"Valentine, don't panic." she paused. "Zosia has been brought in, it's the baby."

"What?" His head snapped up, his deep blue eyes filled with hurt and concern.

"She's down in Maternity"

Before Jac could continue her sentence Oliver set off sprinting down the ward.

"Oliver - wait, I'll come with you!" she sprinted after him.

"Where's Zosia?" Oliver demanded as he came to a halt in the reception of the Maternity Unit.

"Excuse me sir, as you can see there is a queue" the lady said sternly.

"Which room is she in, where's my wife?" Ollie raised his voice.

"sir please go to the back of the queue or I will ring security"

"You know me, you know Zosia - just tell me where she is!" Oliver pleaded shaking his head.

"These ladies and gentlemen had to queue, just because you work here Doctor Valentine, it does not give you privileges."

"Oliver, over here"

"Mr T please tell me what's going on, where's Zosia?"

"This way - she's gone into labour but there seems to be some complications. However, we don't want to operate yet as it could cause the baby more distress, as well as Zosia" he explained as he led Ollie to Zosia's room. "Listen, Ollie, before you go in there. She needs to remain calm. That is a critical, happy mum happy baby. We have already mentioned to Zosia the possibility of surgery but she's refusing."

"What's the chances of her needing surgery?"

"At the moment it looks like we need it, but we don't want to do it just yet - we need to allow time for a natural birth, we need to monitor both her and babies output before we can make any decisions on surgery" He led Ollie around the corner.

Oliver could hear Zosia's cries from down the hall, he sped up and burst through the door to her room.

"Zosh! Zosh I'm here" he bundled her in his arms and cradled her. "I'm here, it's okay, darling" he gently rocked her kissing her head.

"Ollie it hurts" she screams into his chest.

He notices the morphine drip in her arm and the heart monitor on her stomach monitoring their baby. "It'll be okay" he tries not to cry, burying his head in her hair.

She screams again, begging him to make it stop.

He can't.

"Ollie PLEASE!" she begs clutching at his blue scrubs. Her face was scrunched up in agony burying deeper into his chest.

"Derwood, is there nothing you can give her? Anaesthetic, a sedative or something?" he looked at him desperate as he tried to soothe his wife.

"Lets give her some more Morphine as well as an epidural, see how she responds" Mr T suggested. "But Zosia, I need you to try relax, I know its hard, but we don't want the baby to become distressed."

"Zosh, look at me" Oliver crouched down at the side of the bed. "Zosia lay down"

"I can't" she sobs.

"You can come on" he helps her lay down on her side. his left hand takes her right hand, his other hand cradles her face wiping her tears.

she continues to cry and scream.

"Zosia, I need you to keep still for me a second, this injection needs to go in the nerve centre of your back" Derwood spoke.

"Look at me, Zosh, keep your eyes on me" he tries to smile supportively, his deep blue eyes glassy with emotion.

"Ollie what if I lose our baby?" she sobs.

"You won't"

"You can't promise me that"


"Ollie I'm scared"

"Me too" he rests his forehead against hers closing his eyes.

"Right, that should ease it off Zosia, you'll start to feel weird but its normal okay? keep trying to relax" Mr T said softly as he replaced her gown.

Ollie nodded at him in gratitude.

"I'm going to look at your previous scans and get the nurse to carry out another and chase up your bloods, I'll be back soon. key thing to remember is to relax" Mr T left.

Ollie remained crouching in front of Zosia trying his best to comfort her. "I love you so much okay, whatever happens... that won't change. I promise"

There was a knock at the door and Jac entered. "I've just been speaking to Derwood, Zosia how are you feeling?"

"It hurts" she continued to cry.

"Ssshh" Ollie whispered wiping the tears away.

Jac flicked through her notes and looked at the monitors. "Babies heart is beating strong, blood pressure is good" she said quietly before crouching next to Oliver. "You're both going to be fine, you'll all be home before you know it" she smiled sympathetically.

"You being nice is scary" Zosia smiled weakly, burying her face into the pillow.

Oliver chuckled "Not such the ice queen huh?"

I do have some emotions you know, little but some" she clocked Ollie's gaze for a moment nodding, signalling for him to play along as she discretely nodded to Zosia.

"Your the tin man, all you want is a heart. Hence why your head of the cardio unit" he smiled as he continued to caress Zosia's face.

"Very funny valentine. that must make you the scarecrow then, you could do with a brain" Jac smirked.

"ouch" Ollie chuckled. "Help us out here Zosh" he nodded towards Jac. "Zosh?" Ollie lifted her face with his thumb to look at him. "ZOSH" he repeated even louder, concern growing in his voice.

Almost on queue, the machines began bleeping.

"We've lost sinus" Jac stated jumping up and attaching an oxygen mask over Zosia's mouth.

Mr T and a group of nurses ran into the room.

Oliver was pushed back "ZOSIA" He shouted trying to get to his wife.

"Ollie wait outside" Jac said sternly as she assisted Derwood.

"ZOSIA" he repeated.

"Can we get him out of here please?" Mr T asked his male nurse.

"Come on Doctor Valentine, give them the space they need" the young nurse named Aidan said softly putting his hands on Oliver's shoulers to encourage him to move.

"NO, ZOSIA!" Oliver pushed Aidan to try and get to his wife.

"Starting compressions" Jac said loudly as she began to press on Zosia's chest.

"As soon as she is in sinus we need her in theatre." Mr T added "Baby has also lost output"


"Aidan get him out of here!" Mr T shouted.

"Oliver move" Jac also shouted.

Aidan gave Oliver a large shove and wrestled him out of the room.

"ZOSIA!" he kept repeating, slamming his fist in to the wall.

"We've got sinus!" Jac stated

"Babies beat is also improving, Lets move quickly!" Mr T and his team quickly wheeled Zosia out of the room and down towards theatre.

Jac went the opposite way to go find Oliver. she found him sat on the floor of the dark corridor, his knees hugged tightly to his chest.

"Oliver?" she bent down beside him, carefully touching him on the shoulder as his sobs filled the empty hall.

"It's happening again" he shouted. "First Tara, now Zosia" he practically screamed.

"Listen to me Valentine. She is not going to die. she's going to be fine, as is the baby"

"I can't do this Jac" he looked up and met her gaze, his face red and tear stained. "I can't lose her" his sobs burst free once more.

"You won't" she hugged him softly. "You need to be strong Valentine, she's going to need you so much"

"But I need her"

"I know" she continued to hug him until the tears subsided.