Neah rubbed Allen's back, soothing the small 10 year old as nightmares plagued his mind. The slaughter of his late father replaying over and over again in his mind. It pained him he could do nothing to rid his sweet nephew of these awful memories.

Feeling Allen settle, Neah looked to Cross who was sitting at the other side of the bed, his cigar handing from his lips. "What was Tiedolls response?"

Cross looked to Neah with a tired gaze. "He agreed to the marriage, but requests we do it the moment Kanda turns 13 and is of age. With the pure bloods on the decline after the slaughter, he fears the council will force Kanda with a mate with some older omega."

"Allen just turned 10, isn't the Kanda boy to turn in three weeks?" The lack of reply he got from Cross answered his question.

"if it makes you feel better, Tiedoll only requests the marriage to be soon. Breeding can wait till Kanda at least 18,"

"Allen will only be 15 by that point," Neah grimaced. "I want him to have a childhood Cross, grip onto whatever he has left. He wouldn't even understand he's getting married in the first place!'

Allen stirred at Neah's raised voice, but luckily he remained asleep.

Pulling his nephew closer. "I just don't want him to hate me for this,"

Cross shook his head. "I'm sure he won't, Allen understands things more than you give the kid credit for."

Alma watched Kanda fume as he paced around the room, a passive look in his eyes. "It can't be that bad Yu-"

"That bad Alma!? The old man has be marring a 10 year old! What the fuck is up with that shit!?" Kanda screamed and kicked over his bookcase, making more of a mess out of his room.

Messing with his hair, Alma fidgeted. "But at least you have someone Yu, I'm probably gonna get sent off to be with some random person." he smiled sadly.

Kanda frowned and froze. "Don't be like that dummy, I'm sure your parents have someone lined up for you already." Looking around his room, he sighed and sat on the floor. "Tiedoll says the wedding will be the weekend after my birthday,"

Alma nodded and smiled slightly. "A week of cake! how cool is that?"

"I hate sweets," Kanda grit his teeth. "Tiedoll also said that my engagement is to be announced during my birthday party as well."

"Will you get to meet him on your birthday?"

"Don't know," Kanda laid on his back, staring at the star illusion that decorated his ceiling. "Let's just hope he isn't ugly,"

"So mean Yu!"

"Shut it,"

Lavi stared at Bookman with wide eyes, gripping onto his shirt. "Y-You said Bookmen weren't aloud to mate-"

"Things changed Lavi, with you being a pure blood the council has ordered you to wed." Bookman looked away, this situation was taking more of a toll on him than this apprentice.

It was a rule for Bookmen never to mate, let alone breed. But due to Lavi's pure blood, the council ordered for him to be mated. This infuriated the small man, but he kept his emotions in check.

Bookman knew adopting a pure blood would cause it's problems, but he never would have thought it would get this bad.

"I don't wanna marry some old guy Panda!" Lavi whined and glared at the letter laying on the table.

"He's not that old Lavi, he just turned 20. The council would never place you with someone old enough to be your father,"

Lavi shook his head and took the picture from the file, looking over the man once again.

He was Tyki Mikk of the Noah clan.

The Noah clan was one of the oldest clans out there, some say as old as the bookman clan.

Lavi would say Tyki was good looking, but he would never say it aloud.

This is just some short little intros to the new smut fic I'm going to start, the update with the first real chapter will be posted Saturday.

Allen Walker - Omega x Kanda Yu - Alpha

Neah Walker - Beta x Cross Marian - Alpha

Lavi Bookman - Omega x Tyki Mikk -Alpha

Revisions will made on another date?