I think I should start by saying I'm a huge BBRae shipper (they're my OTP) but I also love the dynamic between RobRae and really wanted to see more material regarding them. I'm actually just a huge Raven fan, she gets no love, man. She's such a dynamic character and whatnot... Anyways, I actually have never read a RobStar piece, I'm sure they're great too- my interest just hasn't been peaked for that pairing. I had a little trouble getting this chapter down just because I'm reading the DC Rebirth Teen Titans and Raven also has her very own Rebirth, so it kinda messes with all the old Teen Titan work in my head. BUT! The writers in the fiction have really encouraged me even though the popularity has diminished. I'm rambling. So, this is my first fan work! That's exciting (for me at least) it's probably a grammatical mess, so I'm always open to the idea of a beta. Especially since I only have a vague idea of where I'm going with this story. I only intended this to be a one-shot and then the characters wouldn't really stay down so... it's gonna be fun! It'll probably get better as I write... I had a ton of things to say but there will be time for that later. Onwards! Oh, and feel free to review and also talk, I'm always down to listen and respond to reviewers.

Disclaimer: I'm a college student, I own nothing.

This made sense, Raven told herself, it was a logical conclusion to come to based on previous events.

When they first made the bond, Richard was clingy.

It was an expected repercussion of the decision Raven made to save his life.

Though the bond was a tricky thing, it worked as an object of comfort from the trauma induced by Slade -at least- from what she could work out. It provided emotional stability to his own mind when things were going awry, so his mind coveted the connection as an extra source of security. Essentially, he knew instinctively that Raven would keep him level-headed because they have now explored each other's head, hers was a safe haven for himself.

Raven remembered those early days of non stop persistence to be near each other.

Clingy might have been an understatement. Since they were already established friends, colleagues and with the addition of Richard's obsessive mind, they had to be in physical contact with each other near constantly and if not, the experience was uncomfortable at best. It was a week of that type of sensitivity that gave way for them to flex the boundaries of the bond a lot more, allow them free range around the tower and eventually their everyday lives outside the tower again.

What with the defeat of her father being pivotal, which was an emotional upheaval for the both of them and the many experiences they already had as Titans together through the years since the bond was established. It made sense that maybe their bond had more lasting effects than she was aware of.

A particular sensitivity still existed. The brush of the others presence when they were near after time away would give her goosebumps and they would have a compulsion to linger whenever they touched a few days afterward, but it would pass. His emotions were stronger to her, they could always tell each other's locations from a sizable distance away, and if either were not being careful (mostly Richard) stray thoughts could be communicated unintentionally. The last one took a little practice on Richard's part to establish proficient control.

For her, she did not look into it anymore than absolutely needed and was glad to share such a close bond with her leader and best friend on the team. He was as courteous and always respected her mental space and she was always conscious to return the favor.

So, it should not be so surprising that Richard was kissing her breathless on the roof of some building in the middle of the night. Raven was certain she should be blaming the bond and settling this matter before they delved too deeply down this path but it was hard to resist the onslaught of his lips.

His warm, kiss swollen lips pressed firmly at a delicious angle to hers.

Oh Azar he was pulling the strength from her knees.

The little sips of breath she was able to get in sounded like hiccuped mews, sounds she did not even know she could make, before he would continue his relentless assault on her mouth, his large hands cupping the flesh just underneath the curve of her bottom and baring some of her weight.

Just with his hands. He was so strong and… sturdy, solid. She was losing all sense when she should have been grasping onto it like she was the fabric of his uniform.

Then, she felt the brush of his wet tongue against her bottom lip and she full on gasped before she was tasting him, mewling, melting with the heat of such intimate contact. He was making these appreciative noises, hmm'ing, the sucking noise of their wet lips parting was practically lewd. Him, groaning when he bit her same bottom lip, pressing their bodies closer, curving his body into hers like a question mark and she was the answer to his everything. Her hands and fingernails were scraping his nape, threading upwards through his hair when he released her mouth to leave marks along the column of her throat, laving his tongue behind her ear and trailing across the shell of it.

She was trying to remember what even started this.

Oh, he confessed,

I want you, Rae.

She felt it, oh Azar, she felt it. Still, it doesn't mean she could continue letting him believe that his feelings were of his own doing. It was the bond, a compulsion of the bond to remain intact.

That was all.

"Richard," her voice came out with much more air than she wanted. He seemed to not hear her by the handfuls for her backside he was now grabbing and massaging with all his fingers.

"Dick, wai-" that one was more moan than actual words before he sealed their mouths back together.

"Go on, tell me to stop Rae." He had finally pulled away, though he left no room between their bodies he rested his forehead against hers, giving her reprieve and she was left aching a little. He was running his hands down the seam of her sides, playing with the threading of her suit and she shivered, "What?" her brain was no longer working enough to put together his sentence, why did he stop kissing her again?

"Tell me to stop. Tell me this isn't what you want, that I don't want this. That this," he carded his hand through her hair tugging her head back, arching her neck and pressing a kiss to the crook of it, "-isn't real and you can convince yourself it hasn't happened. Tell me, so I can tell you that you're wrong and finish what we started."

"Richard, we cannot do this. For so many reasons. Primarily being who we are… It won't work." She was panicking, fingers glowing subtly as if to prove her point

"You're impossible," him shaking his head and she felt that way looking into his maskless eyes the shade of clear skies and cotton candy. Her eyes caressed his face is a way her hands itched to.

"I can't do this, not with you."

"Then who? Any one of the other Titans? Garfield, Garth, Wally, Roy, Jason? Every man that looks at you on the street or on the cover of a magazine? The men that think they can have you? I know you want this, at least you crave this- physically- we're grown ups, Rae. Let me have you,"

The next kiss seemed hotter, wetter, it shot electricity down to her toes, it was hungry, possessive, insatiable.

"Let me have you" he rumbled against her lips, hands gripping her hips pulling her in until there was absolutely nothing left but the material of their clothing. She was so tempted, his lust was fueling her own, their hips were so close together and he had started a rhythm, pressing into the place she was burning.

Raven was used to temptation, it was part of who she was, she was made for this seduction and as she grew she was hard pressed not to let it dominate her. As an aspect it was tolerable, her sexuality being so latent was easy to adapt to despite living with three, now, grown men. Sex was easy because it satisfied a darker urge, it did not go against the inclinations of her demon side, rather it was promoted by her inner mechanics of both sides, fully.

The idea of sex with Richard Grayson was different. There were softer feelings involved and she had seen him at work, she knew him better than any of his previous lovers. She had been in his head and she knew that he didn't, couldn't, want this for them.

Filled with new found conviction, she found her palms pressing into his solid chest, smoothing them down his chest and abdomen, lingering, before breaking their contact, putting distance between them and taking a whole step back. Her hips were branded where his hands had been and she shivered.

His face was stone, his jaw hardened to diamond and his lips were pressed tight together before he shook his head and looked away from her.

"Rich-Robin-" he flinched at the professional distance, even though they both knew he was Nightwing now, she reverted to a time when they were both just kids, "I know we share a closeness, we have been there for eachother when we were at our lowest but to invent feelings between us… We cannot. We will not. You have more control than this, not to mention I know the women you leave behind, Boy Wonder. I will not be a part of that."

"Don't bring this up like you have no idea where it comes from Raven! You're an empath. You've always known how I felt about you, I've always respected your space, even when I ached for you. Remember after you entered my head? My feelings came first and then I couldn't help touching you after we became closer. It might've been a compulsion then and you convinced me to lay off but not anymore. Christ, you're in my city after years, you know I could feel you when you arrived? All we've had has been phone calls and messages and you're here in front of me and I feel like I'm confessing on top of the T Tower all over again, only you can't tell me what I feel doesn't exist."

"It doesn-"

"Dammit," And he was closing in again.

Her knees were still weak and at his approach she didn't think she could resist him again.


Batman to the rescue.

He narrowed his eyes at her before responding to his mentor,


"I need you and Raven at the Batcave. We're calling it a night."

"I hear you."

It was silence before Raven turned and started to summon her portal.

"I can handle myself… I need a moment." Raven looked over her shoulder to see him already walking away from her, "Wait-"

"We'll finish this later, I'm not done with you. I just need..." And he was off the building.

With a deep sigh, Raven wondered how this all got so complicated.

See what I mean, the characters just kept slipping from me this whole chapter.

They really should have resolved this issue in this chapter because it's gonna get rough form here! If you can imagine me chuckling maniacally, please do.

Feel free to let me know what you think, and in particular- Did the making out translate well? Was it hot? First time writing something like that, thought I could hear from someone on how it flows.
