Hey everyone! So, for a school assignment, I had to rewrite goldilocks from a different perspective and decided I would convert my story into a Miraculous theme, since I wrote the story from the POV of a cat. Hope you enjoy!

I woke up early one morning to the sound of Baby Bear hitting a spoon against the can of cat food. "Chaton!" He called cheerily as I hopped out of his chair, stretching sleepily. I slinked over to him as he began to put my food on a little plate and placed it on the floor next to my water bowl. I sniffed it and cautiously bit into it, but immediately stopped eating. Liver. Out of all the flavors, he gave me liver! Yuck! He had already gone off to help Mama Bear prepare breakfast, so I couldn't glare at him without having to do unnecessary exercise. Instead, I decided to go take a nap under the window, in my favorite patch of sun.

After a while, I began purring loudly and contentedly. "Purrr… Purrr urrrr…" I mumbled happily. A sweet giggle startled me, waking me from my sleep. I turned to look at the source of the sound, discovering a pretty girl with bluebelle eyes and jet black hair pulled into pigtails standing behind me.

"Hey Kitty!" She called perkily. "I'm sorry to intrude, but do you know if your owners have a map? I got lost on my way to the bakery. My name's Marilocks, by the way." I already knew I didn't like her. No one is that exuberant after getting lost!

"Mrow!" I meowed indignantly, trotting over to the breakfast table and rubbing against the leg. "Marilocks" followed me over and spotted the porridge on the table, dipping her pinky into the smallest bowl and taking a little taste.

"Oh! This is so bland!" She exclaimed and hastily ran into the kitchen. She immediately began preparing fresh porridge for my owners and I watched, bored of the girl already. "Okay, so the big bowl is hot, the middle bowl is cold, and the little bowl is just right…" The bluenette reminded herself. She made three different bowls of porridge and used their three chairs to hold the ingredients while she worked. She eventually sat down in Baby Bear's chair and began to stir his bowl of porridge, the last one left, as the chair collapsed under her.

"Oh fiddlesticks!" She cursed. For those of you looking at me like I did something, I didn't! All I did was brush against a leg of the chair while she was sitting in it, and it happened to collapse. I did nothing! She put the finished porridge down on the table and went to get some glue for the chair. Marilocks hurriedly put it back together as I watched, amused. After she finished reassembling the chair, the girl went upstairs, I'm assuming to look for a map. Since she was gone, I hopped up onto the table and ate the smallest bowl of porridge because I was hungry for both food and revenge on Baby Bear for feeding me liver-flavored cat food. Once I finished, I climbed onto the newly repaired chair for a nap, but it crumbled under me. Apparently, the glue hadn't had enough time to dry, getting on my fur. A cloud was blocking the sun then and the chair was broken, so I decided to sleep on Baby Bear's bed instead.

"There, much better!" I heard a newly-familiar voice declare as I trotted up the stairs. All the beds had been straightened to the point of seamlessness. "I'm just… So tired…" She yawned, leaning against Baby Bear's bed. She blinked sleepily, subconsciously sitting onto the little bed, quickly falling asleep. While she did that, I proceeded to mess up the covers on the bigger beds, to make it look like she had messed them up too. I hid at the familiar sound of the front door.

"Someone's been sitting in my chair!" Papa bellowed. The other two chorused similar answers and looked around, finally coming upstairs. Pigtails was scared enough to see the angry bears that when she woke up, she ran away and never came back. Good riddance!