Dead or alive,

Alive or Dead.


Her life has been indecisive,

Living a part,

Laughing- her heart

Confused, betrayed,

Enamored, slayed.


It's not like she doesn't know,

Talking behind her back

'Pretty Glimmer, sexy Glimmer,

here's a jewel,

come fuck me, Glimmer.'


She makes it work, only she can.

She's not afraid to survive.

Mummy at home cries at night,

Her brother nurses wounds of a new fight.

Daddy, she laughs when she hears the word.

His blond hair, hers.

His gem rings, hers.

His heart crushed in her hand, hers.


Little the lie they know they told her.

Here she glimmers,

sparkling and bright.

Here she glimmers,

in the night.