Prologue: The Plan for Vengeance

"All men are not created equal!"

That was the motto of the 98th Emperor of the Holy Britannian Empire.

The believer of Social Darwinism where strong eats the weak, the rich will devour the poor

And the oppressed will be judged by the righteous.

The world held by Charles zi Britannia were in constant war.

The game of thrones amongst his many sons and daughters,

And the struggle of the Numbers to break free from the conqueror.

This is the world of barbarous men, disguised as merciful saints and kind royalties.

Yet, there is a world where strong men protect the weak.

The complete opposite of the world where the Britannia reigns.

This world, led by heroes who were willing to die to right the wrong, were in living in peace.

Willing to protect and nurture the world for the next generation using their gifts.

The heroes were far more superior than the ones in the world of constant fighting,

Yet they value their gift and take it upon their selves to protect their world

Even though the world does not deserve their mercy.

A truth everyone knows but resists.

The two worlds will be brought together by a person.

A person that hopes better future for his loved ones and hopes to abolish the discrimination and evils.

A person who can move the world by his thoughts, words and actions.

The one person who can make great sacrifice for the sake of the world and stand victor against the wrongs.

The one person who can make a Requiem.

A lone man stood in front of a ruined manor in the middle of a field filled with tall grass. His opened trench coat sways a bit in the wind to which he paid no mind. Memories of the past haunts his mind as he continued gazing at the manor.

After gazing at it for another minute, he turned around when he suddenly heard soft footsteps and saw a young boy with jet black hair and blazing amethyst eyes staring back at him with no emotion. The man smirked and beckoned the boy to stand beside to which the boy immediately complied. Together, they gazed at the destroyed manor, comfortable silence in between them.

That said silence was interrupted when the man spoke, "I know you want to go back. Go back to where you are from."

The boy clenched his fists and replied with tightness in his voice, "I have to. I promised to a friend that I will destroy my nation."

The man smiled softly at the boy's determination. He knows he can do it. The boy is intelligent, charismatic and resourceful after all. It is only the matter of time. He knows that it will take time to get his revenge.

"Nunnally and I will go back when we deem it is time. I'll just wait for my time," the boy glanced at the man and smirked, "for now."

"You'll always have our support, Lelouch. Just give us a call and we'll come immediately."

Lelouch gave him a smile in gratitude. "Thank you, Mister Bruce. You and the others helped us even though we are not worthy of your time."

"Nonsense, Lelouch. You are an honorary member of Justice League. You and Nunnally are."

Lelouch's small smile disappeared, "What about Milly?"

Bruce gave a soft chuckle at what the boy said, "Oh, I forgot Milly. She's not gonna like it if I forgot about her."

Lelouch laughed along with Bruce but stooped when he felt a sharp pain on his sides. Hunching forward, Lelouch coughed with difficulty. Bruce knelt beside the boy and rubbed his back to ease the coughing fits. "Still hurts?"

Nodding, Lelouch wiped the blood on his lips and answered, "Yeah, that damn Lex made me suffer when he kidnapped me."

"Don't worry. Just control your emotions and you won't be having any problems."

"I won't become like Doomsday unless Lex manages to continue his modification to my DNA which I' m afraid will happen if he kidnaps me again." Lelouch stood and dusted his trench coat with Bruce following his actions.

"How far did he go, anyway?" Bruce lead Lelouch away from the manor to his car.

"Far enough that I can reach or surpass Clark's half strength and agility." Lelouch said.

"We need to lock this powers of mine so that Lex will have a difficulty to modify my DNA," Lelouch stopped walking and looked back to Bruce with fire blazing in his amethyst eyes, "and besides, I can't let my bastard of a father find out about this. He'll have a field day if he gets his hands on me and my powers."

Opening the door to the car, Lelouch entered with Bruce still staring behind his back, weighing the possibilities of what he said.