Summary: After three years away from Mystic Falls, Bonnie Bennett finally believes that she has found herself and is starting to live a truly happy life. But, what happens when she is roped back into the deficient town and has to face the only man she ever loved.

This is a new story that just sprung up on me. Tell me what you think and if you have any writing style suggestions.

I do not own TVD or any of its characters.

He had her soul, her mind, her body. He had her in every way possible, but only gave her small scraps of himself. Maybe it was because he believes no one will love him the way he wants to be loved. Maybe it's because he has someone else to go home to, the girl that finally chose him over his brother. Maybe it's because the girl that waits for him at home is the bestfriend of the girl he sneaks off to see every night.

Nevertheless, all Damon Salvatore knows is that when he is buried deep inside Bonnie Bennett all of the bad things in his life become a distant memory.

He doesn't think about his estranged relationship with his brother when his head is between her thighs. He doesn't think about all of the times Katherine made him question his self-worth when Bonnie's fingernails scratched his back so hard blood drew. He sure didn't think about his love for Elena when his face was in between Bonnie's breast as she held him after they came together.

Bonnie made all of these things go away.

And though he loved their physical relationship, he loved what they did after they finished enjoying each other's bodies. When they would intertwine with one another and talk about anything and everything.

Their pasts, presents, futures. Their likes and dislikes.

It was so comforting for Damon to know that he was someone's first choice, someone's only choice. He spent most of his life being second best to his little brother, but with Bonnie, there was no competition. She only wanted him and he knew that by the way she called out his name during their intimate encounters. And how when he talked, she listened.

Because that's who Bonnie was, she was caring and reliable. The only constant in his life.

So, on this night, just like every other night for the past month and a half, Bonnie held Damon close to her chest and played with his hair as his fingers traced patterns on the side of arm.

The only sound was their soft breathing and the ceiling fan.

Bonnie pictured this moment over and over again in her head. She went over how she would tell Damon countless times and tonight was the night because come tomorrow show wouldn't be seeing him again.

"I'm leaving." she whispered.

Damon stopped the methodic movement of his hand up and down Bonnie's arm. He stopped breathing all together. In just two little words, his entire world came crashing down around him. He was mute.

Bonnie continued, "I'm leaving town and i don't think I'm coming back. There's nothing left for me here. Grams and my dad are dead. Caroline is living her new life in New Orleans. Stefan ran away to go find himself, God knows where. Even Matt settled down with Sarah." She somberly chuckled and shook her head in disbelief.

Damon sat up on his right elbow and looked down at Bonnie. He gained his voice back, "I'm here, Elena's here, you can't leave can't leave me."

Bonnie bit her lip and sat up. Her eyes never leaving Damon's. "I can't keep doing this Damon. The sneaking around...the guilt, it's eating me alive. I can't be someone's second choice, I don't deserve that. If you care about me at all, you'll let me go." Her eyes started to water, as she watched the heart of the one man she ever truly loved, break.

As Damon stared into Bonnie's tear-filled eyes he realized his mistake. He let the one woman who he ever undoubtedly and purely love feel like a toy.

Before they started their relationship, hell their friendship, Damon treated Bonnie like gum on the bottom of his shoe. After they became friends that slowly started to change. As Damon learned more about Bonnie, he began to respect her. That respect unknowingly turned to love when they were trapped in the prison world.

After Bonnie sacrificed herself for him in 1994, Damon did all he could to bring her back. Even though everyone around him told him to give up, told him that Bonnie wasn't gonna make it out he still tried everything he could.

And the day that he walked into his kitchen and saw Bonnie flipping pancakes, that's when he knew he loved her. When her legs wrapped around his waist and she held him as close as possible all he could think was that his girl was home.

After she returned the rest was history. They began their secret affair. They shielded their true feelings from the world all for the sake of Elena's feelings, and Damon thought that what they were doing was best for everyone.

He truly began to believe that he could have his cake and eat it too, but now he knew that wasn't the case. Now he knew how selfish he really was.

He never wanted to make Bonnie feel that way she does, he never meant to make her feel as though she was toy that was only played with and cared for half the time. He never wanted Bonnie to feel like an object at all.

He knew what it felt like to be an object. He started off as Katherine's puppet, and now he was Elena's. She pulled the strings of his life. She was the reason he kept his love for Bonnie a secret.

As he assessed the past month and a half in his head he realized the pain that he caused Bonnie. He only gave her moments. Moments of happiness, moments of love, and after time was up he rushed back to to play house with Elena.

He left Bonnie on the sidelines to wait for him, but after all that she had been through, he knows that's not what she deserves.

She needed a constant. She needed a rock. She needed Damon. All of him not the small parts that she was given.

And Damon wanted to give her all of that. He wanted to be the man Bonnie deserved, but a part of his heart was still so loyal to Elena. He had never considered that Bonnie would realize the reality of the situation.

Damon cradled Bonnie's face in his hands and desperately pleaded for her to stay.

"I'm selfish Bonnie, I know I am. I should have never treated you so terribly, and I shouldn't have made you feel like a secret. This is all my fault. I'll do whatever you want. We can stop seeing each other, and go back to being just friends. Baby please, don't leave me." he begged.

An ache that flashed through Bonnie's body as she looked into Damon's eyes full of unshed tears, but she knew what she had to do. Elena and Damon were her kryptonite, and it was time for her to find some solace in her life. The only way she could become a stronger person was to leave Mystic Falls. It was time for her to gain her freedom.

She looked down at the rumpled sheets, unable to look at the hopeful expression on Damon's face, "I'm sorry Damon, I have to go. It's time I put myself first."

"Bonnie, no. Please." Damon removed his hands from her face and pulled her hands towards his chest as if he could keep her in the bed forever.

Bonnie begrudgingly let go of Damon's hands and got up from the bed after softly kissing his forehead.

She quietly gathered her clothes and dressed as tears fell down her face. Damon watched her every move, unable to leave his spot on the bed.

As she placed her hand on the door handle, she hoped that Damon would stop her. She wished that he would tell her that he would leave Elena and that they could live happily ever after.

Bonnie was met with silence. Damon watched as she sighed deeply and walked out of the room.

When she closed the door behind her, he waited until he heard her enter her car and drive off, then he broke down.

The unshed tears, made their unfortunate appearance. He was angry at Bonnie. He was angry at Elena. But most of all, he was angry at himself because he knew that it was his mistakes, his selfishness that let Bonnie get away.

3 years later

Berkeley, California

Bonnie Bennett loved California. Ever since she moved there three years ago to attend the University of California, Berkeley, she has never had a dull moment. She got the college experience she so longed for. She made an immense amount of friends, went to parties, and met cute boys. It was the life she always dreamed of having outside of Mystic Falls.

She was also pleasantly surprised at how large the underground supernatural world was in California. She was able to connect with older and more experienced witches who taught her more about her magic.

When she first arrived, she learned she had become somewhat of a legend in the supernatural community.

"The last Bennett witch."

"The only witch who has cheated death three times."

"The anchor who destroyed the other side."

"The witch who almost killed the Original Hybrid."

"The witch who killed the infamous Malachai Parker."

Those were just a few of the ways that everyone in the supernatural community had described her as. Needless to say, she was an icon for young witches everywhere.

Bonnie learned that she was both loved and hated throughout the witch community, mainly because of the immense amount of power that she possessed.

Some witches didn't think Bonnie deserved her power because she went against the spirits so often, but others admired her bravery and defiance.

Finding out about this was just another reason why she was happy that she left Mystic Falls those few years ago.

Though she was enjoying her life in California, Bonnie couldn't help but feel a small tug at her heart whenever she thought about Damon.

She used to think about him everyday and everytime she heard or saw something that reminded her of him, she would burst in tears.

One little sight, smell, or taste could remind her of Damon, and force her to go into a depressive state for the rest of the day.

Now, he was just a memory in the back of her mind that made an appearance every once in awhile.

Bonnie had lost any and all contact with him after she left. He never called or texted or wrote and for her sanity, she never tried to reach out to him either.

Bonnie thought that maybe Damon never contacted her simply out of respect for her wish to leave everyone and everything in Mystic Falls behind. Another part of her thought that he never cared that much, and that their relationship was nothing more than physical to him. Either way, she was grateful to not hear from Damon because it made letting him go that much easier.

She also lost contact Elena. Mostly because she was too ashamed of falling in love with Damon, but they also started drifting apart long before Bonnie and Damon began their secret relationship.

Bonnie and Elena rarely saw eachother, and when they did it would be because Elena was in trouble and needed Bonnie's witchy powers.

Bonnie began to feel as if she had become a servant to Elena, and there was only so many times Bonnie could put her life on the line for a person who valued her boy toys more than her childhood friends.

Bonnie kept in touch with Caroline, who was still in New Orleans, with Klaus Mikaelson of all people. And Matt, who married Sarah right after Bonnie left Mystic Falls. He even had a two year old daughter. Matt always sent Bonnie pictures of his cute little family. But, Stefan was still nowhere to be found.

"Gabriella, hurry up! We have to meet Jamal at Benihana in twenty minutes." Bonnie yelled from the kitchen at her apartment.

Gabriella Parker was her roommate and her best friend at Berkley. She comes from a long line of African American witches in Houston, Texas. Gabriella and Bonnie met at a frat party on campus and hit it off right away. They even joined the same sorority, and had decided to rent an apartment together for their senior year.

"I'm coming." Gabriella yelled from her room.

Gabriella hopped out of her room with only one shoe on. "Hey, can you check the mail, I think my mom said she was sending me something."

Bonnie smiled, "Of course, a gift from Mama Parker to you is basically a gift to me. You know I'm her second daughter."

Gabriella rolled her eyes and chuckled. "Yeah, I know. I swear she calls you more than me."

Bonnie let out a hearty laugh. She picked up the pile of mail that was sitting on the kitchen counter and started rummaging through it. She mindlessly skimmed over the bills and solicitation mail until one name in particular popped out.

Elena Gilbert.

Bonnie gasped. She threw the other mail back on the counter and hastily opened up the cream-colored envelope.

"Bonnie is something wrong?" Gabriella asked, concerned.

"Shh." Bonnie silenced her, eyes scanning over the invitation she was holding in her hand.

On the front were a series of black and white pictures, engagement pictures. Under the professional photos was the sentence, "Save The Date." in a beautiful cursive font.

Bonnie was stunned into silence.

Elena and Damon were getting married, and she was invited to the wedding.