Author's Soundtrack:
Purgatory by Digital Daggers

Chapter Twenty Seven

Rukia turned off the Jeep's engine and stepped out on to the overgrown forest floor of the Cascades. The cool Pacific Northwest air kissed her cheeks and the scent of sticky sweet pine filled her nostrils, easing some of the tensions that had built up in her chest over the last 12 hours.

Ahead of her was the trailhead, hidden by weeds and underbrush, only noticeable because of the dilapidated sign declaring it closed and trespassers prosecuted. And at the end of it was the thing she had been waiting to see for nearly a year, the thing she desperately wished to put behind her for good.

Ichigo took hold of her hand as she came around the front of the car and gave it a comforting squeeze. He'd come with her without hesitation, already had the bags packed before she could finish asking.

And she was grateful.

As much as she tried to do things on her own, she continued to find herself leaning on him, relying on his strength and unwavering presence. She'd grown to love it more than fear it, learned to trust in him rather than doubt.

Squeezing back, she offered him a smile before releasing his hand and taking the lead.

Their phones were useless, the signal having disappeared an hour ago, but Orihime had provided detailed directions and recognizable landmarks to follow - all of which were needed. Given the lack of abandoned state of the trail the trek was considerably more difficult than Rukia expected, but it put to rest her concerns of easy discovery. Cearly, no casual hiker would have any interest it cutting through the tall undergrowth of the forest, and someone with more direct interest would have trouble finding the path.

Still, she grew anxious as the boarded entrance to the mine appeared, rising from the ground like an earthy mausoleum. Appropriate, considering its contents.

"You're sure this is the right place?"

She could understand his hesitation. The entrance to the mine was questionable at best, collapsible and capable of crushing them under the weight of the mountain at worst. The aged wooden beams barely clung to the iron nails latching them to the carved walls. Roots from the surrounding trees had began to reclaim what was once theirs, splintering wood and stone.

A low moan echoed from the entrance, the ground trembling ever so slightly and loose rocks dislodging from their precarious holds, falling in front of the entrance like a dusty waterfall.

"Pretty sure," she finally replied, stepping into the tunnel.

Past the entrance, the walls were still rough and raw from the days when the tunnel had been expanded with pick axes and manual labor rather than machines. Her eyes adjusted quickly to the dark as they descended deep into the earth. The path was winding and steep, forking several times before they came to a dead end, boarded up and painted with a warning.

"Warning: Unstable Tunnels. Trespassers will be prosecuted."

"Now what?"

Rukia stepped forward and began searching until she spotted a small gap in the wall. Without hesitation, she reached into it.

"That's how people get their arms ripped off in movies," Ichigo stated, not at all sounding concerned.

Rolling her eyes, she felt around for the familiar texture of metal and buttons. When she found it, the tip of her finger brushing against the small bump indicating the number key, she typed in the code Orihime had given her. When the last button was pressed, the sound of a lock unhitching echoed quietly in the tunnel. She stepped back and pulled the wall with her.

The planks and stone moved as one and swung open like a door. Behind it was the rest of the tunnel, the walls now smooth, hinting at their newness. The door swung closed behind them automatically, and after a few more twists and turns in the path they stood in front of a modern steel door and keypad. She typed in another set of numbers and a panel above the keyboard slid open and glowed green.

"Retinal Verification," a voice declared.

"Are you in the system?"

Rukia frowned and leaned forward. Orihime hadn't told her much about the precautions put in place, giving her only a set of numbers. The security system would show her the rest, she had said.

Leaning forward. The green laser made her eyes water as it passed over her eyes.

"Verified. Vocal Verification."

"Rukia Kuchiki."


She stepped back.

Nothing happened.

Ichigo stepped forward and tried pulling the handle, frowning when it didn't budge.

"Second verification needed." The computer informed them patiently.

"So it knows there's more than one of us and requires each to person to pass the test?" Ichigo wondered, moving forward to get his eyes scanned and declare his name.

A series of gears turning and latches snapping clanked inside the door before it slide open. Bright white light filled the tunnel, causing them to cringe as their eyes tried to adjust. Once she could see again, she stepped inside a well lit hallway. The walls were stark white and the floors a hard tile. It continued straight, no bends or forks, just one direction.

At the end was another door. This time, there were no buttons, no panels, just a door without a handle.

Rukia frowned, wondering what they were supposed to do.

Ichigo knocked.

Rukia gawked at him.


It couldn't have been that easy. Could it?

The door opened and Orihime greeted them with a friendly smile.

"You made it!"

"Don't act like you weren't watching us since we turned off the main road," Rukia remarked, stamping down her happiness at seeing her friend.

An amused smirk spread across Orihime's lips. "Maybe. Come on in."

Inside the door was a small foyer leading to a living room and kitchen. The walls were painted a warm and inviting pale yellow, the floors a dark wood, and furniture was scattered about. This was more than just a secured facility, it was a home.

"I like your new digs," Ichigo remarked as they walked through the living room.

"Not mine," Orihime explained, "this is for the agents who are stationed here. I'm just visiting so I can give you a personal tour."

"Where are the agents?"

"One's sleeping, the other is watching the cameras. They trade shifts."

"And him?"

Orihime glanced at Rukia over her shoulder, her smile fading slightly. "He's got his own special room. Shall I take you to him?"

With a nod, Orihime escorted them to a hallway. Several doors flanked them, each leading to another rooms Orihime didn't specify. She stopped in front of one door. It didn't stand out, looking very much like all the others. Rukia expected her to insert a card, code, or scan her eye. Instead, she twisted the handle and entered.

"DNA," Orihime clarified, holding up her hand. A small speck of blood beaded on the tip of her finger. "The handle pricks the skin, reads the DNA. If you're on the approved list, you can open the door. If not. . ."

"And how many people are on the approved list?"


"That's a very short list."

"It should be. No one else needs access to this monster. Even the agents who are watching him don't have access."

Every step of the way, every security measure they had to pass, helped loosen the knots in Rukia's chest. It would be impossible for someone to stumble upon the facility by accident, and just as unlikely for someone who did know it's location to access it's contents. Codes, biological and audio scans, and armed guards with 24 hour surveillance. It would take an army to get to him. And even if an army did come, it would take them time to get to him. Enough time to move or destroy him.

Sousuke Aizen stared down at her from the center of the room, still frozen in her ice. Even through the thick glass and metal, she could feel the chill rolling off the container in waves.

"The temperature inside is constantly monitored," Orihime explained. "If it shifts even one degree, the system adjusts. If there's a power fluctuation, it shifts to a backup system. If the container itself is attacked, a metal guard drops into place and the container is transported through a series of tunnels to a specified drop point where an agent will take him to a new facility."

All of this to keep one man from ever coming back to life.

It had taken a momentous effort to get several territories to provide the resources needed, and to have done it all within a year. Rukia couldn't help but look at Orihime with respect and gratitude. She had spearheaded the effort, working to convince the new Chancellors of their cause, allowing Rukia to step out of the limelight.

"How many people know about this?" Ichigo asked, glowering at the man inside the cage.

"Outside of the five people who have access, only the chancellors of each territory are aware that we are housing a prisoner. And they are all very aware of the consequences should there be a leak or attempt to retrieve him."

"Good," Rukia breathed, almost easily. "The fewer people who know about him and the system, the better. Aizen's army is no more, his top people either dead or captured, and his monsters nearly wiped out, but that doesn't mean someone else won't get a stupid idea in their head."

Rukia narrowed her eyes at the monster before her, etching the rare look of surprise into her memory. When she thought of him, this was the face she would remember. Nothing else.

Orihime asked if they wanted to stay, but Rukia didn't want to be anywhere near him. This trip was for her piece of mind and she finally had it. There would always be a small, nagging voice, but it was quiet for the moment, and she wanted to enjoy the silence.

Rukia heaved a heavy sigh as she slipped into the passenger seat of the Jeep, Ichigo practically glaring at her to step away from the driver's side. After a year, her body suddenly felt the weight of exhaustion and it showed. Giving her his jacket to use as a pillow, Ichigo began the long drive out of the mountains.

But she couldn't sleep.

Despite the fight being over, despite seeing Aizen locked away in the depths of the earth, her dreams were still filled with nightmares that had her screaming herself awake.

Aizen was gone, but his mark on her was not.

Ichigo was beside her on the bed of the hotel, cradling her in his arms as she tried to steady her breath.

"He'll never leave me," she mumbled into Ichigo's chest, gripping the fabric of his shirt.

"Neither will I," Ichigo stated without hesitation. His words were a drop of warmth in a sea of ice.

"You'll die one day."

His grip on her tightened. "That was always going to happen, whether I was human or vampire."

"I won't."

He pulled away from her, taking the little bit of warmth with him. She regretted her words, regretted the negative pull of thoughts that crept in the shadows of her mind. She didn't want to push him away. She reached for him and he was there. He hadn't been leaving, only turning to face her and cup her face in his hands. The tips of his thumbs caressed her jawline and his eyes stared into her's.

"It doesn't matter. You said yourself no one knows how long vampires can actually live for. I'm going to put that to the test. We'll find out how truly immortal vampires are."


"You threw down the challenge and I'm accepting it." He kissed her gently on the forehead. "I told you that day on the beach that I would be here for you, and I will. I'm not one to break my promises."

He pressed his lips softly to hers.

"You're stuck with me, Rukia Kuchiki."

The small drop of warmth spread, chasing away the ice to the furthest reaches of her heart. She wouldn't be alone. He would stay beside her for as long as he away alive. It was ridiculous to think he would remain attached to her for centuries - 21 was still so very young, even for humans - but the sincerity of his words, the tender caress of his lips, the desperate grip on her hips, told her that if his feelings did fade it wouldn't be any time soon.

Author's Notes:

And that's all she wrote, folks! We've reached the end of For Love. Thank you so much for taking the time to read, and to those who waited so long after reading For Blood. Your dedication and interest in this story means so much to me!

I hadn't planned on there being a third story, but there are still a few loose ends that need to be tied up. I've already started the groundwork for the final part of this story, which will be titled For Family. I'm hoping it won't take me nearly as long to write this one, but it will be a bit. There are a few other stories that I have been wanting to write, so I'm going to turn my focus to those.

As I mentioned a couple chapters ago, I thought about turning this story into a web comic. I'm still not certain whether that's the route I want to take or if I want to make it a novel. I'll keep things updated in my profile so if you guys are interested.

Again, thank you so much for everyone's feedback, reviews, and support. Lastly, a special thanks to MugetsuIchigo, Haru000, NieveDrop, NuruNu, and J for your reviews on the last chapter. I'm going to miss you all, but hopefully it isn't too long before my next Bleach Fanfic!