Will slowly walked down the hallway. His steps were echoing quietly on the walls as he was talking to the redhead walking next to him. Truth being said, she couldn't care less about what he was saying. The only thing on her mind was a certain blonde which she will see in a few minutes for the first time after long weeks. Bea had to stop herself from running, she felt the adrenaline pumping in her veins. She literally felt it. It was making the vein in her temple visibly move.

- Bea, are you listening to me? – she heard him say after he nudged her elbow. No, she hasn´t listened to him. Will rolled his eyes and Bea would surely laugh at it but currently, her thoughts were elsewhere.

- What? – she asked halfheartedly.

- I said that your crew is in the laundry room. Their shift will end in fifteen minutes.

Bea´s eyes lit up instantly. She smiled and her steps quickened without her noticing. Will smiled after her as she sped up and disappeared behind the corner. The redhead´s steps were quiet but her heart was beating loudly. She was breathing heavily trying to supply her lungs with so needed oxygen while making her way through the dimly lit hallway. Finally arriving in front of the door she took a deep breath and pushed it open walking in energetically.

It took only one second for a loud yell being heard announcing her presence.

- Bea! – Boomer screamed and everyone snapped their heads up from their work.

- Hello girls! – Bea husked out feeling strange hearing her voice again after all those weeks alone. She was smiling at the women who ran to her giving her hugs but her eyes kept landing on Allie. The young blonde sported a huge grin on her face. Her blue eyes glistened with tears but she was glowing with happiness. She was staring at Bea taking in the sight.

- It´s good to have you back. – Maxine said squeezing the top dog tightly.

- It´s good to be back. – came the reply.

- We missed you. – Sonia gave her a small hug too.

- Missed you too girls. – Bea said stepping closer to Liz and hugging her. – How are you, Liz?

- I´m good, love. All is good. – the older woman smiled. Bea stepped back and glanced at the blonde she was the last one who she should greet but she was not trusting herself in front of the others. It is pretty damn sure that she can´t manage a quick hug. She glanced at the clock, ten minutes left until the shift ends.

- I think it is time to go girls! Go and have dinner as first.

There was no need for repeating it. The women started leaving the room, chatting happily.

- Please make sure that nobody will disturb us. – Bea whispered to Maxine who nodded. Bea waited until everyone left, H1 crew being the last and then turned towards the blonde who was standing in front of the table not moving since she walked in.

Bea slowly stepped closer and their smiles became even brighter than before. Allie lifted her arms and wrapped them around the redhead's neck. Bea´s arms instantly sneaked around Allie´s waist and they hugged each other tightly. Bea buried her face into the blonde´s neck inhaling her sweet scent. Allie squeezed her harder when she felt the older woman softly kissing her neck. Her smile must have been from ear to ear and she knew that. Happiness washed over her at the moment when she lifted her head and her eyes landed on the redhead.

- Missed you so much! – she said pulling away a little bit but never easing her hold on the older woman. Bea smiled and kissed her on lips before lifting her up and putting her down on the table.

- Missed you too beautiful. – she whispered while leaning close and taking Allie´s lips between her own. She pulled on the blonde´s lower lip before sucking the upper and then she deepened the kiss. The kiss was soft and yet passionate. It conveyed all the emotions which piled up in them over the weeks they have been apart. Bea swiped her tongue inside Allie´s mouth brushing them together before pulling back smiling. Taking the younger woman´s face into her hands she caressed the blonde´s cheeks with her thumbs.

- I love you. - she said calmly with strong voice while staring into the blue eyes in front of her.

Allie felt how the words pierced through her heart. It fluttered, tightened before exploding in her chest and flooding her with sheer happiness.

- I love you too. – she said with trembling voice. – I love you so much! – she repeated before grasping the redhead and kissing her hard. They were kissing for long minutes before Boomer´s voice interrupted them.

- Bea dinner!

They pulled apart smiling.

- Looks like we have to go.

- Yeah, our guard will leave us for dinner.

Allie reluctantly jumped down from the table and slowly walked to the door. She was not really hungry at the moment, she couldn´t imagine not touching Bea for the next thirty minutes or so. Catching up with the blonde Bea pushed the door open and walked out. Boomer was standing by the wall and bobbing her head towards a screw that was walking slowly towards them.

- Dinner time! – Boomer repeated winking wildly.

- Thanks, Booms. – Bea said as they slowly walked past the guard. - Booms would you mind to bring us some food and leave it in the H1 kitchen? – she asked quietly.

- Of course Bea, I can make cell delivery.

- I said leave it in the kitchen!

- No, I will bring it to you! It is no problem, Bea!

- I said leave it in the kitchen Boomer.

- Bea, don´t be…

- Booms, - Allie stepped in. Obviously, Boomer needs more direct approach. – we haven´t seen each other for three weeks. – She wiggled her eyebrows. – I´m sure you don´t want to disturb us.

Boomer´s face went rigid for a second and then she smiled.

- Ahh, alright! Sure! I will put it on the counter.

- Thanks, Booms! – Allie said and then she turned all her focus on the redhead marching next to her. She was happy that Bea wanted to skip the dinner and rather make out.

Walking into the H1 Bea rushed to the cell with number 15 on it. Grabbing Allie´s hand she pulled her inside. The door closed and they were facing each other.

Allie felt her heart hammering in her chest at the look in the redhead´s eyes. This was it, she was wrong, this won't be a simple make out session. Finally, the time has arrived and she will consummate her relationship with Bea Smith. The pure lust shining in Bea´s eyes guaranteed that. She stepped closer to the older woman and once again they fell into a tight embrace. Their mouths found each other in a wet and sloppy kiss.

Bea moaned loudly when Allie´s hands found their way under her shirt and slowly slid over her stomach and then back around her lower back. Allie softly scratched the skin under her fingers while her tongue lured Bea´s into her mouth to play. The older woman complied and let her tongue slip into the blonde´s warm mouth. Allie instantly started sucking on it making Bea shiver.

They kissed for a little while but then Bea felt her hands itch with need. She wanted to feel Allie´s skin. Without over thinking it she reached for the hem of her shirt and pulled it off the blonde. Her eyes instantly fell on the younger woman´s chest. Allie smiled seeing the admiration in Bea´s eyes. Quickly unclasping her bra she took it off and threw it on the floor while watching Bea taking her shirt off. Reaching behind her Allie opened her bra too and soon it landed next to hers. Taking Bea´s hand she pulled her close making their breast brushing against each other. The touch was electrifying making them both smile. Looking into each other's eyes they learned at this time for a soft loving kiss.

- You are so beautiful. – Bea whispered.

- I love you. – Allie managed to reply before Bea´s hand sneaked forward and softly palmed her breast. The sensation made the blonde´s breath hitch and her head spin. She stepped back trying to find the bed because her legs slowly but surely started to give in. She wanted to be naked and she wanted to feel Bea on top of her. When her legs finally hit the bed, she slowly started pulling her pants off taking her panties with them too.

Bea was watching her in a trance fully immersed into the sight and the moment. Licking her lips she mirrored Allie´s movements. She stepped out of her pants and panties never stopping looking into Allie´s blue eyes.

Lying down Allie pulled the redhead on top of herself and couldn´t suppress the loud moan coming out of her chest. Feeling Bea in this way was much better than she has ever imagined. The skin on skin touch was mesmerizing. Their hands roamed freely happily enjoying the first explorations. Bea pushed her body into Allie. Sliding her tongue into the younger woman´s mouth she kissed her deeply. Her arms were wrapped around the blonde pulling her close and holding her in a tight embrace. Allie moaned into the kiss. Bea was slowly leaving a trail of soft kisses along the blonde´s jaw and neck. Getting lower to Allie´s chest the kisses became open-mouthed and wet combined with careful licks.

Kissing her way up on the blonde´s breast Bea teased her nipple with the tip of her tongue before licking it lovingly. Allie shifted a little bit lifting her hips and adjusting herself as she felt wetness pool between her legs.

-Bea! - Allie whispered in a low voice and the redhead understood. Allie was too far gone for long teasing or foreplay. Sucking the nipple into her mouth Bea slid her hand between Allie´s legs tentatively cupping her. The young blonde instantly spread her legs wide closing her eyes in pleasure. She was wet and hot making the top dog´s head clouding with lust. After little caressing and rubbing Bea slid two fingers into the blonde writhing beneath her.

It was like being hit by a lightening or being swept away by a cold refreshing tidal wave. Everything was suddenly much brighter and sharper. Allie was warm and wet, her velvet walls instantly squeezed her fingers. Bea´s breath hitched at the sensation and the sight of Allie in pure ecstasy. Her mouth was slightly open as she was breathing heavily. Bea slowly started moving her fingers. Pulling them slowly almost all the way out before pushing them back deep inside. Allie moaned and Bea repeated her action. She slowly slid her fingers in and out of the young blonde. The slow pace didn't mean to tease she was just simply thoroughly enjoying the sensations.

After a little while, Allie started rocking her hips in the rhythm with the invading fingers. Pushing herself more on Bea´s hand. Allie moaned loudly when Bea stilled her fingers deep inside her and flicked her clit with her thumb.

- Bea… - she breathed out. Her eyes were foggy by pure lust and pleasure. Her whole body felt heavy but she managed to lift her hand and place it on the redhead´s cheek. Pulling her close she kissed her passionately. The redhead gently massaged the clit under her thumb before continuing thrusting. Allie became really wet soaking Bea´s fingers so she slid in one more and pumped faster. Allie stopped kissing her back and just kept breathing heavily into the older woman´s mouth. Thrusting was harder now because the blonde´s walls clenched and squeezed her fingers so Bea slowed her movements. Changing the fast pace for slow but deep and hard thrusts. Watching Allie´s face she acted just upon instinct. She was rewarded with a suppressed but still loud scream as Allie orgasmed. She was clutching Bea while pressing her hips up before collapsing and grasping the hand inside her. She didn´t let Bea pull out. Turning her head towards the redhead she was looking at her with clouded eyes before kissing her gently. Bea was grinning and fully basking in this fantastic feeling. This was her first time but surely she couldn´t wait for the next and then billion more. Allie was still keeping her inside while playing with her lips and Bea knew that she could stay like this forever.

Allie nuzzled her cheek and peppered her with kisses before finally letting her go. Pulling out Bea´s fingers she sucked them clean and cuddled closer to her. Holding the blonde to her body Bea let herself relax and enjoy the moment. Savoring each other´s closeness they snuggled for few minutes but then Allie got restless. Suddenly she was not blissfully tired – she was very much livid and on fire. Shifting slowly she moved half on top the older woman who smiled at her and ran her knuckles over the blonde´s cheek affectionately. Allie watched Bea intently, smiling into the brown orbs while her hand sneaked down the redhead´s body.

Never in her life had Bea Smith felt this kind of arousal. It was clouding her mind, her whole body was on fire and throbbing. Allie cupped her, squeezing and massaging before sliding her fingers up and down in the wetness. Bea moaned and pushed herself onto the blonde´s hand. Allie felt herself clinch at the sound. She never heard anything more divine. Moving slowly she enjoyed every whimper and moan coming from the older woman. Allie wanted to enjoy this little longer but from Bea´s look, it was clear that she was close. The blue-eyed blonde had no intention to tease or prolong it painfully long. Bea needed a release and she was more than happy to deliver.

Sinking two fingers into the redhead she pushed their chests together. She kissed Bea slowly, lazily trying to convey all her emotions into the kiss. As for Bea, she was pulling the younger woman as close as she could. She was under a spell. Allie invaded all her senses. She was breathing her in, feeling her on her skin, absorbing her into her soul. She was everywhere. They moved together and it didn´t take long for Bea to cry out in a powerful release.

- Oh god! – she said after riding out the best orgasm of her life.

Allie chuckled happily and after a little effort, she threw the red blanket over their sweaty bodies. Cuddling into the older woman´s side she let out a long content sigh. Bea wrapped the blonde into her arms and the younger woman started making circles on her stomach.

- We caught the thief. – Allie stated continuing her ministrations.

- What? – Bea grabbed the hand on her stomach. – Are you serious?

- Of course, why would I lie about that?

Bea chuckled.

- I meant if you are serious bringing that up right now? – she squeezed the blonde´s hand and pulled it on her chest. Allie chuckled too and kissed the shoulder she was laying on.

- It is important news Bea and you know that.

Bea smiled squeezing the woman in her arms briefly. She really hoped that life in Wentworth will become so dull that news like this will be the only interesting thing to talk about.

- So, who was it?

- Vic, you know that old lady who is on cleaning duty there. She has access everywhere in that part of the building and nobody noticed her. Anyhow, the problem is solved.

Bea lifted Allie´s head and kissed her slowly.

- Great job, I´m proud of you. – she said into the kiss making Allie giggle.

- Are you making fun of me?

Bea shook her head.

- Nooo! I mean it! – she answered trying to sound serious but failed. Allie shifted and straddled the redhead. Leaning slowly down she captured her lips in a sweet kiss.

- You are lucky that you are so sexy. I can´t be mad at you.

Bea placed her hands on Allie´s thighs.

- Really? It is good to know. – she said as she started sliding her hands up and down. Allie furrowed her eyebrows.

- Don´t be so smug and don´t you dare use it against me. – she warned.

- Or what? – Bea teased. – I´m the top dog, what are you going to do to me?

Allie smirked and licked her lips. Leaning down she whispered something into the older woman´s ear making her blush. Pulling the blonde on herself Bea smiled wildly. She knew that Wentworth is not going to change into a garden full of roses suddenly. But for moments like this, she will do everything. She will make sure that nobody will jeopardize her girls, the women and first of all Allie. This wonderful human being who is currently curled up in her arms slowly drifting into sleep. Sated and happy Bea Smith fell into the best sleep in her life holding Allie tightly.