A/N: After flubbing with a massive multi-chapter entry that was impossible to finish in time, I decided to not be so insane and enter The Boundary Buster prompt (courtesy of Accidentally The Whole Fanfic over at The Village Square) with a different try. Here we are! Even though I've seen these two characters shipped up and down the boulevard, I haven't actually put my hand in the pot and written a fic for them yet. More importantly, I've never done a drabble series before. So! Here's my shot at doing just that.

I got this idea from one of my favorite songs: "Kiss Kaerimichi no Love Song" by Tegomass. You've probably heard it in the credits if you've seen the anime Lovely Complex.

Thanks for reading!

- 1 -

When the weather was nice, Gill rather liked waiting for the bus. The particular street with his stop was rather quiet this time of day. Most of the district was retail but for his office, and their extended hours left the streets littered with tourists and shoppers. When the sun shone down through the shimmering leaves of the little oaks with their caged, puny trunks along the boulevard, he could close his eyes and listen to the breeze humming through the alleys. And it was almost like he was home. The stress of another unsuccessful day would melt.

Of course, most of the typical city noise killed that reminisce pretty quickly. The squealing brakes, constant traffic, and the perpetual scent of fried food from the corner stand were different, mussing up his memories. But he could like different. He could adapt. That's why he was here. And though Gill wouldn't admit to liking any tomfoolery, he had to admit that the city struck him with an exciting sense of adventure. He was out of his element, but he had gradually camouflaged into just another man off the clock.

While he waited for Bus 59, he had his little wrought iron bench all to himself, and he was fairly content. Or – at least he was. But his peaceful, routine existence was stolen from him today.

Because someone had sat down beside him.