Sept. 2018

"...I now pronounce you husband and wife."

There's a cheer. He hears it, distantly, but Sara is smiling at him, and the sun setting behind them is reflected in her eyes. He can't believe this is happening. Can't believe she's here, that they're here, after everything, after...

Mick says something. "What?!" he snaps.

Stein shakes his head. "Kiss her, Leonard," the older man says with some asperity as Mick laughs right out loud. Then, he leans forward and says, gently: "You don't have to wait any longer. Kiss her."

And so he does.

The audience roars. There's a wolf whistle he's pretty sure is from his sister and another from…Ray?... as Sara grabs the lapels of his jacket and pulls him closer. When they part, they're both grinning.

There's not really a recessional: after all, the reception is here, too, at the clusters of tables and chairs and buffet tables at the other end of the roof. But Jax cues up Beethoven's "Ode to Joy" anyway as they turn toward all the people there to witness this union.

To his surprise, Quentin Lance, there at the front, has tears in his eyes, and they don't seem to be "my baby just married a criminal" tears. So does Dinah Lance. So does Raymond, but that was pretty much expected.

Barry, standing next to Iris West, his own fiancée, is beaming. So are Lisa and Felicity Smoak and Thea Queen and others. Oliver Queen looks a trifle nonplussed, but Leonard can live with that.

Sara hasn't let go of his hand, and he glances at her as she squeezes his fingers.

"I'm sort of glad we didn't just get a JP," she whispers to him.

He squeezes back. "Me too. Don't tell anyone."

One week ago

"…. so, you want to do that? Father-daughter dance?"

"Yep. He's not walking me down the aisle; I want him to at least have that." Sara turns her head as she hears the key in the lock of the apartment, smiles as Leonard enters, shoving the door closed with a foot as he hefts the case in which he carries the cold gun. He appears to be in one piece and not even too pissed off despite working with Team Flash all afternoon; she turns back to Jax with a shrug.

The younger man raises his eyebrows, but shrugs back. "So, you have a request for that? Or you gonna make me pick it like with everything else?

Leonard snorts, hearing that. He sets the case down, strips off his googles and sets them down on top of it. "I told you, your idea, you get to plan it…"

But Sara holds up a hand to forestall the words. "Yes. This one, I have a request for. 'Just the Way You Are," Billy Joel." She smiles as Leonard's eyebrows go up. "Yeah, it seemed appropriate."

" 'I took the bad times, I'll take the good times; I'll take you just the way you are,'" her fiancé quotes softly. "Seems right. Good one."

Jax looks unnerved by a sentimental Leonard Snart. "OK. You sure you don't want anything else?" he asks tentatively. "To dance with your sister, or something like that?"

Leonard shrugs. "I'm sure I will. Don't worry about anything formal. I'll probably have to step in when she marries Ramon." He smiles briefly at the look on Jax's face. "I've made my peace with it. But don't tell him that."

"Uh, no worries. So…I mean, you don't even have a first dance picked out? That's sort of a basic wedding thing. You don't have anything in particular you want played?"

Sara laughs. " 'Love Will Keep Us Together,' " she says impishly, glancing at Leonard, who smiles again. "That's not really a first dance song, though. Just make sure you play it at least once."

"Right. OK. But…really? No clues? No preference at all?"

"Surprise us, kid."

Sept. 2018

The caterer Raymond had found had done a stellar job, and Leonard's relaxing, just a bit, with a glass of champagne as he watches Sara talking earnestly with Oliver Queen a few tables away. It had seemed better to stay out of that.

Not that he cares. He's the one with the ring on his hand, after all. He rolls it around his finger absently with his thumb as he watches Jax rise from where he's been talking to Thea Queen and head for where he has the sound system hooked up.

Sara, apparently noting the same thing, pats Queen on the shoulder and has started back toward him when Jax starts the song for their first dance as husband and wife.

He blinks when he recognizes the music, smiles as he looks at Sara, watching the recognition spread through her eyes a beat later. Standing, he extends a hand to her, and they walk together to the dance floor, where she moves gracefully into his arms as Etta James starts to sing.

"At last, my love has come along

"My lonely days are over, and life is like a song…"

There are a few more cheers (and wolf whistles) from the spectators, but they both ignore them. Leonard tilts his head a little to look down into Sara's eyes,

Could he have predicted this the night he woke up on that rooftop? Not in a million years. There are days he wonders if he'd died, after all, at the Oculus, and this is all going on in the split second before he's vaporized into atoms. That seems more likely, somehow, than all this being true.

"I found a dream that I could speak to

A dream that I could call my own…"

He's smiling down at her with that odd, somewhat wistful expression, the same one she saw the night he brought up "me and you," and it makes her heart clench in pleasure and pain and regret and thankfulness.

So many ways this could have wrong. So many ways in which they've found their way to each other, despite everything.

She goes up on her toes to kiss him, then, yet another kiss that he didn't have to steal, and he kisses her back, arms wrapping around her even more firmly.

Yes. This is real.

"You smiled, and then the spell was cast

And here we are in heaven

For you are last…"