*Knock Knock Knock*

The solid noise rang out around the room as the young witch stood in nothing but her knickers; she was about to go and get a nice, hot, relaxing shower. She jumped at the noise and grabbed her wand. "U-um who is it?" She asked and was glad she warded her rooms, Hogwarts was not as safe as it once was, but significantly safer than it was before the war.

"Miss Granger, open the door." Professor Snape's cold voice ordered through the solid redwood.

"Yes sir, let me just put on a robe or something." She replied but the Professor would hear none of it.

"Open the door now, Granger." His voice boomed and she winced, but kept looking for something to wear.

"I will sir, I just ne-." He cut her off.

"Miss Granger if I have to open this door, you will not like the outcome." He seethed and she threw on her bra and grabbed a white blouse to her uniform.

"J-Just a moment." She transfigured it to a longer, green so her underwear couldn't be seen. She opened the door as she was finishing the last few buttons; it fell to about mid-thigh. "I-I'm sorry, sir. I was trying to find something to quickly put on. I was about to ta-." She was cut off when he pushed passed her, warding the rooms and door as he pinned her up against the wall.

"I know you have been stealing from my stores once again, Miss Granger." He hissed and Hermione drew in a breath at how his body pressed against hers.

"S-sir I don't know what you are t-talking about." She gasped out and Professor Snape let out a growl. Hermione turned her face to the side and let out a soft whimper.

"Granger, don't play games with me. I am not in the mood, now I want you to tell me why you have been stealing from my stores." He looked at her and she was weary to look him in the eyes. She squirmed underneath him and was trying to push against his chest so he grabbed her wrists in one hand and pinned them above her head. Hermione bit her lip to hold back a groan and finally met his eyes.

"Professor, I swear to you, I have not stolen from your stores!" She told him and Severus almost believed her but he knew better; she had done it once before why wouldn't she do it again?

"Do not lie to me." He growled and tried to enter her mind but she pushed him out; clever witch. Hermione gasped, he had tried to look into her mind. How dare he? The Professor pushed her further against the wall and this time she couldn't hold back a small moan. She bit her lip hard and could swear she tasted copper, but she never broke eye contact with him.

"Y-you can look th-through my thoughts s-sir. I am not lying. I would not lie to you sir." She could feel the small trickle of blood run down to her chin. Professor Snape's eyes followed the small trickle of red fluid and tore his eyes from her lips to meet her eyes once again.

"Then let me in your mind, witch." He pushed against her mind and this time he felt the walls meld around him and warmth encase him. He sifted through her thoughts and feelings and delved a little deeper than he should have and noticed she was aroused from being pushed up against the wall and she roughly pushed him away from it and he felt slightly burned. Strong witch. He sifted through more and was pushed away from a few other things before she felt like he had seen enough. Severus was pushed out of her mind and she slumped against the tight grip he had on her writs. One leg was in between hers and one on the other side of her leg. Severus's eyes traveled down and noticed her night shirt traveling up her thigh, he then noticed the shirt was Slytherin green; he also noticed how drained she looked. "Where did you get this shirt Miss Granger? I cannot see you buying something so Slytherin like." He purred into her ear and Hermione let out another whimper. Severus smirked and tightened his grip on her wrists, pushing himself further against her rather than pushing her further into the wall. Hermione looked up at her professor and was worried when she saw the wicked gleam in his eyes.

"P-Profess-." She was cut off once again.

"Miss Granger, tell me, why would you transfigure something into green when you could just as easily go for red?" He smirked as she floundered around for an answer. "Would it perhaps have anything to do with your reaction to this?" He purred into her ear and this time he shifted his knee against upwards causing Hermione to let out a low moan. She looked up at him before making a rash decision to use the hold he had on her wrists as leverage to move and wrap her legs around his waist. Severus's eyes burned with desire as she shifted against him. Hermione let out a small mewl of pleasure when her hips finally met something.

"Pr-professor, p-please." She moaned into his ear and Severus groaned rolling his hips up into hers. Yes, this was highly inappropriate but he started it. Hermione tried to move her arms to wrap around his neck but Professor Snape wouldn't let up his grip.

"Miss Granger what do you think you're doing?" He asked in her ear before moving down to nip at her neck. Hermione moaned again and rolled her hips down against her Professor. Severus took in a sharp breath and moved her shirt over to sink his teeth into her shoulder.