A/N: Those who want to keep the decentness of the original series, don't read this final chap.

Final Experiment

11.30 pm Saturday night. Tok Aba's house.

Boboiboy was restless in his sleep, again. It's not because of nightmare or perhaps he could call it a nightmare as his dream kept projecting an image of a certain purple-haired humanoid alien. But this time the alien did nothing except stared at him with a… should he say… the cutest smile in the world. "What the f**k?!"

Boboiboy's eyes flung wide opened. He then shivered. "What the hell is wrong with me?" He darted his gaze at the ceiling while his brain was put into a rapid process on why he would be dreaming of Fang again. Only this time it was different. He sat up, switched on his bedside lamp and threw his gaze over to Ochobot who was peacefully in its inactive state while charging its power.

He left his bed, walked over to Ochobot and crouched beside the sleeping robot. "Hey … Ochobot. Wake up."

Ochobot being called, stirred. "Hmm … What is it Boboiboy?"

"Err… " Boboiboy scratched his unitched cheek, couldn't find his words. Apparently, he didn't even know what to say. Even so… "Can you help me with something?"

Ochobot blinked his LED eyes while stole a glance at the clock wall. "It's almost midnight. What is it so important to wake me up at this hour?"

"Can you help me trace where Fang is right now?" Asked Boboiboy, smiled decently.

Ochobot's LED eyes incredulously blinked up at the boy before him. "What? At this hour? Unlike you, he's probably sound asleep in his home by now."

"Well… I just want to confirm what he's doing right now," Boboiboy gave Ochobot his most decent smile, almost pleading. "Please? Pretty pleaassee…?"

Ochobot heaved a sigh. "Yeah… Alright." He then projected a hologram image of Taman Rintis map in between Boboiboy and him. Seconds later, a blinking red dot was seen moving a few kilometers away from Tok Aba's house. It belonged to Fang.

"Ehh?!" Boboiboy raised his eyebrows with a question look on his face. "What is he doing outside at the time like this?"

"How should I know?" Ochobot at the least care. "Why don't you ask him yourself? So... is there anything else? I need to take my sleep now."

"Okay! That's all!" Boboiboy stood up and hurriedly headed to his bedroom door intended to walk out. "Thanks Ochobot! You're the best sphere ever!"

Ochobot rolled his eyes in LED manner. "Yeah. Right…"

Once downstairs, an idea struck Boboiboy's mind. He quickly split himself into two. (A/N Wonder if he can do that.) The other Boboiboy was in his icy cyan blue outfit, half-lidded eyes, had the laziest expression ever and was widely yawning. "Huuaaarrgghh… What?" A bit of irritation in his voice. "This better be important."

"Hi, Water! Long time no see… You look great!" Boboiboy greeted Water with the best cheerful smile he had ever given.

Water raised an eyebrow while lazily fixed his gaze at Boboiboy. "We just met three days ago. You almost drowned. Remember?"

"Errr… " Boboiboy grinned in reply. He quickly waived the matter over. "Anyway, I need your help to do me a task."

"What task?" Asked Water.

"Well…" Boboiboy hesitated a bit, words stuck in his throat for having a doubt in his plan. Awhile later, he found his confident and continued on explaining the plan to Water.

"Ya know… You're such a nonsensical person ever." Water commented nonchalantly which he received an eye roll from Boboiboy. "I won't do it."

"What?! Oh come on! Please? Just this once." Boboiboy pleaded. He then got an idea. "If you help me with this, I promise I'll arrange for you to meet Fire and you can spar with him. How about it, huh?"

Water gave it a thought. Seconds later. "Okay!" He then left the house in search of a certain alien.


11.50 pm

Boboiboy was sitting on the sofa in his living room, waited anxiously. He glanced over at the wall clock for the tenth time since Water left. Fifteen minutes have passed. He was actually waiting for something to happen, provided if his plan worked. In the meantime, he kept questioning himself why he was so incline in doing this. Why, he couldn't understand.

While still battling with his thoughts, Boboiboy heard a faint knocking on the living room door. Following the sound, he slowly walked over to the door and cupped his right ear to it. Came another knocking and this time a little louder. Boboiboy swung opened the door and it revealed a certain alien boy. A very pissed off, annoyed and soaked to the skin alien boy.

"Oh! Hi Fa-…" Before Boboiboy could finished his sentence, a right hand fist was flying straight to his face. As if he had been expecting this, Boboiboy caught it easily with his left hand. Then a left hand fist sent flying to his face afterwards but it was easily caught by Boboiboy with his right hand.

"Fang… Ssshhhh… You wouldn't want to wake up Tok Aba." Boboiboy shushed the pissed off boy before him.

"What's the big idea sending Water to drench me, you idiot?!" Fang yelled in whisper. He pulled his hands from Boboiboy's grip with success. "Well, that was easy…" He thought, almost surprised.

"I want to see you." Boboiboy said softly with a faint smile on his face.

Fang shot his daggering glare at Boboiboy but then soften upon seeing the soft expression on the other boy's face. He didn't know why but he was intrigued by Boboiboy's statement. "Why…?'

"Please come in first." Boboiboy moved and ushered the purple-haired boy in. "You've got to change into dry clothes and you can use mine."

Fang didn't move, a bit hesitated in entering the house.

Boboiboy had noticed this. "Don't just stand there? Come on in. You wouldn't want to catch a cold, would you?" By this moment, he was already at the stairs. "And please close the door behind you."

Fang sighed. Even so, he complied and closed the door behind him. "You could have just called me instead of drenching me wet."

"Heheh… Sorry about that." Boboiboy started climbing up the stairs. "I didn't call you in fear you wouldn't want to come. You must be scared of me after what I did to you."

Fang followed behind Boboiboy. "I'm not scared of you. I just can't stand you with all those mischievous things you've done. Heck, even Adu Du would avoid you." Something struck him odd. "Besides, what makes you think that I'd come here looking for you?"

"We're rivals Fang." Boboiboy let out a small laugh. "Of course you wouldn't let me go that easily."

Fang fell silent. Yeah, point taken.

They reached Boboiboy's room and entered. Boboiboy only let the bedside light filled the room, thus the room looked quite gloomy. Ochobot was still fast asleep by the window. "You go ahead and take a shower first if you want." Said Boboiboy. He took out a clean towel, a T-Shirt and a short pants from his closet and handed them over to Fang. "You can leave your glasses on the bedside table."

Fang took off his glasses and placed it on the bedside table next to Boboiboy's cap. He took a moment glanced over at Boboiboy who didn't wear his cap. Strains of white hair was visible to him. He didn't get the chance to ask the other boy about it, but someday he will.

Didn't want to wake up Ochobot, Fang tiptoed into the bathroom which was situated next to the bedroom window. He took his shower in record time and dressed himself up in the bathroom. He had a towel covered up his head when he tiptoed back out of the bathroom. He saw Boboiboy was sitting on the floor with his back against the bedside. He then took his sit on the bed next to the other boy's left side.

"So how's your ankle?" Asked Boboiboy. He turned his head to his left to take a look on Fang's ankle. "I didn't see you limping anymore."

"Oh. It's alright now. My brother had taken care of it." Fang said while drying his hair with the towel.

"Huh? Your Brother?" Boboiboy raised his head up over to Fang. "When?"

Fang had done drying his hair. "I was on my way back just now after meeting with my brother for my ankle treatment. Well, ya know… 'ALIENS'…" He phrased on the word 'aliens'. "We have our own treatment for injuries, just so you know."

Boboiboy stared at Fang in awe. "Kaizo really cares about you after all. I guess certain aliens really do have hearts."

"Of course, you idiot! Not all aliens are heartless!" Suddenly, Fang remembered something. "By the way, what do you want to see me for?"

"Hmm… " Boboiboy tilted his head backwards, rubbed his chin while having his gaze roamed at the ceiling above. Apparently he didn't have anything to say. The only thing he knew was that he had this strong urge of wanting to see Fang so badly. He wanted to be closed to that purple-haired boy, to touch and caress that face and to feel his warm body close to his own. Little did he know, and as though he'd been hypnotized, he lifted his left hand up to touch someone's face who looked exactly like Fang stared at him upside down. "Feels so real…" He thought when his fingers made contact with the skin.

"Oit. Boboiboy. What are you doing? Dreaming huh?!" Fang jolted Boboiboy's left shoulder as if to wake the other boy up. Oddly enough, Fang was not even surprised by Boboiboy's action just now for he had seen that expression before, the first day Boboiboy acted strange towards him. It was like Boboiboy was daydreaming.

Boboiboy startled. He took a deep breath to chase away the tingly feelings that had been invading his body right now. However, that feeling wouldn't subside and made its way to his mouth instead. He touched his now trembling lips. "What is this feeling?" Boboiboy didn't want to wait and think any longer so he decided to put it to a test. Or rather another experiment.

Boboiboy rose from his sit, turned his body around and put himself into a kneeling position while facing the purple-haired boy who had this shocked worried look on his face right now. "Remember all those experiments, Fang?" Having said that he slowly rose to his feet and started climbing onto the bed.

"Uuhhh… Ye-...yeah…? Wh-what about them?" Fang stammered on his words.

"Well… there's one more experiment I want to have a test on you." Said Boboiboy. He then knelt beside Fang, leaned closer while placing his hands on each side the other boy's thighs. His face was brought closer to Fang's until their nose touched.

Fang's eyes widened in panic. "I've told you I'm not a test subject!" He slowly leaned his body backwards following Boboiboy's movement with his hands as a stand to prevent his body from falling flat on his back.

Boboiboy ignored Fang's statement. "Why don't we both become the test subjects? I'm experimenting an alien while you experimenting a human." He stared deeply into the other's eyes anxiously waiting for an answer.

"No way! I'm not… " Fang's words were halted by the other boy's lips on his. Boboiboy had decided not to wait any longer so he took his chance on kissing Fang. It was just a light kiss, mouth against mouth, but enough to send shiver down to Fang's spine.

The kiss lasted for fifteen seconds. Boboiboy pulled his mouth few inches away just enough to look into Fang's eyes and smiled. He locked his gaze with the other boy's, searched for any hesitation but all he could see was a blush. "How do you feel?"

"Huh? I don't… I don't know." Fang's face reddened. "This is embarrassing!" He put his left hand on Boboiboy's shoulder and shoved, slightly shoved the other boy away. "I don't think we should be doing…" However, he trailed off when Boboiboy's lips captured his again.

Boboiboy leaned further in deepening his kiss. "Please… " He said between kisses, almost pleading. "Stay with me on this…"

Fang's mind gone blank as the kiss somehow excited him. He found himself drawn to the kiss and his lips slightly moved on par with Boboiboy's movement. But still their kiss were more of a playful act or at least on experimenting level.

Boboiboy suddenly broke their kiss and that brought a little disappointment to Fang's face. He smiled teasingly. The purple-haired boy looked away, embarrassed. "Ya know… I've never kissed an alien before."

Fang raised an eyebrow. "Have you ever kissed a 'human' before?"

"Not once either." Boboiboy grinned.

"Did you kiss me just because I'm an alien?" Asked Fang. "For the sake of your experiment?"

"Well… part of it, yeah." Boboiboy honestly replied. He planted a kiss on Fang's right cheek, then brought his mouth over to the other boy's ear and whispered. "Part of it, because it's you, Fang. So don't go around and think I'd kiss another alien even for the sake of curiosity." (A/N: Kaizo maybe.)

Boboiboy moved his body and straddled Fang's thighs, placed his hands on each side of the other boy's waist and pulled closer. "Want to try again?"

Fang didn't answer. Instead he kept staring at Boboiboy's eyes in search for any sign of jokes. Even if he said no, this boy wouldn't let him go that easily. He always gets what he wants.

Since there's no answer Boboiboy took it as a yes. He then leaned and pressed his lips on Fang's. This time with more effort and more intense. His lips were sucking and pressing in demand for the other boy to return the kiss. He wasn't disappointed as Fang finally succumbed to his demand. While having his right hand held his own body, Fang lifted his left hand, cupped Boboiboy's head and pulled closer to deepen the kiss.

After a few moments, Boboiboy abruptly broke their kiss, panted heavily. Fang was disappointed, again.

"Why did you stop?!" Asked Fang, almost angry.

"Hey, I needed to breathe, okay. Don't you?" Boboiboy said. "Don't tell me aliens have bigger lungs than humans."

Fang didn't have an answer for that. Science in school never thought them about any Alien anatomy. "Let's not talk about biology right now and just focus on our own experiment."

Boboiboy raised his eyebrows, amused. "Ooohhh… Bit eager, aren't you?"

Fang frowned. "Well… you started it first!"

Boboiboy chuckled which made Fang blushed even redder. He then leaned, touched the tip of their nose together and brushed his lips over Fang's in a teasing manner. "And you like it, didn't you?"

"So what if I did? Do you want to continue or back away?" Sounded like a dare from Fang.

"Hmmm… This gives me an idea." Boboiboy gave Fang a sinister look. "We're still rivals, aren't we?" Having said that he pushed Fang by the shoulders until the purple-haired boy fell and laid flat on his back. While still in straddle position, he bent down, rested his elbows at each side of Fang's head and brought his face closer to the other's. "Let's see who can kiss the longest."

Fang smirked. "You're gonna lose."

"Huh! As if I will." With that statement, Boboiboy captured the waiting lips below and this time it was rough and demanding. To his surprise Fang did the same as though he didn't want to lose their battle. Boboiboy then darted his tongue out, slid into Fang's half parted lips and started ravaging the cavern inside. He received a faint moan from the purple-haired boy.

"Hnnnnhhhh… " Fang whimpered in pleasure. His hands were already on Boboiboy's back clutched onto the other boy's shirt. He mentally self-confessed that he's out of breath now and would probably fall unconscious if Boboiboy didn't pull away. But this was a battle for dominance for that he didn't want to lose.

"Mmmmppphhh…" Fang moaned deeply under his heavy breathing since his mouth had been held captive.

Boboiboy had heard this and smiled between his kisses. He deepened his kiss not giving a chance for Fang to take a breath. Some moments later, he felt like he wanted more. Hence, he broke their kiss and started attacking the other boy's jawline, made some intense sucking there. His tongue traced along the jawline until his mouth reached the base of Fang's earlobe. He planted kisses and hard sucking but not enough to leave any mark. Heck, they have school on Monday.

"Aaaaahhhhh…!" Fang squirmed beneath. "Bobo… booyy… Don't… " However, he trailed off. He bit his lips to conceal his moan since his mouth was free now.

Suddenly. "You… broke your kiss." While panting heavily, Fang murmured to Boboiboy's ear. "You lost… "

"I don't care. I want to explore you more." He captured Fang's earlobe and started nibbling. A bit of licking and suckling in between.

Fang squirmed even more. His clutching hands on Boboiboy's shirt started pulling the other boy away. "Nnnnnhhhh… No more… I can't stand…" His pleading had been ignored and the attack kept coming.

Boboiboy was about to trail his kisses down to Fang's throat when suddenly there's a knock on his bedroom door. "Boboiboy?! Are you still awake?" Came a voice and it was from Tok Aba.

The two boys startled, eyes widened in shock. "Alamak!" Both said in unison. They cupped their mouth not wanting to utter any words. A while later, they heard the door creaked opened and Tok Aba's footsteps could be heard upon entering the room. Luckily Boboiboy's bed was hidden by a wall otherwise Tok Aba might had caught them in their current position.

Boboiboy and Fang quickly jumped, took their sit next to each other in Indian style just enough time when Tok Aba appeared from behind the wall. "Eh? Fang? When did you come?"

"Huh? Eehhh…" Fang stuttered. "About an hour ago, Tok Aba."

"Since it's already midnight, I guess you're staying overnight?" Asked Tok Aba.

Fang turned his head over at Boboiboy who smiled decently. "Err… looks like it."

Tok Aba looked up at the wall clock. "It's already 1.30 am. What were you boys have been talking in the middle of the night?"

Perturbed, Boboiboy changed the subject. "Why Tok Aba is still awake? Are you not feeling well?"

"Oh. I went to the kitchen for a drink." Tok Aba replied. "When I got back upstairs, I noticed your bedroom light is still on. You never slept with the light on so I thought I might come and check."

"It's alright Tok Aba." Boboiboy rest assured. "We're having discussion. Should be going to sleep now. Sorry to have made you worry Tok Aba. Good night."

Satisfied, Tok Aba left the room. An awkward silence filled the room as the two boys were clueless on what to do next.

"Hmmm… I guess we should be going to sleep now?" Boboiboy broke the silence. "On the same bed. Sharing a blanket and a pillow." He then took his spot near the wall, laid down and covered himself with a blanket. He patted his pillow, ushered the other to lay beside him on the same pillow. He actually had extra pillows in his closet.

Without hesitant, Fang laid himself next to Boboiboy while covering himself under the same blanket. Not a word spoken as he was still perplexed, couldn't believe on what happened between them just now. An arm slid under the blanket, wrapped around his waist and pulled his body closer to the boy beside him. Seconds later, Boboiboy snuggled up on Fang, planted a chaste kiss on Fang's left cheek and started dozing off to sleep.

"Good night, Fang." He mumbled in Fang's ear.

Fang turned his head and kissed Boboiboy's forehead. "Good night, Boboiboy." And closed his eyes.


Meanwhile, up in the sky, a certain spaceship was hovering over Rintis Island atmosphere. Two aliens were boarding the ship. A monster look alike green alien and the other was a humanoid alien. Both of them were at the control room busy monitoring a big screen monitor. They were about to depart earth.

"Lahap! Before we depart, please check for me if Fang is already at home by now." Said the humanoid alien to Lahap the green alien.

"Yes Captain!" Lahap typed something on the keyboard and Taman Rintis map appeared on screen. A blinking red dot which belonged to Fang was located at a certain house. Another blinking red dot appeared very close to him. "That's odd." Lahap spoke a little too loud.

Upon hearing that, the captain asked. "What is it, Lahap?"

"Errr… Your brother, Sir… He's at someone's house." Lahap replied while pointing his finger to the screen for the captain to see.

The captain leaned closer to the screen. The other red dot might have belonged to someone who already had his or her data in their system. "Lahap! Confirm it!"

"Yes Captain!" after a few typing, Boboiboy's image and data appeared on screen.

Location: Tok Aba's house.

Exact location: Boboiboy's bedroom.

Precise location: Boboiboy's bed.

The captain raised an eyebrow. This is interesting. "Lahap! Cancel our course to Atata Tiga planet! We're going to stay on earth for a while."

"Yes Captain!"

The captain rubbed his chin with a mischievous kind of way. "This gives me another reason to have another battle with Boboiboy." And so he thought.
