A/N* Ta-Da! There you have the second chapter. This is the first time, I have ever written from a male character's POW, so I hope it is any good.

It had been days since that particular day and not one word had she uttered.

Not one word. Not a single word has she spoken since the day of the Jinx. Yes; this is the way I am labelling that day. Simply because this I how refer to it to my friends; even though it was not the most memorable event of that day. Memorable might not be the most suitable word; more like most mental. I have not told them about that, because it would not go well. Period!

It had not gone well for me, in fact. It had stirred a notion in me and I really did not like it. I was caught within my own head and I was finding no answers.

Naturally, my friends have asked how I got unjinxed and I merely stated that Blaise had called my name by accident in the corridor after leaving the great hall after breakfast. It would correspond well with the moment I followed Granger out and no one would question my whereabouts further; except, Blaise, himself, that is. We both knew that only he and Granger could unjinx me and that he certainly did not lift the curse. I knew I could trust Blaise, so I made sure he was present when I ran into the first group of Slytherins after being unjinxed. As I had hoped, he did not contradict my explanation and went along with it. However, I could see the wheels turning in his head, trying to figure out what had happened and why I was not telling.

Nevertheless, he did not need to know right now. He could lead the interrogation later. Right now, I needed to think; unlike what I was doing on the day of the jinx: Hearing my name, passing the lips of Hermione Granger, freeing me from the curse, had completely undone me and put me under another kind of spell, whose lips were the only cure. We had run into each other on different occasions during the day, but always with our respective groups around us. She was always suspiciously quiet whenever they had classes together; so much so that we had not actually personally heard her voice since the Jinx. I first noticed this when Snape let out after Potions (our first class together after the Jinx) and I left after the Golden Trio. As I was about to leave the room, I could hear Weasley saying "That was not fair! I don't know anything about Angel's Trumpet Draught. Hermione, can you help me? Please?"

Just as Weasley finished this plea, I reached the door and instantly locked eyes with Hermione Granger as she turned to address the ginger git. She looked taken back for a brief moment and quickly looked down at her bags, but remained silent. "Hermione?" Weasley prompted and at this she looked at him, smiled, nodded her head enthusiastically and turned and walked away. Weasley followed her without question, but Potter was looking at me with narrow eyes and had caught our exchange, so I quickly left the scene. Bloody Potter is annoying me on a new level. I do not need more questions verbal or other kinds right now. Though, it does seem like Potter does not know what happen otherwise he would have said something. Those three are always poking into each other's business, such a bunch of Gryffindor.

I had tried to cross her path alone, but unsuccessful. I did not know why I did it; what was driving me to do this? Before I could think further of the subject, I rounded a corner at the same time as the doors to the library at the other end opened noisily and stopped me in my tracks. Hermione Granger has also stopped in her tracks holding the doors open as she spotted me. This was the first time we faced each alone since the jinx.

She held my gaze as she slowly sidestepped into the library with a teasing smile on her lips as the doors closed; blocking her from view. I felt like she was luring me in somehow, but at the same time I needed to follow her.

Naturally, I did not want to be obvious about it, so I went in and casually looked around, but I never spotted her. So finally, I just found a table in the back and sat down and began reading for our next Charms class. Unsurprisingly, it did not take long before I was interrupted. Out from the corner of my eyes I could see her entering the alcove and slowly make her way to me with a book in her hands pretending to read. Next to me there was a bookshelf and as she made to put her book back, her hand gently landed on my shoulder and made its way to make neck. I lost complete interest in the book I was reading and just focused on her fingers working on my neck and hair.

Her fingers danced across my shirt from shoulder to shoulder in slow teasing patterns. As her hand began travelling upwards to my neck and play with my hair there, she came into view again, as she was about to walk away. I saw my opportunity and went for it. I grabbed her arm and pulled her close and down on to my lap. She was now sitting in my lap with my arms around her preventing her from getting up. I expected a struggle of her trying to get up, but in fact the opposite happened. She sat there completely calm and relaxed into my embrace. It only confused my further and her stare did not help. She looked at me with a piercing stare that demanded my attention. I tried to draw her even closer and slowly move my head closer to hers, but she stopped me with her hand on my chest and a silent grin. "What do you want, Gran-?" I started to say, but she silenced me with pressing her lips against mine in a burning kiss, before I could finish her name. As soon as our lips had met, the battle begun, and her fingers began to play with the hairs at the nap of my neck again. Her passion was matching mine and I found myself slowing losing control. She had the upper hand at this moment and I could not have that. So while holding her tightly I got up from the chair, earning a small squeak from her, and sat her down on the table behind her on top of my forgotten book. I was about to gently lower her down toward the table, but she gained her composure too quickly and push herself off the table again; bringing our body flush up against each other again. Then suddenly broke away from the kiss, yet still holding on top my shirt. She kept contradicting her own actions and it was frustrating me not knowing why. However, because of seer curiosity she was still luring me in. Still, I had one theory I wanted to test out.

Her eyes had yet to leave mine and thus I very slowly began to draw small linear patterns up along her spine with my fingers. I could feel her pressing up against me again and her hands fisted the fabric of my school shirt. I brought my lips dangerously close to hers and then stopped when there was only a breath between us. I suddenly wanted her to say it. I wanted to hear my name on her lips again. Now it was my turn to pierce her with my eyes as I whispered, only for her to hear: "Hermione?"

I could see the surprise register for just a second in her eyes and then it was replaced with a sincere but small smile; a way she had never looked at me before, and uttered one word "Draco".

Almost before she finished saying me name; I kissed her. This kiss was different, in the way she took my breath away. The way her tongue teased mine and the sounds she made as I mapped out her body with my hands made me go mental. She made me groan with defeat as I gave into her. However, at this moment we pulled apart. I guessed she heard the same thing as I did: steps. Someone was nearing our section and alcove. We quickly untangled ourselves from each other.

The steps were getting closer, but before I could turn away from the table she quickly grabbed my tie and kissed me again, which I returned quickly. Within a flash she had smoothed down my tie and was gone from the table. From the other direction Blaise entered the alcove.

He quickly saw the state I was in and said with a smirk, which only I could master "Granger got your tongue again, Draco?"

There was no fooling Blaise. "I don't know what you are talking about, Blaise" He knew me better than anyone, but I was not going to admit that yet "but it certainly wasn't for the last time" I finished and matched his smirk.

A/N* So what did you think? Please let me know in a comment.