Hello there…

So, I got this prompt from Lhaven.

Here's an idea for you... what about a scenario where Mac has to 'hold things together' (take care of the problem, lead the group, be the 'adult' in the group) because he has too (maybe others aren't there, are injured, something...). And then the 'after' time when he can finally 'let down' (fall apart?) once everyone is safe. What would that look like on Mac? How would Jack, Riley react.

Hope I make you proud!

"We need to get out of here!" Jack yelled towards Mac, they were in a hospital in Iraq. A hospital inconveniently placed in the middle of a bomb-strike.

"Don't you think I know that?" Mac shot back rushing to the elevator made for bedridden patients with, well… A bedridden patient…

"Only two more on this floor!" Jack called over the sound of a big explosion somewhere in the neighborhood. "Say, I take the one on the D-wing, you take the A?"

"Fine by me…" Mac nodded as he pushed the button for the basement floor, then got out of the elevator. Riley would waiting for the patient in the basement-slash-bunker… And the patient was unconscious, so... He wouldn't wake up and panic anytime soon…

"Just hurry!" Mac added, before he prepared to sprint off to save one of the two remaining patients on this floor.

"Always do!" Jack grinned back.


On his way back to the elevator, Mac had his heart jerked up to his throat. Another bomb hit somewhere near, and the whole building shook.

Mac rushed over to the four elevators which still worked, got the patient in the hospital bed into the one on the left, and sent him down to the basement.

He and Jack had agreed on going down together, the first one to get back from their last round would wait for the other. Jack wasn't back yet.

Mac waited half a minute or so before he started getting nervous, another few seconds before he headed off to the D-wing.


The sight that met him once he rounded the corner almost made his heart stop.

The end wall was gone. Like, nowhere in sight…
Mac saw all the way out to the burning sky and the other ruins left by the bombs raining down over the city.

The hospital bed Jack had been moving was along the right wall, Mac couldn't see Jack.

Mac took off running down the hall. Towards the open wall, towards where Jack would be.

If he wasn't already… Mac pushed the thought away. Thoughts like that would only make his search for Jack an even more painful affair.

He ran all the way to where the rest of the building was blown away. No Jack. He turned around and saw Jack's body trapped under some fallen debris. Mac ran over.

"Jack!" he yelled, his hand wrapping around one of Jack's shoulders.

Jack stirred and moaned.

"Jack, are you okay?"

Jack didn't answer, but he attempted to gain some control of his eyelids.

Mac eyed the piece of concrete pinning his friend down. It was too heavy for him to lift with his bare hands. He checked the area around them, and saw a smaller piece of concrete. He lifted it over, next to Jack. Next, he ran over to the hospital bed and ripped off one of the metal railings. And, he drove the bed over next to Jack.

"Jack? You with me?"

Jack managed to look his way, but he was still too out of it to form an answer.

He used the metal railing as a lever, and the smaller concrete piece as a fulcrum. Once he managed to lift the largest concrete enough to drag Jack loose, he pulled the bed closer and jammed the lever into the frame under the bed. That way it would stay at that height as Mac pulled Jack free.

"Okay, ready?"

Jack hummed an answer, but Mac wasn't quite sure what the answer meant. But Jack had to be freed one way or another.

"Okay, I'm gonna do this quick. You know… Because were in a freaking war-zone and all that…" Mac informed before he pulled Jack free from the debris.

THAT woke Jack up!

Mac's heart bled as Jack screamed profanities, grimacing and reaching for the leg that had been trapped under the large piece of wall or floor.

"SON OF A BITCH!" Jack cried out, reaching for his bloody left leg.

"Sorry…" Mac muttered as he grabbed a new hold of Jack. This time, bridal style. Then he lifted Jack onto the bed, placing him head to feet with the current resident of the hospital bed. The patient had a huge bandage around his head, and the sheet that hung on his bed only stated head trauma. So Mac figured it would be safe enough for both of them to share the bed as a transport device.

Jack let out a guttural growl, arching his back.

"Let's get the two of you to safety…" Mac said as he released the metal railing he had used as a lever from the bed. Then he started pushing the bed towards the elevator.

As they got to the elevators another bomb rattled the building. Mac looked towards the A-wing, where he had taken his last patient from, before he had to find Jack. That wing was now blown apart too.

"Thank God this was the last floor…" he muttered as he pushed the button for the green elevator.

"Yeah…" Jack mouthed, his face contracting into a pained grimace.

The elevator arrived and Mac got them in there. Then he pushed the button for the basement floor.

The ride down was long, the small room was silent, except for Jack's whimpers and other sounds of discomfort.


Riley met them as the door opened. But she froze when she saw Jack sitting on top of the bed.

"What happened?" her eyes were wide, her mouth hung open.

"There's a war out there…" Jack bit out through gritted teeth.

"The hall he was in got hit, something landed on his leg. Haven't taken a look at it yet." Mac locked eyes with her.

"Are you okay Jack?"

"NO!" Jack shouted back. His hands steadying his thigh, even though it was his leg which had the visible damage.

"Riley, can you get a doctor over here. Maybe an orthopedic doctor or surgeon… Someone should take a look at Jack's leg, I'm pretty sure it's broken. If we get someone to immobilize it, it will be easier for us to move him when we get the chance…" Mac's blue eyes was still locked with Riley's.

"Okay, I'll see if I can find the best one here…" Riley said as she looked over the crowd. "You plan our next step…"

"Our next step is to stay here until things calm down outside. We're in the 3rd basement floor, and we've got escape tunnels leading out to four different locations. We just need to wait for the moment."

"Okay…" Riley nodded and headed off to find a doctor for Jack.

Okay. So… That was a start. I'll be back with more, just need to write it first. Also, I might need some sleep too…

Hope you enjoyed this so far…