Disclaimer: ... do I really have to say anything more?

RainbowCelin: I cried. I teared up so much writing the ending.

ponystoriesandothers: Just the epilogue left, and then we're done... until the sequel, of course!


That One Cute Kitty: The next chapter helps set the scene for when I'll drop everyone into the sequel. After all... we aren't done with our favorite demon just yet.

StoriesUnleashed: Some people seem to avoid it, as most don't really like the idea of throwing an OC into their favorite show, but I wanted to do something different. I wanted to make it real, and to give more depth to the characters that wasn't shown on TV. Her relationships with the Pines, her friends, and Bill especially were all something I loved to develop. Thanks for helping me with season 2, reading over my chapters before I posted them, and helping come up with ideas that I never would have thought of.

DannyPhantom618: Whether or not this mimics the series too much depends on how you looked at it, and honestly, I'm fine with your opinion. It's just the way I happened to write it, and I'm happy with it. As for the sequel... I'll say there's flaming birds, if that means anything. Flaming birds, and Mabel may or may not be an acting mother for stolen eggs.

Sixer: Actually, StoriesUnleashed topped you in the longest review for the chapter. You're number 2. Elaine (Angel is just Bill's nickname for her) and Dipper will have more growth in the sequel, but how is yet to be figured out. Thanks. Good luck to you too.

ultima-owner: Thank you! It's been a joy to write it!

Guest: Thanks!

Hourglass Cipher: I cried. I went to bed last night in tears having finished this. I've finished... so many stories already, but this one... it's special. Because it was the first one I ever wrote, because of how dedicated I was to finishing it... and because of the readers, While it was at first just for me, to test my writing skills, I love how each and every one of you grew to love this story I had built.

13ForLife: Thanks. I cried too.

KingOfWhispers: Thank you!

Luckygurrl12: Well, it's an epilogue. It's not going to be huge. Like the prologue for this was less than 1000 words. This just picks up where that left off. The sequel will be a joy to write, since this story took place through almost 2 years of schooling, the next might almost carry me through a good chunk of university.

OfLifeDeathAndAllBetween: Do you need a tissue for your issue?

AshuriIncarnate: It was emotional, that's for sure. I cried, not only because it's the last main chapter (the epilogue didn't invoke as many tears as that did), but because of how important that final moment was. I cried when I first watched the episode, and I cried writing the farewell too.

Cynder Terror of Skies: I wouldn't say it's so well written. I've been going back again and again fixing season one. Heck, even once this story's all over, I'll continue editing it until the sequel starts. Hope you don't me asking, but what's your story idea? GFA will pick up again in May/June, giving me enough time to do other things before picking up where we left off.

PorousBubbles: I'm editing most of season one, editing several stories before I start their sequels, and redoing an entire story altogether since I saw that there was much room for improvement. It helps me work on my skills as a writer to be able to pick up on these things. I'm not looking to be an expert, but I do/want to take the time to correct mistakes. There's still a lot I need to learn. That's why I'm doing the revising myself once school ends next week unless I can find a beta to give me a hand.

Remember, the first part of the chapter is just like the prologue. It's all Elaine's thoughts on a laptop since Mabel hid her pens... repeatedly. So in this case, like the prologue, it's a mix of present and past tense because it's her thoughts. Her reflections.



Edited: Sept. 14/19

Life always seemed to surprise me. Whether that came from a bad mark when you know for a fact you studied your heart out, going out to all of the different regional parks in the area where your best friend insists a werewolf lives out there and brings along his mom's silver jewelry, or just trying to get by after the traumatizing events of the summer, it always seemed to get the best of me.

Dipper and Mabel had gotten into a semi-normal sleeping habit, and while Mabel had to visit my therapist once to deal with the guilt she felt about giving the rift to Bill, the two were almost back to normal. Same went with Stan and Ford.

A few weeks after we arrived back in Piedmont, Ford had Stan send us a package that held a walkie-talkie that he reprogrammed to reach their location. The signal was amplified to reach them all the way in the Arctic, and anywhere else in the world they could end up. I've lost count of the times where the three of us would bunker down in my room and just chat endlessly with them, about how we were doing in school, and how they were doing in their monster hunt. Sea Grunks, I called them. Stan just started laughing at that, while Ford just seemed confused.

Alex and Dana Pines were very friendly, although they certainly were shocked when we arrived with Waddles in tow. Alex seemed to love the pig on sight, while his wife was more hesitant. Alex, just like the twins, had brown hair and eyes. Dana, unlike the rest of them, had auburn hair, and brown eyes that had flecks of green in them. Though, those silly strands of hair that Mabel had sticking up on top of her head obviously came from Dana. Dipper got the logical and calm traits from her, while Mabel took after their father.

They were an odd bunch, but I've felt so welcoming into their house. Dana had hugged her children the moment we got off the bus, and once she saw me, shy and limping in the back, she went to hug me too. They never questioned why Stan insisted on therapy for me. From what the elder Pines' had said, all he told them was that I was an orphan that he took under his care for the summer, and that I had went through something that had haunted me during the last week.

He didn't say what, and I respected him for that. Besides, it was for the best. They didn't know anything about the supernatural of the town, or the fact Ford (or Stanley, in this case) was even still alive.

Shermy Pines I ended up meeting a month into my stay, and I was quick to listen to the stories he had about his distant brother, and the few memories he had of Ford before Stan took over his life. His hair wasn't as graying as the twins, but he had a few streaks in there. A set of thin-framed black glasses, and a facial structure that reminded me of an older Dipper. I mean, there was no way Dipper and Mabel got their looks from Stan or Ford. I don't even know much about Dana's side of the family, but if I am to find out, I won't pressure her or anything. Shermy was, from what I've learned, the only other Pines family member they really spoke to outside themselves.

When Shermy spoke of Stan, who he and everyone else thought perished in a car crash, he didn't seem to hold any hate towards him. He was more rational than his older brothers, and understood how brash his parents acted when they kicked him out that night. Perhaps it might have had to do with the fact he was only a baby, a toddler at most when it happened.

I had also refused to allow the Pines to adopt me, despite their insistence. I loved Dipper and Mabel, I did. But... it felt... weird, to let these two strangers become my parents. Plus... there was still the remainder of what crush Dipper had on me.

Yeah... no.

Then, there was the matter of the therapy I had spoken about in my previous entries.

Mrs. Bolivar, a tall, beautiful woman with tanned skin and dark mocha colored hair, was a very kind and patient woman. Always wearing a flowered patterned blouse and a long pencil skirt, she would sit across from me with her notepad to document everything we would discuss. At first, our talks were about getting to know each other, and slowly descended into what I had gone through. I-I couldn't say exactly what, but... I did eventually speak about the assault. How times were pleasant and memorable, and then... what happened at the end, when he lost his mind for such a brief moment to attack me. She showed concern, and she should. I was young, and no one should have had to have gone through what I went through. As I mentioned at the start of my tale, she was the one to suggest using my laptop to write. To avoid using my journal, as it held far too many emotions. Though many of them were good, the few ones at the end before I stopped writing... those I would rather leave forgotten.

She even suggested... that at the end of the school year... maybe I should return to Gravity Falls. Not just to see my friends again, but for... closure. To heal my wounds, and to, as she called it, 'to lay my demons to rest'.

How ironic, huh?

But... that's that. My time documenting everything I've been through all summer is over, and now I can finally rest. As much as this was good for my health, it was also good for theirs too. Dipper and Mabel loved seeing how much emotion, thought, and care I put into this just as much as I would in my normal journal.

I-it felt... nice, to finally write it out. I had cried, screamed, and expressed so many emotions while doing it. Every feeling that I had towards the demon just spilled out as I reflected on what he had done to me, and it felt... like a weight was lifted off my shoulders. I might have just been numbing myself to the pain, but... but this was a huge start to recovery. To fixing what had happened to me; to fixing my wrongs.

Thanks, online journal. Hope this twisted, random, and emotional spiel wasn't too horrible to hold.

And, to you, dear imaginary reader. While I highly doubt I'll ever do anything more with this mash of disturbing events documenting my downward spiral into madness and forgiveness, I hope this may encourage you to have your own journey. Not make the same mistakes as myself, but forge your own memories. Your own adventure. After all, it's out there, somewhere waiting for you. All you need to do is go and find it.

And if anybody gets in your way... go try and find Ford's third journal. He had an entire section on curses. Go nuts.

This is Elaine Milton, Gravity Falls' fallen angel, signing off for the last time.

Gravity's Fallen Angel; the story, my story of my time in the weird and abnormal town of Gravity Falls... had finally reached its end. And... that's that. Closing the laptop with a sigh, I picked it up and began to walk back to my room from the living room. Everyone had gone to bed by now, but I felt more comfortable to wrap it up on the couch, with a glass of chocolate milk and a bag of marshmallows. With the black machine tucked under my arms, I paused in front of the twins' shared bedroom.

"Heh..." carefully juggling the laptop, I cracked open their door to look inside. Dipper on the left, and Mabel on the right. Just like the Shack. Dipper had an open mystery novel over his chest, half-under his covers and drooling onto his pillow. Mabel was hugging Waddles, the pig occasionally letting out a small sleepy oink. "Night, dorks." Quietly closing it, I continued down the darkened hallway.

I'd never know why I was brought there. I'd never return home. I was... okay with that. Every now and then, part of me yearned for the warm and comforting hold of my parents, and Gail's smiling and teasing face. But then... Mabel's face comes to mind, braces flashing in the light. Dipper's logic and being able to be there to listen to my problems. Stan and Ford ready to help me, and able to relate to my situation in a way that my friends never could.

I wouldn't leave either set of twins for anything.

Time for bed. Stopping in front of the final door in the hall of the one story house, I opened it up... and blanched. My window above my desk, covered in school work and sheets of paper filled with materials I would later add to my journal, was open, letting moonlight stream in past the billowing curtains in the breeze.

Though, if that was the only thing I saw, I probably would've been okay. The fact my necklace, the angel wings necklace I remember vividly leaving on Bill's statue back in Gravity Falls lying in the middle of my room was not okay. I had wrapped the chain around his stone cold hand, making sure that nothing would let it slide off, at least, nothing in regards to nature. But who would have been stupid enough to shake his hand?

I drifted across the floor, eyes not leaving the jewelry as I deposited my laptop on my bed. That stupid nickname that the demon had given to me was all because of that small item, and the symbol was carried on with me wherever I brought my journal. Memories, both good and bad, resided inside it. Almost... like it's as cursed as the journals themselves. Kneeling down, I cautiously reached out to pick it up. It's... warm, I noted. "Wh-what? Why is it... warm...?" I looked up to the window, still holding the stainless steel chain. He was still asleep. I might have not much knowledge of how demons worked, but there was no way he should have been able to wake up so soon. Heck, he shouldn't have even been able to leave Gravity Falls in the first place.

"So... how did this get here?" I paused, before getting to my feet and setting the necklace on my desk. Moving my laptop and resting it beside the new item, I reached into one of the drawers and pulled out a small glass shaker.

Salt. "Just... to be safe." Though, I highly doubt a dream demon would be affected by such an attempt. I closed the window, letting the fluttering curtains settle just as I began to sprinkle the shaker along the edge. Satisfied, I then moved to my bed and outlined around it. I may just be paranoid, but still... better safe than sorry. Putting the shaker on the bedside table, I finally crawled into bed and put my glasses away. Might wanna invest in a few dream catchers... but I'm pretty sure I read somewhere that all those do is tickle him.

Alex had also asked why I didn't get them fixed; my glasses, I mean. After having spotted the large crack in the glass, he asked me the question during breakfast one day. I only responded with it reminded me of someone close to me. Dipper and Mabel smiled knowingly at my vague answer, but while it appeared Alex still wanted to know more, he left it be.

"This... doesn't make sense though," I murmured, nuzzling the side of my head into the pillow. "If Bill's still stuck in Gravity Falls, at least... his physical form, then... how did that get here?" My adventure... it wasn't over, was it? Not by a long shot, Elaine, I mentally answered myself, finally closing my eyes. This world's not done with you yet... dang it.

3rd POV

He watched, arms crossed behind his back as she finally fell asleep with her mind clouded with concern. Though, he supposed that was a given. Having something that should have remained with his physical form in that hick town appear without warning would've scared her no matter what. Just the fact she had it bound around his hand made him... more than a little happy.

The swirling void of pink clouds in a sparkling cyan sky filled with stars was peaceful, and quiet. Nothing like his home for the past trillion years. This place had only enough rules to keep it from collapsing like the Nightmare Realm, yet shifted and changed just as much. Its ruler enjoyed change, that was a fact.

Grumbling, he sat in the yellow beanbag chair that was summoned for him, eye downcast. This void was connected to all dimensions, just like his was. A space in between all worlds, but nearly impossible to access unlike the crawlspace home to gruesome and malevolent beasts and demons.

"Hmmm." A dreamy voice broke the silence with a hum, and the triangle lifted his eye to meet the towering salamander moving through space above him. Its fins, three on each side of its head, moved as it breathed in the cosmic air, watching him with beady black eyes. The long tail curled in and out, feeling all around it to sense for anything else that was coming close. But what else would there be? In this never-ending void, it was just them. Just the demon who was beaten at his own game, and him.

"Well, what're you waiting for?" Bill snapped, glowering up at him. "Got something else you need to say, big frilly?" He was the slightest bit thankful that the frilly moved the gift back to her, per his request. It's not like he had any need for it. It was Angel's, and he was gonna keep it with her, no matter what. Angel... she didn't like that name for her anymore. By his calling, anyways.

The Axolotl quietly laughed, shaking his head as he moved closer. "You know what, Cipher. You invoked my name." The frills spread out, and orange-yellow energy crackled around them. "You know why." If the big amphibian thought he was impressing him with the light show, or trying to intimidate him, it wasn't working. Bill was never scared of the big frilly, but the few times he had met him were... less than memorable.

The Axolotl had begun to circle around the demon, eyes not leaving the triangle. "Sixty degrees that come in threes. Watches from within birch trees." Ah, that verse. As if I haven't heard that a million times before."Saw his own dimension burn. Misses home and can't return. Says he's happy... he's a liar." He didn't lie. He just danced around the truth. Sixer and Pine Tree were recent examples of that method. The only being that had known the truth, or at least part of it was... Angel. And even then, that was because she somehow finally got him to confess. Why though? Why did he just... spill everything, and... cry?

The Axolotl watched as the yellow of the demon flashed orange in warning, daring him to test his patience again, but he didn't let it bother him. There, the demon was powerless. No one could beat the Axolotl because he was the Axolotl. He was everything, and saw everything, and would be everything. How I'd love to rip that high-and-mighty look off his slimy face and shove it down his throat.

"Blame the arson for the fire. If he wants to shirk the blame. He'll have to invoke my name. One way to absolve his crime. A different form, a different time. That is what I had said to you the last time we had crossed paths, was it not?" Yeah, and every. Single. Time before that.

"So you know my life story. Big whoop." He rubbed his eyelid tiredly, before finally letting himself meet the lizard's eyes. "Alright, fine. Let's start this deal of ours." Just you wait, Angel. This is just a minor setback in my plans. Next time, I'll handle that power better, and I will prove that to you. Those kids won't keep you safe forever. And when that time comes when I get my strength back... "I won't let you get hurt again."

I have so many people I'd like to thank. StoriesUnleashed for helping proof-read most of season 2 and generating ideas that I haven't thought of, the core of justice for letting me use Axel and Asger, RillFipher for letting me use Kat... and you guys.

I've thanked you all before, back at the special 50th chapter, but it seems right to do it again here, now that we're at the end. Even if it was a rough start, and most of my chapters aren't as great as you might have liked at the beginning and I may make mistakes that slip past me sometimes, you guys still liked this. And... I thank you. For everything.

If the story appears to have been updated for whatever reason, it is because I never took down the two notes in the middle of the story months ago. I chose to continue posting, instead of deleting and posting anew. After finding out that it is not allowed, I have gone and deleted them, leaving no more author notes in the story. No other changes have been made to the story, except that the sequel I have been speaking about is on indefinite hiatus.

Thanks for reading Gravity's Fallen Angel.
