Recap(Because it's been like months since I last posted):

"I was angry at myself after I kissed you and ran off," he informs me and I motion for him to go on, "I felt better at first, but then all I could think about was how quickly I was getting over Davina and how I managed to ruin everything with you,"

"Do you regret it?"

"Of course not," he shakes his head, "That was the best I've felt in months, apparently - seeing as it's been about a year since we've been in this place,"

"Good, because I don't either," I smile at him and he returns it, leaning in and I meet him halfway, connecting our lips.

Getting occasional fainting spells and seeing Hayley and Hope happened a few times over the seemingly never-ending time period, and although time had no meaning here, the siblings were getting a bit agitated.

"God, I could go for a drink." Rebekah groaned and Kol agreed with her from the couch he sat on with Freya.

Kol and I decided not purse each other, because something deep inside of me told me he wasn't over Davina.

Freya was telling some story, but I couldn't focus on that - not at the moment, at least. The only prominent thing was that my vision began to blur and nausea rose in my stomach. I unconsciously screamed, and the last thing I saw before passing out was Rebekah speeding towards me.

My eyes opened, and there was a slight ringing in my head that I focused on before I realized I wasn't in the Chambre de Chasse anymore, but some dark, cave looking place. I could barely see anything, but tried my luck, and got up, walking around - trying to find out where my subconscious, or rather Hayley's had taken me. Or, maybe -

A sight of a chained up Klaus made me gasp, and he couldn't hear me of course, but I was relieved. He wasn't dead - his siblings would be thrilled.

His face looked drained, and there were dark bags under his eyes. A squeaky gate began opening, and in walked Marcel Gerard. He held in his hands two items - a vial of blood, and the Pape Tunde blade.

"Now there's two ways this can go. The nice, easy way - or the other way," was his blurry statement to Klaus before my vision was fading out once more.

Awaking in the Chambre de Chasse, I was surrounded by the Mikaleson siblings.

"I saw Klaus," I announced with a surprised voice,"He's alive,"

"Where? Has Marcellus taken him out of New Orleans?"

"I can't tell - it was some place underground. He wanted something..and I didn't see whether Klaus agreed or didn't,"

Elijah sighed in frustration and sped out of the chair,"Is there anything else?" He asked, radiating agitation and I shook my head quickly.

"No, I couldn't see anything. I'm sorry," I told him softly, and he took a deep breath, exiting the living room.

"I'll go check on him," Rebekah volunteered and Kol sat beside me.

"Are you alright?" He asked and I nodded slowly.

"I didn't mean to make him mad, I just - I can't see anything else. I've tried," I explained and he nodded in return.

"He's not angry. Well, he is, but it's not at you. He's angry at himself,love. For not being able to see Hayley, and for not being there for Niklaus," Kol placed his hand on my shoulder while he spoke.

It was quiet for a short moment right after that, and I broke it, "When we go back...I might come to New Orleans," I admitted and he furrowed his eyebrows at my odd statement,"Freya asked me to, and I'm pretty sure I'd have to convince my parents about why I'm packing up and moving states, but -" we both chuckled a bit at that, "It'd be nice to see you guys again,"

The crease in his eyebrows fell, and he began to smile.

"That would be lovely, indeed,"

The Mikaleson siblings and I sat in the garden.

"I wonder what's changed," I admitted, picking a few flowers,"There must be something different,"

"I wonder how Hope looks," Elijah said next,"She must have grown so much,"

"I wonder how Davina is," Kol pitched in," I wonder if she misses me as much as I miss her,"

"I wonder about Fi-" Freya's sentence was cut off, and soon, she was no longer in the Chambre de chasse.

Kol yelled suddenly, and when I looked, there was a nasty bite on both his neck, and Elijah's forearm.

"What's going on?" I asked, and Rebekah explained it to me.

"Their bites. Freya is gone, and she was the only thing holding us here," she said, "You'll probably be gone soon,"

"No," Kol grabbed my left arm tightly,"You can't leave. I need you,"

"We'll see each other again,okay?" I told him, placing my right palm onto his right cheek,"I promise,"

As soon as I said these words, Kol and Rebekah both disappear, and I'm waking up with a gasp in my apartment.

"Oh my God! You scared the crap out of me!" My best friend and roommate, Clarke exclaimed at me, giving me a mini heart attack,"Sorry,"

"I've gotta get to New Orleans," I muttered, running to my closet and picking out a suitable outfit. I moisturized my skin, that would have been dried out due to lack of regular moisturizing.

"You're going where? You can't just up and leave! You were asleep for 5 years!" She told me, but I unintelligibly nudged her out of my way and grabbed a pair of boots and my visa and passport from the top shelf of the shoe closet.

"I'll explain everything when I get back, okay? I've just gotta go right now," With that, I stormed out of the apartment, passport and money in a small purse, and keys in my right hand, ready to make my way to New Orleans.