This is a Harry Potter AU. What if Harry Potter is a muggleborn instead of a Half-blood. What if James and Lily Potter are muggles. In this fic there is no wizarding family named Potter in the magical world. In this fic Frank Longbottom is Prongs in Marauders and Alice Longbottom Nee Scott is muggleborn. Neville Longbottom is the BWL and Half-blood. In this fic, Neville Longbottom is the only boy that fits the prophecy. When Voldemort attacks the longbottoms, Frank is killed and Alice sacrifices herself to save Neville. Because of the protection, the Killing curse is reflected and defeats Voldemort. Since Alice is an orphan in muggle world and has no relatives, Albus allows Augusta to take over the guardianship of the boy. Since there is no purpose for Sirius to be sent to Azkaban, Albus helps in getting him a trial and capturing Wormtail. So in this fic, Sirius is free while Peter is in Azkaban. Sirius doesn't want to marry and have children but at the same time he doesn't want the Black lordship and fortune to go to Malfoy. So he blood adopts Neville and makes him heir apparent to both Longbottom and Black lordships. Augusta and Sirius are so proud of Neville that they spoils him rotten by giving him whatever he asks. So what we will have in this fic is a spoiled and full of himself BWL, Neville.

Coming to Harry Potter life, Petunia doesn't hate Lily because of her magic but because of her beauty and her success. Lily is a famous pediatrician and has her own practice. James on other hand is a famous crime novelist. Petunia is a housewife and Vernon works in Drills Company named Grunning. While they are leaving comfortably with their son Dudley, they are not as successful or as famous as James and Lily which is the cause of their jealousy and hate.

Vernon's parents died in a car crash. James and Lily's parents are killed by death eaters though James and Lily do not know that. The official reason for their demise is because of fire accident that happened in a mall when James and Lily parents are visiting it. But the real reason is death eaters let loose a fiendfyre curse in the shop. But only wizards know that since all the muggles who saw it got their memories wiped.

While Harry's parents are rich and they live in a vast loft, they never spoiled Harry. Because of which Harry grew up to be a polite and good kid. He is very smart and loves to read and analyze things. He is very perceptive for his age. He knows how to get things done as he is very resourceful and cunning. He is also magically very powerful. At the age of two he made all of his toys fly around himself in the air. When his parents saw it they were shocked. Though they didn't understand how he did it, they understood that there is something very special about their son. They were also afraid what will happen if he does it in front of strangers. But to their relief, they were able to make him understand that he should not show his talents in front of strangers by telling that they will steal it from him if they saw him playing with it.

By the age of five he was able to control his magic consciously which was unheard of for a boy his age. Harry started experimenting with his newfound talent in privacy of his home. Since Lily and James doesn't have many friends and their only relatives hate them, Harry has lot of privacy to experiment with his magic. By the time harry received his Hogwarts letter, he was able to move things around, banish things, summon things, create fire, extinguish it, create water, turn water to ice and vice versa, control air to some degree so that he can hover 2 feet above air and also walk on it for some time. But to be able to do this things, harry needed lots of focus and concentration. To achieve this level of concentration, Harry took up meditation and martial arts.

Harry unknowingly became a proficient in occlumens by practicing meditation. While muggles and magicals alike can organize their mind, only magicals can create shields to protect their mind. Since Harry wanted to understand his power, he saw lot of fantasy and sci-fi movies. When he watched how the professor in X-Men can access others thoughts, Harry wanted to protect his thoughts from others who can similarly access his thoughts. This lead to harry creating walls, traps and password activated doors. Traps include wild animals to bombs. The more Harry started getting control over his mind, he started being aware of the emotions of other peoples. While he was not able to access their thoughts, he was able to estimate the mood of the other person in that area. Because of his occlumency, he was able to access more part of his brain. While he was already intelligent, because of occlumency he became much sharper mentally. His memorization and memory recall power also increased.

When Harry started to control his magic and mind, he became aware of his magical core. Every magical that is born has a magical core, even squibs. New born magical has roughly 20% of his magical core filled with magic whereas squibs has none or negligible amount of magic in their cores. Magic is like a muscle. The more you use it, the more it grows. Average magical has their magical core filled 50%-60% by the time they die. Aurors like Moody, Rufus has their magical core filled 65%-75%. Sorcerers like Voldemort and Albus has their core filled up to 80%-90%. At present, Albus has 88% of his core filled whereas Voldemort core is filled to 90%. This coupled with their experience, skill and vast magical knowledge make them equals in magical duel. The person who is aware of their magical core are able to practically visualize how the magic flows through their body. They can then use their magical core to open more pathways throughout their body so that they can increase the ease with which they can access their magic which helps in duels and when you are ambushed. When Harry was able to see his core, he saw the way the magic flows through his body. He wanted his magic to flow to his brain to increase the power of his shield. But he understood soon that it will be a slow process. One shouldn't push your magic through new pathways, it will cause pain. One should guide it to the pathway he/she wanted it to flow through, which generally takes time. It took Harry nearly 6 months to form a pathway to his brain. But in the process he opened up several pathways. His magic made his shield stronger and also increased his mind capacity.

While Harry was improving his abilities, his parents are both proud of him and fascinated by his magic. This did not change the way they treated him either, they loved him and didn't fear to punish him if he did something wrong which is rare. They were afraid though of what might happen if he shows his abilities to some stranger. But they were reassured by the control Harry was able to implement on his talents since Harry never used his abilities even when he is angered. Harry has never had any trouble with bullies because he is well built and very proficient in martial arts. Coming to extra-curricular activities, Harry is very good in Cricket. He is in the school team and won many matches for his team which made him popular. While he has many friends, he is not particularly close with any of them. In a way of speaking, his best friend would be his magic.

Coming to Neville Longbottom childhood, fame that came with being a BWL, receiving attention, gifts and praises from the wizarding world and getting spoiled by Sirius and Augusta went to Neville's head. He became a spoiled and attention seeking brat. Albus finds a ritual to remove the soul of Voldemort from Neville scar and destroy it. It was performed when Neville was 7 which was successful but also knocked him out for a week. Once that was done, Albus wanted to groom the boy to be able to defeat Voldemort when the time comes. To accomplish that Albus takes him as an apprentice and started training him at an age of 8. Ministry gives permission to Neville to buy a wand prematurely because he is BWL and also first apprentice of Dumbledore.

Neville learns lot of offensive and defensive spells from Albus. While he wasn't able to understand the theory, he was good in spell casting. Because of this he became very good in casting charms, offensive and defensive spells. He is very good at herbology and has a very large greenhouse. But he was poor in transfiguration and potions because of his lacking in theory. By the time his Hogwarts letter arrived, he knows a large variety of spells, hexes, jinxes, curses and counter-curses but he was very lacking when it comes to magical theory. Because of his spell knowledge, everyone was under the assumption that he is some sort of prodigy. What everyone choose to ignore was that he started training 3 years earlier than all the other kids and he was taught by Albus. Another point is his ignorance or lack of understanding of magical theory, how the magic works and flows through one's body, mental discipline and focus etc. Anyone can cast spells with some practice. But if you understand the way magic is working behind each spell, it becomes much easier to cast it. The one who understands the working of magic behind a spell can instinctively cast it without much preparation, modify it and control the power level behind it to suit ones needs.

So we have Neville on one hand who has good knowledge of variety of spells but lacks in magical theory and also a spoiled git. On the other hand we have Harry who has full control on his magic and mind and is also sharp, smart, intelligent and polite boy. They both are 11 years at present and going to embark on the journey to Hogwarts in a few months though one knows about it already and the other is going to find out soon.