Remus' POV

He was here again. I was starting to think of this bed as his own. He was here that often. No one knew what had happened this time. He was just found near the dungeons, blood pouring from wounds they couldn't see at first. I had cried the first few days. Oh how I had cried. But I was silent now. I don't think I have any tears left. And still he sleeps.

At first I thought he had woken up after the first two days. I was sure his heartbeat changed. Like he was awake. So did his breathing. Then after a few minutes it changed back and he was sleeping again. I had sighed as I sat back down in the chair. That was about a week ago. And I'm still here. And so is he. I took his too frail hand and held onto it. I was scared. Merlin I was so scared. We were at school. Children did this. Granted, those children were raised by death eaters but still. They were children. They had hurt my mate. My sweet, beautiful, kind mate. I kissed his forehead as I smoothed his lank hair back.

I slumped back in my chair and fell into a fitful sleep, dreaming of him and his bright eyes and the smile that was reserved only for me. The way it lit up the room. Suddenly, the dream changed and it was terrible. It was the slytherin common room and they were all laughing and jeering. Regulus was standing on a table shouting that he had done it. I shifted in my sleep towards Sirius, anxious to protect him even in my dreams. Just as I was about to hear what Regulus had done, I heard a moan and my eyes shot open.

It was dark and I was panting. Still trying to calm myself down from the nightmare. I shifted again and frantically looked around me. Then my eyes landed on his eyes. Open and looking at me. Oh merlin.

'Siri' I whispered softly.

He smiled but I could see it was strained. I knew he was in pain. He was physically hurt yes, hence the hospital wing, but he also had not fed from me in a while. Every time I offered him, he would turn away, with a great deal of effort and refuse. Almost like he felt he couldn't. I just wish he would. Doesn't he know I enjoy it too. I hadn't been close to him in so long. Feed, damn you. Stubborn vampire.

'Hello darling,' he whispered softly while stroking my cheek.