I awake with a gasp - in a bathtub filled with water, and I would sigh in relief, but I don't actually remember falling asleep at any time.

Upon further observation, I realize I'm not in my bathroom, and this one's very unfamiliar to me.

I hop out anyway, grab the only towel from the rack and wrap it around my body. Hesitancy fills me when I open the bathroom door, and peek out - seemingly no one's home.

Slowly, and quietly, I walk out the bathroom, closing the door behind me. A small hallway opens into a large, stylish living room, and there's paintings mounted on the wall.

I hurry over to them, eager to see who owns this house or where this house in particular is, because it's not familiar to me.

The first painting depicts a brunette mail wearing a suit and a hat. The face isn't one I know, neither are the other paintings.

I think about high-tailing it straight out of there right this moment, but remember that I'm only wearing in a towel, and decide to head to the first bedroom I see. Rummaging through the drawers, I realize there's literally nothing in any of them.

"What do we have here?" A voice sounds from the direction of the door, and I freeze before turning around..