Fear Not Death

I don't own Harry Potter or Kuroshitsuji.

Warning(s): Character Death, Gender Bent! Harry, Mentions of child neglect and abuse, possible triggers (suicide and suicidal thoughts) etc.

Chapter 0: Welcoming Death Like An Old Friend

Being orphaned and raised by an (at best) neglectful family. Death had never been a frightening thing to Aster Juniper Potter.

In fact, there were several times where she wished for death just to be with her parents. Even when she had only known the terrible lies spouted by her aunt and uncle, which labeled her father a drunk and her mother a whore. The too little girl in the too big hand-me-downs believed that life would be better in the afterlife with them, then here with her well-meaning relatives.

In the end, she willingly walked to her death at Voldemort's hand accompanied by the shades of her parents, godfather, and Remus by her side.

The-Girl-Who-Lived felt an eerie calmness fall upon her.

There was fear, oh don't get her wrong. She was very afraid, but not of dying. No, it was fear of what would come after.

Aster hoped that she would be able to pass on and be with family. For her to be able to put away the moniker of The-Girl-Who-Lived, or other epithets forced upon her during her 17 years of existence.

She had no care of the plans that her old headmaster had in place, or even those by people who she considered to be friends.

For once, she would be selfish. Concentrate on her own desires instead of everyone else.

The Wizarding World will move on without her. Someone else will eventually defeat Voldemort, and Aster will become another footnote in the annals of its history.

She would be Just Aster, like she always wanted.

Quicker and easier than falling asleep. That was what Sirius told her, and she believed him.

She very much so wanted to believe him.

Then she was there.

Aster stood there before her parents' murderer and his followers. Her head held high and the cracked stone of the Gaunt ring fell from her grasp to the dark ground below.

She didn't fight.

She didn't exchange banter.

She didn't beg for the lives of those she was leaving behind. Those who may well curse her for what they would perceive as cowardice.

Aster only smiled as her vision was consumed by the sickly green spell that started everything.

"Avada Kedavra!"

Then there was nothing.

Short chapters are going to be the thing. You know, unless I feel like long chapters are necessary.

This is obviously Fem! Harry, with her name being Aster. The name having been finally decided on after going through several others. I mainly settled on it after finding out the meaning and symbolism behind Asters.

(Meaning and Symbolism of Aster: With their wildflower beauty and lush texture, asters have long been considered an enchanted flower. In ancient times, it was thought that the perfume from their burning leaves could drive away evil serpents. Today, they're known as a talisman of love and a symbol of patience.)

Then we get to her middle name, Juniper. It symbolizes a great journey that has many twists and turns, but the bearer of the name would be capable of staying true to theirselves and never compromise their own integrity.

Fitting right?

Anyway, until next time.

Unwanted Hero