I don't own Supergirl, just Joshua.

The first time they met had been an accident. Alex was exploring the city, past the pizza place and the cafe she usually spent her night in, for a change of scenery; she'd been stuck in her lab for weeks - weeks; not that she minded, she loved it actually, but being so far from home for the past year since she graduated from high school made her homesick sometimes. That day was one of the worst moments. Some times she calls home,talks to Kara and her mother and feels better, some times she just thinks about the most precious memories she had with her family, some times... Some times it wasn't so easy - talking to Kara always helped, especially because the young Kryptonian could keep her mind off her own feelings for hours, but it hadn't been much help these days, not since her father died and the DEO recruited her. So here she was, walking around aimlessly; she wasn't even sure where here was when she heard it. A broken, shy voice made her turn around - a little boy was looking straight at her with the most beautiful blue eyes and biggest smile she had ever seen. She was so fascinated with the boy that she had not seen the danger that was slowly advancing towards her from behind. The boy, on the other hand, sifted his glance from the Alex just enough to the one behind her. Alex could see recognition flash in his eyes and her eyes narrowed in confusion. She was about to turnaround when the boy jumped in her arms and smiled widely though his eyes were still focused on whoever or whatever was behind her.

Normally, she'd be suspicious and trust her training; whatever was behind her could be dangerous - the kid could get hurt badly, but the second the boy was secured in her arms her whole body betrayed her and relaxed. She just met this kid and he was already her weakness. So she trusted her gut and played along to the kids charade when he started talking in a familial way with her, but had not taken her eyes of his. She felt his body tense the moment her arms went around him, only to gradually relax. She finally caught his little game - the kid was slowly relaxing to tell her that the one behind her walked away, the more relaxed he was, the farther the person was. She couldn't help her curiosity, though, and turned around when she felt almost all the tension - leave his small body; her mouth went dry when she saw from what had the boy actually saved her. She knew that species of aliens, it was one of the most dangerous one she had ever heard of, but they lived by a strict code - never harm a family with young children. She looked, shock visible in her eyes, at the small boy - he couldn't be older than 12.

"Don't worry, he won't bother you for at least a couple for years..." he started timidly as Alex set him down "I'm sorry I- "

"You know what he was?"

The boy nodded, shying away from Alex's stern glare "Yes. I'm really sorry, but he wanted to hurt you..."

Alex looked the boy up and down one last time before her mind was set - he was going to bring the boy to director Henshaw. It didn't take long for them to find out that he didn't remember almost anything about his life prior to meeting Alex, yet his knowledge about aliens surprised even the director. After hours of talking and tests, all they knew about the boy was that his name was Joshua, he was 11 and he only trusted Alex. He refused to go anywhere without the brunette, he kicked and fought with anyone else who tried to touch him except Hank - the boy was still a little reserved around the man, but it seems he at least tolerated Hank around . Alex wasn't doing any better despite her calm expression. She watched anyone that got close to Joshua like a hawk and, while the reason why she felt so protective of this kid was confusing her, she knew he had won her over.

Henshaw sighed - they weren't going anywhere with finding who the boy was and their search for his parents brought up nothing. It was like the kid just sudden appeared in front of Alex and it was frustrating. They had to do something about the boy; his knowledge on aliens was of utmost importance to this organisation. An idea formed in his mind - a very good one from what he would tell, so he began to acquire all the necessary papers. It took a little convincing, some threatening and some manipulation, but he managed to finish in less than two hours. Now all he had to do was to tell Danvers...

To his surprise, she agreed the second she realised what he was asking. He watched as Alex broke the news to their little guest - there was a new light in her eyes, one he hoped Joshua Danvers could keep alive...


At just 13 years old, Joshua Danvers was beginning his sophomore year as a high school student. It was always hard for Alex to watch him go, she is his mother after all and she knows just how mean and scary high school can be when you are not ordinary. She has faith in her son - he was a 'badass' just like his mother and Hank. She smiled faintly as she thought about him; Joshua brought them closer than she had ever imagined. Hank was family to both of them now and, even if no one will ever fill her father's place, the man did a pretty decent job even though he hated when Joshua would call him "grandpa".

"Mom, I'm going to be fine. Go to work, grandpa is gonna yell if you're late like last year."

Alex laughed ruffled his hair, the boy groaned in protest as he tried to fix the damaged caused by the older woman before walking away. Alex always hated to see him go, but she knew he'll always fight his way back and she couldn't be more proud.


At 15, Josh graduated top of his class; both Alex and Hank attended the ceremony for a rare occasion of a 'family dinner'. Alex would've loved for both Kara and her mother to be here, but none could come; Kara had a lot of exams to prepare for, though Alex doubts she will be able to focus on anything else after finding out her nephew just graduated, and her mother simply didn't want to come. Eliza had been like this ever since she had told her about Joshua: not quite trowing him out the door, not quite accepting him either so Alex made a choice - Joshua could deal with his so called grandmother when he was older, but now she will do everything in her power to shield him. They had chatted, laughed and forgot about aliens and everything else for the rest of the day. At some point, the discussion became serious because of a simple question that came from Hank.

"What are you going to do next? Psychology or bioengineering?"

Alex paused mid-way through sipping her glass of wine - this topic had always caused tension between her and Joshua; she and Hank could see from a mile away the boy had a natural talent at reading and understanding people's emotions and tried to guide him towards psychology while the boy was adamant about bioengineering. She just hoped tonight they won't argue about it.

"Actually, some universities have shown interest in me. Two even offered me some kind of deal..." he smirked as he looked at his mother "They told me they'd let me study both, one in the morning and one in the afternoon, if my grades won't fall. Plus a full scholarship if I won't fail any exams."

It took some time until Alex replied, or even move, and the boy's smile had almost disappeared when his mother pulled him into a hug. Hank laughed silently as he let the two get into their own world - the boy never cease to amaze him.


Joshua promised his mother he will manage two demanding majors and he more than delivered; Alex had no idea that Hank was training him to become a full fledged agent by the time he graduated at 18 years old. She never knew until Alex froze in the middle of the room and stared at her son - he stood proud by an equally proud Hank, dressed from head to toe in black. She managed to hold back her tears, but she hadn't managed to to the same for the small smile. The boy - no, the man knew he had equally surprised his mother and made her extremely proud at the same time as Alex stopped right in front of him.

Hank held his blank face as he began to speak "Agent Danvers, meet our newest recruit. Joshua Danvers will work alongside you from now on, both in the lab and in the field."

Both Danvers had fallen back into their 'business face' as Alex replied "It will be an honour to work alongside you, agent Danvers."

She could keep her emotion from showing, but sh could not fool Joshua. His mother was proud of him and, more importantly, she trusted him enough not to worry. Nothing will even come close to what he felt that very moment.

Thank you for reading and please review!