Sorry this chapter is a bit short, thanks to everyone who has stuck with me throughout this story. I appreciate all the wonderful feedback from you guys as well, anyways I hope you enjoy this chapter!

A month had passed since that night, the night he had agreed to kill his father and join this little 'family' Masaomi had created. It was hard the first couple weeks, he was scared because he was alone and didn't know anyone here besides Masaomi and Saki. His father was dead and Shizuo was nowhere to be found since that night and part of Izaya wondered if he was dead as well. In the end he tried not to dwell on the past to much because he knew he'd just end up upsetting himself more.

The first week there Izaya had learned that Masaomi didn't have many rules there and that the only time he excepted people to follow every command of his was when he had a job for them or during training. Saki had explained everyone here had a different purpose for Masaomi and that he wouldn't know what that purpose was until Masaomi himself told him.

So for the first week he didn't want to do anything but sleep so he had stayed in his room doing nothing but sleeping and everyday Saki had been up to check on him, she was beginning to get worried that Izaya hadn't moved from where he was laying all week and he barely even touched the food she brought up for him. He still didn't know what to think about Saki formally known as Shizu-Chan — his cat. But she had revealed herself the first night he had been here, wanting to apologize about not helping him when he was in trouble with his father. She has explained that she was under strict rules by Masaomi not to interfere.

Knowing it wasn't her fault he had forgiven her, from then on Saki had been acting like his mother. Taking care of him, making sure he ate and once she was able to get him out of bed she made sure every night Izaya bathed and when he went out places that he would dress decent. She would always make sure Izaya was comfortable and well taken care of because he was still just a kid and she knew he had never really had anyone to take care of him before, she knew he only knew of hate in this world and both her and Masaomi was determined to change that. But Izaya not being used to the affection didn't know how to feel about it or even what to think, but he gratefully accepted every bit of affection he would get.

After a while Izaya had begun to fully trust Masaomi and Saki, but seeing as though he had barely talked to anyone else besides them two he couldn't really say the same for the others. Izaya had grown clingy to Masaomi, he'd find himself wanting to be with him everywhere he went. He had to hold himself off because he didn't want to annoy the other but every night after everybody would go to bed, he found himself sneaking off to Masaomi's room and he'd climb into the bed with him and they'd talk and snuggle into one another like they had during their sleepover all those months ago — not that Masaomi minded, he was just happy to see Izaya come out of his shell and he was glad he was able to help the boy feel safe for once in his life.

It was about three month into his stay there when Masaomi decided it was time for his training, he wanted Izaya to start interacting with the others there and not just him and Saki, "It's not healthy for you to just be around me and Saki all the time, you need to interact with the rest of your family here." Masaomi had explained to him and even though Izaya didn't really want to, he had decided to give it a try because he didn't want to upset Masaomi.

Training had consisted on testing his abilities, when Saki had been turned she was able to transform to any person or animal at will. A boy named Mikado Ryuugamine was able to do the same thing but he had also had the ability to render someone unconscious at will. Anri Sonohara was the second strongest person here — Masaomi being the first of course — she had the ability of mind control, with one slash of her sword and she can control every movement her victims make and there wasn't a limit of the people she could control at one time.

Izaya had often wondered why she didn't just control everyone here and take Masaomi position, but he had soon learned that the only flaw to her powers was the fact she could only control humans and not other demons, plus Izaya knew Anri had to sweet of a personality to ever try and betray her family.

Then there was Aoba Kuronuma who Izaya couldn't help but think was a jerk, he would treat the others as if he were superior to them. Masaomi was often giving him warnings for trying to start fights with the others or for simply trying to show off during practice and causing the others to get hurt. Aoba's power was Hallucination, he could make people see and hear things that weren't there, it often being the thing that people was most afraid of.

Masaomi had a lot of abilities, he was able to transform just like Saki and Mikado, render people unconscious, his strength matched Shizuo's, he had telekinesis, but the biggest ability of all was the fact he was able to turn ordinary humans into demons just like himself.

There were a lot more in their family but those were the main five he knew of because of how many times he'd catch them training, he had often wonder what his powers would be and why hadn't he had any sign of them yet and Masaomi explained that pushing himself and training would often activate whatever ability he'd have. He also explained how not everyone had multiple abilities but the ones that do don't develop them all at once, that patience and practice is the key.

Izaya had wanted either Masaomi or Saki to train him but Masaomi said Saki would go to easy on him — to which she agreed with the comment "I couldn't dream of hurting my precious baby." While pitching his cheeks rather hard and Izaya couldn't help but blush, half embarrassed at the codling mother she had become to him and half because he rather enjoyed it — and Masaomi was far to busy to do it.

"I think Mikado and Anri would be the perfect fit to train you." He announced and motioned to two of them over after making his decision. "Anri knows a lot about hand-to-hand combat and she's can also teach you how to properly use weapons as well, she's an expert at psychical training." He said before turning to Mikado, "As for Mikado, since he's studied every last ability in this place even the ones that none of us have, he will be guiding you into finding yours. You must listen to both of them, no disobedience toward either of them because they're there to help you, understand?" Masaomi said and Izaya nodded understanding the importance of the situation.

Masaomi and Saki both left leaving Izaya alone with both Anri and Mikado, "hey Izaya, it's nice to finally get to fully introduce ourselves. I know these last few months have been scary but I want you to know, you can trust us that we won't do anything to intentionally hurt you, promise." Mikado spoke as he outstretched his hand for Izaya to shake, hesitantly Izaya did and he did Anri the same way.

Training had soon begun, Anri had been the one to train him first. She had first gone over the basics of safety of hand-to-hand combat, telling him once he learned how to fight then they'd move to weapons. Fighting was hard, he didn't really like it all that much because Anri kept pinning him down and winning. She kept telling him to stay alert, never let his guard down, always try to get the upper hand of his opponent. He tried so hard to follow her instructions but he still couldn't win against her, they had been training for nearly six hours when Anri decided that was enough training for the day, telling him to come back at the same time tomorrow and they'd continue. By the time they were done it was time for lunch, Saki had come in to the training room to gather Izaya and take him up to the kitchen to fix him something to eat.

"So how was training?" She asked him as she lifted the boy up letting him sit on the counter as she fixed him some ramen.

"Exhausting, Anri doesn't take it easy at all. She's nice and a very good teacher, I just wish you could be my teacher or Masaomi." He sighed.

"I know sweetie but you need someone like Anri to teach you, Masaomi is way to busy to help with training at the moment and out of everyone else here Anri is the best qualified to teach you."

"What about Mikado, can't you take over on his training. I mean didn't Masaomi say he was just going to be testing me in which abilities I have. Can't you do that one?"

"Once again sweetie, Mikado is best qualified in that field. I know you just want to be around people you're comfortable with, but sometimes it's good to break out of your comfort zone and besides it'll be good to get to know the other people around here as well. Who knows, maybe you'll grow to love them just as much as you love me and Masaomi?" She suggested.

"Yeah… I guess." He sighed softly still not liking it, Saki gave him a gentle smile and fished up his lunch before she helped him off the counter and brought him into the dinning room to eat.

"Eat up, you're going to need all the strength you can get for your training with Mikado in an hour." She said sitting down next to Izaya as she ate with him.

After he had ate, Saki led him back down to the training grounds and left him with Mikado who was in the corner reading a book. Once he heard Izaya enter the room, he put the book down and greeted him warmly.

Training with Mikado wasn't as exhausting as it was with Anri, Mikado had given Izaya a sense of what abilities could do and what Masaomi rules were for using them outside of the jobs he gives them.

"There's only one rule Izaya and it's you're forbidden to use your powers on anybody here or outside this family, unless you have Masaomi's permission or if it's for training purposes, of course but anybody who uses abilities against one another outside training will be punished severely by Masaomi himself." Mikado explained.

"What is the punishment?" He asked remembering Masaomi telling him rule breakers will be put to a quick death.

"That's for Masaomi to decided." Mikado simply said.

After Mikado had gone over all the basics he needed to know, he had given him three books about all different kinds of demonic abilities and telling him once he read them all he'd begin trying to test him on which abilities he had. "Reading these will giving you a better understanding of abilities, they'll help you when you're trying to find yours." He explained before dismissing Izaya so he could start on his studies.

That night Izaya had found himself reading until his eyes burned, finding all them fascinating and he couldn't help but wonder what ability he would have. It was around midnight when he had begun to grow tired and he found himself back in Masaomi's room cuddled up next to the other boy, it wasn't long before he had soon drifted off to sleep.

I hope you guys enjoyed, please don't be afraid to leave any kind of constructive criticism!