PLAN D: Sing her a song

Sometimes the best way to express your feelings is with music.

This time, Len was definitely confident with this plan. Singing was his forte so he didn't have much trouble with this one. Now, the only problem was...which song should he sing?

Len stared at the computer screen intently as he scrolled down the list of songs. It were times like this that he wished he hadn't sang so many love songs in the past, that way he would've been able to choose a good song for Rin with less complication.

Len paused for a second to take a sip of his hot chocolate before setting it down beside him. He sighed as he plugged his MP3 into the computer and continued scrolling. Hopefully when he finds a good song, he could download it into his MP3 so that he can sing it to Rin.

"Why not sing one of my songs?" Len let out a yell as a voice suddenly spoke behind him. He turned around to see Miku smiling down at him. "Miku-nee! What are doing in my room?" Len asked.

"Well, I heard you were planning to confess to Rin-chan so I thought I might as well help bring the love birds together." Miku squealed happily as she clapped her hands together. Len rolled his eyes. "Thanks but no thanks, Miku-nee." He said. "I can handle this."

Miku pouted. "Oh come on. I can help!" She exclaimed as she pushed Len aside from the computer and typed into the computer. "Hey!" Len shouted as he saw Miku scrolled through his computer. "Here." Miku said, pointing at the screen. "Why not sing this?"

Len glanced at the screen and frowned. "Melt? That's your song and that's only for girls!" He exclaimed. Miku huffed. "Fine then this one." She pointed at another song. Len glared. "Miku-nee, Love is War does not count as a romantic 'love song' and again that is your song." He groaned. "Move over, I need to find a song for Rin."

"Hey, I'm just trying to help." Miku pouted as she continued scrolling the screen. Len grunted and grabbed the mouse. "I said I can handle it Miku-nee." He repeated as he tugged on the mouse which Miku tugged back in response. Before anyone knew it, they were having a tug-of-war with the mouse as they struggled to take it from the other.

"Let go Miku-nee!"

"No! Not until I find a song for you!"

This lasted for awhile until during the struggle, the two accidentally knocked into the desk and causing his hot chocolate to tip and spill all over the computer CPU which caused sparks to fly. Len and Miku paused as they turned to CPU as it began to spark and jump.


That was their last reaction before the CPU exploded...



Rin sat in the living room couch with a certain apple green haired female as they were playing an intense combat video game. The two glared at the screen intensely as they pressed the little buttons on their controllers frantically.

"I'm winning Gumi!" Rin announced smugly as she was indeed beating the greenette in the game. Gumi grunted as she continued to press the buttons on her controller.

"Alright! Lets end this!" Rin yelled as she began to push the buttons on her controller to create a combo move, causing explosions to flash within the screen.


The two girls jumped for a second as the incredibly loud sound echoed within the living room before glancing at each other. "Wow, the explosion sounds really realistic in this game." Rin remarked.

"No kidding." Gumi replied before she clutched her controller once more. "One more round?"

"You're on."

A/N: So I made this one shots out of whim so yeah, I hope this works.

Anyways I hope you enjoy this chapter. I still have 22 letters more to go. I hope I'll be able to finish it until then.

BTW I made a poll in my profile to ask you, my dear readers which story should I focus on more. As you may have noticed I have a lot of stories that aren't complete and Its a little stressful if I just update one of my stories randomly so I thought 'how about ask the readers which story should I focus on first?' that way I can work on one story and set the others aside. When I'm done with the first story, I'll then focus on the next story to be more organized. What do you guys this?

Also here's a follow up question: If you were to confess to your crush, how would you do it?

I'm kinda curious to know how would you confess and hey, maybe just maybe I'll add it to one of Len's plans. Hopefully (I've been using hope a lot lately), he'll agree with them and work his magic with the other Vocaloid but who knows.

Anyways thats it for now so until the next chapter, bye!
