Gar took his time walking back to his room, trying his best to act like every bit of his body wasn't lit in excitement. He casually smiled at Victor in the hallway, but averted his eyes and scooted away before the metal man could ask him what he was up to. Of course, he could have skirted through the tower unnoticed again as several tiny animals. This time though, his mind was preoccupied with something else. And by the time he got to his room, he had gone over every possibility for Raven to disappear.

As he reached for his door, he was surprised to find himself denied entry. Stepping a bit closer, he leaned his ear to the door. He could make out the slight movement of someone in his closet. And then, an even slighter movement of fabric over skin as that someone had stopped walking. Gar smirked to himself as he estimated the pause had to be about in line with his mirror. The intruder must have temporarily stopped her walk to the door to adjust herself. The door was momentarily washed over in black before opening just a crack. Glancing around, Gar quickly squeezed himself in before anyone could spot him. The door swiftly closed behind him, and as he turned to look into his darkened room he froze.

Raven had drawn all the curtains, blocking any bit of the dusk out. But even in the dim light he could see her perfectly well.

"I... um…," he loudly swallowed, "holy shit, Raven." He drug his hand through his hair a little lost for not only words, but seemingly air. Raven blushed under his intense gaze and looked down at her outfit. Pulling her left arm from behind her back, where it was clasped with the other hand, she picked lightly at the black ribbon on the corset.

"I bought this a while ago under peer pressure," she slightly groaned out the last few words. No doubt the lovely Kory had unknowingly done him this favor. "I thought it was a bit silly. But…" She paused as he stepped closer, forcing her to look up. "I … do you like it?" The dark would have done well to hide her slightly worried look, for anyone else but him.

"You are literally a dream come true." He leaned back a tad to skim over her body. A grin grew on his face as he looked over the black corset, thong, and fish night thigh highs in growing admiration. She was absolutely beautiful. "This is exactly the kind of thing I've pictured you in." The words sort of slipped out before he realized what he was saying. Thankfully, before he had time to feel like the creepy perverted teammate he thought he was, she responded.

"Oh really?" She purred as she pulled the other arm up from behind her, showing the ties she had found in his closet. "You'll have to remind me then, what else you've pictured." She bit her lip as she met his eyes, the worry and bashfulness she had before about being exposed was slipping away. And seemed to be quickly replaced by anticipation.

"Are you sure?" He asked, picking out just two of the ties and throwing the rest to the side. She only nodded and held her wrists out to him. Gently he started wrapping one of the ties around her wrists.

"You have a lot of ties for never wearing anything but your suit." She mused, watching him.

"Well then," he pulled on the tie to make sure it was tight enough before knotting it. A slight gasp escaped her lips. "Guess it's a good thing we're making use of them." Slipping a finger between her skin and the fabric he tested it was still lose enough, and gave a tug to force her forward. She caught herself with a quick step as he caught her lips. Not surprisingly, she was shy at first. But after a few seconds her comfort, confidence, or perhaps just plain desire grew and her hands once again found his suit. Her hands did little to close the distance between them since Gar had already wrapped his arms around her. Although they were certainly enough to drive Gar's own yearning higher. Her needy kisses, hungry moans, and clinging hands told him just how much she wanted this.

"Go to the bed, Angel" he whispered in her ear as his kisses trailed up her neck. For years, he had considered her a special type of angel, but never had he thought of divulging that secret nickname. Biting his lip, he watched her back up to the bed a few inches from the ground. She gracefully levitated back, and for a brief second, formed a pair of black ragged wings behind her. Gar let out a chuckle as he followed her. Slowly he wrapped the other tie around his hand, taunting her as she raised her arms to the top of the bed frame. Climbing one leg on each side of her, he reached over her head to tie the other restraints to the bed frame.

Raven glanced up at the restraints, "I think I am the furthest thing from an angel."

"You are an angel to me," Gar spoke sincerely as he sat back up. Then with a lop-sided grin, "but tonight, perhaps I prefer the devil?" And she laughed. In the moment, getting her to laugh seemed like the easiest thing to do. However, this wasn't the lighthearted laugh he had wanted for his jokes. This was deeper and full of naughty intensions. Gar decided this was far better. And well worth the wait.

Slowly he bent over to give her a gentle kiss and began trailing his fingers down her body. The fabric of her corset was silky smooth and his hands greedily found their way around every inch. Taking his venture further south he heard the slight inhale from Raven's lips as she gasped. He had heard the noise before, in real life or movies, but hearing it come from her gave a whole new meaning to word arousing. His lips smiled against her neck, while her lower lips started receiving a massage of their own.

The small sound of fabric pulling on iron thrilled him. And her breath was becoming more raggedly, mixing in with several moans. Easily gliding his pointer finger in, he had to let out a moan of his own. He wasn't sure how much longer he could keep this foreplay going. She felt like perfection, and he had been craving it for so long. Rubbing his thumb along the entrance he could hear the distinct noise only a wet vagina could make. And with his forehead on her shoulder, he let out a longer moan.

While arching his finger up, and pushing his thumb up to flick her clit he murmured, "What do you want Raven?"

She chuckled deeply, "Isn't the point of being at your mercy, that you pick?" Gar lifted his head from her neck and went to speak, before seeing the slight twitch in her throat. The spell hadn't worn off, she was just obviously much stronger than he was. As she bit her lip to delay the answer, he caught a slight look of insecurity. "Well I at least want you to take those clothes off," she said with a hint of mocked irritation.

Gar smirked down at her. "Of course, but I meant afterwards." Drawing his hands from her body he sat on his knees and started removing his suit. She was clever, he had to admit that. "I wish I had been so crafty, as to pick a smaller truth to settle on when Victor asked me what happened to the computer yesterday." To his delight, she looked genuinely surprised he had caught that. Her surprise dissipated into her own smirk as he slipped off the rest of his suit.

"I was never good at dirty talk," she laughed easily at herself. It was wonderful to see her so comfortable.

"Mhmm," Gar climbed back on and started nuzzling into her neck. "You'd be surprised what you can do to me without even trying." Slowly he let his bare body mold into hers, saving the best for last and pushing his erection between her legs tantalizingly slow. Raven let out a shuttered gasp and strained on the tie as she tried to pull her arms down.

"I want you," she barely breathed out, "I want you now." Her voice was almost pleading, and indeed those few words had more effect over him than anything else had before. Drawing himself straight up on his knees, he grabbed her hips and pulled her up to him as he slipped in. Gar wanted to see her, all of her.

Her beautifully elegant fingers wrapped themselves around the fabric that held them, and squeezed tightly. The tie strained on her wrists and he could see the slight indent it gave her skin as she pulled on it out of pleasure. Traveling his eyes down her bare arms he could see the slight strain in them as well. But the best part of all was the look on her face. Her head was tipped back, her eyes were closed, and she was biting her lip, though it did little to stifle the moan she was giving. Gently he began rocking himself back and forth, watching her breath increase and the strain on the tie grow. Before his gaze could go further down her lip slipped out and her mouth fell open to let out a long drawn out 'Gar'.

His hands instantly squeezed harder on her hips and for a second he shut his eyes. He had pictured her say his name like that so many times before. But to actually hear it was beyond imaginable. Opening his eyes, he continued his scan, trying his best to savor the experience. The corset was strapless, and laying on her back had caused her breasts to come free a bit. Every time he thrust, they would bounce slightly. And every time she took a breath they would rise and fall quickly.

Going further, he appreciated the shaped of her strong body. He knew full well she had the muscles under the black fabric to take down most grown men. Groaning, he closed his eyes for another second, he had pictured her pinning him down several times and he ran his hands tenderly up her body before he drug them back down. Opening his eyes, he watched as his penis gradually pulled out before pushing fully back inside. Focusing his attention, he deeply breathed in the smell of their mixing juices. Slightly he let his mouth drop open and tasted the air. It was almost too much, and he knew he was close. But, good guys always finish last.

Without stopping his rhythmic thrusting, he took one thumb on each side of her folds and worked his way in. This brought a whole new level of moans from Raven and he glanced back up at her face. She had to be close. She was pulling on the ties for dear life and practically whimpering his name. Changing direction, he worked his thumbs up till each one was on either side of her clit. Her breath started to pick up and he stopped his path, keeping the tempo of his thumbs at the just the right pace. And pushing himself fully inside her, stilling, completed surrounded by her, while his thumbs built up her desire. Till he felt her whole body clench as she let out a scream.

But now that she had cum, he couldn't hold on any longer. Reaching up, he pulled on the tie keeping her to the bed. Then shifting forward, he started to pick up his pace as she wrapped her still tied wrists around his neck. She clung on with surprising strength and pulled herself closer to his ear.

"Harder, Gar, harder." And he put everything into what he had left. Gripping one had on her hip and one on his bed, he came with clenched teeth and loud moan. They stayed wrapped up for a few minutes before she lifted her arms to let him up. Tenderly he reached to unwrap her wrists.

"I have to admit, I had always dreamt you would be the kinky type. But I always thought it was a foolish fantasy." He said tossing the tie away before stepping in the bathroom to wipe off. Letting out a surprised laugh. "Boy, am I glad I was wrong."

She laughed lightly, "Honestly, it's a bit liberating. And I didn't have to do anything, I like being pampered." He poked his head back into the room to see her wink at him as she rolled on to her stomach and curled up into his pillows.

A few hours later, Gar woke to Raven covering her head in the blanket as Victor yelled in the hallway.

"What do you mean you don't like my ribs?" Vic yelled.

"It's not that big of a deal," Dick yelled back. "I just prefer less sauce."

"Are you kidding me?"

Raven rolled herself into the crook of Gar's arm and whispered, "It's probably quieter on my hall."

"Mhm, they'll go away." He wrapped his arms around her, not really interested in moving. But apparently that wasn't good enough. Before he was even fully awake enough to realize what was happening, she transported them to her room. His eyes darted open and he tried to not show how shocked he was. Pushing herself from his grasp she propped her head on her arm.

"So mister typical jerk guy, I suppose it was just sex you wanted."

Mimicking her, he propped his own head on his arm, "Would you be disappointed if I said yes?"

She smiled, despite trying to hide it, "Well, after tonight I can't say I would be totally disappointed. I mean you did have such a long list." Her eyes cast down to her corset as she reached around to start picking at the back. "But, yeah, I would be a little bit."

Reaching over her body with his free arm, he started plucking open the tiny hooks. She stopped her fidgeting and let him free her from the tight clothing.

"Well, no. But when I found out what was going on, my mind, of course, went to the one thing I didn't want to blurt out. Had I accidently asked you on a date, that wouldn't be so terrible. But had I let it slip with breakfast that I want you covered in syrup instead of my food….well that was something else."

"So naturally that's all you thought of." She finished for him. He nodded as he got the last clip open. Floating up just slightly she let him pull the top free without any hint of shame or shyness. With the slightest of touch, he let his fingers travel down her collarbone and back up the other side. Before casually letting his touch wander. Spending his time mostly on the red skin he could tell had been squeezed while she slept.

"That does mean we miss that awkward first date. Where neither of us know how the night will end, or what the other person really wants." She faked a pout.

"Nope, tomorrow I'll take you out to dinner and nervously glance around the restaurant. As I anxiously bounce my foot on the ground while annoyingly tapping my fingers on the table. And then walk you to your room and pretend I'm too scared to try and kiss you. But tonight…" To make a point, he leaned over and gave her a deep kiss. She laughed her deep sensual laugh.

"And I'll avoid eye contact and be too nervous to finish my meal. But tonight…" she leaned over and kissed him. Then murmured into his lips, "What did you say about a blindfold?"