Thanks so much to the people who show me so much support!

Also, I'm sorry I didn't put this up in a long time! Please forgive me!

I have changed Chapter two around so I would reread it before reading this.

Shiranai Atsune

I changed it so that it's episode three!


I'll do my best! I don't know if I can get rid of everything though! Thank you for the tip, it's really helpful too!

Guest X

Thank you! I hope I don't let you down!

Disclaimer: I don't own ansatsu kyoushitsu, but I do own this fanfiction and idea.

Where's Karma?

The question lingered in my head. Where's Karma. I started to panic a little bit. Maybe this timeline was different after all. I forced myself to calm down. He'll be here soon, he has to be. There can't be this drastic of a change when I went back in time... right?

I shook my head and repeated the day. Karma, Akabane Karma, my best friend! Where is he?! *itch-sensei came today and then I went into a frenzy with killing him while she had his guard down and- and-

My eyes widened, there was no Karma. I fought back the grief and desperation. I fought back the sandess that threatned to take me over. Karma, the boy that I fought so hard with since forever, was ultimately... gone... I shook my head in frustration. Why is this happening?!

I took in deep breaths and slowly let them out. I needed to clear my mind and heart. No matter what I need to meet with another classmate later, so I need to put that thought at the back of my head, killing Koro-sensei is the main point, that's why I went back in time. To save everyone.

I tried to shake off the bothering thought, but it spoke loudly. What if there is no Karma in this world? I shook my head again, no. That can't be real right? Karma... Karma... I couldn't help, but stay numb. Staring at the ground I headed back to the school.

Once I got there, I immediately dashed back into the woods.

The pain and grief was overwhelming and I didn't want to blow my cover. I wanted to stay happ. I needed to stay happy. If I had the overs suspect me... Something they already did, then it would be game over. I found a good hiding area in some bushes and decided that I would stay there for now.

I hid in the bushes for about three hours. I checked the machine and clutched it tightly. Karma gave it to me. He entrusted me with this technology he had created. I also took out my phone. It wasn't dead, but one of the last reminders of my world. My phone... I should try to get it fixed later. maybe I would feel better looking back at everything from our past life. I would need to input its data somewhere safe as well. Though, it wasn't working. With watery eyes, I took out one of the lockets tucked inside my shirt and opened it.

"Say cheese!" A bright light covered Nagisa's eyes as everyone screamed and laughed. "Nagisa! Don't stand there idly, help me pour wasabi in Tersaka's drink!" Karma laughed. Kaede scolded Karma for his evil thoughts and she was taken back when there was no wasabi left in the packet. He had poured the entire bottle into every drink that passed him. Nagisa fretted over Maehara who had started asking for buckets of ice. It was a fun party. A party they had after they won the exams.

I tucked it back in. I couldn't stare at the picture any longer. The picture of a day when Koro-sensei didn't turn. I had three lockets, the other two lockets were different. One was the remainder of us, the E-class. Another was a picture of the two last standing people in the world before one had died.

I bit my lip and shook my head. I peeked outside my area.

Out of the corner of my eyes, I could see someone... Sugino! I ran towards him, I had to get to him before- before he got- my thoughts were interrupted by a bloodcurdling scream. "Ahhhhhhhhh!" I stood frozen and small tears streamed out.

"Su... S... ..." Koro-sensei was a lot faster than I was. I stared in complete shock as I looked at his torn-up body. "Ah..." It wasn't even near the end of the year! It was just the beginning! How could this... How could he turn so quickly?!

I opened my mouth and closed it. "?" I felt a terrifying aura and turned to see where the malice was coming from. Staring at me face-to-face was Koro-sensei. My blood ran cold I- I didn't know what to do! I can't-! I needed the machine!

I winced when something slimy touched the arm holding the machine. I looked up to see Koro-sensei staring at me. I bit my lip, do I have to kill Koro-sensei faster than I thought? Or did I do something wrong? I was shaking and the grip on the machine was tighter than ever before. I needed to get out! I needed to-!

"Nagisa-kun?" Koro-sensei's worried voice brought me back to reality. His face was filled withworry and I didn't know what to say to him. I felt so... so scared. He brought me closer to a hug and gently patted my head.

Immediately I pushed him away. His shocked expression didn't hurt me compared to the hurt in his eyes. Koro-sensei... Life... What I had experienced was a part of my memories mixed with fear. It seems that Koro-sensei noticed my weird heartbeat outside of school. How am I so weak yet so strong?

Koro-sensei slowly left me I could feel his lingering precense and love. I pounded the earth, I could've hurt him, I could've killed him right there, but my feelings go tin the way! My feelings got in the stupid darn way!

"Nagisa-kun?" I turned around swiftly and stared at the boy and girl in front of me. "Are you okay there?" The boy asked again, his bangs covered his eyes and the girl next to him huffed.

"He's asking if you are okay, are you okay?" She repeated the boy's question directed at me.

"Chi-Chiba-kun... Hayami-chan..." I accidentally forgot to add the honorifics of '-san' since I referred them as '-kun' and '-chan' back then. They didn't seem to mind and simply patted my back. I whispered breath steady, "Where's Karma?" The two exchanged glances and sighed. Hayami looked away from me as Chiba helped me up. Her eyes drifted to a log and it stayed there as if it was glued.

"Akabane Karma no longer exists in this academy," was all she said.

I slowly walked around outside of school confused. What did she mean? Akabane Karma no longer exists in the academy?! What does she mean by that?

I walked outside of the school's area and I saw a yellow blur disappear from the building into the sky. I chuckled slightly, it must've been Koro-sensei and his crazy antics to go somewhere. Even though I was thinking of something funny or happy, intense bloodlust seeped out of my body. I had to kill him no matter what.

"Did you see that?" Some one spoke to me. I was frozen in shock, I never felt a precense until just now! The said person threw me on the ground. I hissed in pain. However I wasn't angry at the person. Slowly, I looked up at the boy confused. Why was his voice so familiar? Blue eyes met the eyes on a sunset and my eyes went round. "Nagisa-kun?"

"K-Karma..." I choked out his name. He raised an eyebrow when I didn't add '-kun'. He only looked at me with an arrogant expression. My heart fell, I forgot. This isn't my Karma. It isn't the Karma I been fighting with, the kinder one. The best friend who was with me for many years. Hiding together.

"Nice to see you again Nagisa-kun," he said. He gave me a lazy smile, "Sorry I pushed you to the ground. I felt intense bloodlust."

"It's fine Karma, how come you aren't in school anymore?" I asked him. Karma again raised an eyebrow but he didn't give away anything else.

"Well, Nagisa-kun. I thought I already told you. I guess I pushed you so hard to the ground that you forgot!" He chuckled slightly his eyes burning into me trying to get a read on me. "You seem pretty stable for a guy that seems to be breaking on the inside," said Karma.

His words stung like bees, but I didn't care, I wanted an answer. I bore my blue eyes into his and he laughed.

"Okay, okay I'll tell you," he said calmly, "again," he added. His eyes continued to study me as he opened his mouth, "I'm a mercenary now. Full-fledged, no need to go to school anymore. I'm hired by the government to kill Koro-sensei as one of his former students." I froze, he seemed to see me freeze up. "What's up?" He asked.

I shook my head and smiled at him, "Good luck."

He nodded, "Thanks, I'll be going then, nice seeing you again."

"Wait!" I called out to him and reached for his arm. In shock I realized something. Karma wasn't actually there. My hands were shaking at the hallucination and the invisible Karam turned atround to face me. With a sad smile he told me that if I wanted the truth, I should look in Koro-sensei's weakness notepad I had with me. The me from this time could possibly tell me what has happened.

I took out the locket I had seen before as 'Karma' faded away. I hope that he was okay, I hope that what my illusion told me was true. Htat he was alive in this world. That he was still here. I knew I shouldn't have any hopes in case of failure so I tried to calm myself.

Still, I knew I had some hope. I just hoped my hope wasn't so big. If it was too big the aftermath of despair would be bigger. My heart was beating fast, I missed him. I missed him so much, I missed him since he was the last remaining person other than me. He was the person I looked up to. I surpassed. My mentor. I noticed that I was crying again. I wiped them away quickly. I shouldn't get distracted. To see my best friend again... It was a miracle, but I need to focus. I had to find Koro-sensei.

"Kyaaaa!" I turned my head to the owner o fhte scream. Using my knowledge I took a shortcut to the E-class buliding. I watched my beloved teacher rip out some of Hayami's hair. I watched in pure shock that shouldn't have happened! It was no where near the end of school! Chiba hugged Hayami closer to his ragged body. My blood ran cold. I could hear them talking.

"Why did you mention anything to Nagisa?" His joyful voice made everything scarier.

Chiba was trembling, hugging Hayami closer to him he replied, "He had a right to know! You aren't who you act to be! You-you're a monster!"

Koro-sensei's eyes gleamed dangerously. "I would be careful with what you say Chiba-kun," he said rather coolly.

I ran out of my hiding area, both Chiba and Koro-sensei seemed shocked at my appearance. Immediately Koro-sensei went back into the kind self he 'was'.

"Na-Nagisa-kun, this isn't what you think it is-"

"Shut it sensei," I stopped him from trying to make any excuses. My steel eyes looked at him. "Let them go and answer my one question truthfully," I demanded. His eyes narrowed, but he complied. He allowed Chiba to drag Hayami behind me. I took in a deep breath, "Where's Karma?"

He sighed, "Why don't you look in here?" He disappeared in a second before coming back. My eyes could folllow his current speed, running away from the monster in my time was a lot faster and harder. Koro-senesi threw me my weakness book. I felt my lips quiveringg, I was afraid of what I would find in here.

I skimmed through a few notes and I noticed wet areas. The paper was damper and it was wavy. My eyes grew larger as I started to read the entry.

Koro-sensei watched Karma jump down the clif with cold, hard eyes. He had just let Karma commit suicide and did nothing about it. I jumped down and attempted to save him, but Koro-sensei had grabbed me. My hand brushed the frightened Karma's. I watched my friend accept his death with regretful eyes as he fell down. I can't even explain the sicking splat sound when he landed. I watched Koro-sensei clean up the evidence. I'm the only witness. I threatened to tell the government, but he doesn't seem as if he cares. I couldn't take it anymore and I jumped down, he caught me. He caught me, but not Karma.

I had to read more. I noticed there was a few more notes all still wet. The me before must've been crying a lot. Though, I understand why.

Everyday I'm told not to say anything anymore. But... Everything is so different now. Everyone always seems to have some kind of bruise on them. Some people won't leave me alone while others completely ignore me. What's going on?!

I know one thing. It has to do something with Karma's killer.


My heart felt heavier and I swear it ruined my internal organs as it fell.

When I looked up, Koro-sensei was right in front of me with a large smile.

"Nurufufufufu, what's wrong Nagisa-kun?" His gleeful smile and murder intent eyes.

I tried to attack him with my anti-sensei knife, but my hand wouldn't move. I heard Hayami's scream of death echo behind me. This Koro-sensei was already a monster.

Why can't I just throw away the love I had for that monster? That demon? I covered my face with my hands, that one year I spent with him meant too much. I looked up at Koro-sensei dead in the eyes. My venomous hate, my loathsome aura, the eerie smile, all of that was given to my poor unsuspecting teacher. No this sensei was a monster, yet, why couldn't I injure him?

I wanted to cry so much, I wanted to shout and scream and tear him apart. Or... Did I want to tear him apart? Can't I just relive history? Can I do that?

A sweet feeling washed over me. Should I just give up? Leave the dead's wishes not respected?

When Karma left I felt a sting inside of me. I glared at Koro-sensei, unable to show him my weakness, the truth. I can't do anything about it anyways. I looked away after throwing a dagger at him. I could tell I missed, or rather he dodged, but that didn't matter.

The tears were welling up inside of me again as Chiba screamed. I mentally slapped myself. I made myself home at the cave that was supposed to be or going to be our secret base. Maybe if things went the same this time, next time I could help the fight and contribute more.

My heart sank and drowned. It suffocated and shriveled. It died in my own bloodied hands. The reason? I stared at the ceiling of the cave. The reason was simple. I closed my eyes and let the sadness and grief consume me now. Since I couldn't be weak in front of others.

"Koro-sensei!" Many kids surrounded a weird octopus. "Happy birthday!" The teacher seemed to be shocked at the sudden party and outburst. Nagisa laughed nervously as he listened to Isogai announcing the party's reason. Maehara grinned.

"We decided today would be your birthday Teach! We hope you don't mind!" he said. Nagisa only nodded and laughed, he was having the life of his time now. Koro-sensei was delighted to hear that he now had a birthday. Karma chugged down some fruit punch and laughed along with the other students for once.

Itona and Ritsu watched from the corner of the room, afraid to join, but both had smiles on their faces as the joyful party got more happier. Tersaka was even being nice to others! They were going to find a way to protect him from the laser. They had a full-proof plan. Nagisa's heart was soaring and flying. He believed that it could never fall down. Ever.

That was, until that fateful moment.

I cried my last bit of tears then. That was it, no more grip on the certain machine tightened. I whispered my last words in this timeline as the tears on my face were burned away.

"To the past."