You know what's funny? Okay, so I posted this story. Updated the next week, then updated a month later. Then the next week. Month later, next week, month later, next week!
Okay it's not that funny, but what a pattern I did!
ANYWAYYYY, please enjoy the FINAL CHAPTER!

It was the month of May, the flowers have bloomed, trees growing back their leaves. People sneezing from the pollen.

"Ah-Choo!" Soul sneezes.

"Bless, you." Maka says with a giggle.

"Ugh, I hate spring, I can't breathe." He mutters, blowing his nose.

They sat outside the school yard, trying to make one certain ghost crossover. Jon smiles at him, "I never had allergies."

Soul glares at him, "Well, lucky you! At least I'm not allergic to anything else."

Maka pats Jon on the back, "Are you ready to crossover? We even talked to your parents."

Soul points at him, still holding his tissues. "You said you were going to crossover five months ago, when there were a lot of evil spirits."

Jon shrugs, "Yeah, well you guys took care of it. Plus, there are barely any ghosts here anymore."

Maka taught Soul the best ways to help a ghost crossover. They ended up getting a lot of the lost spirits to crossover.

"It's so much roomier here now." Jon says, stretching out his arms.

Maka rolls her eyes, "Jon, please, you promised you would!"

Jon looks down, putting his hands in his pockets. Soul places his hand on his shoulder. "What's holding you back?"

"Why do you want me to crossover so bad?"

"Because, it's dangerous to be a lost spirit. You can easily become evil or worse, turn into a demon."

He sighs to what Maka says, "I'll be fine." He smiles at them, "It was fun seeing you and your classmates grow these past four years." He pauses, "Something, I didn't get to do."

They frown, Soul rubs his eyes, "Okay, this isn't working." He looks at Maka, "Let him be, he wants to be stuck here then fine."

"Soul!" Maka grabs his hand, "We can't do that."

"Maka, you been trying to get him to crossover for the past four years! He doesn't want too. There are older spirits here anyway."

"No, I promised his friends!"

Jon looks at her shocked, "What? How do you know my friends?"

Maka bites her lip, "Well, recently, I decided to look up your class. I figured out what day you died, and were you were buried. So, I went to the grave yard and saw a group of young adults were there. All your friends went to your grave on the day of your death. I told them I could see ghost and how you still haven't crossover."

"Like they believe you can see ghost." Jon snaps back.

Maka looks over to the building, "Please, come out you guys!"

Jon looks at her confused then at Soul, who only shrugged at him. He watches almost twenty people come out and walk over to him.

Maka smiles at him, "I had your friends come help us. I thought talking to your parents would work, but I guess you wanted to see your friends one last time." She grabs his hand.



"Oh, my god, Jon."

"I missed you buddy!"

Everyone shared their amazement seeing Jon form in front of them. Jon looks at Maka, "You literally have all my friends here, even my old elementary friends."

"They all visit your grave that day."

One of his friend's steps forward. "Jon, bro, I'm so sorry you overdosed. It was all my fault. I thought it would be fun to try it."

His other friend then steps forward, "This whole time, as we went through high school, I thought you were looking over us but you were actually right next to us."

"Why didn't you have Maka talk to us before?"

Jon lets a tear run down his face. "I wanted to watch you guys graduate. I don't know what happens when we crossover. I got to see you guys grow. Like Maka and her friends. It was fun for me. But then you guys left and I didn't know what to do."

Some of his friends started to cry.

Maka and Soul watch Jon catch up with all his friends. Telling him where they went to college or worked.

"Jon, it was great to see you again, thank you for being by our sides when we went through High school." She smiles, "But please crossover."

All his friends agreed. Jon smiles at them. "Thank you, guys. And I forgive you for that night. I saw the hurt on your faces. I love you guys!"

Light forms around him, he looks at Maka and Soul, "And thank you guys. I'm glad you guys finally hooked up." He winks at them. Maka blushing and Soul punching him in the arm with a grin on his face. He then crosses over.

Jon's group of friends thank Maka one last time before leaving. Soul turns to her, "When the hell did you do all of this? What was I doing?"

"Well, you just got your new bike. I saw how excited you were, fixing it and stuff. And it wasn't that hard because Jon was a class ahead of us."

"How did you get them to believe you?"

"Well, they also heard the rumors about me, as we went through high school. So, I said I can prove it."

Soul nods, "This whole time, all you had to do was talk to his friends."

Maka smiles, "I should have known that all he wanted to do was watch them graduate. Beginning of our senior year that's when he started to talk to me every day and complain that you had his locker."

"I can't believe we graduate next month!"

Maka covers her ears, "Ah, no stop! I don't want to hear it."

Soul laughs taking her hand, they then walk to his car. "Kid, texted me and said everyone is coming over to my house."

"Oh okay, I'm excited to tell them about Jon."

"No, Maka, you can't wear your hair up."

"What, why not?"

"Maka, your dress is strapless, it will look weird." Liz argues with her. Maka looks at her friends for help. They nod their heads. "Sorry, Maka, Liz is right." Patty says.

Maka pouts, "I would have picked a different dress."

"But I love your red dress. And Soul's tie matches perfectly!" Tsubaki says.

"Why do you want to wear your hair up so bad?" Liz asks.

Maka smiles, "That's what my Mama did for her prom."

"Don't make me cry," Tsubaki says. Patty smiles, "You always were your hair in pigtails or a bun so it will be nice to see it down."

"We are going to curl it."

"How about we put half of it up?"

"Oh, that's a good idea!"


Soul watches the girls argue about Prom. Black Star hands him a drink. "Are they still talking about it?"

Kid rubs his eyes, "It's not for two weeks and they are acting like it's tomorrow."

"I'm excited." Crona says.

Soul takes a sip of his water, "I heard Patty is making you wear pink."

"Well my hair is already pink; a pink tie shouldn't be so bad."

"What color are you wearing Kid?" Black Star asked, sitting back in his chair.


Black Star rolls his eyes, "Tsubaki is wearing blue but it's in different shades, we still haven't found a tie that matches."

"Oh, so that's why you are going to the mall this weekend."

"Yup, I hope it won't take long."

Kid stands up, "Should we go start our parade float?"

"Can't we ride in something different?" Black Star asks.

"We can go in old cars? A trolley? A limo is what everyone does." Crona says.

"We got to be creative." Soul says, he looks over at Maka, "Hey, Maka, what do you want to ride in to prom?"

"I thought we were going to make a float."

"Yeah, but everyone is doing that."

Patty walks over, "How about we ride in a horse and buggy?"

Kid stands up, "I'll call my father."

"Yeah, we can go in separate ones if we have too." Tsubaki says.

"I like it, good job Patty!" Liz says.

The day of prom, everyone gathered at Kid's house, for he was the closets to school. Their parents taking pictures of them.

"Oh, Soul, you and Maka look so cute! I can't believe you graduate next week!" Says Soul's mom, she pinches his cheek. She looks over at Maka, "She's a keeper, right?"

"Yes, mom, she is." Soul says blushing. Maka laughs. Spirit walks over, "My daughter is so beautiful. Your Mama is so proud of you Maka!" He starts to cry.

Wes walks over, "Now, you make me wish that I begged to go to a public school. Prom would have been so fun to go too."

Soul grins, "Told you it would be more fun than being home schooled."

"Alright, guys, time to get on!" Patty yells. Crona helps her up and turns back and smiles at his mom who was a crying mess. "Should we go over our pictures?" The other parents agreeing. They wave goodbye as they watch their kids ride to school for prom.


It was the day of graduation, everyone sat in their chairs, with excitement filling their minds. The names starting to be called. One by one, kids started to walk across the stage, accepting their diplomas. Family members cheering for their kid.

"I thought I was going to trip and fall," Maka says.

Soul laughs, "That would have been funny."

"I can't believe they wouldn't let me do a back flip," Black Star pouts.

"They didn't want you to hurt yourself." Tsubaki says. Black Star snorts, "Me? I would have landed perfectly."

"I liked your speech Maka," Patty says. "You skipped so much in the beginning of year, I can't believe you became the top student."

Maka laughs, "I studied really hard for it."


They sat around a big table, enjoying their graduation dinner.

"So, you are not going to college?" Tsubaki asks Patty. She smiles and shakes her head, looking over to Crona and his mom. "Nope, Crona's mom asks me if I wanted to join them. So, I said yes."

"Liz, are you really okay with this?" Tsubaki asks looking at her worried.

Liz nods, smiling into her glass. She looks up at Tsubaki, "Of course I am. Sure I will miss her. She even promised me she wouldn't die."

"But, what about college?"

"Not everyone has to go to college. Patty doesn't like school. So why she would do that? I think this will be a great bonding time for her, Crona and his mom." Liz looks over at her sister, "You guys, better write to me! Or I will go there myself!"

Medusa smiles, "I will make sure she writes you."

"I want all three of you to write me."

"Really?" Crona asks, shocked. "Of course, if you and Patty go all the way I want to be close to your family."

"Thank you, Liz," Medusa smiles at her.

"Liz, what are you going to do?" Tsubaki asks her.

Liz thinks, "Hm, I think I will work in a salon. I'm going to go to beauty school."

Kid nods, "I came up with the idea." He says proudly. Liz rolling her eyes at him.

Maka pouts, "I'm so sad we all won't be together anymore."

"Don't worry, we will all keep in touch." Soul says.

Tsubaki looks at him, "What about you, Soul?"

Soul frowns a little, looking over at his parents and Wes. "Well, I promised my parents I will practice my piano again."

Maka looks at him worried, "But, that's not what you want to do!"

"I know."

She looks past him, looking at his parents. "Are you really not going to let Soul follow his dream?"

Soul's mom sighs, "If he wants that shop, he has to buy it with his own money."

"He will get that money if he plays the piano." Soul's dad adds.

Maka stares at Soul, "It's fine, it's good money."

"Are you going to college Maka?" Wes asks her. "Ah, yes. I got three scholarships to help me pay for school and my Mama's saving that my Papa saved."

Spirit smiles proudly, "I didn't dare touch it, I knew my wife wanted Maka to go to College."

Black Star stands up, "Well, I'm going into the army!" He then looks at Tsubaki, "And Tsubaki is going to be a nurse!"

Maka smiles, "That fits you guys." She then looks over at Kid, "Kid, what are you going to do?"

"I'm not sure yet, honestly. My Dad is having me take a year off to think on what I really want to do." He says, smiling over to his Dad.

Patty holds up her drink, "No matter what we do, we are going to stay friends!"

Everyone cheers.

Maka walks around her college, her phone starts to ring. She looks at the caller ID to see its Soul. She smiles.

"Hello?" She answers.

"Turn around."


"Turn around!"

Maka turns around to see Soul holding flowers. He walks over to her. "Happy one year anniversary."

Maka takes the flowers, blushing. "Oh, my god, thank you. I didn't think you would want to celebrate this stuff."

"Honestly, no, but at the same time it makes me happy to know I been with you for a year. Plus, my mom is super excited. She is making dinner for us. So, I'm here to pick you up."

Maka laughs, "I love your mom."

"She talks about you all the time. And what's great, she is nagging Wes to find someone." Soul smiles as he grabs her hand, kissing her on the lips. Then leading her to the car.

"Roy, please look at me!"

Maka and Soul look over to a female ghost following a guy. Soul sighs, "We should go help her, huh?"

"Yup," She says putting the flowers in the car then walking over to the ghost. "We should always help," She looks at him with a big smile, "The Unseen."


Thank you, everyone for reading my story. I really hoped you enjoyed it. Please read my other stories. Lost Voice, Wanted and Love Shots (each chapter is a different story).

Also, please, excuse my grammar mistakes. Especially in Lost Voice haha.

I love you all! GOODBYE!