched started to droop like a wilting flower. And yet her mind was an empty chasm – she didn't know what to say, to think, to believe.

"There's nothing else for you to say," Roy struggled to lift his hand, the exhaustion set into his straining muscles. "Je t'aime…je t'aime toujours…"

He let go.




"You found him!"


"Why is there so much blood?"

"Oh fuck NO."

Her amber eyes glistened. She didn't need a translator to know what those words meant. He never made sense, but why would he? He followed the beat of his own drum. And that was why she…

The paranoid, selfish fool.

I love you…I always love you.

First dabble of Royai yet...bless you! And wow I cannot believe six months have passed without writing any Royai...

When you ship EdWin, RoyEd, Royai, AlWin and countless more overlapping ships...just ahhh XD

So I hope you enjoy even with the sad ending. I'm not the best at writing romance, but hopefully, in the future I'll keep improving :D

Many thanks for reading! ~ Dawn