I can't breath. It feels like I'm being strangled. My lungs are burning, and my tongue feels dry. I need oxygen. What's happening to me? I feel myself sweating. I feel warm air being forced into my mouth. It's making the burning sensation worse. I finally get enough air into my lungs that I'm able to breath, but I start to choke. I keep coughing as someone, roughly, pats my back. I smell smoke swarming around me, and ashes fly into my nose causing me to sneeze.

When I open my eyes, I see the handsome man squatting in front of me. He has a serious look on his face. I look at him. What the fuck is going on?

"What happened?" I ask in a whisper. It's hard to talk. My throat feels like it's on fire, and I have to close my eyes again because of how dry they are. My head feels like it's full of lead. I lay back down on what I think is concrete.

"I saved your life, that's what happened. Now stay here and let me go get someone to check you out."

"I'm fine."

"Well, you're the one who doesn't seem like she can make great decisions. Now stay here." he gets up, and walks away. That pissed me off. I hate being told what to do.

Memories come flooding back. I remember having dinner with Stephen and mom. I got a phone call telling me about a fire at the company, so I got here as quick as I could.

I open my eyes and sit up. I notice that the handsome man is one of the firefighters. He is walking back over to me, with a bottle of water in his hands. He hands it to me. I quickly take it from him, and take several big sips. Big mistake. I turn to the side, and empty my stomach. Fuck.

"Small sips." the handsome man orders.

"What happened?" I ask again. This time more forcefully.

"You almost killed us for some damn paperwork. I had to save your ass." I glare at him.

"I didn't need you to save me." I tell him. I get up, but as I do I start to sway making me have to hold onto him for support. I take in a deep breath and let go. His muscles are so thick. His coats off, and his red suspenders are hanging at the sides. I back away from him.

"Well, your ass would be dead right now if it wasn't for me." I wave him off. I see an older man walking towards me wearing his firefighter's helmet still. When he gets to me he pulls the helmet off, and holds out his hand. I take it, and we shake.

"Hello, my names Charles Richardson. I run the fire department. I am sorry for the damage that has happened to your building." I nod.

"Anastasia Steele. How did the fire start, and how much damage was done?"

"We are having the team looking at how it started tomorrow since it's eleven at night and there's no power in the building. Only several offices were damaged, including yours. No one was harmed. The only person who was affected was you." he looks at the handsome man. The man rolls his eyes.

"Over some damn paperwork. Stupid." he mutters.

"Do you know how many important things I have in that office!? Next time let my ass just burn!" I growl. We glare at each other. I turn towards the chief. "Can I go up there and see it?" he shakes his head.

"Not until we can check its safety." I sigh in irritation.

"Okay, thank you." he nods, smiling at me apologetically. We exchange contact information, so he can contact me about the start. As he walks away I spot Nathan. I walk over to him, and his eyes widen. He engulfs me in his arms.

"You scared the shit out of everyone!" I wiggle away from him.

"You made sure all documents are safe in the database right?" he looks at me like I'm stupid.

"Did you just doubt me?" I chuckle.

"I'm sorry, I'm just worried. Can you get everything printed back out and filed into one of the empty offices? Looks like I'm being located there." he salutes me, and gets his phone out giving out orders.

Stephen retired a few months ago and gave me his company. I like being in control of my life, so this is helping my stress levels a bit knowing that things can easily be fixed. I can't believe something already went wrong, and it's only been, what, five months? I take a sip of the water and lean against the building. I need some Tylenol.

I look up and see the man walking towards me with a water in his hand.

"Annie!" I look up, and my mother flings herself at me. I groan.

"Jeez mom, calm down. You're like a Damn chihuahua."

"Oh hush, are you alright? We heard you gotten hurt. Rays worried about you."

"I'm fine. I'll call him tomorrow and tell him I'm alright." she kisses my cheek. Stephen walks up to me.

"Do you know what started the fire?" he asks. I don't like this man. I don't know why he gave me the company.

"They will not be able to take a look at the building until in the morning." he nods.

"Make sure to contact me and give me the information. Don't spare any details. I want to know everything." he says firmly.

"Yes, sir."

"Also, don't forget to contact each of the clients and…" I stop him.

"I know what to do Stephen. I've got it under control." I hint for mom to take her husband.

My mom walks over to Stephen, and puts her hand on his arm. "Let her do this sweetheart. This is why you gave her the company, right? You believed she could handle it. It wasn't just for her looks." he sighs, but nods.

"that may have well be, but I want to be kept in the loop. I want to know what's going on and not in the shadows. The board is definitely not going to be happy about this." he grumbles.

"It's not like she started the fire herself. Give her a break. She's running a major company at the age of twenty six. You pushed this on her." he frowns at my mother.

She's right. I hate when people feel disappointed in me. I felt if I turned down the offer he would hate me, even though I already think he does. I don't care if he does though. It made my mom happy that I took over the company. It's really stressful and exhausting, but I do love the control it gives me. Everyone works under me. I don't have to work for anyone else. The only thing is that I have Stephen breathing down my neck constantly.

We tell each other by and plan for dinner next Thursday. I sigh with relief.

"Who the hell was that?"

I quickly spin around, but regret it when I get light headed. I feel strong hands grip my arms. My head is running multiple ways. I groan. I look up and see the man who saved me. "Woah, easy there Tiger." I get away from him.

"I'm fine. And for your information, that was my stepfather." I say in a rushed tone. How does a man, I barely know, have an effect like this on me. His manly scent fills my nostrils. He smells so good. Am I drooling.

"Charming man, and somehow I'd doubt you'd tell anyone if you actually did need help."

He's so beautiful. He has a rugged look to him. He has thick copper colored hair. It curls in certain places making him look even sexier. He has a five o'clock shadow that I want to run my face across. His jaw is so well defined, I want to lick my tongue along it. He has dark gray eyes. They show nothing when I look into them, just emptiness. He is in such great shape, I see his thick abs through his shirt. My eyes run to his hands. A woman's dream. She would love to wrap her legs around them. I look back at him, and my eyes finally land on his lips. I want them on me. All over me.

"I don't want to depend on people other than myself." I tell him. He looks at me.

"You needed my help tonight." he pointed out.

"I didn't ask you to save me." I accuse.

"You didn't give me any other choice than to go after you."

"I would have been fine."

"Yeah, that's why I found you lying on the floor unconscious." he rolls his eyes.

He takes the bottle of water that he's been drinking, and poor it on his head. What is this, a sexy firefighter photo shoot? Where can I get my calendar? Water drips down his face, onto his lips, and down his shirt. Damn. He runs a hand through his hair, and shakes his head. Drops of water fly on me, and I take a step pack. He drinks the rest of his water, and goes to throw it away. My eyes travel to his torso. His shirt is clinging deliciously to his stomach. I can easily see the rigid muscles of his chest, and how tight his abs are. I feel my thighs grow slick with moisture. My palms are suddenly sweaty. I advert my eyes away from him. He brings his shirt up wiping his face, giving my eyes a sneak peek at his midsection. I shut my eyes. I need to stop.

"When I would like to say it has been a pleasure meeting you, I can't. Have a nice rest of the night, ." he says turning away, grabbing his coat and helmet.

"You too, um.."

"Christian." he gets to the fire truck. Before hopping in, he looks back at me. "Oh, and you're welcome by the way." he then climbs in, and drives off.

I just stand there for a minute. I turn around and look at my building. My heart crumbles to the ground. I watch as smoke still flows through windows. The light from the street lights reflect against the smoke. I need to call the repairman and design team.

I can't believe I already messed up. I sigh. I take one last look at the building, then call Nathan telling him to call to call the repairman and designers. I email the chief of the fire department and set up a meeting with him for tomorrow.

After that, I head home. I want to get a bath and go to sleep.