Author's Notes:

Just a little set of silly drabbles based on the protagonists of my all-time favorite console RPG. Enjoy!


by Mythril Moth


Monica Raybrandt walked into Max's drafting room, searching for the young inventor.

Watching Max work was always interesting. It amazed her that Max could look at photos of three completely unrelated things and get inspired to create useful inventions. Admittedly, some of his "inventions" were things other people had already invented—like, for example, bottled water—but when he had a genuine flash of inspiration, it was always amazing to watch.

Today, Max stood before his idea board, deep in contemplation. Monica walked up behind him, taking care to walk silently so as not to disturb him. She studied the idea board; today, the three photos pinned to it were of a dog, a chicken, and a clock.

Monica frowned. Alright, I admit I don't understand how Max's thought process works, but what could he possibly—

"I've got it!" Max shouted excitedly. He hurried over to his drafting table, grabbing a pen and hurriedly sketching out detailed schematics on a sheet of paper. Monica watched with interest...that slowly turned to confusion and dismay as the "invention" took shape.

"Yeah, it works!" Max cried as he held up his finished invention schematic proudly. On it were detailed instructions for creating...a Turd.

Monica facepalmed. "Oh, Max..."

"Hey Max, wanna go...oh, you're busy."

Once again, Monica had found Max in his drafting room, studying his idea board. Wondering what he was working on today, she walked up behind him. This time, the idea board held a photograph of Monica herself, a balloon, and a post. Monica tilted her head curiously. "Huh...?"

"That's it!" Max cried, rushing over to the drafting table and getting to work. Monica watched from a safe distance as Max sketched out his schematics. "Yeah!" he laughed as he held up his finished design proudly.

Monica's face burned red at the extremely detailed and inappropriate drawing on the paper, beside which was the invention, which Max had christened a 'condom'. "What the heck?!"

Monica frowned at the idea board. Once again, a picture of herself—this time wearing her leopard-print bikini—was pinned to the board, along with a photo of the Ixion. The third picture was a big empty glass. "I'm not even sure I wanna know," she said, turning to Max.

Max grinned cheekily and held up a drawing of a milkshake. "Say cheese!"

Monica growled at him and stormed off in a huff.

The drafting room was empty. Monica almost turned around and left to search for Max elsewhere, but she noticed three photos pinned to the idea board. She walked over, examining them. "Hmm...a pipe, a vacuum cleaner motor, and an oyster?" Monica scratched her head. "What's this gonna be, a new gun?"

"Oh, hey Monica!" Monica turned around to see Max in the doorway, holding a half-eaten sandwich. "Sorry, were you looking for me? I was grabbing a snack."

"Oh, okay." Monica glanced at the board. "So what's this invention?"

"Huh?" Max looked at the board. "Oh yeah! Actually, this is something I invented for you."

"What? For me?"

"Yeah! It,'s a present I made," Max said, his cheeks pink. "I was gonna surprise you with it. I already...hang on." He put his sandwich down and went over to a large trunk in the corner, rummaging through it. "Here we go!" He emerged holding a large, disturbingly phallic object. One end was covered in little bumps; the other end had small cranks and buttons all over it. He presented it proudly to Monica.

Monica took a step back, looking at it in confusion and alarm. "Uhh...what is it?"

"It's,'s just something you can use for fun, you know?" Max said, his face flaming. "When you're by yourself, I mean. Look what it does!" He pressed one of the buttons and turned the crank; the thing started buzzing and the knobby tip turned on a ball pivot.

Monica blinked. " what am I supposed to do with it?"

"Oh, you know! You put it..." Max gestured vaguely. "You know, down...down there..." He trailed off, then mumbled, "Y'know, in..."

Monica gasped, jumping back. "MAX!" she shrieked.

Dark Chronicle is the intellectual property of Level-5, Inc. This intellectual property is used without permission with no intent to profit from said use. The unique content contained on this page is the property of Mythril Moth, and redistribution of this content without express permission is strongly discouraged.