Jarceus: Hello and welcome to the first chapter of Digimon Story Cyber Sleuth:Digital Detective. I hope you all enjoy this story and if you don't than please try to be respectful in telling me so.

Story Start

"Happy Chat! Welcome!" Greeted a mechanical voice as our hero to be signed into what seems to be some kind of online chat sight

'Yea, yea.' Thought our protagonist as he scrolled over to a server which was locked behind a passcode which was quickly entered by our protagonist


"Hey guys! Ever heard of Digimon?" Asked an avatar by the name of Akkino

"What's this all of a sudden?" Asked a gnome looking avatar by the name of Blue Box, the chat room admin

"You're talking about Digimon programs, right? Those dangerous programs used by hackers." Asked someone called Old Man Fanta for confirmation

"Dangerous? How dangerous are we talking here?" Asked our protagonist who's avatar is called Aioba

"They can break through security, steal data… Enter password protected forums with ease…" Listed off Old Man Fanta "Those programs can do all kinds of nasty things! They're behind most of the incidents that have been happening." He stated

"Wow, Digimon sound nuts!" Exclaimed Akkino using too many exclamation marks

"My friend got his account targeted by them." Stated someone called AlgerNON while adding a stressed face into their post

"No way…"

"When did this happen?"

"In some areas, Digimon roam about on their own…" Stated someone called Dark Night Satan making Aioba curious

'How can a program act on its own? Programs have to have their own AI to be able to do that.' Thought Aioba to himself as he read more of the conversation before a massive notice stating '"Mr Navit" has logged in.' before a saw cut open the floor before a robot looking avatar jump up from the whole

'How did he get in? This server is highly protected…wait a second. Is Mr Navit a hacker?' Asked Aioba in his mind

"…This was a private room, y'know? Just who are you?" Asked Blue Box voicing what Aioba wanted to say

"And What's with that greeting? Hardly suiting an official." Asked a walking bowl of ramen

"Wait a minute… is he a hacker!?" Exclaimed Akkino voicing Aioba's other thoughts

"That's right! I'm Mr. Navit, the hacker!" Stated Mr Navit, his text going red as he said the last four words "I have a fantastic present for all of you! Be sure to log into EDEN tomorrow!" HE stated as he jumped back into the hole he came out of "Don't forget, now! If you don't login, I'll hack you!" He stated poking his head back out just to say that making everyone chat about what just happened before Akkino got the great idea to do what Mr Navit said causing everyone not silent to go so

"What, don't tell me y'all are chicken?" Asked Akkino

"You want to go, Akkino? What'll you do if it's a real hacker?" Asked Blue Box in concern

"This is just a PR for an EDEN event, ain't it? A REAL hacker would be cooler, though…" Insisted Akkino making Blue Box sigh

"…Sounds like I can't stop you." He sighed "Fine, then I'll come with." He added

"I'll also come along." Stated Aioba talking for the first time since Mr Navit appeared, slowly everyone but Aioba, Blue Bow and Akkino left the room not wanting to do what Mr Navit said

The Next Day

"So this is EDEN, huh?" Asked Aioba to himself as he looked around the cyber space that was EDEN. Aioba was about two and a half meters tall with blond hair which was untidy and wild with a few red bangs of dyed hair in his face. He wore a black singlet under a red jacket, black long legged pants, red sneakers and a Digivice he turned into an arm band which was tightly wrapped around his left arm "Alright, Blue Box said something about Kowloon and a Galacta Park." He muttered to himself but was over heard by a shady character

"You want to go to Galacta Park in Kowloon? I can give you the URL there…for a price." Stated the figure showing himself to be a hacker

"Alrighty then. What do you want? Money?" Asked Aioba

"Well…Jarod," Started the hacker reading Aioba's name "What I want is information. I want to know why you, a non-hacker, want to go to Kowloon."

"Oh, that's easy. Mr Navit told me to log into EDEN today so me and two friends, Akkino and Blue Box, decided to meet up in Kowloon per Blue Box's request." Explained Jarod

"Alright. Thank you. Here you go." Shrugged the hacker as he sent the URL to Kowloon into Jarod's Digivice

"Thank you!" Shouted Jarod as he rushed to Kowloon as fast as he could

"Huh?" Asked a voice as a red haired girl noticed Jarod "You're late." She complained

"Sorry. I didn't have the address for Kowloon." Apologised Jarod "I'm Jarod, but I go by the name Aioba online." He stated "But by any chance are you Akkino?" He asked curious

"Yep, I'm Akkino! This is your first time in EDEN, right?" Asked Akkino making Jarod nod "My real name is Nokia Shiramine! Hello! Nice - to - meet - you!" She stated happily

"So has Blue Box shown up?" Asked Jarod only to be answered as a figure walked out from behind Nokia

"Boo." He said causing Nokia to shriek in fright "Whoa, easy. Overreacting a bit there, aren't we?" He asked

"Blue Box, try to see it from her perspective. She's left alone in an area know for it's hackers and you go off hunting ghosts from what your message earlier told me and then suddenly your behind her." Reasoned Jarod

"Yea Arata!" Shouted Nokia who was hiding behind a few tires

"Just shut up Nokia." Growled Arata as he turned to Jarod "We've never met here before, have we? I'm Arata Sanada. Nice to meet you and all that." He stated introducing himself?

"Nice to finally meet you Arata, My name is Jarod." Greeted Jarod shaking hands with Arata

"Arata! That wasn't a proper," Started Nokia before she was interrupted by a message from Mr Navit

"So very sorry to keep you waiting. I'm Mr. Navit!" Started Mr Navit only to get interrupted

"Skip to the part we don't know." Growled Jarod annoyed

"I've got something for all you good boys and girls who showed up here today!" Cheered Mr Navit ignoring Jarod

"There's only two boys and one girl." Pointed out Jarod only to be ignored again

"This is the miraculous power to change the world!" Stated Mr Navit as a notice appeared showing that something was downloaded into everyone's Digivice

"A new program has been installed: Digimon Capture!" Stated the Digivices in sink with one another

"Two new programs have been installed: Digimodify and Digifusion!" Stated only Jarod's Digivice this time confusing Jarod enough so that he ignored Arata and Nokia completely

'Digimodify? Digifusion? What are those and why am I the only one with these programs?' Asked Jarod to himself as he stared at his Digivice

"Yes, those Digimon. The ones you are so interested in." Confirmed Arata to something Nokia asked before brought up three menus "Hmmm… There's a certain kind of data known as 'Digital Monsters' that you can 'capture' by scanning them. Or that's what the description says at least." He stated not missing the sly smile on Jarod's face "What?" He asked confused

"My Little Pony, huh?" Whispered Jarod pointing to one of Arata's closed windows which was titled 'My Little Pony Friendship is Magic: Season 2 Episode 6' causing Arata to close it before Nokia noticed

"One word and you're dead." Growled Arata low enough that only Jarod heard him

"So then, so then, so then… That means… Have we become hackers?!" Asked Nokia loudly

"Well, I suppose you could put it that way." Shrugged Arata

'I have got to pay more attention in conversations.' Sweat dropped Jarod

"No way! Nuh-uh! Hackers are bad news! I am NOT doing this!" Screamed Nokia

"Nokia, we have been giving the chance to use Digimon. If you don't want to take this chance them so be it. But me? I'm going to explore what the possibilities I have in using Digimon for good." Ranted Jarod "That and you can't uninstall it." He added just as he spotted a hooded figure run off into Kowloon "Hey!" He cried out as he chased after the figure deeper into Kowloon

Jarceus: That will be all from the first chapter of Digimon Story Cyber Sleuth: Digital Detective. I hope you all enjoyed and I will see you all…Next time!