Hey Guys,

So this is just a One-shot on what Tony thinks during his "little moments of peace". Will be writing more stories based on Avengers and of course, Iron Man. Nothing more to say except: Please review and enjoy reading :)


Tony sat down on the roof, his legs dangling off the edge as he stared into the city. The sun had nearly set, leaving the canvas-brushed sky with a soft orange glow. Tony just sat and gazed, taking sips of his coffee at times, but didn't say anything. Didn't think anything. He just let the cool air brush against his legs as he smiled fondly. He had missed this in his life. Peace, some alone time.

After joining the avengers, his life was always work, play or eating. He had just absolutely no time for peace anymore. He had slowly morphed from a human to a robot. Talk about cyborg goals… It was nice, one in a while to just forget about everything. To escape from reality into a complete state of peace. To have emotions for once, and to not give a damn about other's reactions…It was nice to be himself again. He felt alive and more like "Tony" rather than "Stark". He felt like he was slowly coming out of the darkness that held him captive. He felt more human, second by second.

He closed his eyes and just took deep breaths, long ones, to calm himself down. To see wether he still could. He inhaled lungfuls of fresh air, and slowly exhaled. He kept his eyes closed though, as he focused on the noises from the streets below. The rustle of leaves, the rumble of cars, and the chirping of birds, they all comforted him. Made him feel as if he was home, made him know that. And it felt good to be home, to be loved, to be safe for once. To know that nothing could go wrong here, to know that no Plan B would be needed.

He had just opened his eyes when he felt a vibration on his right thigh, near his hip. Sighing deeply, he picked up the phone. "Tony? Where are you? Its movie night!" Clint exclaimed loudly. "Sure, coming. Be there in 5" Tony said abruptly before hanging up. He sighed, the mood was spoilt. Maybe he'd just have to do it again. Once he disconnected, he pushed the phone back into his jeans pocket and stood up, grabbing his coffee cup along with him. He took one last long breath and let the wind ruffle his hair before starting down the stairs. He had to do this more often. Maybe next time he could bring along a slice of pizza, for these little moments of peace that he had…


A/N That was short, REALLY short. Anyways, that's the end of "Alone Time". I am planning on writing more stories, but need ideas. Reviews please! :)
