Couples game night (Sort of)

It's been a month since that gang saw Ramona again and it was quiet and that's how they like it

"Hey Amy what are we doing for game night" Penny said

"I Don't know bestie Sheldon said we can do a Couples game night since Missy has the twins for the weekend"

"can we do it at the cheese cake factory I have not been there since forever" Penny said

"sure I will have to ask Sheldon" Amy said getting her phone and calling Sheldon

Sheldon said it was cool but you can't take his order" Amy said

Pennny rolled her eyes and said to Bille

"So Bille ae and Raj going to couple game night"

"what's couples game night?" Bille asked

"it's where Sheldon and Amy and Bernie and Howard play against you, Raj and Leonard and I" Penny said

"cool I am in what's the prize?" Bille said

"money" Penny said

"no not money penny there is no prize it is just for fun" Amy said

"I will do Anything as long as I get free drinks at the bar" Bille said

"so Bernie you coming?"

"yeah I have a baby free weekend and I lot of money freedrinks on we Cheers" Bernie said

"Cheers" they said in unison

"oh I can't drink" Penny said

"Why not?"

"ok I was gonna tell Leonard at game night but I am pregnant! Penny said

Amy Bernie and bille all screamed and hugged penny

"Oh My God that is great congrats" Bille said

"now we all besides Bille have kids" Amy said

"yay" Bernie said

"I wonder what the boys are doing" Penny said

*With the boys*

"Amy just called me she said we are having Couples game night at the cheese cake factory"

"great now we can drink while the kids are away" Howard Cheered

"you know I don't drink" Sheldon said

"fine sparkling cider for Sheldon" Howard said

"good now let's get ready to leave before the girls get worried'

"Alright but I have to get something from my office" Sheldon said

"Alright just call me when you need a ride"

"oh that's ok I will drive"

"wait you have a drivers license and you let me and Amy drive you everywhere" Leonard said

"well first Am knows and second you like to drive me everywhere"

"No I Don't your annoying as hell" leonard said

"guys can we go pick up the girls before we are late" Raj said

"Fine" leonard said

"I am a go to my office then I will meet you there"

"ok fine"

In Sheldon's office

"where are my car keys"

"looking for these

"who is that?"

"Turn on the light"

Sheldon turned on the light and Ramona was standing there on his desk with his car keys

"Ramona what are you doing here"

"I believe we didn't finish what we did in the restaurant" Ramona said closing the office door

"Ramona I am happily married and I have to go" Sheldon said trying to open the door but Ramona hand a hard grip on the door knob " but I want to say hi to my Dr cooper" "hi now let me go" Sheldon said

"not after this" Ramona said kissing him

*At the cheese cake factory*

The girls was at the cheese factory waiting for the guys when they arrived everyone except Sheldon

"Where's Sheldon?" Amy asked Leonard

"I Don't know he said he will meet us here"

"I think you should wait an hour if he does not come then we can do check on him

*Back at Caltech in Sheldon's office*

"Ramona I think we did to stop I have to get to the cheese cake factory" Sheldon said after he pulled away"

"oh but I like it here it's quiet" Ramona said

Just then Sheldon got an Idea he will trick Ramona in to thing he has to go to the bathroom take his phone call Amy and the guys and tell them to rescue him and Ramona will go to jail for kidnapping

"oh but I need to pee and you can't have any fun with me with a full bladder I think I need to use the restroom"

"well ok but hurry back I want to kiss you more"

Sheldon almost ran to the bathroom but he made it and pulled out his phone and texted Amy

Amy I was on me wat but I am in trouble Ramona kidnapped me and is keeping me here

Ok where are you?

I am at Caltech hurry she is crazy

I am on my way with my guys' love you

Love you too

"Sheldon come back out here i am worried about you" Ramona said

"coming now" Sheldon said

Sheldon walked back out and Ramona tackled him with kisses

"I missed you"

"I was just in the bathroom"

"I know but you were away for a long time what were you doing I know it does not take you that long to pee"


*At the cheese cake factory"

"guys Sheldon just texted me he is at Caltech taken hostage by Ramona"

"let's roll" Penny said with the gang right behind her

"while we are going there let's call the police" Amy said as she jumped in the car

*An hour later at Caltech*

"so Sheldon I know you say you are married and al but how about you leave Amy and the twins and come with me I could give you a Nobel peace prize and a family fame new friends what do you say" Ramona said

"no Ramona I am not leaving Amy I love her and the twins and no Noble Peace Prize will EVER change that"

"Maybe this will change your mind"

"LEAVE MY SHELLY ALSO YOU WITCH" Amy yelled storming in the office

"how did you get here?" Ramona said

"I texted her and she brought the police" Sheldon said

"Ramona Nowski you are under arrest you have the right to remain silence anything you do or say will go against you in a court of law" the police officer said as he dragged Ramona away

"Sheldon" Amy said as Sheldon jumped in Sheldon arms

"I am fine Amy you saved me"

"are you ok buddy" Leonard said

"yeah I am gonna get rid of her once and for all I am press charges for kidnapping and harassment

"good for you" Penny said

"this was a fun couples game night sort of" bille said

"yeah" Raj said

this is the last chapter but I am a make a sequel called shamy:aftermath so wait for that thanks for your reviews hope you like this
