I do not own Skip Beat! Thank you Nakamura Yoshiki for your creativity and inspiration.


Amisi stood in horror as she watched Osaze writhe in agony over the deadly poison that coursed through his veins. She had not seen the cobra when she stepped near the reeds but, he did and took the bite. He could barely breath.

"Don't leave me.. I will die without you." She begged.

He wheezed as his hand reached to caress her gentle face. He wanted to remember her beautiful, soft bronze skin, her soft ebony hair, her eyes the color of the richest golden topaz and the soft voice that would calm even the most vicious of beasts. He left her. The only one that she had ever loved, had left her. She would make his shroud. She would prepare his body. She would bury him in the traditional manner of the day & she would give the god Osiris his due to ensure his safe passage. She would then die slowly and alone.

Kyoko awakened from her sleep in tears. She had never felt such a complete and utter loss in all of her life. Her dream... her dream felt nothing like a dream. It felt like a memory, so much so, that it had affected her throughout the day. She would go about a random job or, task only to find that some little thing would remind her of Osaze. The sound of a bird, a smell, a color.. they would all force a feeling of nostalgia to wash over her then a torrent of despair.

She watched in terror as Nerva's eyes went wide. 'It's not your fault love.' she thought. She was unable to say it. Her attempts had been futile as only a strangling gurgle had escaped from her slit throat. It had been her fault. She had known the consequences of a Vestal Virgin allowing herself to be soiled by a man. She would be beaten severely and sent to the depths. If she refused to go on her own, this was the consequence. It made no difference if it were for love or, not. Her blood would still be flowing from her, soiling her white garments and flaxen waist-length hair. Her family would still be witness to her humiliation and her love would still be standing in front of her as one of his punishments. He watched in his restraints as the life ebbed from her brilliant golden eyes and the sun had been taken from his universe. His Valeria was gone, his heart shattered and his spirit darkened. To Nerva, the god's were dead. They would receive no offerings or, prayers from him ever again.

Kyoko could still feel the dagger as it crossed her throat, the scourge as it slashed across her fair skin and the look on her lover's face as he watched her cruel punishment. She washed the stinging tears from her eyes in the cool water of the basin as the image of his eyes flashed into her mind. "It was just a bad dream." She whispered to her image. I'll be okay. Everything's alright.

It had nearly killed Sabina when Edwin was taken by the Black Death. The life had almost gone out of her golden eyes as she watched him waste away in the pain that came with it. The only thing that kept her going was the infant that they shared within her. The midwife assured her that her son was well and survived. 'That's good.' "He is Edwin's son." She whispered weakly, feeling her strength ebb away onto her blood-stained sheets. He quieted when he saw his mother's softened features and received her last kiss to his tiny forehead. She smiled softly as her world turned black and her last breath escaped.

Once again she awakened to tears and a sense of complete and utter loss. She didn't know how long this had been going on. It felt like years, but in reality it had only been days. Ever since that day. Why?

Anne watched in horror as the soldier burned her home with her sick father in it as commanded, while she was tied to the post they had buried just for her punishment. It was a baseless accusation. She had only been gathering medicinal herbs and someone had accused her of witchcraft and heresy. She screamed for mercy as the pyre was built around her and finally her screams turned to whimpers as she watched the young soldier that had tried to save her, pierced through by an arrow to his heart and thrown on the pyre with her. She would die knowing that tender gaze of his beautiful eyes into her gold ones. Would they have been lovers under different circumstances? Yes, she knew that look of desperation. She had the same look as she watched her father burn and heard his agonizing screams for help.

Another morning of heart-wrenching pain, another morning of tear soaked pillows. She just wanted it to end. How many times would she awaken with a new memory of complete loss? The dreams had only started a few days ago when she had first come to Karuizawa for the location shoot for Dark Moon. Maybe she was just that stressed out. Having the knowledge that Sho was going to be around was pretty stressful. Maybe that was it. Maybe a nice soak in the hot-springs would help her clear her mind of all of these nightmares.

The soak in the hot-springs had uncoiled all of her taut muscles and cleared the fog of the dreams from her memory. Not completely cleared, but better she thought until she left. Those eyes... there they were. The eyes of the man that had loved her. She froze in thought. Were they memories? He has those beautiful haunting eyes. He feels familiar. His touch is familiar. His smell... I know him? His voice sounds right to something deep inside me.

"Kyoko! RESET!" Sho yelled then gave her his speech on how naive she was.

"I don't care if she's Fuwa's or, not." Reino said with a nostalgic determined tone.

A/N: A little interpretation of what caused Kyoko to freeze when she was caught between Reino and Sho after her public bath in Karuizawa. 8)