A/N: You know you have those character you just want to kill off? Carla is one for me so I wanted her to exit out of this story, so buh-bye Carla Adams.
Also guys, I've started a new little story about the little Grey kids, it's called Forever My Little Grey's – so please go check it out! Anyway – Roll on with the story!

Chapter 23 – Carla fucking Adams.

Ana's P.O.V

"It's your turn" I say to my husband who is in the land of nod.
"I believe it's yours Mrs Grey" I roll my eyes. He's not getting out of this one that easy.
"Practice makes perfect Mr Grey, and I believe you've done this only twice?" I challenge and he lets our a breath. I think I've won.
"Fine" he replies and scurries out of bed to get our son. Teddy is letting out little sobs and Christian soothes him with kisses.
I watch him like a hawk. They way he handles our son is so heart warming. How he could ever doubt himself is beyond me. Christian Grey is the perfect father, like I I knew he'd be.
"Oh God" he says and crinkles his nose. "He's so small. How does this all appear from him?" I giggle. He says this all the time. Hey what can I say? Babies can shit. A lot and it gets everywhere.
After he assesses his handy work Christian brings Ted over to me so I can give him another feed.
"God that kid can eat" Christian comments as he slides back into bed next to me. He is right. This kid can eat America out of house and home. My breasts are so sore and I feel like a two legged cow but when I look down at my son, it's so worth it.
Once burped and fed, I place Ted back in his Moses basket and turn on his little music monkey. It doesn't take long till his lips part into an O and he slips off into a sleep.
I roll over to my husband as I am more than awake now but am rudely stopped as I notice he has also joined Ted in the land of slumber. I huff and roll on to my back. No sex for me then.
I stare at the clock and mentally count the seconds going by and after counting 20 minutes, decide to get up.
My sleeping pattern has now disappeared and I'm living on barely nothing. 3.38 am and I am raiding our kitchen counters for pringles and dip.
Once I find what I am looking for, I trudge my way back upstairs and plop myself in my library. I turn on the tv and start to watch some old re-runs of the twilight zone.

"Ana?" I hear from the hallway and suddenly I drag myself off of the sofa. Drat I fell asleep? In walk Christian with a screaming Ted in his arms. He looks wide eyed and worried.
"He's hungry. I think" He says as he passes his son over to me.
I quickly pull my top down to reveal the milk bags and let my son take in his food.
"Christ Ana, I was worried" I cock my head to the side not understanding where he is coming from.
"I thought you'd ran off" I give him my are you fucking kidding me face and ignore his silliness.


My god he looks so cute. I've dressed Ted in his little gray t-shirt with Daddy's little CEO written on the front, dark gray leggings and the cutest little pair of shoes I could find!
He looks so adorable I could eat him up.
"Lets go show daddy your outfit shall we?" I say out loud and go to search for my husband.
I find Christian reading the newspaper at the kitchen counter whilst Gail is preparing breakfast – it smells heavenly, bacon? Oh yes please.
"Good morning Mr Grey" I say and kiss his cheek. I can feel his smile radiate to my lips.
"Morning baby" and he takes Ted from my arms.
"Show daddy your new clothes Teddy" I say and pull on his little t-shirt so Christian can see.
I watch him read the words and see his smile grow by 1000cm.
"Oh Ana" he says and plants a sloppy kiss on our sons head.
Gail plates up our breakfast and offers to take Ted for us whilst we eat. We agree and she wonders off down the halls with the newest Grey. Lucky for us, that Christian completely trusts Gail, other than his family – I think she is the only person who can get alone time with Ted!
Christian's phone starts vibrating like a mad man and he picks it up to answer. I'm not really paying any attention to him as I chew on my bacon. Mrs Jones can cook bacon perfectly, she's a culinary goddess.
"What? Really? Great" I hear Christian say and that catches my attention. I cock my eyebrow but he sighs at me. This isn't going to be good is it?
"Okay. Okay" He says and presses end.
"What is it?" I ask as I chew on another streak of bacon.
"Seems someone is paying us a visit" Oh now I am really confused. Why is that a bad thing?
"You're mother is on her way" he says and I near about choke on my tea.
My mother.
My fucking mother. No. No thank you.
"What?" My heart starts to race and I can't deal with her right now. I'm so happy with Ted and Christian that I don't want her here. I just can't.
"I think someone may have let slip that Ted had arrived" I furrow my eyebrows. Who would do that? I haven't said to anyone to tell her. I'm pissed.
"How long?"
"According to Taylor she should arrive in roughly" he looks at his watch "15 minutes"
I roll my eyes. Of course it's soon. Why wouldn't it be.
"Christian.. I.. I don't know if I can see her" I say and feel the water fill up in my eyes.
"Then I'll send her away Ana. I promise" He kisses my forehead and soothes me. I sigh deeply, why does she have to arrive now?

Fifteen minutes doesn't feel as short as you'd expect. I've been watching the clock waiting for the hand to turn 15 and for the door bell to ring. I'm kind of hoping that her erratic behavior has got the better of her and she has ended up somewhere completely different. Like Australia.

It's now 17 minutes past and maybe she just isn't coming at all. Yes, she's not coming. I start to feel a little relief when the god damn gate door bell rings.
I look at Christian and he sends Taylor out to greet the unwanted guest. Time to put on your big girl pants Anastasia.
Your mother is here for a visit.

Taylor opens the door and in walks my mom. She is all red hair and big sunglasses. She looks really tanned and dolled up – which throws me off guard a little.
"Anastasia" she says and I know from my childhood that she is pissed at me. Well two can play at this game, I'm pissed at her too.

"Mom" I say as I stand behind Christian who hasn't said a word.
"I thought I'd come pay a visit as it seems you've forgotten to mention to me, that you had Edward"
I hear fifty grunt in anger. Edward? Oh mom.
"Teddy" Christian says, "His name is Theodore" his words bite like wolves.
"My mistake" She says and batters her eyelashes. Really mom, are you going to start this shit?
"Mom, what are you doing here?"
"Ana, I wanted to come see him. I am the nana of course" I roll my eyes, she can class her self a nana but she can't class herself my mom. Tsk.
"I don't think you are wanted here Carla" Christian chimes in.
"Your opinion doesn't bother me. I'm here for my Grandson" She says and drops her bag to the floor.
"In fact where is he?" she continues and Christian snorts.
"You're going nowhere near him" My mom looks hurt and apart of me starts to feel bad but I notice how she never says that she is here for me and that fucking hurts me.
I look up at fifty and decide to just tackle her myself.
"Can you give us a minute?" I say to him and I see him weigh out the options in head.
"I won't be far" he said and his eyes are black as he looks at my mother. She rolls her eyes.
I guide my mom to the living room and sit across her on another sofa. Gail brings us tea and I really wish I could drink wine cause I feel like I need the courage it brings.
"Ana, I am so hurt you didn't tell me about the birth,. Didn't you want me there?" She starts getting straight to the point. I take a deep breath to steady myself.
"mom. I'm sorry you feel hurt and I get it. But, there are things I haven't told you recently that has happened and it's just made everything so raw. The last thing I needed was you and I'm sorry that sounds harsh but its the truth"
I study her face but she doesn't show emotion. Typical Carla.

"I think I know what this about" Huh? How can she? I haven't told her anything yet.

"I guess Steve?" she says as cool as a cucumber. My heart stops and I don't know how to react. She,.. she knew that he was around? Oh fuck. I feel so hurt.
"w...what?" I say and her eyes dart around the room.
"He contacted me a few months ago. We reconnect for a few days but that was all. He kept asking about you. I told him that you were married and living in the city. It was only small talk"
She told him. She told him where I was. He searched that city for me and found me. Like a tooth comb searching for fleas on a dog, he found me.
Tears are streaming down my face but she still doesn't show emotion towards me. How can she have no feelings towards her own kid that is clearly upset? I mentally vouch that I will never let my child or future children feel the way I feel right now. No fucking way.
"Mom. He.. He found me and" I can barely say the words "He broke in to my home and tried to.. take" I can't finish.
"Oh Ana. You've always had a nak at exaggerating things". I stare at this woman across from me.

She gave birth to me and raised me as far as I'd allow her too.
The more I think about it the more I remember just being a burden to her. I was always going to be the reminder of her only true love – my dad. Ray, Bob, Steve – none of them came close to my father and when she looks at me she is reminded. It's obvious.
I don't shed a tear for the words she spoke. I'm done with the crying. I feel nothing but fucking anger. I'm fed up with being the victim.
"You know what mom? Just leave. Fucking leave. I don't want you here" That catches her attention and her face finally moves and turns shocked.
"Anastasia?" She questions my sudden outburst of anger but I carry it on.
"I needed you. I needed you when I was eight and that psycho of a man tried to mentally abuse me. I needed you when he called me fat and worthless. I needed you to listen to me when I told you. I needed you when I found out I miscarried. I needed you when God gave me a second chance and I really fucking needed you when I went into labor with Ted" I say and I'm stood directly in front of her.
I peek to the left and see Christian standing in the hallway with Taylor.
I guess I'm shouting louder than I thought. They both remain quiet and say nothing. I'm glad they leave me be cause this all needs to be said.
"But the sad thing is mom. I've learned to not need you anymore. I've found someone else to depend on and be there for me and he has more than you know. Ray helped me grow up. Ray was there for me after I miscarried, Ray was there a few hours after I had Ted. He may not be my blood father but he means more to me than you do".

She says nothing. She is just looking at me wide eyed and scared.
"So the answer is no mom. You can't see Ted and you won't. You've lost the right to be my mom when you let that man control our house all them years ago. You lost anything to do with me when you told him where I were and let him come find me" I hear Christian gasp but I ignore him.
I turn to look at Taylor, holding back all the tears I want to cry.
"Please can you take mom back to the airport. I don't want her to even get close to use again, okay?"
"Yes Ma'am" he replied and goes towards my mom and grabs her bag.
"This way Mrs Adams" he directs.
My mom picks herself up and walks towards the door. Just before she leaves she turns to stare me straight into the eyes.
"I'm sorry" she says and walks out of the doors.

And that's all she has to say. I walk over to my husband and let myself completely combust in his arms.
I'm done. I don't need her. I've got all I need here.

"I love you" Christian speaks as he kisses the top of my head.
"You too" I say in between sniffs.

We go to find Gail who has wonderfully kept Ted away from all the drama. I pick up my boy and walk out on to the back deck with Christian in toe.
I look into his little gray eyes and smile.
"I will always be there for you Ted. I will always be the best mom I can be for you" I kiss his little pink cheek and he babbles some little noises. Christian wraps his arms around us both and we just stare at the sound in front of us.

A/N: Thanks for reading. That's it – officially the closure for Morton.
I might be able to update Sunday! Keep an eye out.