Bold=Actual conversation

Italicized=In the distance





"Ah! Junior Lieutenant Derek! You've arrived!"


"Heheh. Nice to see you too."


"Wait. Where's Junior Deputy Drake?"



"...I see...well, at least he died as he lived; a registered sex offender."


"Worry not, Derek. His sacrifice shant be forgotten."

"oh god she's hostile!"

"Thanks to his efforts, the CPU is ours now. All we need do now is deliver her to Herr Doctor."

"what did you do to me!?"

"I'm sure Dr. Strangeglove will be most pleased."


"And, of course, his valor will not be the only one remembered, LIEUTENANT Drake.


"Of course. After all, it is thanks to your efforts that I was brought here to begin with. And because of that, I've been presented a our visitors..."

"god fucking dammit!"

"Heh...interesting, are they not? Most interesting."


"Hah! Yes, most interesting, indeed! Hahaha!"

"can you fix him!?"

"Let us meet, then, on the battlefield! I hope to use your blood as paint! Paint as crimson as the flag that binds our fate together! AHAHAHAHAHAH!"