History in the Making- Chapter 6

"So, Master Sergeant, where are you taking me now?" Enjoying the warmth of Wyatt's hand clasped in her own, Lucy playfully asked.

Still entranced by Lucy's touch on his lower back, but even more captivated by Lucy's awe during the play, Wyatt was slow to answer the question. Wyatt loved watching Lucy's eyes light up when the boy playing Abraham Lincoln perfectly recited the beginning of Lincoln's Gettysburg address. Wyatt remembered Lucy whispering the same words of "Fourscore and seven years ago" with the boy. She looked beautiful and her touch sends shivers down his body every time. It scared him how much Lucy's touch, words, and actions could make him feel like putty. He adored, dare say, loved Lucy.

"Wyatt, where are we going?" Lucy asked again.

Smiling, Wyatt said nervously, trying hard not to step on his words. "We are going to one of my favorite spots at the museum. It's where I go to think and I would even say, it's a little romantic. I hope you like it."

Lucy smiled at Wyatt's stumbling over his words. It was nice to seem him nervous and not his usual military composure. Lucy loved that she could make him feel that way. "It sounds perfect."

Leaving the theater, Wyatt began to guide Lucy onto a soft grass and dandelions covered path of the museum. "Did you like the play?"

"Yes, I did," Lucy answered quickly. "The children were so talented. The little boy dressed like President Lincoln was my favorite. I love his recitation of President Lincoln's Gettysburg Address!"

"He was definitely a crowd pleaser for sure. A little short, but the hat helped a lot." Lucy couldn't hide her laughter at Wyatt's attempt at humor. "Wow, that wasn't even that funny."

"You're right. I was just imagining you in a tall Lincoln hat. You would look so..."

"So handsome. So brilliant. So"

"So ridiculous!" Lucy bursted out laughing, and to her surprise, Wyatt laughed too.

"You are absolutely right. But, for the record, I am irresistible in a fedora."

"Yes, how could I forget?" Bitting her lip, Lucy teased thinking back to 1934. "Your not too bad in a three piece suit either."

"Why thank you ma'am," Wyatt said in his best Texan accent, completed with a sexy wink.

Lucy just rolled her eyes as they continued to walk towards their destination. "I still can't believe it has been years since I have been here," Lucy couldn't take in the scenery fast enough. There were Hornbeam trees on her right and white flowers blooming in magnolia trees. It reminded her of spending time in central park with her sister when they were young girls. "It's beautiful here."

"You are beautiful," Wyatt said tucking a piece of Lucy's hair behind her ear. "Thank you for being here with me today."

"Thanks for inviting me. I'm just sorry we didn't get to talk to Ramon before we left. I wanted to thank him again."

Wyatt thought back to seeing Ramon surrounded by a large crowd of parents as they left the theater. As usual, he was talking up a storm and gesturing with his hands. "I will be sure and tell him that you said thank you the next time I see him."

"That would be great, thank you." Lucy smiled and snuggled under Wyatt's arm, wrapping it around her shoulders like a warm winter scarf. "Ramon seems like a real character. How long have you known him?"

"I guess I've known him for about a year now. He's an old fashioned romantic and completely into Frank Sinatra. I think he is on a personal mission to help me find a nice girl and settle down.

"I tried not to laugh too hard when he mentioned that you sneak out at all hours of the night. What occupation does he think you are in?"

"I told him I am in private security, but I'm not sure if he really believes it."

"What makes you think that?" Lucy questioned with concern.

"The night we came home from 1865, I was probably in the worst physical shape I have ever been in after any mission."

"I remember." Lucy recalled the very scary evening vividly. "I didn't think we were going to be able to get you out of the lifeboat fast enough."

Trying not to be vulnerable, Wyatt continued, "Anyway, before I left Mason Industries for the night, I was given a shot of antibiotics and a couple of painkillers and put into a cab at my request."

"They let you leave in a cab?" The look on Lucy's face was nothing less than horrified. "Why does that not surprise me?"

"The cab is not the point here Lucy." Wyatt joked and cracked a smile before he continued his story. "After the cab dropped me at the front door, I had to climb two flights of stairs to my apartment because the elevator was broken. I just remember hanging onto the hand rail and willing myself to take one step at a time. I told myself that if I could make it into my apartment before I threw up in the hallway, that would be a win."

"Please tell me that Ramon did not see you?"

"Not only did Ramon see me dragging my ass up the stairs, but he helped me inside. I am grateful that he was there, because I barely made it inside the door before my head was in the toilet. He never asked what had happened or what I needed, he just handed me a glass of water and helped me take my jacket off. The look on his face at seeing my bandaged, black and blue chest is not something I will forget anytime soon.

"Wyatt I have to ask? Were you still wearing the civil war uniform?" Lucy questioned.

"Well that's the truly funny part," Wyatt continued. "Ramon came into my apartment the next morning carrying a six pack of sports drinks and a bottle of aspirin. He thought I went to costume party and had a little too much fun."

"Don't we all just have a little too much fun at costume parties." Lucy joked, recognizing Wyatt's very personal, yet honest recollection.

Laughing, Wyatt joked back. "Yeah, I bet the history department has the wildest ones.

"Very funny," Lucy said before continuing to probe Wyatt for more personal information. "So If Ramon doesn't believe that you are in private security, what does he think that you do?"

Wyatt inhaled deeply before responding, not sure if Lucy was going to appreciate this answer. "Male Escort."

Before Lucy could respond, Wyatt said, "Lucy, here we are."

Standing before them in the grass was a red roof gazebo. Lucy could see the sun peaking through the white columns as it poured over the city. Next to the gazebo was a grand American elm. Butterflies flew among the elm's many branches. Laying in the center of the gazebo was a red checkerboard picnic blanket with a large picnic basket on top of it.

"Wyatt, this is beautiful."

"I thought you would like it."

Lucy smiled sitting on the edge of the gazebo, watching him unpack the picnic basket one item at a time. There were two sandwiches, each wrapped in a cloth napkin, two recyclable water bottles, a small basket of strawberries, two clear wine glasses and a bottle of wine. Picking up the bottle, Lucy inspected the label. "Wyatt, this is a vintage bottle of Merlot? I guess I figured you for more of a scotch man."

"Not today," Wyatt laughed as started to pour her a glass. "Today is a special occasion."

Lucy took the glass from Wyatt and waited for what he would do next. Raising his glass to her he said, "To the team of Lucy and Wyatt."

"To Lucy and Wyatt," Lucy repeated when the crystal glasses touched with a soft clink.

Wyatt then brought the glass to his lips and began to take a big drink, when he heard Lucy add. "And to not getting killed by Garcia Flynn."

That last part of Lucy's toast was completely unexpected and as a result, Wyatt began to choke on the dark liquid.

Lucy immediately responded and was at Wyatt's side instantly. "I am so sorry Wyatt." She couldn't see his face as he had his head down, but the strong coughs gave her pause. "Are you ok?"

Answering through soft wheezes, Wyatt tried desperately to catch his breath. "I'm fine. It's just my pride that is wounded."

"Um, it looks like more than your pride is wounded," Lucy reported, pointing at Wyatt's shirt that was now bloodstained with wine. "I'll get some water for that." Lucy's voice was much calmer as she reached over and lovingly ran her fingers down the stubble on his cheek.

Wyatt leaned into her touch as the sexual tension began to ramp up.

Lucy then opened a bottle of water and poured it onto the napkin. "This might be cold."

Wyatt just nodded as Lucy opened his shirt wider without unbuttoning it further, exposing more of his skin. She gently placed one hand inside the light blue fabric while the other began to dab at the stain rhythmically. Prickly goosebumps began to form on Wyatt's cool skin as Lucy's light fingers continued to touch him so intimately. After a few dabs, Wyatt let out a sigh of frustration.

Confused, Lucy inquired what was wrong. "Is everything alright?'

"Yes," Wyatt said, looking into her eyes as he stared right back at her. After hesitating for a few seconds, he took a huge chance and admitted. "I want to feel your hands on me."

Lucy's head was spinning from the physical sensations that were currently coursing through her body. She could hear her heart beating wildly in her chest, as his words registered slowly in her mind- "I want to feel your hands on me." After gazing at each other intently for a few short moments, Lucy set the napkin aside and brought her hand up to his face and through his hair. Looking around to make sure they were still alone, Lucy positioned Wyatt's head in both of her hands and began to leave soft kisses along his face, and over his lips. Wyatt just relaxed and let Lucy have her way with him.

She then moved to the back of his neck and then softly ran her fingers over his throat. Her hands further exploring downward towards the few remaining closed buttons. Wyatt looked up at her, his intense blue eyes silently saying 'yes' as she began to unbutton his shirt slowly and methodically, one button at a time never taking her eyes off him. When she reached the last button, she slowly moved her hands under the shirt and over his strong shoulders.

Wyatt responded quickly and began kissing Lucy's neck while running his fingers up and down her bare arms. Lucy could hear him moan a little as his hands started to wander over her soft exposed skin.

Lucy couldn't take it anymore as she threw her arms around his neck and kissed him passionately. Wyatt returned the kiss, by opening his mouth further and exploring her tongue with his. The feelings inside him intensified when Lucy gently tangled her fingertips across his abdomen, exploring every ridge of his smooth midsection. She could feel him quiver when she worked her way to his upper body, gently grazing his nipple on the way to his heart.

"Lucy," Wyatt said, trying to catch his breath. "What are you doing to me?"

"I want to touch your heart."

Wyatt pulled Lucy into a tight hug, closing his arm around her tightly. "You have captured my heart."

As Lucy stood in his embrace, she rested her head on his bare chest, directly over his heart, listening to the quick beats. She closed her eyes and began to breathe in sync with Wyatt, keeping their rhythm smooth and even. "I want this moment to last forever."

"Me too," Wyatt agreed before their cell phones pinged with a message simultaneously. It was Mason Industries.

"Duty calls," Lucy said as she and Wyatt compared messages. "Let's go."

The End

A/N: Thank you so much for the favorites, follows and reviews. Your kind words and support mean so much to me! I hope you have enjoyed the final chapter of "History in the Making." ~Kiki