A/N: We're back in Philadelphia! This was miles easier to write than the previous chapters. Something about Stars Hollow is very stifling for me when writing these two.

Working at Truncheon was completely different from working at the Yale Daily News for a number of reasons.

Matt was certainly more level headed than Doyle. And Doyle's criticism of her work had been hard to adjust to at first but it proved to be incredibly helpful by the end of her freshman year. Matt was fun though and took the time to really teach Rory about the ins and outs of how a magazine can be really similar and different from a newspaper. It was a lot more opinion based, and it was hard for Rory to adjust to giving her own opinion in some respects. It reminded her of the reviews she did for the Yale Daily News. She told Matt about the ballerina fiasco and how it made her afraid she would go too far in her writing. Matt was understanding though and gave her good advice about her obligation as an author towards those she's writing about.

"I mean here's the thing Rory, there's a difference between doing a review of someone's work and then doing an interview. A review is supposed to be an honest piece on your opinion of whatever work you're viewing. All the reviews you do should be coherent enough for consistent readers to understand your voice and the way you view art. So the ballerina's performance didn't move you-it's not on you to apologize for that even if it hurt her. It would be a little different if you did an interview with her that seemed pleasant but then you wrote a scathing article about her. Now that would seem low down and dirty. Just remember that around here."

It was helpful for Rory moving forward as she started to write more pieces for Truncheon. Matt was pretty relaxed on what he had Rory write about as time went on. He gave her some assignments and ideas but he also encouraged Rory to take some initiative and think of something on her own. She'd found some inspiration but not much...and it was beginning to worry her.

"I really need to buckle down for the zine," Rory told Jess as she paced his apartment that afternoon after returning from Stars Hollow. "I've been doing really great with some of the editing and layout stuff Matt has me doing but I really need to step it up creatively. I've got no juice!"

"Matt seems pretty happy with your work so far," Jess encouraged. "He said something about how even though you were gone all week you were super productive with the layout before you left and really helpful with copy editing remotely this past week. Says you're really reliable."

"But it's not enough! I didn't expect to get this gig so I feel like I need to blow him out of the water. What do you think? What does he want me to write about," she questioned facing Jess.

"I can't tell you that."

"Why not?"

"Because I don't know what he wants you to write. We're keeping all of that pretty separate. I haven't worked on the zine in awhile because it's Matt's thing. And we decided once he took you on that having me involved in any way would be too convoluted."



"So you're useless to me?"

"Pretty much."

"Well what am I supposed to do?" Rory asked exasperated. "We're in July and time is going fast. I need to have a good project to give him. Especially if I'm going to the beach with you next week. He's being super nice about that by the way."

"Yeah I may have begged and pleaded about that."

Rory scoffed. "Only because it benefits you too."

Jess rolls his eyes. "Well yeah. You and me in a house on the beach all week by ourselves? You in a bikini walking around? Of course I begged him to give you another week off no questions."

Rory blushed. "A bikini?"

Jess raised his eyebrow in confusion. "Why? Is that weird?"

"I just...I don't own any bikinis."

"Oh...well do you want to?"

"I don't know? Do you want me to get one?"

Jess hesitated. "No...because it doesn't seem like you want to."

"It's not that I don't," Rory defends. "I just never had one before. Even when I went to Florida for spring break I wore my usual one piece. I felt weird about getting a bikini. And I don't know why...will I look good in one-"

"Oh don't worry about that, you'd look good in one," Jess interrupts with a wink.

"You're just saying that."

"I'm not! You know by now I don't do that."

Rory frowns. "You're right. Maybe I'll see what's out there...if there's anything I like...doesn't hurt to try something new I guess."

Jess shrugs. "Only if you like it and feel comfortable in it. Won't be fun watching you run around the beach in a bikini all week if you're not feeling good in it."

Rory hums in appreciation. "You're sweet." She goes to Jess's place on the couch and straddles him, making sure he's securely between her legs. She grabs his face gently and gives him a slow kiss that makes him groan.

"You know," she whispers once she breaks their kiss, "i've been back for a couple hours now and I still haven't gotten a proper welcome or that make up sex you promised. You're a bad boyfriend." She pouts and he lets out a big laugh.

"Oh I'm a bad boyfriend?" he challenges. He grabs both of her legs and lifts her up with him off the couch, carrying her to his bedroom. "How about you teach me how to be a good one huh?" She giggles in response and kisses him fiercely as they enter his bedroom and fall on his bed together.

Rory was especially determined to be more productive than ever at Truncheon once the week started.

She got up before Jess did, forgoing their usual morning talk before they started their day. She left him a note of apology but that she would certainly try to make it up to him later that day by buying him lunch. She got to Truncheon before any of the boys, organized her desk and got to work sifting through the submissions Matt had sent her during the week but that she didn't have a chance to look through. She wanted to have solid answers for him on what pieces they should be putting in the issue by the time he walked in the door. She made a pot of coffee that would last long enough for when the boys walked in as well.

Matt arrived first and was pleasantly surprised to see Rory already deep into her work. He greeted her and asked about her time at home and if she'd been able to take a look at the submissions he sent her.

"I just looked them over again actually," Rory confirmed. "I've separated all of them into a Yes, No, and Maybe the next issue pile if you want to take a look?"

Matt grinned and went to see Rory's progress. She smiled proud of herself as she continued finishing the edits on a piece one of the freelance writer wrote.

"Hey Matt," she called out. "Can we talk this afternoon about the next issue? I'm having trouble finalizing some ideas," she asked.

"Sure! I actually wanted to talk with you too about the next issue. Let's talk before lunch," he answered. He got himself some coffee and went into his office leaving Rory alone in the main room.

Jess and Chris arrived together 30 minutes later talking and laughing together. Chris greeted Rory with a wave and a smile before going into his office and Jess greeted Rory with a kiss on the forehead.

"You were gone before I woke up this morning, you usually don't do that."

"I know, I wanted to get a head start on things since I'd been gone all last week and it's good! Shows Matt I'm committed. We're going to talk before lunch about ideas for the next issue."

"Oh so you got some inspiration?"

"Nope. Hoping that talking with Matt will help. If I know what direction he wants to go I can kind of go from there."

Jess frowned at this revelation, but pushed down his need to warn Rory by mustering up a smile and kissing her cheek. "I'm not sure whether or not that'll work but I hope you end the meeting with some good ideas. Look I've gotta go call that writer in Denver we've been trying to pin down but I'll see you for lunch ok?"

Rory nodded in confusion and watched Jess go into his own small office. She shrugged before going back to her own work.

The morning passed quickly with Rory able to finish up sending out emails to submitters who they were not going to include in the issue and all her copy edits. She'd even been able to think of a couple ideas for articles she could write for the next issue, but she was still unsure about how good they were.

It was close to 11:30 when Rory walked by Matt's office and saw that he didn't look too busy. She shyly knocked on his door and asked if she could come in.

"Sure, take a seat Ror," he waved her in.

Rory eagerly sat down and laid out her notepad with her ideas.

"Ok so I'm thinking for the next issue we had a lot of submissions that were a little more political than usual which is kind of cool. Those comics we got about the war? Maybe a story on how artists in Philadelphia are taking a political stance, especially in the birthplace of America?"

Matt nodded, thinking deeply about Rory's suggestion. "Well sure that could be a good idea. Maybe send that over to Clara she would definitely be able to make something out of that."

Rory frowned. "Oh...you want Clara to write this? I thought...I thought I was going to."

"You could but I can already tell you don't really want to."

"How can you tell?" Rory asked defensively.

"Also I wanted you to focus on a specific project for the rest of the time you're here. Remember we talked about that? Something that's all your own, featured in every zine? You've done a really great job here so far Rory and the pieces you've written have been good. I think they just lack in your distinct voice as a writer which is because you're not devoted and interested in it the way you should be."

Rory bit her lip. "What do you mean you can't tell my voice?"

Matt leaned into his desk, folding his hands. "You're a great writer and the pieces don't lack in the information but reading the few pieces you've done the tone you take is always wildly different. It's almost like you're trying to emulate someone else every time. I didn't notice it until I took a look at all your articles so far. So I want you to focus on figuring out a project that is all you and really encapsulates your voice as a writer. Does that make sense?"

Rory nodded, avoiding eye contact and fiddling with her pen. Matt noticed her discouraged countenance and sighed.

"Hey, don't worry about it. Do you have any other ideas about what that might be? I'm sure you've been thinking about it."

Rory's breath hitched and her cheeks reddened. "I...um...honestly I don't have a clue."

Matt raised his eyebrows. "Ok...well can you have an idea by the end of the week? I want this to be something substantial for the zine."

Rory nodded in agreement and quickly got up to go back to her desk. When she walked out of Matt's office she looked to see the door to Jess's open. He looked up at her from his desk and saw her conflicted expression. He mouthed, "Are you ok?" to her and she shrugged in response as she dropped her notepad on her desk and heavily sat down in her chair.

She'd have to cancel lunch. She had a lot of work to do.

A couple days later Rory had no good ideas, so she decided to pour all her productivity into finding a bikini for the beach with Ama.

She really had been planning on buying something new anyway, it had nothing to do with Jess. She'd almost forgot to grab her usual one piece when she was home in Stars Hollow but once her mother had seen her pulling it out to put in her suitcase she'd teased and made fun of her for still having that thing and daring to wear it in front of her boyfriend.

It ended up staying put on her bed.

So she walked around the liberty place shoppes with Ama trying to muster up the enthusiasm her friend seemed to have for this endeavor. Ama apparently loved bikinis but that was probably because she had great boobs, a full, curved figure, and an amazing skin tone that would look good with most colors. Despite her time in the sun Rory was still pretty fair but Ama tried hard to make her see that was a good thing.

"Rory I have no idea what you're worrying about," Ama commented. "Has Jess ever told you that you have a great ass? Because you do. And if he hasn't told you I might have to smack him next time I see him."

Rory shrugged glumly. "He's told me a couple times I guess."

"Well good! You have good hips too which is honestly essential to having a good ass so I think a string bikini would accentuate all of that more. Trust me when we find you something good, Jess won't know what to do with himself all week."

Rory obediently followed Ama around Victoria's Secret as she looked through their swim suit collection.

"Ok the next dilemma is color. What color will look good on you? Black is always great so maybe we should get you two bikinis. A black one and something else," Ama wondered as she roamed the aisles. Ama looked back and saw the bored look on Rory's face.

"Girl you have to help me out here. I know you're stressed out with having a project for Truncheon but you also have to find a bikini before you leave Friday morning. So how about we do this and then we take a walk and talk it out. Maybe some brainstorming will help you out."

Rory took a deep breath. "I guess so. Only if we can get a milkshake or some ice cream though."

"Oh no doubt Gilmore. Now pick a color, hot pink or purple," Ama held up two different bikinis and Rory made a disgusted face.

"Neither...those colors don't look good on me. Look for something...blue," Rory ordered.

Ama rolled her eyes and put away the bikinis and continued to look through the racks. "So hey you didn't get to tell me how home in Stars Hollow was. Everything cool with your mom?"

Rory smiled at the question, knowing that after their movie binge of The Godfather series they were definitely going to be ok. They'd also talked at least once a day all week since she got back to Philadelphia. "Things are great actually...I think we have a good understanding now and she's actually going to try and not judge me so much about my choices."

Ama snorted. "How's that working so far?"

"Pretty good actually! She defended me when my ex boyfriend's wife yelled at me for making out with him before I came here. It was pretty embarrassing. She was also pretty helpful when Jess and I got into a fight."

"Woah, wait the wife found out about that? What did you do? Did the ex come to see you?"

"Well yeah it was pretty horrible. And Dean did come to see me but what he got was an eyeful of me and Jess post coital...or well waking up after all that."

Ama's eyes looked like her eyes were going to pop out of her head. "Ok back up, Jess came to Stars Hollow?"

"Yes!" Rory exclaimed with a dreamy expression. "I called him crying and he was really worried so he drove up to make sure I was ok."

Ama smirked. "And then you guys had sex all night."

Rory blushed. "Hey!"

Ama waved her off as she picked up another bikini, "Oh come off it Rory you guys are nuts. Oh yeah how did that whole thing with you giving him a hand go? I feel like I need all these updates!"

"Ama! Why do we always discuss these things in public?"

"Ok if there's one place we can talk about sex I think it's Victoria's Secret. Now come on! Details."

"I did ok! He seemed to like it."

"Hand or mouth?"


"Answer the question Gilmore!"


"Good start! When are you gonna try mouth?"

"You are the worst," Rory hisses. "I'm not telling you that here. Why are you asking?"

"Because Jess will do whatever you want whenever you do it I swear."

"Ok I'll think about it, can we stop talking about this? Oh look the bikini you're holding is pretty," Rory says to distract Ama. She's not lying though. Ama holds up a royal blue string bikini that Rory is sure will brighten her fair skin and bring out her eyes. It's the best possible scenario for her wearing a bikini.

Ama nods in approval and hands the bikini to Rory. "Now we must find you something black! And a cover up. Get hurrying Rory, I need a milkshake!"

Rory laughs. "You're really bossy when you're shopping Ama."

Ama rolls her eyes. "Nah if I leave you to your devices, we'll be here forever. We've got things to do!"

Rory and Ama walk casually along the street heading towards Love Park. They sip casually on some milkshakes and try to come up with ideas for Rory's Truncheon project.

"I mean it definitely has to be something to do with the city. What if it was something like the big city from a small town girl's perspective?"

"Well sure, but that's been done a lot. How would it be unique? How it would it bring out your voice?"

Rory thought for a moment before moaning in frustration. "This is impossible, I'm never going to think of something!"

"Ok you need to calm down, stressing out like this isn't going to be helpful for you thinking of something. You should come to yoga with me, you could use an outlet to clear your mind."

"Gilmores don't exercise."

"Just once! It can hardly be called exercise. Also it makes your body crazy flexible and Jess will love that."

"It always has to come back to this with you doesn't it?"

"Dirty mind Gilmore," Ama taps her head with a grin.

Rory giggles and shakes her head. For all her protesting, she can admit that Ama makes her open up and she's one person she knows will not judge her. She certainly can't ask her mom, Paris, or Lane any questions about sex. Ama is a perfect blend of fun and nonjudgmental to handle those conversations.

The two girls entered Love Park and were immediately confronted with a blend of people walking and running around, taking pictures in front of the sculpture, and kids running around in the flowing fountain. Both girls smiled and Ama took her camera out of her bag and took a picture.

"This will be great for my photo project. I don't know why I didn't come here before!"

"Which photo project is this?"

"Philadelphia Summer. I think this city is at its best in the summer. Everyone is out and the buildings are bright! I don't know where I'm going to present it but it'll be cool. None of it in black and white or anything. Too many vibrant colors to capture."

"Yeah the red of the sculpture will pop so much against the water," Rory observes. "That's a really great idea, maybe we can do an exhibit of it at Truncheon for the Summer Open House?"

"Yeah! I can totally get it done by then. Do I need to talk to Chris?"

"Yeah, come to Truncheon tomorrow and we'll present the idea to him. Bring some sample photos."

"Thanks, girl! That'll be fun."

The girls stood for a few minutes observing the fun happening around them. Rory smiled seeing a little girl soaking wet run out of the fountain to hug what seemed to be her young mother who looked obviously annoyed that she was wet, but the smile creeped up on her face.

"You know what's funny about Philadelphia? Everyone always made it seem so scary before I came here. I think they do that with most cities, but especially here. I remember when I got here and I had to take the broad street line to go find Jess and I was terrified because I'd never been around so many people in my life like that. But everyone was actually really nice and helpful when I looked super lost...I was surprised."

"City of Brotherly Love for you," Ama agreed.

Rory nodded and continued to look around. They walked closer to the sculpture when a red headed woman came up to them with an eager face.

"Sorry to bother but would one of you mind taking a picture of me and my fiance in front of the sculpture?" Rory smiled and took the camera from the woman, placing herself in a position to get a good picture. She watched as the woman ran up to her fiance and wrapped her arms lovingly around his middle and he gazed down at her with a smile. Rory quickly captured the moment and took another couple pictures so they would have some options. As she watched them, she had a thought and decided to voice it as she handed the camera back to the woman.

"Hey could I ask you a question?" Rory asked. The woman and her fiance nodded and took their camera back from Rory.

"Are you each others' first loves?" Rory asked curiously. They both furrowed their eyebrows and looked at each other.

"Well," the woman started. "Actually he's my first love. We met after I graduated from college and I'd had a couple boyfriends but it was never anything serious. And then we met and it just..fit."

"She's actually not my first love. I had a serious relationship during high school into college but it ended up not working out and it was pretty devastating. But I met her and yeah..it fit. So I think she'll be my last love and that's what matters."

Rory gave them a small smile. "And knowing that there's been someone before you doesn't bother you?" she asks the woman. She shakes her denial. "He's right...he's always been honest and he's always loved me right. I don't need to worry."

Rory thanked them and asked if she could take a picture with Ama's camera. "I'm doing a project for the Truncheon Zine on love in Philadelphia and I think you guys would be great for it. If you don't mind I'd love to use your picture and the quotes you gave me?"

The couple agreed and took another picture. They even offered to send Rory the pictures she originally took of them. They exchanged emails and Rory thanked them for their time.

"I think I have it," Rory commented in wonderment. "Think about it, how many people do you see come through this park all the time just to take a picture in front of this sculpture? But who knows how they're connected? If they're married, in a relationship, family, friends? What's a piece of the puzzle that leads them to taking a picture in front of a sculpture that says love?"

"It's an interesting thought. But what does that look like?" Ama wondered.

"Well, I come here and I offer to take pictures of people in front of the sign in exchange for getting to ask them a question and putting the in the zine. The point is tell stories you know...what does love look like around here?"

"Love in the time of Philadelphia!" Ama mused.

"That's a good name! I might steal that."

"I can help with pictures sometimes if you want?" I wonder how good it would look if you even got some of the people that sit around here, the kids in the fountains, the people who eat their lunch. I can try and take a picture that includes a backdrop of the sculpture? And you handle the questions!"

"That would be amazing," Rory beamed, taking Ama's hand in gratitude. "Who knew those morning talks with Jess would be so helpful?"

"What do you mean?"

"Jess and I have this thing where we just..talk in the morning. And we always ask each other questions but Jess says the ones I ask him are kind of random. Questions about things he doesn't really think about. Like one time I asked him if he thought his mother had ever been in love?"

Ama laughed. "That is random. What did he say?"

"Well he gave me a good answer, it told me a lot about him. I probably shouldn't tell you because it's personal for him."

"That's fair."

"But I ask him those questions because I'm really curious about him and what makes him tick you know? I don't want to ask these people those silly generic interview questions, I'm so used to doing that."

Ama gave Rory a knowing look. "You guys are really sweet. He seems to be really good for you."

Rory nods. "He is. Now come on!" Rory takes Ama's hand and starts to lead her out of the park. "We have to go to Truncheon and present this all to Matt!"

Rory walks into Jess's apartment at the end of the day with a triumphant grin on her face. She enters the living room to see him quietly sitting on the couch reading a book. He looks up and raises an eyebrow at Rory's expression.

"Someone looks like they won the lottery today," he comments sardonically.

Rory rolls her eyes but keeps her smile. "You're not ruining this with your writer's block attitude sir, Matt told me you left early today to try and write. It obviously didn't go well. But I had a great day! I figured out my project!"

"Oh really?" Jess bookmarked his page and put his book down to give Rory his full attention. "Let's hear it."

"Love In The Time of Philadelphia," Rory explained with a dreamy look. "I'm going to take pictures of people in Love Park and ask them questions...kind of like I ask you questions."

"So random and deceivingly personal?"

"Exactly! It works to pull at a hidden layer in this city. It's full of love even though everyone who isn't from here doesn't think that! Love Park is the perfect place to explore that!"

Jess cracks a smile, his dark mood lightening at how excited Rory is. "I'm glad you're really excited about this, I was worried for a moment there."


"You've been in a sulky mood. Working hard though. I thought you would figure it out on your own though."

"Because I'm a smart, capable, and independent woman huh?" Rory giggles and sits next to Jess, wrapping her arm around his waist and propping her chin on his shoulder.

"Yes that's exactly what you are," Jess smirked. The two of them laughed and Rory kissed Jess's neck softly.

"Are you ok? You seem to be in a mood?" Rory murmured.

Jess shrugged. "I just can't get the story to work. Reaching a breaking point here. I mean Chris and Matt haven't put a lot of pressure on me to get this done but I feel the pressure. I'm thinking about it too much."

Rory frowned and gave Jess's neck another kiss. "I'm sorry. Maybe the beach will be helpful? Getting away for a bit? We'll work really hard on it."

Jess hmphed in response. Rory reached up and kissed Jess's cheek. "Sad boy. You were so excited about the beach."

"I am it's just...I don't know."

"Will it make you feel better if I told you I got two bikinis today while I was out shopping?" Rory saw a hint of a smile.

"A little," Jess admits.

"I really like them so don't think I did it for you," Rory says while tracing circles on Jess's chest. She continued to cuddle up to him, raising her legs so that they would sit in his lap. He turns his head to look at her and gives her a soft kiss, wrapping his arms around her to bring them closer.

"That definitely raises the anticipation levels," Jess hums.

"Well good, because I want to make you feel better," Rory whispers against his lips. She kisses him and gently takes his cheek in her hand. The kiss deepens and Rory bites Jess's lower lip lightly to get a pleased response out of him. He smiles into their kiss and grabs Rory's bare thigh, kneading her inner thigh slowly up to the hem of her skirt.

"All that excitement make you wet Rory?" Jess whispers once he breaks their kiss. Rory's breath hitches and she moans in anticipation, arching her back. Jess reaches her panties and can feel the wetness seeping through. He smirks against her neck as he kisses and nibbles his way up and down. "Fuck, you are wet," he says hoarsely.

Rory moans in response and Jess takes his hand from beneath her skirt. He gently takes Rory's legs off his lap and tries to widen their stance so he has better access. At this movement, Rory's eyes pop open and she closes her legs despite Jess's attempts to open them.

"Wait...Jess wait," she puts her hand on his, moving it back onto his own lap. "I want...I want to do something for you. I've been thinking about it."

"What?" Jess says bewildered.

Rory sits up and moves to straddle Jess's lap, taking his face in her hands and giving him a hard kiss. "Tell me how to go down on you," she whispers against his lips. Jess's eyes widen in response.

"Rory you don't...you don't have to do-"

"I want to," she says firmly. "You're so giving all the time and I want to do this for you. I want to make you feel better," she tells him shyly and softly grinds into his crotch. She can feel him hardening beneath her and she groans leaning her head back. Jess latches onto her neck, sucking the pulse point and making her shudder in enjoyment. His hands roam her body, one squeezing her waist underneath her shirt and other reaching beneath her skirt and squeezing her ass. He pushes her harder against him, spurred on by her request.

"Let me make you come first," he says against her collarbone before taking a lick.

"No," she moans. "You first this time, I want you first for once." She pushes him away from her and slips her shirt off gaining more confidence under the weight of Jess's clear desire for her. "You're very distracting," she scolds. She takes off her bra and gets up before Jess can it any further.

"Take off your pants," she orders while she reaches under her skirt to take off her panties. Jess complies quickly, unbuttoning his jeans and slipping them off to his feet and taking off his shirt for added measure. Rory bends down to her knees and takes Jess's pants off the rest of the way for him while he gently runs his hands through her hair. She scoots to get in between his legs and runs her hands up and down his thighs. She looks up to him with big doe eyes that take Jess's breath away.

"This is what you wanted right? On the phone last week," she asks. "You said you couldn't wait to teach me how to suck your cock. Me just wearing one of my cute skirts and on my knees for you? I want to give that to you...so teach me."

She takes hold of his cock at the tip, rubbing her thumb over the tip and spreading his pre-cum down to the base. She licks her hand and gently squeezes him from base to tip, earning a guttural moan from Jess. "Fuck, Rory."

"You said you would teach me Jess but you're not saying anything," she says to him innocently. "I can't do anything if I don't know what to do."

He lets out a breathy laugh and gently takes Rory's cheek, leaning her mouth closer to where he wants it most. "You sure, Rory?" he double checks.

"I want to," she confirms and licks her lips.

"Put your mouth on the tip," he instructs. "Just suck on it." Rory nods and maintains eye contact as she puts her mouth tentatively around the tip of his cock. She takes a taste, swirling her tongue around the tip, cheeks reddening at how dark Jess's eyes become. He whispers his approval and she keeps going, exploring his cock with her tongue and lips, placing licks and kisses up and down. Jess pants and leans his head back unable to look any longer without fear of blowing suddenly.

"God, Rory you're such a tease," he groans. "Put your mouth on me, put as much of me as you can in your mouth."

Rory looks up at Jess's pained expression and raises an eyebrow. She takes a deep breath and proceeds to put her mouth around him again, moving her head down his cock and wrapping her hand around the base to ground her movement. Jess hisses.

"Watch out for teeth," he warns. "Hide your teeth."

She takes note and focuses her lips around the skin, hiding her teeth behind them so as not to harm him. She swirls her tongue around him and breathes hard through her nose. She closes her eyes and brings her head back up, pursing her lips around the tip again and earning a strained moan from Jess.

"Fuck that's good, keeping doing that," he encourages. "Just bob up and down like that."

Rory continues this motion to his delight, taking her time to slowly bob up and down around Jess. Both of her hands are kept busy, one stroking around the base of his cock and the other pressing against his inner thigh. She kept at it for another minute before coming up for air, thankful that her eating habits had taught her how to breath through her nose properly while she stuffed her face with food.

"Rory," Jess groans. "I need...fuck."

"Tell me," she says before placing a kiss against the base of his cock, running her hand up and down in a circular motion she knew worked for him so she could give her mouth a break.

"Oh god keep doing that with your hand just...my balls can you do that?"

Rory looks down to the referred area and blushes, not quite expecting this to be part of the deal. "What?"

"Just...keep doing that with your hand and put them in your mouth it'll finish me off. But if you don't want to just...get the condom out of my pocket and get up here. Either one." His head is still thrown back, eyes closed in tortured ecstasy.

Rory looks down again and takes a deep breath, determined to finish what she started. She could take the easy way out and just get the condom so that they could both finish but Ama was right about this-Jess was completely powerless to her and she kind of liked it.

She closed her eyes and wrapped her mouth around his sac, sucking at the same time she flicked her wrist faster around his cock creating an unbearable shock of pleasure through Jess's system.

"Oh god Rory keep going. Fuck, you're amazing."

He's getting closer and he trembles, panting and muttering curses. And when he reaches his peak he comes on his stomach, Rory slowing down her hand's movements around him and slipping her mouth off his sac. She looks up at his cock curiously wondering what his cum tastes like and takes a hesitant taste around the tip. Jess hisses a "fuck" before slumping against the couch. Rory lets go of his cock and reaches for the tissues on the table next to the couch. She cleans off his stomach and looks up at him nervously. "Was that what you wanted?"

Jess gazed at her with a soft reverent expression. Was it the best he's ever had? No honestly. But her enthusiasm brought him to the brink faster and harder than any other girl ever had.

"Get up here," he ordered. He took her hand and pulled her until she landed back in his lap in her original position straddling him. He kissed her softly and reached under her skirt with one hand find her clit, finding that she was more aroused than when they first started.

"Did you like doing that baby? God you're so wet," he observed with a grin. She blushed and hid her face in his neck, leveraging her hands on his shoulders to grind against his hand.

"You're unbelievable," he compliments. "You know that?" He enters her with two fingers easily and immediately starts a rough and fast pace, using the heel of his hand to rub against her clit. Rory's hips move in sync with his hand and she keens against his neck. Jess rubs his hand up and down her back and kisses her neck softly.

When she comes it's with a loud shriek and Jess gently takes the nape of her neck in his hand so that she'll look at him. He keeps eye contact with her through her orgasm, softly rubbing against her pulse point. She whimpers against his lips once she comes down and he removes his fingers, wiping them on her leg. He gives her a series of short kisses and smiles against her mouth.

"How the fuck am I supposed to let you go in August huh?" he whispers. She doesn't answer, because she doesn't know either.

A/N: I gained some inspiration for Rory's project from things like Humans of NY, so I hope that gives you all an idea of what she's going for with this!