TASOO: Thank you for reviewing, following and favoriting! If you're all interested, I'm expecting one or two more chapters then we'll be out of the dungeon.

" Umm... maybe this way?" Noctis suggested, leading the group in a random direction, Mogan gripping her hair in frustration.

" We're all gonna die down here!" She complained as she wined, Prompto slinging an arm over her shoulder.

" Get over it, little sister. We'll be back in the light before you know it." Mogrick assured. It was a surprise how easy he could revert from a lunatic to a normal human. All they had to do was get him away from the blood and wait a good ten minutes. By then, he was acting like it never happened.

" Mogrick's right! No tears we'll get out of here as soon as possible!" Mogan coaxed her head to the side. Why was he looking away while he said it? Did he look... embarrassed?

" Yeah, your right." She hummed in response. Prompto glanced back at her before taking his arm off her shoulder and looking around.

" I can feel eyes on us..." He said aloud, the group tensing. Now that he said it, Mogan felt the same way. " The second we turn our backs, BAM!" He turned around, only to see a large figure as Prompto yelped, Mogan, Noctis Mogrick and Ignis turning back in surprise. It was only Gladio, thank god.

" Quit being a wuss." Gladio sighed, hitting Prompto on the side of the head. Noctis took a right, going down a random tunnel as the lights lit the way.

" Um, hello? Anyone home?" Prompto called, Mogrick rolling his eyes.

" If anyone was home, we would have either died by now or found the tomb a long time ago." He told the boy. Prompto looked around.

" Ever wonder if people like, died here?" He asked, completely ignoring Mogricks response, Mogrick sighing. However, before he could answer that, a big bang! was heard near one of the doors.

" Wahh!" Mogan flew in the air behind Gladio as she wrapping her arms around his neck and closed her eyes. The group stayed silent.

" What was that?" Mogan whimpered into Gladio's ear. Gladio picked Mogan up, dropping her to the ground off his shoulders.

" Whatever it is, it's playing with us," Gladio told her. Prompto looked at the door.

" Hey wait," He stopped the group. Noctis raised an eyebrow at him.

" What?" He asked.

" Need to brace for this." He stood in front of the door that made the noise.

" Is he always this much of an idiot? Doesn't he know that the doors locked? How else could the thing ?" Mogrick asked Ignis, Ignis sighing as he straightened his glasses.

" Okay Noct, on the count of three, open the door," Prompto told him, walking over to it. " Ready? One... two..."

Noctis pulled on the door. " No good, it's locked." Prompto groaned.

" Your joking right?" He asked. Noctis just ignored him and walked away.

" Helloooo?" Noctis just ignored him.

" There's nothing else here, let us retrace our steps and see if we can find something new," Ignis told the group, the monster roaring again. Prompto looked down a small corridor.

" It came from there..." He pointed down, Mogan grabbing Noctis's arm.

" But... its so dark down there..." She whispered, Noctis giving her an odd look.

" Mogan, you're a fire mage. You could literally light this place up if you wanted to." He told her, Mogrick nodding.

" The darkness cannot touch a fire user. They are simply too bright for their own good." Mogirck told her. Mogan took a deep breath, as they begun to walk down, deeper underground.

" Right." She whispered to herself. They walked down the hill, through a door, and a long hallway only to walk up some more stairs and through another door.

" Weren't we... here before?" Prompto asked, looking around at the fairly familiar room. Mogan frowned.

" Maybe..." She thought aloud. " The doors that were once locked are now unlocked?" They gave her a baffled look.

" How could that be a possibility be true?" Ignis asked. " There's no one here to unlock them." Mogan put a hand to her chin.

" No... there isn't" She thought aloud. " But if you think about it, this corridor was on that side of the hallway we just came through." She pointed to the door they just went through.

" Which means this is a replica to the hallway we just went through. So if we pick the right doors..." Noctis's eyes widened.

" Then we could end up in the rooms that were locked back in the old hallway! As in the door that Prompto and I tried to open!" Mogan nodded, Noctis smiling.

" See? You do have a brain!" He rubbed the top of her pom pom, Mogan frowning at him at she crossed her arms.

" Hey! Don't touch my pom pom kupo!" She yelled at him, puffing out her cheeks in anger. The group just laughed, walking down the corridor. They crawled through a small space between rubble, before squeezing through some more rubble. It was easy for Mogan, Prompto, and Ignis to squeeze through, however, they practically had to pull Noctis, Mogrick, and Gladio so they could fit.

They finally appeared in another hallway. Noctis led the way, running to an opened door when it shut right in his face.

" H-hey!" He grunted, pulling on the door. However, it was left locked.

" Let's just go this way," Mogan suggested, pointing to the other direction as the group continued on, opening a door and walking through yet again another hallway. They opened a door, to what looked like a shed like room.

" Wait, you hear that?" Prompto asked the group stopping. It was the sound of flowing water. Mogan's heart skipped a beat when she realized someone turned the water off. Prompto pushed Mogan to the door.

" Uhh... ladies first, Mogan." Prompto smiled at her, Mogan giving him a baffled look.

" Are you kidding me, kupo? That's a boy's bathroom!" She crossed her arms. " You go first!"

" No way! I don't need to ruin this precious face! What if something jumps out at us?" Prompto objected. Mogan puffed out her cheeks in anger.

" So your saying I was bait?!" She burst out, Noctis sighing heavily as he pushed the two aside.

" Look, I'll go first." He told the two, Mogan and Prompto seeming satisfied. Noctis opened the door and peaked through, only to see its empty.

" Nothing." Prompto sighed in relief when he too looked in. Gladio looked around the room.

" That's weird." He said, Mogan, feeling an eerie presence like she was being watched.

So the group went through another door, into another room, only to find another door that led to a long hallway that led to another door-

" Seriously, how long is this dungeon?" Mogan her feet aching by the long walk.

" I don't know, but I have a feeling this might be it! Royal Tomb, here we come!" Prompto announced, grabbing a random door and pushing it open. Another room.

" Ughhh!" Mogan gripped her hair in frustration, Mogrick sighing as he put a hand on her shoulder.

" Wait a minute." Noctis pointed to the other side of the room, where a hole in the rubble lay. " That looks promising, let's check it out," Noctis told them, beginning to walk toward it when-

" What the hell?!" Mogrick gasped, a giant spider landing right in front of them, hundreds of daemons surrounding it. That's why the dungeon was so eerily quiet they were waiting for the perfect time to strike.

" The Arachne," Noctis announced as he summoned his sword.

I am playing the game and writing at the same time (basically I pause the game every time a character talks or does something and write it down and figure out how Mogan or Mogrick will react to it) and seeing how many times you have to fight daemons in these dungeons, I realized I should just skip all the fights and add an explanation to the end. If you would rather me include the fighting, just say so but know that if I have a bunch of random fight scenes, the story will be taking longer to finish.

Review, Favorite and Follow if you want me to continue this! ~TASOO