A.N: So this took ages to get out- my sincerest apologies. I needed to have a certain scene go a certain way (you'll probably know what I mean when you get to the end of the chapter) and in my initial drafts, the scene crossed into some dangerous territory. So I had to be careful and take my time to convey what I had to about everyone's mental state. As you can probably gather from updates thus far, we delve almost exclusively into Ignis' and Luna's mental state throughout the events of this fic. I hope that is okay- although if anyone wants to see more insight into other characters, please do not hesitate to let me know! I will attempt to delve into their psyche and convey it as best I can! Thank you all for the reviews! I appreciate it immensely! :) Now on with the fic!

Chapter Seven- Trouble in Paradise

There was something unsettling about the way Gladiolus was checking his phone throughout the drive to Galdin Quay early that morning. Luna bit her lip and let her gaze fall into her lap. She twiddled her thumbs restlessly, careful not to move too much in case Ignis noticed her jittery behaviour. Noctis' continuous sighs emanating from behind her seat were not helping her uneasy mood one bit. The Regalia took a sharp turn down hill and Luna has to force back a shocked gasp, her stomach plummeting to the ground and causing her head to spin unpleasantly.

"Hey look! I see the sea!" Prompto exclaimed, though even his usually exuberant enthusiasm was quelled. Noctis grunted in response and Luna heard him shift in his seat, probably to sit up a little straighter to take in the passing sights.

"I've never been to the sea before." Noctis said. "I wonder if the fishing's good…" he trailed off. Luna could imagine the gentle upturn of his lips at the thought of his favourite pass time. "Have you ever been to the sea, Kari?" Luna turned her head slightly in Karina's direction, curious.

"Mama wanted to take me for my birthday this year!" Karina exclaimed, her sweet voice channelling her apparent excitement. Luna's heart dropped at the young girl's words, but the Oracle forced her lips into a kind smile.

"When is your birthday dear?" Luna asked. Ignis tilted his head in thought as he drove before suddenly speaking up.

"Given the timing of vital events that led up to Karina's birth, I would say that Celia gave birth to Karina in October."

"Just like your Uncle Prompto!" the sharpshooter chimed in, his voice chirpier. Karina giggled and nodded excitedly.

"Yup, yup! On the fifth day of October, Mama gets me a moogle doll and a cupcake" Luna glanced at Ignis' side profile and found his features settled into a small frown at Karina's use of the present tense. Gladio hummed quietly from his place in the back seat, reaching out to ruffle Karina's hair in a gentle display of affection.

"Well this year, you've got a bunch of people to give you presents on your birthday," Gladio gently pet the advisor's daughter's hair and shot Ignis a meaningful look through the rear view mirror. Ignis nodded curtly in agreement and cleared his throat.

"I can even make the cupcakes myself. Would you like that, dearest?" Ignis wasn't sure what compelled him to use the superfluous endearment, but the cute giggle that left his daughter's lips cemented the use of the term in stone for him.

"Yay, Papa's cupcakes! Papa's cupcakes!" Karina cheered, her hazel eyes glistening happily as she stared out at the approaching parking lot. Ignis couldn't help but smile contently as he shortly pulled into the parking lot and shut off the Regalia's engine. Noctis and Prompto smirked at each other as she stumbled out of the car from Noctis' side of the back seat.

"Are your legs okay, dearest?" Noctis asked Prompto in jest. Prompto giggled hysterically, eying Ignis from his peripherals and shook his head.

"Naw, I'm all good dearestest!"

Ignis plucked his glasses off the top of his nose and rolled his eyes while he wiped them clear of small specks of dirt and grime that clung to them from the drive. Feeling a warm hand on his bicep, Ignis turned to find an amused, yet apologetic smile come his way from none other than Luna.

"They mean no harm, Ignis. Please don't be upset." Ignis smiled and shook his head at Luna's attentiveness.

"You're going to be married to that annoyance," Ignis gestured loosely with his gloved hand at Noctis, who was now smirking smugly at Prompto who was seemingly being told off by a comically stern looking six year old. "Good luck, Lunafreya."

Luna pouted playfully and shoved Ignis softly, earning a light chuckle from the usually stoic advisor.

"I find him charming and refreshing, thank you very much!"

"Yes, well, it seems like your charming and refreshing prince may be smitten by his blond best friend over there. Perhaps you should take advantage of this rather beautiful resort destination and regain his Highness' attentions?" Ignis smirked at Luna's scandalised look and turned his back towards the former princess, making his way towards the back of the Regalia where Gladio was already unloading their camping gear with gusto, muttering to himself about a haven nearby.

The bespectacled man only barely noticed the self-conscious blush on Luna's pale cheeks as she attempted to chat casually with Noctis and Prompto while he passed by with their gear. Ignis sighed and shook his head with a small smile on his face. Lunafreya was being self-conscious for very little reason. In fact, from all his time spent with Noctis, Ignis could surely attest to the fact that Noctis was only being as animated as he was because he was trying his best to gain the attention of his fiancé.

Otherwise, Ignis let out another soft chuckle to himself, Noctis would most probably still be sprawled out in the back seat, napping the day away. That is, until Prompto would drag the prince out of the Regalia and off on an adventure only Prompto could think was worth the while.

With one last glance at the three comically interacting young men and woman, Ignis placed a protective hand on his daughter's small shoulder and steered her in the direction Gladio was headed. Karina immediately looked up at Ignis was wide, curious eyes.

"Are we camping today?" she asked as she allowed herself to be goaded forward by her tall father. Ignis nodded in affirmation, unable to help the small smile adorning his face at the look of absolute trust in his daughter's eyes.

"Yes dear."

"Will you make me soup today? I feel like soup today." Karina chattered away, reaching up for Ignis' free hand. Tightening his grip on the numerous bags of supplies he held in the grasp of his other hand, Ignis held his daughter's hand firmly in his much larger grip and looked ahead at the camp site. Gladio stood atop the flat, rune-covered rock, stretching indulgently in the bright sun before he waved at Ignis and Karina from his perch.

"The breeze is amazing up here Iggy. What say after we set up camp, we go for a little dip in the water, Kari?"

Karina's eyes glittered happily as she turned up to her father, asking for silent permission. Ignis felt his heart soar at the hopeful look in the small girl's eyes.

He hadn't been an active father for long, that was for sure, but he was quickly beginning to understand why fathers adored their children- especially their daughters- so much. Fatherhood, it seemed, was both similar and different to his job as an advisor. He was the first point of contact at times of difficult or new decision making. Yet, the main distinction between being the prince's advisor and Karina's father was that the prince was rather reluctant at the best of times to ask for his opinion on any matter. He only asked because he knew Ignis was trained to make difficult decisions for him. But Karina… Karina looked to him for every little thing, trusting his judgment even when Ignis had no idea what he was supposed to do.

Karina had an inherent, unwavering trust in him, despite thinking he was 'scary' and 'mean' a mere few days ago. Ignis looked down at Karina, who was staring up at him almost adoringly, with her eyes wide and her lower lip sticking out lightly in what Ignis could only dub the most adorable pout he's ever seen.

As the two Scientias approached the haven, Gladio laughed loudly at the pair.

"Geez Iggy, she's got you wrapped around her little finger, doesn't she?" Karina's gaze flittered over to her Uncle Gladio as she nodded happily.

"Papa's my favourite!" Ignis felt his breath hitch at the small girl's rather innocent and unassuming words. How could she say something so strong… so easily? Without awareness, Ignis found himself crouching down and gathering the unsuspecting, happy girl in his strong, yet gentle embrace. Gladio smiled down at the two of them, feeling slightly awkward at intruding in such a familial moment.

"Uh, where's the hell is Prompto with his damn camera at times like this?"

Luna giggled behind her hand at Noctis and Prompto's antic, her eyes crinkling in mirth at their corners. Her blue eyes sparkled happily like the sun warmed sea before them. Prompto wiped a tear from the corner of his eye and grinned at Noctis and Luna as he stepped backwards slightly.

"Looks like Iggy, Gladio and Kari are setting up camp," Prompto pointed at their comrades' distant figures and let out a short laugh at how small Kari looked from the distance. Noctis and Luna turned towards the camp site and Noctis' face broke into a genuine grin at the sight of Ignis crouching down and hugging Karina from behind. Luna cooed at the adorable sight and quickly nudged Prompto with her elbow. Acknowledging the silent request, Prompto took his camera out in a flash and zoomed into the two and clicked the precious picture, immortalising the sweet familial moment in a photograph.

Luna sniffled suddenly, garnering the immediate concerned attention of Noctis and Prompto. At their concerned gazes, Luna shook her head with a small watery smile. Reaching up to wipe the few stray tears that made their way down her cheeks, she turned her gaze to the three figures at the haven, who were now moving to set up camp. Taking a step forward, she gestured for the two younger men behind her to follow.

"I'm so happy, I could burst." Luna finally said after a few moments of walking in silence. Noctis nodded silently, following Luna through the sand as Prompto hummed in agreement. Taking Prompto's agreement as encouragement to continue speaking, Luna sighed warily. "Given recent events, and the increasing prevalence of darkness in our lands, I feel somewhat guilty for my elation. I know everyone here has lost a lot to the Empire… yet I cannot stress this enough- happiness will grant us light. We should grasp onto these moments and cherish them with all we have." Luna suddenly spun on her heel so that she was face to face with the two young men who walked with her. She took in their subdued expressions and shook her head, her eyes stern. Noticing Luna's no nonsense expression, Noctis took a step closer to his fiancé.

"You're right, Luna. But it's hard." Noctis frowned, taking Luna's hand gently in his grasp. Luna sighed and turned determined eyes towards the sea, wanting to look anywhere but at Noctis. Knowing very well of his fate, Luna could feel the Ring of the Lucii pulse with dark magic in her pocket. She wanted Noctis to be ready before she thrust his burden, and his burden alone, onto him. She wanted him to know how to cope with the darkness before it could overwhelm him. She just wanted Noctis to be able to live as happily as he could before Eos succumbed to the darkness.

Prompto stared between the two childhood sweethearts. Feeling uncomfortable, Prompto immediately turned to make his way purposefully towards the others at the camp site. Luna's eyes shot towards Prompto's swiftly moving figure and she let out a quiet laugh.

"I think he felt left out." Luna supplied softly, her tone sad. Noctis cleared his throat and let go of Luna's hand, a feint blush making an appearance on his pale cheeks. The two took a few steps away from each other and regarded the other with a critical eye. Luna averted her gaze after a few intense moments, not able to look Noctis in his beautiful midnight blue eyes. The guilt of knowing his true fate rested heavy on her already burdened shoulders.

"He'll be fine. Luna," Noctis began, his tone wavering slightly, "are you okay? I mean, really, really okay?" the former princess' eyes softened at Noctis' innocent question. Though his voice was deeper, richer, very much like the man he turned out to be… the cadence of his words were so familiar and child-like. So unsure of himself… a certain desperation to please and impress and protect in his words.

Luna bit the inside of her lip, willing the pain to knock her out of her stupor.

He certainly grew up. He was taller, broader, and firmer… even somewhat wiser.

Luna locked eyes with Noctis and gulped, taking in Noctis' impossibly innocent features.

He was still a boy. He wasn't ready. He wasn't ready for such a heavy burden. He needed time.

Luna stepped forward, throwing her strong façade way for a moment, and threw her arms around Noctis, clinging almost desperately to the shocked young man. Squeezing him tenderly towards her, Luna buried her face into the crook of his neck. He smelt richly of cinnamon and firewood. A scent that was so distinctly Noctis ever since the day she had met him twelve years prior.

"No." Luna whispered, almost too soft for Noctis to hear.

His arms tightened around her though- he had heard her.

"It's okay," Noctis whispered back, the sun rays raining down on the two relentlessly as they held each other in a tender embrace. "I'm here. I'll be your light in the darkness. I'll save you Luna."

Luna felt her heart clench as the voices of the Six entered her mind, assaulting her slowly breaking mind.

He must sacrifice all for the continuance of all existence.

The blight grows stronger.

Oracle, you cannot protect the King of Kings from his ordained fate.

Guide the King of Kings, or face the consequences mortal.

Luna gasped, her heart heavy as she buried her nose deeper against Noctis' skin, willing herself to drown in her childhood sweetheart.

"I can't… I'm sorry. Not now…" Luna wept silently into a confused Noctis. The younger man rang his fingers through Luna's loose hair and sighed into the top of her head.

"Trust me Luna. I'll keep you safe, no matter what the cost."

Luna gasped for breath, bringing Noctis impossibly close.

"I know Noct. That's what I'm afraid of… that's exactly what I fear."

"Gladio, wanna go get a massage with me?" Gladio raised his eyebrows at Prompto's deflated tone.

"Gee, I'm really feeling the love from you there buddy. What's going on?" Gladio asked, finishing off his final check of the camp gear- which had finally been set up. Gladio didn't mind that Prompto, Luna or Noctis didn't help with the preparation. Noctis and Luna were royalty, after all. They weren't expected to help anyways. And Prompto… well… the guy had a talent for pinning the tent down in a way that made even Gladio wary of setting foot into the temporary accommodation.

Prompto glanced at the tent and shot Gladio an apologetic look anyway.

"Ah, it's nothing. Just feeling lonely. And sorry- you had to set up camp by yourself again…"

"Nuh uh, I helped!" Karina exclaimed, jumping out from inside the tent with a small pout on her lips. Prompto immediately brightened, seeing the small girl, and made his way towards her, lifting Karina into his arms. Karina smiled happily and looped her arms around Prompto's neck naturally. "Are we going to see the sea now?" the little girl jostled around in his arms with excitement exuding out of her movements.

"After lunch Karina, I already told you." Ignis sighed from behind Prompto. The blond sharpshooter turned to Ignis and grinned.

"I got a picture of you two earlier," Prompto smirked, feeling accomplished. Gladio grunted in amusement as he threw everyone's sleeping bags into each tent. Karina and Luna shared one tent while the boys shared the other. While cramped, Ignis insisted the ladies get a tent to themselves- ever the gentleman. Ignis' bright green eyes widened in surprise momentarily before he nodded and turned towards the portable stove, firing it up.

"I'd love to see it at the campfire tonight." Ignis said, his tone even. Prompto grinned at the small smile that made its way onto Ignis' lips. Before he could bug Ignis about his new found paternal flair, Prompto's attention was diverted to Karina who squirmed in his arms.

"Can we go for a walk then?" Karina asked- almost begging. Prompto shot Ignis a look for help and Ignis sighed from his spot at the stove.

"Karina, I think it's time for you to take a quick rest while I prepare lunch. You've had a long morning and the afternoon promises to be full of activities."

Karina frowned and stuck her bottom lip out fully, her expression playing every part of a petulant child.

"I'm not sleepy though!" she argued. Ignis frowned, his eyes turning stern as he turned to regard Prompto and Karina.

"Don't use that tone with me young lady. I suggest you rest for your own benefit. If you grow tired in the afternoon, I will not permit anyone to carry you." Ignis said, his tone firm. Karina stared at her father, silently fuming with an adorable glare. Ignis did not relent, no matter how adorable he found his daughter's anger. He needed to set some ground rules. As a parent, he couldn't always be the good guy. He had to teach Karina manners, and her obedience was required in order for her to learn.

"I take it back." Karina finally said. Prompto furrowed his eyebrows as he let Karina down from his arms.

"Take… what back? The walk? You wanna take a nap now Kari?"

The small girl shook her head, her eyes now swimming with tears as she stared up at the stern picture of her father. He looked scary again… he wasn't the nice man who held her hand earlier that day. He wasn't being nice. He was being a meanie.

"You're not my favourite. Mama was nicer to me. I wish Mama was here, and I wish you were gone instead of Mama!" Karina yelled, her little fists clenched to her sides. Ignis dropped his recipe book on the ground, shocked by his daughter's vehement words. Inside, he knew her words meant no harm- she was just upset she didn't get her way. But on the surface, Ignis was hurt. Immensely hurt. This girl was his daughter… the last of his family. And she didn't want him. She wished him dead.

Ignis barely noticed Luna and Noctis' presence at camp as he stared impassively at Karina from his spot next to the portable stove, his precious recipe book still on the dirty ground. Luna stepped forward, her eyebrows knitted in what could only be restrained frustration.

"Karina Scientia! You apologise to your father right now!" Luna raised her voice, yet her words came out strong and firm- voice unwavering. Noctis stared between his advisor and the little girl, unsure of what to do as Luna stepped in to help. Gladio sighed and ran a hand over his face, knowing exactly what was in store for Karina.

"Oh boy, this is not going to be fun for the brat." Prompto nodded absently beside Gladio.

"Yeah… but she shouldn't have said that. Look at Iggy, I've never seen him like that before. I don't ever want to see him like that again…" Prompto mumbled, tearing his gaze away from Ignis' glazed, hurt expression.

"But he was a meanie!" Karina yelled, her voice high pitched and whiny. The small girl stomped her foot and bit her lip in retaliation to Luna's no-nonsense attitude. Seeing no change in the girl's temperament, Luna strode forward and grasped Karina's upper arm firmly. The little girl let out a small cry, to which Luna shot her a stern look.

"No. You're coming with me. We're going to have a talk little girl. If you want to be treated like a sweet young lady, then you must act the part." Karina shook her head, her eyes not watering. Seeing this, Ignis almost reached out to stop Luna from disciplining Karina, but stopped short as Noctis shot him a look of warning. Ignis froze in his position, but kept his eyes trained on his little girl.

"You killed my Mama. You did! Now you want to… t-to k-kill me t-t-too!" Karina wailed loudly, pulling herself forcefully to the ground and digging the heels of her palms into her eyes. Luna let go of Karina's forearm, as if she had been shocked, and took a step back from the hysterical girl.

"I… I'm sorry Karina." Luna began, her voice small. She crouched down, still an arm's length away from the girl. "I couldn't save your Mama. And I know you're so very upset and angry about losing her. I'm sorry she's gone, but you can't take your anger out on your Papa. Look at your Papa sweetie," Luna spoke softly, but the stern tone was still there. Karina sobbed, but turned her head dutifully towards Ignis and took in the strange, sad look on his face. Noticing his daughter's eyes on him, Ignis forced a smile on his face. Still, Karina was old enough to know not all smiles found themselves on people's faces out of happiness.

Her mother had always told her that smiles were the best defence against the saddest of saddening things.

"You hurt your Papa's feelings with what you said. And I know that you didn't mean what you said. Did you mean what you said, Kari?" Luna prodded gently. Karina immediately shook her head, her tears still falling.

"No. I love my Papa. Papa makes me yummy food and he hugged me today and I almost forgot…" Karina trailed off, her voice hitching as a fresh wave of sobs rolled over her. Noctis, Gladio and Prompto stood off to the side, extremely uncomfortable with the situation, unsure of what they were supposed to do. Tactfully, Gladio herded the younger men into their tent and mumbled something about a round of cards before lunch.

"Forgot what?" Ignis found himself prodding, moving to crouch beside his distressed daughter. He realised just how young, how fragile, and how susceptible Karina's mind was to the stresses of the war. Given the fact that she had seen her mother die right before her eyes, Ignis was surprised that she had lasted so long without having such a terrible episode.

Karina looked up at her father, her eyes puffy and her cheeks red and stained with tears. Ignis never wanted to see that much sorrow on his daughter's face again. He reached out and wiped away the stray tears, cupping his daughter's face in his large palms.

"Mama. I almost forgot Mama. I don't ever want to forget Mama." Karina softly wept. Ignis glanced at Luna, whose expression was crushed. Luna clenched her fists and shook her head at Karina.

"You won't forget her," Luna placed her hand on Karina's heart. "She's right here. She will always be right here. So no more saying mean things to your Papa. He's trying so very hard for you." Luna shot Ignis an apologetic look. Ignis shook his head, the tension in his shoulders unfurling as he felt Karina lean into his touch so trustingly.

"I'm sorry Papa. I was a bad."

Ignis shook his head, a small chuckle escaping him as his newfound love for his daughter grew impossibly stronger.

"No sweet heart, I'm sorry I didn't notice how much you were hurting."

"And I'm sorry I couldn't save your Mama." Luna said. Karina grasped Luna's wrist and brought it to her lips, kissing it in an endearing gesture of forgiveness.

"You saved me. Thank you Aunty Luna. And now I have my Papa." Karina yawned, her eyes drooping from the energy she expended through her tantrum. Luna and Ignis shared a look of worry as Ignis gathered the girl in his arms. Making for the tent, he ducked into the ladies' tent and moved to place Karina in her sleeping bag, only to be grasped onto like he was Karina's last lifeline. With a sigh, Ignis leaned towards the tent entrance and called out to Luna.

"Lady Lunafreya… I hate to bother you but… could you perhaps get started on lunch. I am… preoccupied for the moment."

The immediate clanging of pots and pans, as well as the scrambling and mumbling of three different men's voices signalled to Ignis that the preparation of their lunch that day was not going to be a peaceful one. With a sigh, Ignis glanced down at his slumbering daughter and leaned down onto his side to lay beside her. Watching her peaceful, yet puffy face, Ignis didn't realise when he himself drifted off into unconsciousness.

He also didn't realise that Prompto, unable to wake the two slumbering Scientias due to their adorable state, ended up taking numerous pictures of the father and daughter duo for his own documentation of the blossoming familial bond.