Disclaimer : I do not own Katekyo Hitman Reborn in any way shape or form. No money is made from this. It is purely Fanfictional fun.

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Chapter 4.

"Hey, watch it! Don't throw that thing at me!"

"Hiro, stop screaming and flailing! I can't see where I'm going!"

"Akiko, watch out! You're about to–"

On the TV, a game character topple over when it's health point drop dramatically to zero. Akiko stared at the screen in dismay.

"–get screwed," Tsuna trailed lamely. Then, his eyes widened before Tsuna rapidly clicking away on his console before he groaned. His own character had met its untimely end.

Remind him again why he agreed to play a game based on zombie apocalypse? He doesn't even like zombies!

Out of the blue, Akiko let out a string of curses that cause both her male companions to stare at her; wide eyed and dumbfounded.

"Me think we've been a bad influence on her," Tsuna commented, dryly. He sweatdropped when he caught a strong curse that Akiko mumbled under her breath. "Maybe by Hikari also."

Hiro was still staring at Akiko, stupefied. "My dear, sweet Akiko… Such language… You kiss your family with that mouth?" he asked in disbelief.

Yeah. He was that shocked. Shy little Akiko never curse. Ever!

Akiko turned to Hiro, looking mightily unimpressed. "You're one to talk. You were all over the place in there. My player got killed because of you. What happen to the plan of sticking together?" She even emphasize her last words with a pseudo-quotation mark.

"I was trying to find an escape route!" Hiro defended himself.

Akiko's face scrunch in her irritation. "You know we can't move forward unless we are doing it together. You were too far away for back-up!"

Hiro gawked at her. "You're annoyed your character died?"

"I'm annoyed I got zombified!" Akiko huffed. "I don't know about you guys, but the notion of blood, gore and decay isn't exactly my thing."

Hiro and Tsuna exchange unbelievable glance. "You sound like Hikari," Tsuna pointed out, nodding like he just figured out something magnificent. "Yeap. Definitely Hikari." Akiko's cheeks tinted pink.

She lightly smack the boys, unhappily. "You try finding an appeal on smelling like death, skin rotting, limbs and probably entrails moulding with a side of brains splattering!"

Tsuna and Hiro grimaced simultaneously. That was a vivid description.

Hiro sighed. "Fine, fine." He went to his game box where he kept all his video games in a neat pile. "Want to play Mortal Combat next?"

Akiko's face scrunch up again. "Give me a break. I had enough of trashing for one day."

"I was about to suggest Dynasty Warriors, but I guess that's out too."

"Is wargame is everything to you?" Akiko commented as she went over to Hiro to look at his collection. "Don't you have anything casual?"

"If you mean Sims, then no. I haven't find anything I like yet with that particular genre. I do have other simulation games though."

Akiko hums as she rummage through the box when she took out a game. "Oh, you have emulator games?" Akiko looked through at the back cover at lists listed. "They have Sailor Moon R!" Akiko gasped in delight. She like that particular game. They were not so heavy to play and, at the same time, engaging.

Hiro gasped in horror. "You've got to be kidding me! Of all the games… that is your favourite? Why can't you pick something like Mario?"

"Aren't those only for two players?" said Tsuna as he too came over. At the same time, Akiko was giving Hiro a stink eye while quipping, "Who says I don't like Mario?"

They were hanging out at Hiro's house that afternoon. The four of them likes to spend time together outside of their lessons. While they usually hang out after lessons, weekends is where they really had their downtime and just unwind. They don't have lessons on weekends, so they were free to do whatever they want. Their preferred downtime activity was lazed around doing nothing in particular unless they've decided to go somewhere beforehand. Half the time, they like to meet at Tsuna's place as he has the most games' selections. And because of Nana's cooking. They all enjoyed Nana's cooking.

That week was Hiro's turn to host them, so they decided to relax and watch a movie. Hiro has a good-size TV in his room. It was not connected to any network, Hiro's parents refused to have it connected on the grounds of parental control or something along those lines. But it can be used for movies and gaming.

They were just keeping themselves occupied while waiting for Hikari. She said she'll bring a few movies and series for them to choose from. She was running late because she's dropping by the video store on her way.

The door opened and Hikari came bursting into the room, skipping in excitement.

"Guess what I found," she said eagerly.

Her three dance-mates blinked owlishly. Hikari was chipper. That usually wasn't a good sign. Chipper Hikari means mischievous Hikari. She's more prone to getting herself into trouble – and drag them with her – when she's that hyper. "What?"

Hikari beamed as she told them. "I found one of Sensei's past competition." Hikari showed them the DVD she bought that she was hiding behind her when she came in.

That got them intrigued.

In no time at all. They had the DVD inserted into Hiro's player and they quickly took a seat, Tsuna pressed the play button from where he sat.

The recording played and they sat transfixed as they watched the competition from a few years back.

When they saw their dance instructor making her entrance, their jaws dropped.

"So pretty," Akiko gushed at their teacher's outfit.

"Oh my…" Hikari trailed breathlessly. Hiro was gawking speechless. Tsuna was no better, except he wasn't gawking with mouth wide open like Hiro did.

Both Akiko and Hikari stared dreamily as their teacher dance elegantly across the floor. They squeal simultaneously when their Sensei struck an exquisite pose. The way she tilted her head and her serene expression, Sensei was magical.

The dance competition was split into two. There was the standard ballroom dance and the Latin dance. They were engrossed with the show that they hardly move from their spot. At one point, Hiro's maid brought in snacks. But it was hardly touched, preferring instead to study their teacher's movement for future reference.

When the Latin competition was underway, Tsuna voice out lightly. "I thought Mayu-Sensei only did standard ballroom in competition?"

It was Hikari that answered. "Nowadays, yes. She still does Latin, but not as frequent like in her youth." She paused, looking thoughtful. "If I'm not mistaken, she retired from Latin couple of years ago. Now she's just doing standards."

Tsuna frowned at hearing that. "Can she choose what dance class to compete in? I thought while competing, it was a must?"

Hikari shrugged. What does she know about the rules of professional dancing?

They continue to watch the show until it was finished. Once it ended, the four of them sat silently. Each of them contemplating what they just seen.

"You know, it's a shock," Hiro voice out, softly. "To see our teacher actively competing. It never occurred to me that she's a professional dancer."

Hikari scowled at him. "She's teaching dance lessons," she said flatly.

Hiro shrugged. "Knowing and seeing are two different thing. I mean, I know… it's just… I don't believe it until now," said Hiro awkwardly.

"Wait… I don't get it. You don't believe she's a competitor?" asked Tsuna, confused.

"No. I mean – I don't believe she's a big-shot top dancer, ya know. I thought she's competing locally. Like in a small competition, maybe as a hobby or something… Didn't think she was famous on international platform…" Hiro explained in embarrassment.

Tsuna and the girls stared at Hiro incredulously. Then, they exclaimed simultaneously. "Hiro!" Tsuna even threw him a cushion pillow, causing Hiro to yelped. He sweatdropped when he was faced with three affronted glares.

"Idiot! That's our teacher you're talking about," Hikari hissed, incensed.

"Hey, no offence," Hiro exclaimed defensively. "I didn't know a thing about dancing until mama decided I need to learn for social events purposes."

His three companion shared glances before they, again, simultaneously assaulted him; each with a pillow, thus starting a pillow fight. "For not believing in our teacher, I'll bite you to death!" said Tsuna, flatly.

Hiro's exclaim filled Tsuna with an odd sense of satisfaction. "What?!"

. .

Tsuna chewed his bottom lips as he contemplate the song he was hearing. He was scouting for new songs to add to his music list when he comes across the song. It was in Spanish. And like most Latin songs, it was – catching.

He liked the song… Right up until he found out what the song was about.

His kaa-san will kill him if she finds out that he's been listening to such outrageous songs. The lyrics, or more precisely, what it was about isn't exactly child-friendly.

Most of the words fly over his head. The meaning behind the song makes no sense to him. But it was a fun song and good to dance with.

He needs to take up Spanish, though, if he wants to keep up with songs of that language. As it is, he still hasn't completely mastered his Italian yet, for all his father was Italian. He had resolved to be fluent with most European languages before he enter Middle School. But since he was self-taught, it was slow going.

Still, he took note of the name of the song and maybe save the instrumental version rather than the original. He might not get the song, it wasn't worth to incur his kaa-san's anger.

Tsuna clicked to the next song and a melodious and soulful tune began to play…

. .

Tsuna was at the bookstore when a song caught his attention. While he was looking into books on dance-related when a song that was playing subtly through the store caught his ears. It was a string instrumental. And as far as he can tell, the main instrument is violin.

The songs were a classic. But it was given an upbeat edge. He really have no words to describe it. It was that enthralling.

He could dance with his mom with this song.

As the song was reaching its crescendo, Tsuna was swaying his hips with the song. He was also humming with his eyes close, immersing himself with the song.

By the time the song ends, Tsuna decided that the band – whoever they are – is his new favourite.

Tsuna quickly gathered the books that he wanted to buy – a book on dance history and a book on comprehensive dance step that his sensei had recommended for side reading if they so inclined with a few comics – and make way for the payment counter.

. .

The living room was blaring with the songs from his new purchased. And Tsuna was dancing with abandon. He was not even doing any moves. Just swaying his hips as he enjoyed the songs to the fullest.

After his purchase at the bookstore, he had dashed to the music store a few blocks down. He had noted the name of the band and the album title while paying for his books. It was promoted at the cashier, thankfully. And he wasted no time in looking up the band while on his way to the music store.

The band in question was a string quartet that did specialised in classical mix with pop. The band was made up of female musicians – with two of them played violins, one played viola and the last member played cello. They have a couple of albums under their belt and a few of their songs have music videos.

Yes, he got the 'love at first sight' with the group. Out of other similar string quartets, this band stood out to him.

Unnoticed by Tsuna, Nana was watching her son, entranced. Tears was falling down her cheek at seeing her boy dance so passionately. He was magnificent! Nana was beside herself with pride. She was practically speechless.

When one song ends, Tsuna noticed that his kaa-san was listening by the door, humming to the beat like he did.

When the next song starts, Tsuna quickly yanked his mother to dance with him. His mom laughs breathlessly as Tsuna lead the dance.

. . .

Sorry for the short chapter. I had to cut this chapter into two. The other half of it was being particularly difficult to write! It keep changing on me.

Review on your way out!

-Elvina P.