King Allfire stood outside a closed wooden door, reading through a neatly written letter. When he reached the end of the page, he sighed to himself and knocked on the door.

'Come in,' said a voice from the other side.

King Allfire pushed the door open and entered the room beyond. The occupant of the book-lined chamber looked up from his desk.

'Good morning, Chancellor,' said King Allfire, tucking the letter into his pocket. 'Are you terribly busy?'

'Ah, King Allfire,' said the Chancellor, looking up from his bookkeeping. 'Well, this is a pleasant surprise - I can hardly remember the last time you paid me a visit.'

'Yes… sorry about that, old chap,' said King Allfire. 'I haven't been neglecting you deliberately, but I suppose that's what I've been doing all the same.'

'No need to apologise, Your Majesty,' said the Chancellor. 'I am at your service whenever you need me, but it is not my place to feel neglected if my personal input is not required for a little while. In answer to your question, I am not terribly busy just now. Is there something I can help you with?'

'Um, yes,' said King Allfire. 'I want to talk to you about Flicker.'

'Ah, Sir Loungelot's canny young squire,' said the Chancellor. 'I don't know him intimately, I'm afraid.'

'No… but you have his records on file, don't you?' said King Allfire.

'Oh yes, of course,' said the Chancellor. 'Shall I look them out, Your Majesty?'

'Yes please, if you would,' said King Allfire. 'I want to find out everything I can about the boy. Quite a lot of people have been going out of their way recently to sing Flicker's praises to me, and I thought it was about time I made my own assessment of the situation.'

'Flicker is a very capable and courageous young fellow, from what I've seen and heard around the castle,' said the Chancellor, rifling through a shelf of files.

'Yes, that's what everyone says,' said King Allfire. 'Princess Flame, Sir Hotbreath, Sir Galahot, Sir Blaze, Cinder and Clinker… even Princess Solder of Singetagel Castle has written to tell me what a ripping fellow Flicker is.'

'Well, he certainly seems to have impressed a lot of people,' said the Chancellor. 'Ah, yes, here's his file. Hmm, let's see here…'

'He is of proper birth, I suppose?' said King Allfire. 'Flame seems to think he's related to the duchy of Northumberland.'

'Um… yes, that's right,' said the Chancellor, consulting his notes. 'Duke Percy of Northumberland is his third cousin twice removed.'

'Is he in line to inherit any land or money?' asked King Allfire.

'Um… no, Your Majesty,' said the Chancellor. 'Flicker's father is the younger son of the Duke's third cousin… or rather, he was. Flicker has no immediate family still alive; it's extremely unlikely that he'll ever inherit anything. Does this colour your opinion of his potential suitability for knighthood, King Allfire?'

'Not at all,' said King Allfire. 'I just want to build up as full a picture of the lad as I can. Can you tell me anything else about him?'

'I can tell you about the day he first arrived in Camelhot,' said the Chancellor. 'It must have been seven or eight years ago now, but I still remember Cinder and Clinker presenting him to me and asking me to take down his details.'

'Oh, yes?' said King Allfire. 'Do tell.'

'So, your father was the younger son of the third cousin of the Duke of Northumberland,' said the Chancellor, scribbling away with his quill. 'And your name is… Flicker, is that right?'

'Yes, sir,' said Flicker.

'And how may years have you attained?' asked the Chancellor.

'I shall be fourteen on the first of next month, sir,' said Flicker.

'Hmm. And what exactly do you seek here at Camelhot, Flicker?'

'I seek knighthood.'

'That will not be possible! Not for some time, at any rate. However, if you work hard and do your duty faithfully and well, you may get your wish someday.'

'Oh, I do hope so, sir,' said Flicker. 'I know that the path towards knighthood is not an easy one, or a quick one, but it is one that I believe in with all my heart. I have heard many great tales of Camelhot - of King Allfire and his Knights of the Square Table - and I know that all I could ever hope for is the honour of serving them, in whatever way I can. I do not intend to seek reward or recognition, but I have always tried to live by the rules of King Allfire's Code of Chivalry, and I shall do my best to live up to their high standards.'

'Hmm… then there may be hope for you, youngster,' said the Chancellor. 'We'll start you off with a trial and see how you get on. If you perform well, perhaps we shall find a permanent place for you here at Camelhot.'

'Oh, thank you, sir!' Flicker gushed.

'Cinder and Clinker,' the Chancellor called, 'could you come in here, please?'

Cinder and Clinker entered the room and performed an awkward bow.

'Yes, My Lord Chancellor?' said Cinder.

'Find young Flicker here something to do, will you?' said the Chancellor. 'Set him a task and see how he gets on, and then report back to me.'

'What kind of task shall we set him?' asked Clinker.

'I don't know,' said the Chancellor, 'you're the experts in that area. Give him one of your jobs - you've got plenty to choose from, haven't you?'

'Ain't that the truth,' said Clinker.

'We were supposed to clean out the stables yesterday, but we didn't get round to it,' said Cinder. 'Shall we get him to do that?'

'Well, Flicker, what do you say?' said the Chancellor. 'Do you consider such a task to be beneath you? Do you feel that your talents would be wasted?'

'Oh no, My Lord,' said Flicker. 'As I said, I am happy to serve King Allfire and the Knights of the Square Table in whatever way I can.'

'Well then, you'd best be on your way,' said the Chancellor, the ghost of a smile playing on his lips. 'Take him away, Cinder and Clinker.'

'What happened next?' asked King Allfire. 'Did Flicker clean out the stables?'

'I'm afraid I don't know, Your Majesty,' said the Chancellor. 'Cinder and Clinker never did report back to me. The next thing I heard, Sir Loungelot had taken Flicker on as his squire; I updated my records accordingly and then I didn't give the matter another thought, to be honest with you. But I might venture to suggest that Cinder and Clinker should be able to fill in the gaps for you, sire.'

'Yes,' said King Allfire. 'I'd better go and talk to them about it then, hadn't I?'

'Flicker's first day in Camelhot?' said Cinder. 'Oh yes, sire, I remember it well! He came to the gates and announced himself when we hailed him. We weren't sure exactly what we should do with him, so we took him to see the Lord Chancellor.'

'Yes, yes, I know that part!' said King Allfire. 'I want to know what happened in the stables.'

'Ah yes, what happened in the stables,' said Clinker. 'Are you sure about that, Your Majesty? You might not entirely approve of what you hear.'

'I am trying to gain as full a picture of the lad as I can,' said King Allfire. 'Please, just tell me what happened.'

'Very well, Your Majesty,' said Cinder. 'Now, let's see…'

'You sweep up all this mess, Flicker,' said Cinder, 'while we watch you and see how you do.'

'All right, then,' said Flicker, grabbing a broom.

'You're a very amenable sort of fellow, aren't you?' said Clinker.

'Well,' said Flicker, 'it would hardly be my place not to be amenable, would it? Do you have a bucket and some string, by any chance? I've an idea about a slight modification I'd like to make to this broom.'

Ten minutes later, Flicker was sweeping away happily. The unmistakable sound of running footsteps suddenly filled the stable; Flicker looked up to see a girl of about his own age running through the door, which she immediately slammed behind her. She then peered out of the window, panting heavily with a hand pressed to her chest.

'Er… hello,' said Flicker. 'Are you in any trouble?'

His companion whirled around to look at him. Her startled expression soon changed to one of curiosity as she looked him up and down, then a small smile began to creep across her face.

'Hello,' she said. 'I don't think I've seen you before, have I?'

'No,' said Flicker. 'I'm new.'

'That would explain it,' she smiled. 'My name is Flame. Who are you?'

'I'm Flicker,' he said.

'Hello, Flicker,' said Flame. 'Thank you very much for your concern, but I'm not really in any trouble - I'm just hiding from someone, that's all.'

'Oh, right,' said Flicker. 'Who are you hiding from, Flame?'

'My wicked stepmother,' said Flame, giggling. 'Well, actually, she's not wicked at all - she's perfectly nice most of the time, but just at the moment she wants me to try on the most disgusting dress you've ever seen, so I'm hiding from her.'

'I have a wicked stepmother,' said Flicker.

'Do you really?' said Flame. 'How thrilling! Are you hiding here as well?'

'Well, not really,' said Flicker. 'I haven't seen my stepmother for a long time - not since my father died, in fact. Oh, I'm sorry, Flame - I'm sure you're not remotely interested in my family history.'

'Oh, but I am, Flicker,' said Flame, approaching him as swiftly as she dared. 'I'm sorry to hear about your father - my mother died when I was very young, so I suppose you could say that we're in the same boat, in a way.'

'Yes,' Flicker smiled at her, 'I suppose you could.'

'I should love to help you with your sweeping, Flicker,' said Flame.

'But Flame,' said Flicker, 'this is hardly suitable work for a girl. Anyway, I've nearly finished now, thanks to my handy brush-pan here.'

'I've never seen a broom like that before,' said Flame. 'Did you think of tying the bucket to it yourself?'

'Well, yes, I did actually,' said Flicker. 'This way, I can sweep and collect up all the mess in one fluid motion.'

'Yes, I can see exactly what you've done and why you've done it,' said Flame. 'You must be extremely clever, Flicker.'

'Oh, I wouldn't say that, Flame,' said Flicker. 'It's just that if I see something that I think needs a little improvement, I'm not afraid to improve it if I can.'

'Well, I think you're clever, Flicker,' said Flame. 'I'm so glad that you're here - you and I are going to be the best of friends, I just know it!'

'I certainly hope you're right, Flame,' said Flicker. 'But I'm not even sure yet…'

The stable doors burst open to reveal Queen Griddle standing on the threshold, wearing a black look and with smoke issuing from her nostrils.

'Flame, there you are!' the Queen's arresting tones echoed around the stable. 'Have you been hiding from me? What do you think you're doing in here, dallying with a common stable boy?'

'We're not dallying, Stepmother Griddle,' said Flame. 'We're just talking, that's all.'

'Princesses do not talk to stable boys!' Queen Griddle fumed. 'Come with me at once, you naughty girl - you will try on the dress I have made for you to wear at your birthday party, and you will do it now!'

With that, Queen Griddle turned on her heel and stalked away. Flame made a face at Flicker, squeezed his arm, and then ran after her stepmother.

'Flame… Flame, wait a moment!' said Flicker.

'Yes, Flicker?' said Flame, stopping in the doorway and turning back to look at him.

'Your stepmother is Queen Griddle,' said Flicker, 'so that means that you're…'

'Princess Flame, daughter of King Allfire and heir to the throne of Camelhot!' Flame declared, grinning widely. 'At least I am until Stepmother Griddle lays a son, which is something she might well do at some point…'

'Flame, come on!' Queen Griddle roared from not far off.

'I really must go now,' Flame said apologetically. 'I'll see you later, Flicker.'

She blew him a kiss, and left. Flicker stared after her, his mouth wide open and his eyes bulging almost out of his head.

'And did she see him later?' asked King Allfire.

'We don't know, sire,' said Clinker. 'Chef Turnspit came to find us and asked us to help him set up the Great Hall for Princess Flame's birthday party, so we left Flicker to finish off the stable by himself. The next thing we heard, he was Sir Loungelot's squire.'

'Oh dear, oh dear,' said King Allfire. 'Flame had obviously taken an immediate shine to the boy. Did she come back later, and attempt to… develop their relationship?'

'Why don't you ask her, Your Majesty?' Cinder suggested.

'Yes,' said King Allfire, 'I think I'll do just that.'

'Did I go back to the stables?' said Flame. 'Well, Daddy, it was such a long time ago, I'm not sure I really remember. Why are you digging up all this ancient history, anyway?'

'My dear, I'm doing exactly what you've been telling me to do for the past two years,' said King Allfire. 'I am conducting my own investigation into Flicker, just as I promised you I would.'

'Ah, so you've spoken to the Chancellor, then?'

'Indeed I have. I've seen Flicker's records, including his birth certificate, and now I'm finding out everything I can about his first day in Camelhot.'

'Well, if you know everything that happened up to the point where I went to try on my party dress, I'd have thought you might be able to work out the rest,' said Flame.

'The rest of what, Puff?' asked King Allfire.

'The rest of the day!' said Flame. 'Don't you remember what happened just before my birthday party?'

'Um… well, it's not really the party that concerns me,' said King Allfire. 'I want to know what you did before the party… with Flicker.'

'What do you mean, what I did with him?'

'Flame, I feel that I have to ask you a question now - a very important question to which I must have a truthful answer. What exactly is the nature of your relationship with Squire Flicker?'

'We're friends, Daddy. We're good friends… best friends. Flicker filled a void in my life that I hadn't realised was there until I met him - if he hadn't been here over the past seven years, I really think I'd have run away at some point, I would've been so miserable. But Flicker makes me happy. Flicker always knows exactly what to do to sort out my problems… and yours, even though you don't seem to realise it. I love him, Daddy… and you might as well know that I fully intend to marry him!'

'Yes, my dear, I had rather gathered that,' said King Allfire. 'But what I really want to know is, have you and Flicker ever expressed yourselves in a… physical manner… perhaps late at night… in bed, maybe?'

'Father!' Flame exclaimed, looking mortified. 'I can't believe you'd ask me such a question! Flicker would never do a thing like that - he'd never even think of it! He's much too proper and gentlemanly… unlike some of the other supposed "gentlemen" around here that I could mention!'

'I'm sorry, Puff, but I had to be sure,' said King Allfire. 'It would be entirely improper if such a relationship had developed between the two of you, and I couldn't help but wonder…'

'Well, thank you for your faith in me, Daddy!' Flame fumed. 'What did you think, that I went back to the stables and seduced Flicker right there in the hay?'

'Well, the thought had crossed my mind,' said King Allfire. 'But I can see now that I was being rather silly.'

'You're always being rather silly where Flicker is concerned!' Flame snarled. 'I can't believe you haven't managed to join the dots about his first day! Daddy, do you remember that I almost got kidnapped by Count Geoffrey on my fourteenth birthday?'

'Kidnapped by Count Geoffrey?' said King Allfire. 'Oh yes, so you did - I had quite forgotten. And Sir Loungelot saved you, didn't he?'

'Daddy, for God's sake!' Flame fumed, stamping her foot. 'I think it's high time you were disabused of a few erroneous notions. I did go back to the stables after I'd managed to escape from Stepmother Griddle, and I'll tell you exactly what happened next!'

'Flicker,' said Flame, leaning provocatively against the stable doorframe, 'I'm back.'

'Oh… hello, Your Highness,' said Flicker.

'It's Your Highness now, is it?' Flame sighed. 'You were calling me Flame earlier.'

'I know, Your Highness, but I shouldn't have been,' said Flicker. 'It was entirely improper for me to do so.'

'Yes, I suppose it was,' said Flame, stalking ever closer to him. 'Where are Cinder and Clinker?'

'They've gone to prepare the Great Hall for your birthday party, Your Highness,' said Flicker.

'Ah,' said Flame, 'then we - you and I - are alone here.'

'Yes,' said Flicker, 'I suppose we are.'

'I say, Puff, are you quite sure you didn't seduce him?' said King Allfire.

'I didn't seduce him, Daddy!' Flame snapped. 'Just let me tell the story, will you?'

'You've almost finished sweeping up, haven't you?' said Flame. 'What an impressive job you've done.'

'Thank you, Your Highness,' said Flicker. 'I hope I've done well enough to earn myself a permanent position here.'

'I'll put in a word for you, Flicker,' said Flame. 'You really must stay - I couldn't bear it if you left, not just as we're getting to know each other.'

'Well… thank you, Your Highness,' said Flicker.

'May I take a closer look at that brush-pan of yours?' asked Flame.

'Yes, if you want to, Your Highness,' said Flicker. 'Here you are.'

Flicker held out his tool. Flame took it from him, deliberately placing her hands over his for a moment as she did so. She examined the brush-pan closely, and rubbed her hands up and down the shaft. Flicker coughed and tugged at his collar.

'I suppose you need me to give this back so you can finish off your work, don't you?' said Flame.

'Yes, Your Highness,' said Flicker.

'Well then,' said Flame, starting to giggle, 'come and get it!'

Clutching the brush-pan to her chest, Flame ran out of the stable to the sound of incessant giggling. Looking mortified, Flicker ran after her.