Disclaimer: I don't own Harry Potter - No money is being made, blah blah blah...

AN: Hi everyone! See? I'm not dead! I've been making updates! I hope you are still reading this, as there is much more to come! Thank you all in advance for your favorites, follows, and reviews! xoxo

Hermione stirred when she heard the soft click of her bedroom door, and blinked sleepily at the tall silhouette of the figure moving swiftly towards her bed.

"Tom?" she whispered, hearing a low chuckle in response.

"No, it's Santa Claus" Tom's said in low tones as he slipped beneath the covers pulling her body against his.

"Oh, well in that case, I've been very naughty girl this year…" she said playfully, her voice taking on a husky tone as her fingers slid along the taut muscles of his stomach

"Oh? Do tell, Miss Granger." He said with a barely suppressed groan.

"I'd much rather show you" she whispered, biting her lip as she hooked her leg over his hip.

His lips quickly found hers in the darkness, as his hands skimmed over her thin tank top, delighting in the way her nipples hardened against his palms.

"I need to feel you" she whispered against his throat, her hands already working to push his sleep pants down, at the same time he slipped his hand beneath her knickers.

"These need to go, I think." He said as he snapped the waist band of her knickers against her hip teasingly, with a naughty chuckle.

Hermione was only too eager to comply as she slid her knickers down, kicking them off and onto her bedroom floor. As Tom made to move over her, she pushed him back down with a hand on his chest, and straddled him instead.

"No, like this…" she looked down at him and smirked as she watched his eyes roll back when his cock brushed against her slick folds.

"Condom…" he managed to say as he handed her the square foil packet he had smuggled into her room.

She took the packet from him and tore it open, and looked at the rolled latex turning it over in her hands, unsure of how it was supposed to go.

"Give it here" Tom chuckled, taking the condom from her fingers and grasping the base of his cock with one hand, he rolled it on expertly as she leaned back, watching him with a lustful gaze.

As his dark eyes swept back up to hers, she took that as her cue to guide him into her. She bit her lip to stifle her moan as she felt him sliding into her wet heat, inch by torturous inch. Once he was fully sheathed inside of her, his hands moved to her hips, setting the pace as she rode him.

"Oh God…I think I'm going to…" she began to say as he pulled her down towards him to silence her cries with his mouth as he continued to fuck her through her orgasm. He followed a few moments later, filling the condom with his release.

Hermione collapsed against his chest, panting against his neck when she heard a door open out in the hallway, and she froze. Her eyes snapped up to his in dawning horror, and she scrambled off of him as if he were made of lava, whispering frantically that he needed to hide.

"Quick! Under the bed!" she whispered, practically shoving him out of her bed and onto the floor, "No wait! The closet!"

He moved as swiftly and quietly as he could to her closet, and turned just in time to have his pants and her knickers thrown at him.

Just before her bedroom door opened, he slid the door to her closet closed, and peered through the slats.

Hermione had practically dove under the covers, pretending to be asleep just in the nick of time. Her father stood in the doorway, with his eyes narrowed in suspicion.

"Daddy?" Hermione whispered groggily, rubbing her eyes for added effect, looking for all the world as if she had been peacefully sleeping for the last few hours.

Tom watched the exchange from her closet, biting his lip as he silently cursed his raging libido for his body's reaction to her uttering that one simple word in such an innocent way; daddy. Coming from her lips, it sounded innocent enough, but in the right context, it could fuel his fantasies for weeks.

"Just checking on you, Pumpkin, I thought I heard a noise. Go back to sleep" Her father said in a gruff voice that was tinged with barely concealed relief.

"Yes Daddy."

Fucking hell. Now was not the time to get an erection.

With a satisfied nod, her father closed the door and went back to bed. Neither of them moved until they heard another door open and close at the end of the hall.

"Tom?" Hermione whispered as the closet door slid open, revealing Tom's naked form.

"Fuck, that was close." He chuckled as he slipped his sleep pants back on and tossed her knickers back to her.

"Yeah, I don't even want to think about what would have happened if he caught you." Hermione chuckled as he leaned down to kiss her.

"Thankfully, we won't have to worry about that at my father's house." Tom smirked against her lips.

Hermione's brows furrowed at his words, but said instead, "You should go back to the guest room. I wouldn't want to push our luck."

Nodding, Tom stole one last kiss and moved silently over to the door before cracking it open to make sure the coast was clear before he slipped back out into the hall.


The next morning, Hermione stretched, feeling the delicious ache between her legs from her and Tom's nocturnal activities, and bit back a grin. She had always been one to follow the rules without exception, but there was something about Tom that made her throw her moral compunctions out the window. She pulled the covers off, and slipped on a pair of black yoga pants grabbed and hair tie off of her dresser before she padded to the bathroom. As she washed her face and brushed her teeth, she idly wondered if Tom had woken up yet. She could smell bacon cooking downstairs, and gave a happy sigh as she made her way down to the kitchen.

Her mother had always been an early riser, and she was already showered and dressed, and making them all a big breakfast of pancakes and bacon.

"Smells good, mum" Hermione said as she made a beeline to the coffee pot and grabbed two mugs from the cupboard. A few minutes later, she saw Tom make his way down the stairs already showered and dressed.

"Good morning" he said leaning in to kiss her cheek as she handed him a cup of coffee.

"Morning" she said with a blush as she noticed her mother watching them with a smile on her face, out of the corner of her eye.

"What are you two planning to do today?" Jean asked conversationally as she piled the pancakes on a plate and brought them over to the table.

Truthfully, they hadn't had a chance to plan anything yet, but Tom answered smoothly surprising her.

"We're going to visit a friend today." He said as his eyes darted over to hers, as she raised her eyebrows in surprise.

We are? She thought to herself as she schooled her expression and nodded in agreement.

"Oh, alright. See that you're back by six, Grandma Granger is coming by for dinner this evening, and she's looking forward to seeing you…and meeting Tom, of course." Her mother said as she wiped her hands on the dishtowel absently while looking anywhere but at her daughter.

Oh God….

"Oh, mum! You didn't!" Hermione whined pinching the bridge of her nose as Tom looked on in amusement.

"Oh don't be so dramatic, She hasn't seen you in a few years, and she was over the moon when dad mentioned that you'd be home visiting." Jean said waving her hand dismissively.

"That woman lives to embarrass me." Hermione scoffed.

"Nonsense, she's just a bit…" Jean trailed off gesturing with her hands as if she was searching for the right word.

"Inappropriate?" Hermione offered raising an eyebrow at her mother.

"I was going to say eccentric." Jean grimaced, "Anyway, it was your father's idea." She admitted guiltily.

Just then, her father swept into the room and sat at the head of the table and began making himself a plate, "What was my idea?" he asked innocently, though Hermione could tell he was trying hard to bite back a smirk.

"Grandma Granger." Hermione said flatly as she gave her father a knowing look.

"Ah. She asks about you all the time. Seemed only right to invite her to dinner." Richard said as he stuffed a bite of pancake into his mouth to keep from laughing.

Tom glanced back and forth between Hermione and her parents, sure that he was missing something. When Hermione offered no explanation, he shrugged and began to cut his pancake into perfectly sized bites.


"What friend are we supposed to be visiting? You never mentioned anything about this to me." She asked following him out the door to her dad's old car that he always let her drive when she was home.

"Just a friend from Durmstrang. He has something of mine, and I'd like it back." Tom said cryptically as he climbed into the passenger side of the Blue Ford Anglia.

"Alright, but you'll have to tell me how to get there." She said as she climbed into the driver's seat and pulled on her seat belt.

Fifteen minutes later, Hermione pulled up in front of a rather large manor house, and bit her lip nervously. This place made her parent's house look like a shack, not to mention, her car looked like a pile of junk beside the gleaming Rolls Royce parked in the circular driveway.

"Tom, maybe I should wait in the car…" she began before he held up his hand to stop her protest.

"Don't be ridiculous. It'll only take a moment. Come." He said as he stepped smoothly out of the car, and walked purposefully up to the front door and rang the bell.

The man, no butler, that opened the door gave Tom a once over before glancing past him to the old Anglia parked out front and sniffed disdainfully.

"Can I help you with something?" he asked in a patronizing tone.

Hermione noticed a muscle twitch in Tom's jaw before he smiled politely and said, "We're here to see Abraxas."

Hermione blanched at the name. Who the hell names their kid Abraxas these days? Rich people, that's who.

"And who shall I say is calling?" The butler asked with narrowed eyes.

"Tom Riddle." Tom answered smoothly, though Hermione could tell he was quickly losing patience with the man.

"Of course. Wait here please." He said before closing the door.

After a few moments, Hermione began to turn towards the car thinking that this Abraxas wouldn't be coming to the door, when the door suddenly opened again to find an apologetic butler ushering them inside.

"Apologies, Master Riddle, may I get you and your companion something cold to drink?"

Master Riddle? Hermione wondered to herself. Did Tom come from a wealthy family too?

"No, we aren't staying. " Tom answered sharply as the butler swallowed nervously.

"Right this way, Abraxas is expecting you." The butler nodded contritely and led them down a long hall that seemed to belong to a separate wing of the house. He stopped outside of a set of double doors and gestured for them to go inside.

Tom opened the door, to step inside as Hermione hovered behind him, and sitting on a plush sofa with a video game controller in his hand sat a boy with platinum blond hair, who appeared to be their age.

"Abraxas." Tom said inclining his head stiffly.

Hermione watched as the two men eyed each other with cool indifference, and though Tom had used the word 'friend' to describe his relationship with Abraxas Malfoy, it was obvious to Hermione that it was anything but.

"Riddle." Abraxas acknowledged with a look of distaste.

"I believe you have something that belongs to me." Tom said, not bothering to engage in small talk, but getting straight to the point.

"I suppose this makes us even", Abraxas said cryptically, as he tossed a rather beat up looking leather bound book towards Tom, who caught it easily.

Tom scoffed, "Hardly, but if I think of anything else, you'll be the first to know." Tom said menacingly, as he leveled a glare at Abraxas before turning sharply towards Hermione with a muttered, "Let's go."

To say that she was confused was an understatement, as his hand fell on the small of her back, guiding her towards the large front door of the manor. As soon as they were out of the house, and back in her parents old Ford, she turned towards him with narrowed eyes.

"What the hell was that about?" she snapped.

"It's nothing, he owed me a favor." Tom said trying to brush off her concern.

"I'm not stupid, Tom, he's not your friend. Tell me the truth!"

Tom sighed, "Just drive. I'll tell you, but not here." He finally said as she started the engine, and pulled out of the cobblestone driveway.

After several minutes of tense silence where she simply waited for some kind of explanation, he finally spoke.

"You remember what I told you about the girl, Myrtle Warren, who drowned at Durmstrang?"

She nodded, keeping her eyes firmly on the road.

"You were right about him not being my friend; He was one of the ones who killed her."

Hermione's eyes widened, and she inhaled sharply, "Tom, if it wasn't an accident, you have to tell someone!"

He shook his head and chuckled bitterly, "It's his word against mine, Hermione, besides, his father is on the school board, do you really think they'd listen?"

He was right, unfortunately.

"Why did he have your book, Tom?" Hermione asked

"After what happened that night, they knew they needed someone to take the fall for what they did. You see Myrtle had something of a crush on me for years, though I didn't return her affections. When she came to me about it, I did my best to let her down easy, but I suppose the damage was done. That night, on the way down to the pool, Regulus Black, one of Abraxas' lackey's, found Myrtle in front of the second floor girl's lavatory, apparently, she'd been crying. He talked her into joining them, and Abraxas and the others got her drunk and then passed her around."

Here, Hermione looked horrified, "That's disgusting, that poor girl!"

"It is…I agree. When they were finished with her, they pushed her into the pool, despite her protestations that she couldn't swim. They left her there. The next morning, was when she was discovered. Regulus, I suppose in a fit of guilt, stole my journal, and wrote a false entry in it making it look as if I had despised Myrtle all along, and wished her harm. He planned to leave it by the pool, knowing it would throw suspicion away from them, making me the prime suspect. You see, they couldn't stand that I had been chosen as the Resident Advisor; me, the one with an absentee father and a dead mother…Who was I to them? A nobody, undeserving of the position I was afforded." Tom spat bitterly.

"But the book?" Hermione prompted, "If they were planning to frame you with it, why did Abraxas have it?"

"Because I caught him fucking Myrtle one night, while doing my rounds, about a week before she was killed. I never told anyone about it, but he knows that I know. He knows how bad it would look for him if I were to let it slip. He recovered the book from Regulus, thinking it would make us even. It didn't. Not even close."

"But you were still expelled…" Hermione said quietly

"Yes, I was. As I said, with Abraxas' father on the school board, they couldn't have that kind of scandal at the school, so they chalked the whole thing up to a very unfortunate accident, and they blamed me anyway."

"I'm so sorry, Tom. I can't imagine what that must've been like for you."

"Well, I'm glad it happened, because it brought me to you…" he said as he planted a kiss on her knuckles, entwining her fingers with his.

As her eyes turned back to the road, she never saw the smirk that formed on his lips.