yeah, yeah, I know it's been like decades since I updated and I'm really sorry. I'll try and work through the rest of this, but it won't be as steady or reliable as any of my others. Here's a new chapter I think you'll like; especially if you liked the character Jane I introduced in one of Leo's chapters. This chapter doesn't have Leo in it, so let's see how Jane gets involved...?

Disclaimer: I don't own TMNT

and now, enjoy!


"According to tides and ocean currents, and the weather on the day Leo left," Donatello said, drawing circles on his big map of the world, " he would have gone in this direction, and since he didn't die, hopefully, it was quick. I think that someone would survive that long about...a day and a half, two days?" he shrugged, Mikey nodded, lips pursed, "so he'd be about….here!" Donatello drew a small circle on the map, "in this 500 square mile area, the good news is, the only islands in that area are right about here." Don sectioned off the nearest corner of the circle, "so you'll only have to check on a few islands to see if he's there. I can log the coordinates into the balloon, you should take it."

"You fixed it?" Mikey asked in surprise, breaking Donatello's concentration.

"Huh? Oh, yeah, I got bored one week and decided to fix a bunch of the things." he replied, startled at how much he sounded like his old self. "As I was saying, it might take you a day and a half, depending on winds, to get out there, so you'll have to pack provisions for one on the way out, and two on the way in-"

"So you definitely aren't coming?" Mikey asked, looking slightly put out, "are you sure?"

"Yes," Don said, folding his arms. "I am not going to face Leo until I have to Mikey, if I go he definitely won't come home." a sigh, "as I was still saying, you can leave as soon as possible, according to this weather predictor I used, the weather will be perfect for two days starting tomorrow, so you should leave either tonight or in the morning."

"Already?" Mikey seemed surprised, "sweet!" Don smiled.

"The thing is, however," he cautioned, "after two days there'll be some rain or storms, so you have to be careful deciding when to come home."

"Aye aye cap'n!" Mikey said, saluting his brother, Don smiled again and capped his marker.

"Good, I'll spend the rest of today helping you ready the balloon and your provisions, you should bring extra just in case."

"Alright," Mikey said, Don nodded again and smiled at Mikey, hoping beyond hope that his brother was right and that Leo would soon be home. The only thing that worried him was Raphael, where was the red-masked turtle anyway?

Mikey walked out of the lab and pulled out his new phone, Don had three ready, two now actually, and texted Casey. He wanted to get some more info from the black haired vigilante


Mikey looked at his friend with a small smile. Casey looked upset, but smiled back.

"You've been gone for a while Mike." he said, "three years. What did you do? Y'know, other than mend fences?" Mikey laughed, looking at the ceiling.

"I…." he shrugged. "Ilived. No duties, no responsibilities, no thought of consequences…" his face darkened, making his light gray blue eyes look like broken glass. "Except for guilt of my actions before." this evidently surprised Casey.

"You felt guilty?" he asked, "I mean, i'm not mad or upset and i get that you can feel guilt but, you just never seemed the kinda guy to feel it that much."

"I felt guilty the whole time." Mikey said, "and i was so confused, i say i didn't have responsibilities but...i was afraid of disappointing someone. I could never stay anywhere longer than a year, that's what led me down south, well, i was gonna go south till i stayed here."

"Huh." Casey nodded, looking back out at the skyline. "So, why did you come over?" they were sitting on casey's roof. Mikey wanted to ask the vigilante something. "You said you had a question."

"Yeah," Mikey said, looking at his hands. "These people who met Leo...are they here in new york? Are you still in touch with them? Is there a way i can talk to them?" Casey looked at him sympathetically.

"Well, I'm still in contact with them, yeah. They told me they used to live here in New york city, but they said when they got back they were gonna move out of state, which they've done."

"Oh." Mikey said, crestfallen. "Where did they move to?" Casey looked at him again searchingly. The orange masked turtle had certainly changed a lot in the past three years, he thought, so much in fact, he wondered if the prankster was still there, or if he joked for expectation.

"Chicago." he replied.

"Nice!" Raph said, looking at the sharp black sai he'd found in the storage of the shop. "This is perfect!" he spun it and stuck it in his belt, leaving his old one from Splinter in it's place, "now for a care kit…" the red masked turtle rummaged through a few more boxes, glancing up now and then to make sure no one was coming, and was rewarded for his efforts by a do-it-yourself sai cleaning and care kit, complete with a sharpener! With a satisfied nod Raphael jumped to the open window, glancing back one more time to assure his presence was undetected, and jumped up onto the rooftop.

Immediately starting to run, he scanned the streets for anything he should watch for. The night was uneventful, however, and he soon found himself back at the abandoned warehouse he'd stayed at for the past few days. Checking to make sure the warehouse was still empty, Raph patrolled the catwalks. Eventually, the rest masked ninja sat on top of the truck he's ridden here on and took out his sai and the maintenance kit. Working to clean and sharpen his own rusted, red hilted sai, Raph listened to the city of Chicago wake up around him. Cars, trucks, people, even a few dogs barked to wake up the city soon enough, it was bustling once again. With a satisfied smile, Raph looked critically at his Sai. it was polished and sharpened and gleamed like it had three years ago. That was good.

He jumped to his feet and started katas experimentally, feeling the new weight of the black sai in his hand. It was slightly different, made in america, but it was a weapon. Suddenly, Raphael heard footsteps on the bottom floor of the warehouse. He ducked into the shadows, frowning. How did anyone get in here? The windows and doors were all boarded up, except for a secret one that was loose. Then he heard the crying, it was a kid? With a frown, Raphael peered down at the child, a young girl with a cast on her arm was now huddled in a ball in a corner, holding her head and crying.

"The shell?" he said despite himself, and the girl looked up. Right at him. "Holy moley that's freaky!" he stumbled back, how had she heard him anyway?"

"Turtle…" Raph frowned, was he hearing that right? "Like…" Raph walked back to the edge to see that the girl had somewhat calmed and was taking small steps toward the ladder. There was no way she'd be able to climb that without getting hurt, and he sighed. She'd already seen him, might as well keep her from harm. He jumped down to the level she was on and the girl stared at him with wide eyes.

"No, not like him." she decided, "less of a cage." Raph scowled.

"What are you-"

"Raphael!" she said triumphantly, "that's your name!"

"What the shell!" Raph said, completely freaked out, "how do you know that?"

"I'm Jane." she said matter of factly, walking over and sitting cross legged in front of him, Raph frowned and did the same so he could see her better. "And your bandana is red." Raph frowned in annoyance.

"It's a mask." he snapped, "what are you doing here?"

"Hiding." her lower lip trembled. "So many hurts my head." Raph frowned as she massaged her temples. "He said that i had a lot of empathy, like a psychic but different, i can hear things and know things…" she smiled a bit. "Like you are Raphael."


"And you're running."

"I'm sitting." Raph bit out, Jane shook her head.

"Not in your mind." she said, with too much authority for a six year old. Raph frowned, watching her intently, Jane returned the look.

"What are you talking about?" he said, "what do you mean, 'in my mind'?"

"The other turtle knew." Jane said matter of factly, "he said it was empathy, and if someone needs me i can see them in their mind."

"What do i look like in my mind?" Raph asked, smiling a bit. This kid had a crazy imagination!

"Running." Jane repeated, staring up at him. "The other one was in a cage."

"Who's the other one?" Raph asked, slightly curious.

"Leonardo." his stomach dropped, eyes wide.

"What?" he asked hoarsely, Jane nodded.

"Me and mommy and daddy were on a boat that got sunk and we found an island. And Leo was on the island, and he fixed my arm."

"On an island? You mean in his head?"

"No, he was in a cage in his head." Jane rolled her eyes, "and he fixed my arm, see? But the doctor put a better cast on it, anyway," she looked around. "He said that he had three brothers that were all over the place, and he didn't know where you were. Now i know, but he doesn't still." she frowned. "That's sad."

"Yeah, that is...sad." he looked at her strangely. "Where are your parents?"

A cliffhanger. yikes. really sorry, I'll try to update soon but you know me and this story don't have a great relationship. Any reviews are appreciated, and thanks for reading.

Until Next time,
