Chapter 1 : Rusty the cats end, and a ghost's escape

We find ourselves inside a forest along side tons of cats all of which was staring out into the night towards a place they called the twoleg place for that place had them worried for the building was on fire the cats could see the twolegs scurrying around trying to put out the flames but to no avail then they saw one of the young twoleg kits try and get into the fire for some reason but then they found out why when a scream and cats scream pierced through the night and then wa silenced and every cat watched as the twoleg kit hung her head then soon enough the fire died out and the family that used to live there moved away

Right now

"And that is the story of the old twoleg place that burned down not so far from here" the old cat said to his audience of several kittens

"And even today they say that the place is haunted by a dead kitten that meows every night for it's lost master and friend" the old cat said causing all of the kittens to shiver before their mothers came and collected them but one kit wouldn't leave he was a bit of a chubby kit with a thick coat of shaggy gray fur this was Graykit and he was looking up a the old tom in question

"But has any cat met the spirit cat and talked to it" Graykit asked and to that the old cat could only shrug

"I don't know if they had no one has told me" the old cat said before waving goodbye to the kit and going back into the Elder's den while Graykit went to the nursery with his mother

'I wonder if I will ever meet this Spirit cat' Graykit thought before he fell asleep and in the burned wreckage of the twoleg place a large cry pierced the night

"Huh what what was that" Graykit said waking up from his sleep then looking around he noticed that no one else was awake and hearing the cry again he went to edge of the nursery and pulled up a bit of the wall just enough for a kit of his size {so a average apprentice} to fit through and quickly Graykit slipt through and followed the cries all the way to the two leg place

"Hello hello is anyone in there" Graykit said and hearing another yowl he quickly followed the sound inside and being careful he walked through the burnt nest and soon enough found a cat he was completely covered in soot but Graykit could see the kits fur color and it was as red as fire and even in the moonlight it looked like the cat was made of fire

"Hey are you okay" Greykit asked and seeing the kits head move to him he was surprised when he spotted two green eyes that seemed to flash with a hidden fire

"No I'm just cheery can you help me my paws stuck" the kit said tugging on his paw that seemed to be stuck underneath a large burnt log it looked large but Graykit looked at it closer and realized that if the two of them worked together they might be able to move it

"Okay I'm going to push it at 3 you push as well okay" Graykit said and when he spotted the other kit nod eh started

"1 2 3" Graykit screamed and instantly both pushed on the log and with the other kit wincing from his paw soon enough the log went tumbling the other way and his paw was free and quickly the kit walked away from the place he had been standing in

"Thanks I'm Rusty who are you" Rusty asked looking at the tom that had helped him escape

"I'm Graykit but how did you get your paw stuck there" Greykit asked starting to head over to where the other kit had been standing only for the kit to start pushing him out of the house

"Oh no reason hey why don't we play outside" Rusty said worried and when the two left Rusty made sure that Graypaw didn't see the area where his paw had been stuck because right where he had been standing was the burnt corpse of a cat with tufts of red fur still showing through

Well I hope you guys like this idea I got it awhile ago ever since I read another story where someone had Danny phantom join a warriors clan I thought well then why not turn Firepaw into a ghost yes no one can beat him know and also as for how Squirrelflight and Leafpool are born I think I figured how maybe you will have to see when that part of the story comes about and please review and vote on the poll