I woke up, for once feeling refreshed. My eyes slid open but once the sunlight hit them they slid closed as I turned away from the light. Somewhere in my mind I wondered how sunlight could be inside my room. Once I was turned, I realized how unusually warm I was. Reaching my hand out, I felt a body beside me. My eyes snapped open and I saw a white tank top filling my vision. Peaking up, I saw Beast Boy's sleeping form. His arms were wrapped around me and we were tangled in the blankets.

Just stay, what's done is done. Happy exclaimed, wanting this moment to last forever. What if he wakes up and is angry timid threw in. he's the one who stayed, he didn't have to! Fought happy. Silence both of you! I quieted them both before allowing reason to assess this situation. Reason? I begged. We fell asleep sometime this morning; he was the only one there. He must have put us into a sleeping position on his bed before falling asleep himself. He will most likely not be mad as he could have woken us if he felt uncomfortable or upset by this. We also did not have any negative dreams, and there are no marks to show a negative dream either. I glanced down, noticing my arms free of markings. I was surprised by this, for the past week I woke up and had to heal my injuries even if I didn't recall a dream at all. I was unsure whether I should move or not, whether to wake him. While I felt like I should be angry, for some reason I couldn't bring myself to even be slightly upset.

His arms constricted me further into his hold as he mumbled something incoherently, barely catching my attention. I allowed myself to relax before fully assessing my situation. I glanced over him to see that it was 9:30am, much later than I ever slept. I started to wiggle from his grasp but his eyes slid open as he stretched, awoken by my movements. His eyes dashed close for a moment before he did a double take, eyes widening realizing our situation.

"Rae, I am so sorry you were sleeping and I just coul-"

"Beast Boy it's fine." I stopped him in his tracks, embarrassed yet grateful as I felt my cheeks become pink. "I should go back to my room though, before anyone makes assumptions." His brows knitted together before his eyes widened in realization.

As I gathered myself enough to phase through the wall just in case anyone happened to be in the hallway, Beast Boy's hand on my arm stopped me.

"Did you at least sleep well? I mean it didn't seem like you had a nightmare." His hopeful eyes searched mine, willing me to say something- even if it wasn't what he wanted to hear.

"Yes, I did actually. No nightmares, no scratches, nothing. Thank you." I nodded my head before creating a portal to teleport through.

"For what?" his question was a valid one. I thought for a moment before choosing an answer.

"For caring about my wellbeing." I said before teleporting to my room.

The rest of the day was busy, an uncountable amount of calls for various reasons. Though they were all generally small situations, I was glad to have been rested enough to concentrate during all of them. I noticed myself paying closer attention to Beast Boy during the battles, throwing a shield of black energy or making a well-placed hit to his opponent whenever the chance arose. I brushed it off as payment for helping me sleep well.

Though the day was long and tiring, I sat in bed finding myself unable to sleep. I tossed and turned as my mind became plagued with unpleasant dreams, though finally I gave up on sleeping peacefully and simply laid in bed. Thoughts of Beast Boy danced around my mind until the morning sun rose, to which I finally started another grumpy day caused by a sleepless night. I wasn't sure why he could calm me enough to prevent these nightmares, but I refused to ask his permission to sleep with him- no matter the reason.