Author's notes: For those of you who are as sappy as me and want their happy endings.

"Yuuri?" said Viktor. "Are you all right?"

Yuuri blinked slowly, before he turned his gaze from the passing scenery outside. "Yes, just thinking about… stuff."

Viktor frowned. "You're not acting like someone who just won the silver medal at the China Cup."

Yuuri's fingers rose up, unbidden, to tug at the medal resting on his chest, as if to check if it was really there. "Well I also had a near panic attack and thoroughly bewildered my very insensitive coach," he teased.

"Very insensitive," Viktor agreed quietly.

"And um…" Yuuri chewed on his lower lip. "I was thinking about how I hadn't cried in front of someone like that before." He paused, then amended, "Not in a long time anyway."

"Ah," said Viktor. He shot a quick glance at the cab driver, before he leaned over to brush his lips against Yuuri's ear. "Does that make me special, then?"

Yuuri shivered involuntarily. "I should be asking you that question after what you did at the kiss and cry."

Viktor chuckled and pulled back, much to Yuuri's disappointment. "Let us save that discussion for the hotel, shall we?"

"Fine," said Yuuri, giving him a mock pout.

Silence followed, before Viktor spoke again.

"Yuuri, I promise to do better. You deserve that and more."

Silently, Yuuri turned back to look out the window, lips curving.

He didn't need the ice to silence those voices anymore.