That's my first fic for very long time. I hope it will be as pleasant to read as it is write^^
I don't own YU-GI-OH

There should be a rule about how much one person could have to be a fool. It would come very handy when you spoke about Bakura and Malik and interaction with those two idiots…

Yami gave a deep sigh and looked at his phone. It was not even ten on a Saturday morning. Huge yawn split his face and Yami cursed again. Damn bet! Without it he would now be in his own bed and still sleeping. Not walking on a sand road in the middle of nowhere. Bakura and Malik would be laughing their heads off when they woke. Damn bastards! Note to self: even if it sounds good to make a bet against those two, don't do it. It will be end straight to you own face… Or balls… Oh gosh, how on Earth did Bakura even get this idea?

Road made turn and the wind carried an all but pleasant smell. Yami shuddered and gave a very sour look to the red buildings that stood behind trees. A public riding school… This was absolutely hell and he so would strangle Bakura if anyone recognized him. Even if that seemed to be very unlikely. The parking slot where he had left his car was full of cheap and rusty middle class cars. His own silver color jaguar didn't fit to the group. If someone could just tell him why that parking slot had to be at least half a mile away from the stables?

Smell didn't get any easier when Yami get closer to the stables. Hell, good luck he had taken one of his old leather jackets. That smell wouldn't go away in any wash… He was so in the wrong place… The sun was shining brightly and the birds were singing. He could hear some girlish giggling and cursed again. Yep… This was a little girls place, not a grown up man's. He could even bet that he would be the only man in there!

Yami took his sunglasses of and shoved them into his pocket.

His deep crimson eyes scanned around the stable's yard. It was huge, sandy and little muddy. On the right side of the yard was a very big red barn-like building with huge black double doors. On the left side was a normal barn and on the ground was plenty of straw. In front of him was the actual stable building which was shaped like an L and had also black double doors that were all open.

Yami gave one long look towards the about ten or twelve year old girls who stood chatting and giggling in front of the doors. Great…

Bakura… I will so kill you… Yami's thoughts were full of poison when he began walking towards those doors, and the girls… Of course they spotted him immediately. They all went silent and Yami just wished he could just vanish out of sight.

He tried avoiding those staring eyes and just focused those doors. But man it was hard! Maybe they just thought he was one of those parents who wandered around the yard and looked bored to death.

The silence was heavy as a mountain when Yami stepped into the stables and looked around. The stables floor was made of concrete and the walls were red painted plank. The lights inside were dimmer than he had expected. Just enough to see but if you had wanted to read a book here, you would have gotten a headache. There were two corridors which had several box stalls each, on both sides of them. And there were horses… Many of them…

"Hello!" A cheerful woman's voice interrupted Yami's thoughts and he turned right and saw a tall, slender woman, who had long blond hair, green eyes and black pants with a blue t-shirt.

She tilted her head to the side and looked at Yami.

"You are new here, correct?"

Yami was only able to nod dumbfounded. The woman's enthusiasm was completely overwhelming.

"Sweet! Do you have any experiences on horses?"

Yami shook his head and raised his eyebrow.

"I don't have any", he admitted and he was far too aware of those little girls giggling about his 'deep baritone voice'. This was absolute fucking hell…

The woman only nod and extended her hand to him.

"I'm Lisa Ikeda and I'm one of the teachers. It's nice to get some boys to here. I'm sure you will do well. Do you want just get along with starters classes or do you want already get a season card?"

Yami felt like an idiot.

"A season card?"

"Yeh", Lisa gave a nod.

"It costs 250 and it will be cheaper than just getting one lessons at a time. It include a half a year of lessons. Does that sound good?" The woman raised her eyebrow and Yami started cursing in his mind. Damn bet's rules…

"That card sounds nice", he admitted and Lisa gave him a very bright smile.

"So", she got a some kind of card and wrote something on it.

"Here you go."

Yami took the card and gave her money in exchange. Why it just feels like he had sell himself to slavery?

Lisa gave a look to her watch.

"Okay, I can show you to the stables. The next lessons starts in fifteen minutes, but it's not your class yet. The starter's class will begin at eleven."

"Is it your class too?" Yami asked little alert.

"No", Lisa gave him a short laugh.

"I will introduce you to the teacher when our tour is over."

"So, lead the way", Yami uttered shortly. He would so strangle Bakura… Seriously? A half a year of total torment in public riding stables… When that bastard lost a bet next, he might just put him into a ballet class or something… And Malik as well…

Yami shook his head and at least tried to concentrate on Lisa's words. She showed him those two corridors with box stalls and told something of a few horses. Yami couldn't remember anything because all the horses looked just the same. And they weren't what he had been expecting… Seriously? Why were all of them just boring brown in color? Couldn't there be at least some black or even white horses? Yami gave a very long look to one brown horse who just stared back like a cow… Charming. Not at all like the horses in the movies.

"And there is the office and the saddle room", Lisa continued and Yami looked through the open door. On the left side was a small office with a table and a blackboard on the wall. On the blackboard were many names under time markings. Yami started to slowly understand it listed the horses and their riders on each lesson that day.

Lisa grabbed a chalk and wrote his name on one of the empty blocks, straight under the time 11:00.

"You can get Vito, he's a nice guy and can teach you all the basics."

Yami only nodded. The name didn't say anything to him. At least it was a stallion…

From the stable corridor they could hear a clipping sound as someone walked a horse. A box stall's doors were opened and then closed again. Yami gave a curious look towards the office's door and Lisa gave him a little smirk.

"Anything you'd like to ask me?"

"No", Yami answered simply and Lisa nodded.

"So, let's go meet your teacher then."

Yami got sudden chills when he followed Lisa to the corridor and towards one of the box stalls. The girls were now inside the stable and readying their horses. That sounded to included lots of giggling and gossips. Oh gosh… If he had thought he know everything about girls…

He was very happy when Lisa turned to a quieter corridor and walked towards one box stall where Yami could see movement.

Lisa stopped by the door and looked inside.

"Hi, I have a new students for you", she said to that someone who was with the horse. Lisa gave him a sign to come closer and Yami stepped up next to her and looked over the wooden gate.

Inside was a very, very big cream colored horse and the person who was grooming it.

Yami's first thought was that his teacher was a very short looking girl with a massive mass of gravity resistant tri-color hair. Much like his own, but tips were purple while his were red. The girl looked so tiny next to the huge horse Yami even worried that the horse could just accidentally trample her like a bug.

Lisa shot a look to Yami.

"Oh, I forgot to ask your name."

"It's Yami Sennen", Yami answered boldly, looking his fragile looking teacher who finally turned to look at them. Those brilliant amethyst eyes sparkled like diamonds when he, he, smiled to Yami who tried to remember how to breath.

"Nice to meet you, Yami. I'm Yugi Muto. You can call me just Yugi."

Thank you for reading! Please review so I can see how do you like that one^^
And I promise: next chapter will be much longer than this one.