A/N: This is my first ever fanfiction! Just discovered Yuri! On Ice the other day and instantly fell in love with the show. Would really appreciate reviews :)

'Come Yuuri, that's plenty for today', Viktor called across the rink. He watched as his pupil, breathless from fatigue, glided smoothly over. 'You're improving greatly'.

'I still can't land that quadruple flip', Yuuri groaned, bending over to un-tie his ice skates.

'Don't be impatient, Yuuri', Viktor ruffled his hair playfully, 'it will take time'.

The pair made their way to the elevator, pressing a button and waiting. The Ice Castle was dead quiet: not a soul on the ice as usual. Yuuri expected this, after all, it was after hours and the Nishigōri's had leant himself and Viktor the keys to the rink. But still, the quietness unsettled him.

Shaking off the thought, Yuuri followed Viktor into the elevator and stood beside him as he pressed the 'ground floor' button. The doors squeaked closed and Yuuri inwardly cringed at the sound. Didn't Yuko mention the elevator in the Ice Castle being old and in need of replacing? Snap out of it, Yuuri.

'I was thinking you might like to grab a bite to eat', Viktor spoke suddenly, making Yuuri jump. He wasn't sure whether it was a question or a command.

'Oh, y-yeah, sure, that sounds good', Yuuri stammered.

Suddenly, a screeching sound made Yuuri instinctively grab onto Viktor's arm. 'What was that?' he said, alarmed. The elevator had come to an abrupt halt. Panicked, Yuuri pressed the button to open the door but to no avail. He kept pressing compulsorily, feeling the dread build up inside him.

'Calm down, Yuuri. That's not going to help', Viktor said, pulling Yuuri away from the doors, 'let's think logically about this'. Viktor took Yuuri's place by the key-pad, clicking the 'emergency' button. They stood in silence, listening to the monotonous ringing of the emergency phone.

'Viktor!' Yuuri exclaimed, 'the emergency alarm goes straight to reception'. Viktor cocked his head, not understanding. 'Ice Castle is closed, no one's here but us!'

'Oh', Viktor said simply, re-clicking the emergency button to mute the noise. 'Looks like we'll be spending a bit of time together then', he winked.

'Viktor! I'm claustrophobic', cried Yuuri.

'I'm only joking, Yuuri. Give Yuko or Takeshi a call', Viktor laughed.

'My phone is dead, use yours', Yuuri stuttered.

'Ah, won't be able to do that', Viktor smiled nervously, 'left it at your place'.

'How could you do that? Viktor!' Yuuri brought shaking hands to his head, tears threatening to spill out.

'Geez, you really are scared', Viktor remarked. He wasn't used to people being emotional in-front of him. What do I do? Crap, he's freaking out. 'Hey Yuuri, let's-let's sit for a minute', he said, grabbing the skater's shoulders and helping him to the ground. Kneeling in-front of him, Viktor had a good look at Yuri: his eyes were wide with anxiety, hands shaking, breathing laboured.

'V-Viktor', Yuuri started, still trying desperately to suppress his tears.

'You can let it out, Yuuri. Crying helps', almost instantly, hot tears began pouring down Yuuri's face, Viktor placed a reassuring hand on his shoulder.

'I'm… sorry', Yuuri cried, his breathing still erratic.

'Don't speak', Viktor commanded, adjusting his positioning so he was sitting beside his pupil. 'Just breath'. Placing his arm around Yuuri, Yuuri leaned into Viktor's warmth.

Viktor wasn't sure how long they'd been sitting there, a while judging by his dead arm around Yuuri's back. He looked down to see Yuuri's eyes were closed, the skating alone probably exhausted him, and that episode just now probably sent him over the edge. Confident Yuuri was asleep, Viktor gently removed his arm from around Yuuri, and laid him down, his head resting on his bag.

As quietly as he could, Viktor began playing with the buttons of the elevator, hoping the technical issue had sorted itself out. But alas, the elevator remained ignoring his commands. Sighing, Viktor returned to his spot beside Yuuri. He checked his watch: 23:40. Just less that 8 hours until he Nishigōri's would arrive to open up the place. 8 hours in a lift with Yuuri. It was going to be a long night.

To be continued...